Fault fltInfraClSzEqObstClusterSizeEqualization

Rule ID:1410

This fault occurs when the operational size for a controller cluster can not reach the configured target size.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Ensure that the controller cluster is contiguous, it must grow from the end and can not have any gaps in the cluster numbering.
  2. Verify that the cluster health is fully fit.
  3. If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: infra:ClSzEqObst

Fault Name: fltInfraClSzEqObstClusterSizeEqualization

Unqualified API Name: ClusterSizeEqualization
Code: F1410
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: obstacle
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: Cluster cannot continue to clGmChngDir from its current size opClSz for the following reason: cseoReason. The controller ID is ctrlrId, the service ID is svcId, the internal database partition (shard) ID is shrdId and the replica ID is rplId


Triggered By:
        isFault equals true