Class pol:Instr (ABSTRACT)

Class ID:4598
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled
Write Access: []
Read Access: [admin]
Creatable/Deletable: derived (see Container Mos for details)
Possible Semantic Scopes: EPG, Infra, Fabric,
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Subclasses
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: false, HasStats: false, HasFaults: false, HasHealth: false, HasEventRules: false ]

Represents a policy control instrumentation object.

Naming Rules




Super Mo: pol:Obj,
Sub Mos: acl:ACL, actrl:Scope, analytics:MatchAcl, analytics:Monitor, analytics:Policy, analytics:Profile, analytics:RecordP, analytics:RemoteNode, analytics:Sampler, bfd:AuthP, bgp:ARtP, bgp:Gr, bgp:InvalidRREp, bgp:MaxPfxP, coop:AuthP, coop:RepP, dpp:Policer, eigrp:AStubP, eigrp:Gr, eigrp:StubP, eqpt:BrkoutPortP, eqpt:ConsoleP, eqpt:PsgP, eqpt:SlotP, fhs:DhcpGuard, fv:RInfoHolder, hsrp:AuthP, ip:Nexthop, ip:Route, ipagectrl:IpAgingP, isis:Gr, isis:MeshGrp, l1:EeeP, l2:EpRetPol, l2:MacCktEp, l3:IpCktEp, mcast:AQuerier, mcast:AResP, nw:FltEntry, nw:FltRule, ospf:AGr, ospf:ALsaCtrl, ospf:AMaxLsaP, ospf:ASpfComp, ospf:AuthP, ospf:Overload, pim:Overload, policer:Class, policer:Match, qosp:Class, qosp:ClassRule, qosp:InfraDscpMap, rtctrl:RtCtrlPBase, rtctrl:RtOverload, rtdmc:ACandFilterP, rtdmc:AFuncP, rtdmc:AMcPatP, rtdmc:ARPDiscP, rtdmc:ATrP, rtleak:LeakCtrlP, rtleak:LeakP, rtsum:RtSum, slowdrain:InstPol, snmp:Ctx, topoctrl:EndpointControlP, topoctrl:LbP, topoctrl:LoopProtectP, topoctrl:ShardChP, topoctrl:ShardRdnP, topoctrl:VirtDom, topoctrl:VxlanP, tunnel:APfxEntry, tunnel:Ctx, tunnel:EpRetPol,

[V] naming:NamedObject An abstract base class for an object that contains a name.
[V] pol:Obj Represents a generic policy object.
[V] pol:Instr Represents a policy control instrumentation object.
[V] acl:ACL  Abstract representation of access control-list
[V] ipv4acl:ACL  IPv4 ACL
[V] ipv6acl:ACL  IPv6 ACL
[V] actrl:Scope The scope of the zoning rules.
[V] analytics:MatchAcl  Match ACL
[V] analytics:Monitor  Flow Monitor
[V] analytics:Policy  Policy Container for ACLs
[V] analytics:Profile  Analytics profile
[V] analytics:RecordP  Flow Record
[V] analytics:RemoteNode  Abstract remote node info
[V] analytics:Collector  Flow Collector
[V] analytics:Controller  Controller information for bootstrapping the analytics agent
[V] analytics:Sampler  Sampler
[V] bfd:AuthP  This object holds authentication policy information
[V] bgp:ARtP  Abstract Route Policy
[V] bgp:RtP  Route policy holds all route targets and route controls
[V] bgp:RttP The route target policy.
[V] bgp:Gr The per-domain graceful restart information.
[V] bgp:InvalidRREp An invalid route reflector selection.
[V] bgp:MaxPfxP The maximum prefix policy specifies the action to be taken when the number of prefixes advertised by the peer crosses a specified maximum limit. This policy is used as a defensive mechanism to protect resources on the router.
[V] coop:AuthP  This object holds authentication policy information
[V] coop:RepP All the repository policies information.
