Type comp:msftConfigIssues


not-applicable 0x0ull N/A NO COMMENTS
aaacert-invalid 0x10ull SCVMM comp inventory is missing due to invalid Certificate on SCVMM server or aaaVMMCertificateRule is missing on APIC controller. NO COMMENTS
invalid-rootContName 0x1ull SCVMM controller does not have cloudName that matches with rootContName. Controller is not deployable. NO COMMENTS
duplicate-rootContName 0x2ull Controller is not deployable. the same rootContName controller also exist in another vmm Domain. NO COMMENTS
missing-hostGroup-in-cloud 0x4ull No valid hostGroup exist under the cloud resource in SCVMM Controller. Controller is not deployable NO COMMENTS
missing-rootContName 0x8ull SCVMM controller has missing cloudName that matches with rootContName but Its SCVMM HostGroup is still exists along with APIC VMMdomain Logical switch. NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT not-applicable(0x0ull) N/A NO COMMENTS