Fault fltFvPolDeliveryStatusConfigurationFailed

Rule ID:1298

Explanation: : This fault occurs when deliverying EPg policies to a node has failed
Recommended Action: : If you see this fault, take the following actions: - Verify node is reachable by pinging the TEP address from the APIC; - Verify node can deploy this type of policy (spine can deploy only mgmt EPg) - If Node is decomissioned: recomission the node again to rectify the fault. Decomission status of Node can be checked by looking at APIC GUI (https://apic-controller-ip-addr) -> Fabric -> Fabric Policies -> Fabric Membership, find the node-id and check its corresponding 'decomissioned' column value. - Check whether node is not in unreachable status by looking at APIC GUI - > Fabric -> Unreachables Nodes. If node is part of unreachable node list, then physically check whether node is wired up to SPINE and recheck the fault again. Check node is not in loader> prompt and booted successfully via physical console cable. If the above conditions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: fv:PolDeliveryStatus

Fault Name: fltFvPolDeliveryStatusConfigurationFailed

Unqualified API Name: configurationFailed
Code: F1298
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: config
Cause: configuration-failed
Severity: minor
Weight: 100
Message: EPG name policy deployment on node id failed due to deploymentStateFor tenant epgPKey, application profile epgPKey, deployment of application EPG epgPKey failed on node id. Reason deploymentStateFor tenant epgPKey, outside epgPKey, deployment of external EPG epgPKey failed on node id. Reason deploymentStateFor tenant epgPKey, outside epgPKey, deployment of external EPG epgPKey failed on node id. Reason deploymentStateFor tenant epgPKey, management profile epgPKey, deployment of in-band EPG epgPKey failed on node id. Reason deploymentStateFor tenant epgPKey, management profile epgPKey, deployment of out-band EPG epgPKey failed on node id. Reason deploymentState


Triggered By:
         deploymentState not equals none
         deploymentState not equals delivered