[V] dpp:Policer  Holder for policer class policy, each class describes a set of rules describing the policer rate policy
[V] dpp:Class  Holder for dpp class policy, each class describes a set of rules describing the policer rates
[V] eigrp:AStubP The abstraction of an stub profile.
[V] eigrp:StubDef An EIGRP stub policy definition.
[V] eigrp:StubPol The EIGRP Stub Policy.
[V] eigrp:Gr 
[V] eigrp:StubP The stub policy.
[V] eqpt:BrkoutPortP  Port policy
[V] eqpt:ConsoleP The console policy.
[V] eqpt:PsgP The power supply group policy.
[V] eqpt:SlotP The policy container for a slot.
[V] fhs:DhcpGuard  DHCP Guard Policy information
[V] fv:RInfoHolder An internal object for filtering security rules.
[V] hsrp:AuthP 
[V] ip:Nexthop The nexthops for the static route.
[V] ipv4:Nexthop The next hops for the static route.
[V] ipv4:NexthopStub 
[V] ipv6:Nexthop The next hops for the static route.
[V] ipv6:NexthopStub 
[V] ip:Route The static route definitions.
[V] ipv4:Route The static route definitions.
[V] ipv6:Route The static route definitions.
[V] ipagectrl:IpAgingP  Fabric IP Aging policy
[V] isis:Gr Per- graceful restart information.
[V] isis:MeshGrp The mesh group information per interface.
[V] l1:EeeP An energy efficient Ethernet policy.
[V] l2:EpRetPol An endpoint retention policy identifying the duration of how long information is kept about the remote endpoint. This is expressed through a set of triggering and ageing control parameters.
[V] l2:MacCktEp  Mac EP policy
[V] l3:IpCktEp  IP Circuit Endpoint
[V] mcast:AQuerier  Querier
[V] ipmc:QuerierP  This objects hold per IP Multicast Querier information
[V] igmp:QuerierP  This object holds querier information per interface
[V] ipmcsnoop:QuerierP  Querier policy
[V] igmpsnoop:QuerierP When an IGMP snooping querier is enabled on a leaf, it sends out periodic IGMP queries on front panel ports of a BD on that leaf.
[V] ipmcsnoop:QuerierSt  Querier state
[V] igmpsnoop:QuerierSt Shows the IGMP Snoop querier state.
[V] mldsnoop:QuerierSt  Querier state
[V] mldsnoop:QuerierP  Querier policy
[V] mcast:AResP  This object holds resource (router state) limit policy to limit amount of multicast routing state on the router
[V] igmp:ResP  This object holds resource (router state) limit policy to limit amount of multicast routing state on the router
[V] pim:ResP Resource (router state) limit policy.
[V] nw:FltEntry An endpoint abstraction.
[V] actrl:PfxEntry The prefix list entry definition.
[V] rtflt:Entry A router filter entry definition.
[V] rtcom:Entry A community list entry definition.
[V] rtextcom:Entry An extended community list entry.
[V] rtregcom:Entry A regular community list entry.
[V] rtmap:Entry An RPM route-map entry.
[V] rtpfx:Entry A prefix list entry definition.
[V] rtflt:Item A router filter item.
[V] rtcom:Item An item in the community list entry.
[V] rtextcom:Item An item in the extended community list.
[V] rtregcom:Item A regular community item.
[V] nw:FltRule A filter rule.
[V] ac:Rule Represents an ordered set of rules specifing atomic counter policies. Atomic counter policies specify a set of match criteria for counting packets. These policies are used for debugging packet drops inside the fabric. This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated.
[V] ac:RuleArp Represents an ARP-based rule for the atomic counters.
[V] ac:RuleIp Specifies the IP entry.
[V] ac:RuleMac Represents media access control (MAC) address-based rules for the atomic counters.
[V] actrl:ARule An ordered set of rules specifying access control policies based on src/dst policy tag and filter ID.
