Fault fltEqptcapacityFSPartitionFsPartitionLimitsExceededMinor

Rule ID:1820

This fault occurs when the disk usage of a partiton increases beyond its threshold

Recommended Action:
To recover from this fault, try the following action

  1. Free up space from affected disk partition

Raised on MO: eqptcapacity:FSPartition

Fault Name: fltEqptcapacityFSPartitionFsPartitionLimitsExceededMinor

Unqualified API Name: fsPartitionLimitsExceededMinor
Code: F1820
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: equipment-disk-limits-exceeded
Severity: minor
Weight: 100
Message: Disk usage for path is above normal


Triggered By:
        memAlert equals minor