Type opflex:VleafIssues


none 0x0ull None NO COMMENTS
port-quarantined 0x100000ull Port is quarantined NO COMMENTS
port-zero-mac 0x10000ull Port mac not assigned NO COMMENTS
pnic-no-vtep 0x1000ull PNIC is not pinned to VTEP NO COMMENTS
port-nacked 0x100ull Port Attach is nacked NO COMMENTS
opflex-no-vmm-config 0x10ull Switch VMM Domain Config is not downloaded NO COMMENTS
port-no-epg 0x1ull Port EPG is not downloaded NO COMMENTS
host-user-core 0x20000ull Host Process has crashed NO COMMENTS
tenant-no-epcp 0x2000ull Tenant Ruleset is not downloaded NO COMMENTS
vtep-no-ip 0x200ull VTEP IP is not assigned NO COMMENTS
opflex-no-dvs-config 0x20ull Switch DVS Config is not downloaded NO COMMENTS
port-incorrect-epg 0x2ull Port EPG is incorrect NO COMMENTS
host-kernel-core 0x40000ull Host Kernel has crashed NO COMMENTS
rule-no-epg 0x4000ull Rule EPG is not downloaded NO COMMENTS
pnic-no-lacp-pdu 0x400ull PNIC has not received LACP PDU NO COMMENTS
port-not-att-acked 0x40ull Port Attach is not acked NO COMMENTS
vtep-no-pnic 0x4ull VTEP is not pinned to PNIC NO COMMENTS
port-link-down 0x80000ull Port Link is down NO COMMENTS
rule-no-verified 0x8000ull Rule is not verified NO COMMENTS
pnic-unexpected-lacp-pdu 0x800ull PNIC has received unexpected LACP PDU NO COMMENTS
port-not-det-acked 0x80ull Port Detach is not acked NO COMMENTS
opflex-channel-down 0x8ull Switch OpFlex channel down NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT none(0x0ull) None NO COMMENTS