[V] actrl:MgmtRule The zoning rules for management endpoint groups.
[V] actrl:Rule The zoning rules for tenant endpoint groups.
[V] actrl:SnmpRule The zoning rules for SNMP endpoint groups.
[V] rtflt:Rule A container for a list of entries that are matched against the route to apply the route control policies.
[V] rtcom:Rule A route control rule for community lists.
[V] rtextcom:Rule A route control rule for extended community lists.
[V] rtregcom:Rule A route control rule for regular community lists.
[V] rtmap:Rule A route map rule.
[V] rtpfx:Rule A route control rule for prefix lists.
[V] rtmap:Match An abstraction for a match rule.
[V] rtmap:MatchComm A match rule based on communities.
[V] rtmap:MatchExtComm A match rule based on extended communities.
[V] rtmap:MatchRegComm A match rule based on regular communities.
[V] rtmap:MatchIpMcast  Match Multicast
[V] rtmap:MatchNhIf  Match rule based on Nexthop Interace
[V] rtmap:MatchOspfArea  Match rule based on Ospf Area
[V] rtmap:MatchRtDst A match rule based on route destinations.
[V] rtmap:MatchRtNh A match rule based on route next hops.
[V] rtmap:MatchRtPervasive A match rule based on pervasive routes.
[V] rtmap:MatchRtSrc A match rule based on route sources.
[V] rtmap:MatchRtTag A match rule based on route tag.
[V] rtmap:MatchRtType A match rule based on route types.
[V] rtmap:Set An abstraction for a set rule.
[V] rtmap:SetComm A set rule based on communities.
[V] rtmap:SetExtComm A set rule based on generic extended communities.
[V] rtmap:SetRegComm A set rule based on regular communities.
[V] rtmap:SetRttComm A set rule based on route targets communities.
[V] rtmap:SetDampeningCtrl  Set rule for route-dampening
[V] rtmap:SetMetric A set rule based on metric.
[V] rtmap:SetMetricType 
[V] rtmap:SetNh A set rule based on next hop.
[V] rtmap:SetOspfFwdAddr A set rule based on an OSPF forwarding address.
[V] rtmap:SetOspfNssa A set rule based on ospf-nssa.
[V] rtmap:SetPathSelect  Set rule based on path-selection
[V] rtmap:SetPref A set rule based on preference.
[V] rtmap:SetRtDist 
[V] rtmap:SetRtTag A set rule based on route tag.
[V] rtmap:SetWeight A set rule based on weight.
[V] ospf:AGr An abstraction of the per domain graceful restart information.
[V] ospf:Gr The OSPF domain related statistics.
[V] ospfv3:Gr The OSPF domain related statistics.
[V] ospf:ALsaCtrl This object holds lsa related frequency controls, none of these need to be exposed to the user.
[V] ospf:LsaCtrl The LSA-related frequency control information.
[V] ospfv3:LsaCtrl The LSA-related frequency control information.
[V] ospf:AMaxLsaP An abstraction of the maximum link-state advertisement (database overflow) feature.
[V] ospf:MaxLsaP The maximum link-state advertisement (database overflow) feature.
[V] ospfv3:MaxLsaP The per domain max-lsa information.
[V] ospf:ASpfComp An abstraction of spf computation frequency controls, none of these need to be exposed to the user
[V] ospf:SpfComp The SPF computation frequency controls information.
[V] ospfv3:SpfComp The SPF computation frequency controls information.
[V] ospf:AuthP The OSPF authentication policy information.
[V] ospf:Overload  This object holds ospf overload config
[V] pim:Overload PIM overload configuration
[V] policer:Class A container for the policer class policy.
[V] copp:Class Represents a control plane policing (COPP) policy class, which contains a set of rules describing policer rates.
[V] policer:Match A set of match conditions for this policer.
[V] copp:Match Specifies a set of match conditions for a COPP policer.
