Type adcom:Health

Service Data Layer Health

not-created 0 Not Created A representation of APIC with the given ID is not created on the inquired APIC.
never-known 1 Never Known Status of APIC with the given ID has not been learned by the inquired APIC.
unknown-now 2 Unknown Status of APIC with given ID is unknown at this time by inquired APIC.
data-layer-diverged 11 Data Layer Diverged NO COMMENTS
data-layer-degraded-leadership 12 Data Layer Degraded Leadership NO COMMENTS
data-layer-entirely-diverged 111 Data Layer Entirely Diverged Some data subsets for ALL services of APIC with given ID report lost synchronization with respective copies on other APICs.
data-layer-partially-diverged 112 Data Layer Partially Diverged Some data subsets for some services of APIC with given ID report lost synchronization with respective copies on other APICs.
data-layer-entirely-degraded-leadership 121 Data Layer Entirely Degraded Leadership Some data subsets for all services of APIC with given ID report lost connectivity with respective data copies that are elected to mutate data.
data-layer-partially-degraded-leadership 122 Data Layer Partially Degraded Leadership Some data subsets for some services of APIC with given ID report lost connectivity with respective data copies that are elected to mutate data.
data-layer-synchronization-in-progress 254 Data Layer Synchronization in Progress... Some data subsets on APIC with given ID are in the process of synchronizing with respective copies on other APICs.
fully-fit 255 Fully Fit The APIC with given ID is in full strength in terms of its functionality necessary to carry assigned load in the cluster.
DEFAULT not-created(0) Not Created A representation of APIC with the given ID is not created on the inquired APIC.