Fault fltDbgAcPathAOnGoingAtomicCounterDropsMajor
This fault occurs when a significant number of packet drops
are detected by a configured and enabled Atomic Counter
Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the
following actions:
Fault Name: fltDbgAcPathAOnGoingAtomicCounterDropsMajor
Unqualified API Name: OnGoingAtomicCounterDropsMajor
Code: F1545
Applied Mo DN Format:
Type: communications
Cause: packets-dropped
Severity: major
Weight: 100
dropPktPercentage% of packets were dropped during the last collection intervaldropPktPercentage% of packets were dropped during the last collection interval on the path from node srcNodeId to node dstNodeIddropPktPercentage% of packets were dropped during the last collection interval on the path from the VPC pair srcNodeId-srcNodeId2 to the VPC pair dstNodeId-dstNodeId2dropPktPercentage% of packets were dropped during the last collection interval on the path from the VPC pair srcNodeId-srcNodeId2 to the single node dstNodeIddropPktPercentage% of packets were dropped during the last collection interval on the path from the single node srcNodeId to the VPC pair dstNodeId-dstNodeId2
Triggered By:
dropPktPercentage greater or equal 5u
suspect equals no