[V] copp:MatchProto Represents a set of protocols that match the policer.
[V] qosp:Class A container for the QoS fabric class policy. Each class describes QoS attributes such as MTU.
[V] qosp:ClassRule The QoS classification rules.
[V] qosp:Dot1pRule The QoS classification rules based on dot1p values.
[V] qosp:DscpRule The QoS classification rules based on DSCP values.
[V] qosp:IpRule The QoS classification rules based on IP values.
[V] qosp:InfraDscpMap  Qos class to DSCP marking policy for multipod and remote tor
[V] rtctrl:RtCtrlPBase 
[V] bgp:PfxLeakCtrlP  This object holds route control policy for all networks defined by PfxLeakP in that domain
[V] bgp:RtCtrlMapP  Route control map policy for routes imported/exported into an AF. Control is through route maps.
[V] bgp:RtExpP  Route export policy to control whether to export routes into a different address family. Destination address family is specified in the object. Object may be nested within peer Address family (AF) to subject only those peer's particular AF routes to export. Object can also be under a domain Address family in which case it is applicable to all pe...
[V] rtctrl:RtCtrlP Route control policy for routes. There are few ways to apply this policy, controlling through route maps or prefix lists. The direction specifies whether to apply this policy in the incoming or outgoing direction
[V] bgp:RtCtrlP The route control policy for routes coming/going to peers. There are few ways to apply this policy.
[V] eigrp:RtCtrlP The route control policy for routes coming/going over interfaces. There are few ways to apply this policy, controlling through route maps or prefix lists. The direction specifies whether to apply this policy in the incoming or outgoing direction
[V] eigrp:RtMetricAlterP  Metric Alteration policy for EIGRP routes. Selection of routes for which metric has to be adjusted, can be done through route maps or prefix lists. The direction specifies whether to apply this policy for incoming or outgoing routes
[V] ipmcsnoop:ACtrlP  Access control policy for multicast snoop. The policy can be applied either through prefix-list or route-map. Either prefix-list or route-map is applied
[V] igmpsnoop:ACtrlP  Route control policy for igmp multicast snoop.
[V] rtctrl:RtOverload  Route overload entry to control advertised routes on specified node events
[V] ospf:OverloadEntry  This object holds ospf overload entries
[V] pim:OverloadEntry PIM overload entries
[V] rtdmc:ACandFilterP  This object holds generic policy to filter messages from router candidates hosting RPs/RP discovery protocols
[V] rtdmc:ABSRFilterP  This object holds policy for choosing BSRs from among BSR candidates
[V] pim:BSRFilterP The PIM Bootstrap Router (BSR) filter policy.
[V] rtdmc:AMAFilterP  This object holds policy for choosing Mapping Agent from among the candidates
[V] pim:MAFilterP Mapping agent (MA) filter policy.
[V] rtdmc:ARPFilterP  This object holds policy for choosing RPs from among RP candidates
[V] pim:RPFilterP The RP filter policy.
[V] rtdmc:AFuncP  This object holds policy for a generic function policy
[V] rtdmc:AAcastRPFuncP  This object holds policy for Anycast RP Function
[V] pim:AcastRPFuncP The Anycast RP function policy. Specifies the Anycast and local interface for the Anycast RP and all the peer's local info.
[V] rtdmc:ABSRFuncP  This object holds policy for Bootstrap Router Function
[V] pim:BSRFuncP The Bootstrap Router (BSR) function policy.
[V] rtdmc:AMAFuncP  This object holds policy for Auto-RP Mapping Agent Function
[V] pim:MAFuncP Auto-RP mapping agent (MA) function policy.
[V] rtdmc:ARPFuncP  This object holds policy for RP Function
[V] pim:RPFuncP RP function policy.
[V] rtdmc:AMcPatP  This object holds policy for a generic multicast pattern
[V] rtdmc:AASMPatP  This object holds policy for Any Source Multicast (ASM) pattern
[V] pim:ASMPatP The any-source multicast pattern policy.
