Type dpp:OperStQual

Reasons for rule being disabled.

unspecified 0 Unspecified Unspecified
hwprog-fail 1 Hardware Programming Failed Hardware programming failed
max-if-policer-limit-reached 2 Max interface policer limit reached Max policer limit reached
unsupported-interface-type 3 Policer is not supported on this type of interface Unsupported interface type
transient-error 4 A transient error occurred, auto-retry will be attempted Transient error, where retry might work
link-is-down 5 Policer is not enabled as the link is down Link down
policer-mode-unsupported 6 Specified policer mode is not supported on this platform Unsupported mode - packet mode not supported on sug
policer-type-unsupported 7 Specified policer type is not supported on this platform Unsupported type - 2R3C type not supported on sug
policer-action-unsupported 8 Specified policer action is not supported on this platform Unsupported action - not all actions are supported on sug
DEFAULT unspecified(0) Unspecified Unspecified