Fault fltFirmwareRepoLocalFirmwareSyncFailure

Rule ID:2109

This fault occurs when a image is not synced across all ifcs

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Verify the location where the firmware stored is reachable through scp/http request
  2. Verify the directory and file location exist
  3. Verify the firmware file is valid
  4. Verify the file has sufficient permissions
  5. Free-up firmware repo by deleting any stale/old images.
  6. Delete the image from repository and download again
  7. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: firmware:RepoLocal

Fault Name: fltFirmwareRepoLocalFirmwareSyncFailure

Unqualified API Name: firmwareSyncFailure
Code: F2109
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: environmental
Cause: download-failed
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Failed to sync the following firmware images errorQual


Triggered By:
         hasErrors equals true