[V] rtdmc:ABidirPatP  This object holds policy for Bidirectional Multicast (BiDir) pattern
[V] pim:BidirPatP The Bidirectional multicast (BiDir) pattern.
[V] rtdmc:ASSMPatP  This object holds policy for Source Specific Multicast (SSM) pattern
[V] pim:SSMPatP Source-specific multicast pattern
[V] rtdmc:ARPDiscP  This object holds policy for a generic Rendezvous Point discovery policy
[V] rtdmc:AAutoRPP  This object holds policy for Auto-RP method of RP discovery
[V] pim:AutoRPP The Auto-RP policy.
[V] rtdmc:ABSRP  This object holds policy for Bootstrap Router method of RP discovery
[V] pim:BSRP The Bootstrap Router (BSR) policy.
[V] rtdmc:AStaticRPP  This object holds policy for Static RP Config
[V] pim:StaticRPP Static RP policy
[V] rtdmc:ATrP  This object holds routed multicast control traffic policy
[V] rtdmc:AHelloTrP  This object holds the hello traffic policy
[V] pim:HelloTrP  This object holds the hello traffic policy
[V] rtdmc:AJPTrP  This object holds the join-prune traffic policy
[V] pim:JPTrP Join/prune traffic policy.
[V] rtdmc:ARegTrP  This object holds the register traffic policy
[V] pim:RegTrP PIM register traffic policy
[V] rtleak:LeakCtrlP The leak control policy, which defines the different knobs to control redistribution of routes.
[V] isis:LeakCtrlP The leak controls related to the number of routes leaked.
[V] ospf:ALeakCtrlP An abstraction of the leak controls related to the number of routes leaked.
[V] ospf:LeakCtrlP The leak controls that determine the number of routes leaked.
[V] ospfv3:LeakCtrlP The leak controls that determine the number of routes leaked.
[V] rtleak:LeakP A container for the leak policy. Leak policies are categorized into intra protocol, inter protocol, and default route leak policies. These policies describe the routes to be injected into a given destination protocol domain. The destination domain where the routes are injected contains this leak policy.
[V] ospf:ALsaLeakCtrlP  Lsa Leak abstract class.
[V] ospf:LsaLeakCtrlP  Lsa Leak Control concrete class.
[V] ospfv3:LsaLeakCtrlP  Lsa Leak Control concrete class.
[V] ospf:ALsaLeakP An abstraction of the link-state advertisement (LSA) leak policy.
[V] ospf:LsaLeakP The link-state advertisement (LSA) leak policy.
[V] ospfv3:LsaLeakP The link-state advertisement leak concrete class.
[V] rtleak:DefRtLeakP A container for the default route leak policy.
[V] bgp:DefRtLeakP The default route leak policy.
[V] eigrp:DefRtLeakP The default route leak policy.
[V] isis:DefRtLeakP The default route leak policy.
[V] ospf:ADefRtLeakP An abstraction of the default route leak policy information.
[V] ospf:DefRtLeakP The default route leak policy information.
[V] ospfv3:DefRtLeakP The default route leak policy.
[V] rtleak:HostLeakP  This objects holds host route leak policy
[V] bgp:HostLeakP  COOP/L2RIB to BGP host route leak policy. This defines policy to control the distribution of host routes from COOP/L2RIB to BGP
[V] rtleak:InterLeakP The inter protocol route leak policy, which defines the distribution of routes from one protocol to another.
[V] bgp:InterLeakP A policy that defines distribution of routes from one protocol to another protocol.
[V] eigrp:InterLeakP The inter protocol route leak policy, which defines the distribution of routes from one protocol to another.
[V] isis:InterLeakP The inter protocol route leak policy defines distribution of routes from other protocols to IS-IS.
[V] ospf:AInterLeakP An abstraction of the inter protocol route leak policy defines the distribution of routes from other protocols to OSPF.
[V] ospf:InterLeakP Inter protocol route leak policy defines the distribution of routes from other protocols to OSPF.
[V] ospfv3:InterLeakP The inter protocol route leak policy, which defines the distribution of routes from other protocols to OSPF.
[V] rtleak:IntraLeakP The intra protocol leak policy, which defines the distribution of routes from one domain to another in a given protocol.
[V] isis:IntraLeakP Intra protocol leak policy defines distribution of routes from one level to another.
[V] rtleak:PfxLeakP  This objects holds prefix leak policy
[V] bgp:PfxLeakP  This objects holds route leak policy for a given network
[V] rtsum:RtSum 
[V] bgp:RtSum  Route Summarization
[V] eigrp:ASummP The abstraction of an EIGRP summary route.
[V] eigrp:SummDef The EIGRP summary route definition.
[V] eigrp:SummPol The EIGRP summary route (NOT USED).
[V] eigrp:RtSum  This object holds summary address
[V] isis:RtSum This object holds summarization address. Any address that maps to this prefix will be summarized through this address
[V] ospf:ARtSum An abstraction of route summarization.
[V] ospf:AExtRtSum An abstraction of the external route summarization is specific to external routes that are injected into OSPF using route leak. Configure external route summarization on ASBRs that are leaking routes into OSPF.
[V] ospf:ExtRtSum An external route summarization is specific to external routes that are injected into OSPF using route leak. Configure external route summarization on ASBRs that are leaking routes into OSPF.
[V] ospfv3:ExtRtSum The external route summarization, which is specific to external routes that are injected into OSPF using route leak. Configure external route summarization on ASBRs that are leaking routes into OSPF.
[V] ospf:AInterAreaRtSum An abstraction of the inter area route summarization.
[V] ospf:InterAreaRtSum The inter-area route summarization. This is configured on ABRs, summarizing routes between areas in the autonomous system.
[V] ospfv3:InterAreaRtSum The inter-area route summarization, which is configured on ABRs, summarizing routes between areas in the autonomous system.
[V] slowdrain:InstPol 
[V] slowdrain:Class 
[V] snmp:Ctx SNMP context information.
[V] topoctrl:EndpointControlP  Fabric endpoint controle policy
[V] topoctrl:LbP A fabric load balance policy.
[V] topoctrl:LoopProtectP The endpoint loop protection policy, which specifies how loops detected by frequent mac moves are handled.
[V] topoctrl:ShardChP The shard chaining policy.
[V] topoctrl:ShardRdnP The shard redundancy policy.
[V] topoctrl:VirtDom The virtual domain.
[V] topoctrl:VxlanP The fabric VXLAN policy.
[V] tunnel:APfxEntry 
[V] tunnel:CtrlPfxEntry  Conversational tunnels discovered matching these external prefixes are marked untrusted or trusted based on whether the sclass can be trusted or not
[V] tunnel:PfxEntry  Tunnel prefix white list. The tunnels are formed through conversation. Only the tunnels that are part of the whitelist are allowed to form
[V] tunnel:Ctx  Tunnel container for all tunnel related information for a given layer 3 domain
[V] tunnel:EpRetPol  End-Point retention policy identifying the duration of how long information is kept about remote end-point. This is expressed through a set of triggering and aging control parameters




Properties Summary
Defined in: pol:Instr
descr  (pol:Instr:descr)
           Specifies a control instrumentation description.
Defined in: pol:Obj
name  (pol:Obj:name)
Defined in: naming:NamedObject
nameAlias  (naming:NamedObject:nameAlias)
           NO COMMENTS
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Like: naming:Described:descr
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "128"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9\\!#$%()*,-./:;@ _{|}~?&+]+
Specifies a control instrumentation description.


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular Property Validators: Range: min: "0" max: "64" Allowed Chars: Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+


Type: naming:NameAlias
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "63"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.