Type fv:NwIssues


not-applicable 0ull N/A NO COMMENTS
tnlepg-accEncap-missing 0x1000000000000000ull AccEncap should be set for TnlEPG deployment on Core Port. Vlan Encap should be set to tunnel before TnlEPG deployment.
port-configured-for-breakout 0x100000000000000ull Interface Configured For Breakout Port configured for breakout
encap-mode-mismatch 0x10000000000000ull Different encap modes are not allowed for an encap on a given interface. Different encap modes are not allowed for an encap on a given interface
not-supported-with-egress-policy-enforcement-mode 0x1000000000000ull Not supported with VRFs Egress Policy Enforcement Mode Not Supprted with VRF's "egress" policy enforcement mode
def-rtleak-criteria-conflict 0x100000000000ull Different Default Route Leak Criterias for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides Different Default Route Leak Criterias for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
default-rt-leak-scope-conflict 0x10000000000ull L3 Outsides have Different Scopes for Default Route Leak Policies on the same Node For Given Context(VRF) on the same Node, All L3 Outsides must have same Scope for Default Route Leak Policy.
bgp-peer-profile-conflict 0x1000000000ull Same BGP Peer Profile for Context(VRF) is Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides Same BGP Peer Profile for Context(VRF) is Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
dest-is-member-of-pc-or-vpc 0x100000000ull SPAN Destination Cannot be PC or VPC Member SPAN validations
ip-address-already-in-use 0x10000000ull IP Address Already in Use IP-Address already in use
encap-port-mode-mismatch 0x2000000000000000ull Qinq Double Encaps can be deployed only on the trunk double encap ports and regular encaps cannot be deployed on such ports Port mode should be set to double encap port mode to deploy epgs with double encap
ipattr-already-in-use 0x200000000000000ull IP attribute already Used by another EPG IpAttr validation. an IpAttr can be used by only 1 EPg in a given l2BD
tnlepg-port-mode-mismatch 0x20000000000000ull Port mode should be set to tunnel for Tunnel deployment. Port mode should be set to tunnel before TnlEPG deployment.
interleak-policy-conflict 0x2000000000000ull Different Interleak Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides. Different Interleak Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
dns-not-supported-on-spine-inb 0x200000000000ull Inband DNS resolution not supported on spines. DNS on inb epg is not supported on spine.
qinq-double-tag-port-with-l2outs-or-l3outs 0x20000000000ull L2Outs or L3Outs cannot be deployed on qinq double tag ports. L2outs and L3outs cannot support double encap(qinq)
router-id-conflict 0x2000000000ull Different Router IDs for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides Different Router IDs for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
filter-entry-protocol-not-supported 0x200000000ull Filter Entry Unsupported Protocol Value Filter validations
invalid-ep-selection 0x20000000ull Spine Cannot Be Selected For this EP Invalid EP selection
bgpProt-policy-already-existing 0x4000000000000000ull A specific leaf node can hold only a single bgpProtP config; this fault is raised when inconsistent configuration is detected A specific leaf node can hold only a single bgpProtP config, this fault is raised when inconsistent configuration is detected
Cdp-tunneling-with-cdp-enabled-interface 0x400000000000000ull CDP on tunnel interface is not allowed when protocol mask is set to CDP This fault is raised when you enable CDP on a Tunnel Interface, on which CDP tunneling mask is already enabled
tnlepg-existing-on-port 0x40000000000000ull Only one Tunnel can be deployed on an edge port. Only one TnlEPG can be set on a port.
rtctrl-enforce-policy-conflict 0x4000000000000ull Different Route Control Enforcement Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides. Different Route Control Enforcement Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
IP-EPG-not-applicable-to-L2-only-BD 0x400000000000ull IP based EPG not applicable to L2 only BD. IP based EPG is not applicable to L2 only BD.
l3out-config-conflict 0x40000000000ull Operational interface parameters cannot be different (e.g. MTU) from different deployments under a context For a given port, catch and report conflicting properties coming from different l3outs
ospf-area-id-conflict 0x4000000000ull Same OSPF Area for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different Outsides Same OSPF Area for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
rule-id-allocation-failed 0x400000000ull Rule ID Cannot Be Allocated rule id allocation exhausted
path-wiring-issues 0x40000000ull Path Wiring Issues Path has wiring issues The path (port/port-channel) getting referred has wiring-issues, which means the link is not connected to a supported peer.
multiple-mgmt-epg 0x4000000ull Multiple Management EPGs Configured For Node Multiple managment EPgs configured
epg-bd-mode-mismatch 0x8000000000000000ull A regular EPg with double encap(qinq) path caanot be supported under Legacy BD.These type of paths will be supported by the EPgswhen they are under Regular BDs Legacy BD will not supported for the EPgs having double encap Statis ports
Lldp-tunneling-with-lldp-enabled-interface 0x800000000000000ull LLDP on tunnel interface is not allowed when protocol mask is set to LLDP This fault is raised when you enable LLDP on a Tunnel Interface, on which LLDP tunneling mask is already enabled
Tnlport-with-regularEPGs 0x80000000000000ull Regular EPgs,l2Outs,L3outs cannot be deployed on the edge ports. Port mode change to tunnel not allowed if regular EPGs exist on the port.
dampening-policy-conflict 0x8000000000000ull Different Dampening Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides. Different Dampening Policies are Defined for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides.
Qos-Policy-not-supported-for-IP-EPG 0x800000000000ull QoS Policy not supported for IP based EPG. Custom QoS Policy not supported for IP based EPG.
eigrp-multiple-out-conflict 0x80000000000ull EIGRP cannot be deployed on the same node and same context from multiple L3 Outsides For a given context(VRF) on the same Node, EIGRP cannot be enabled on more than one L3 Outside.
ospf-role-conflict 0x8000000000ull OSPF have Different roles for Context(VRF) Deployed on the Node from Different L3 Outsides For Given Context(VRF) OSPF cannot be supporting protocol for BGP for one L3 Outside and Main protocol for some other L3 Outside on the same Node.
duplicate-encap 0x800000000ull Encap Is Already In Use. duplicate encap present on node.
l3port-and-sub-interface-on-path 0x80000000ull L3 Port and Sub-Interface Not Allowed on Same Path L3 Port and Sub-Interface are not allowed on the same path Under a Layer3 Outside, a pure layer3 port and sub-interface configurations are not allowed on the same port.
dhcp-provider-is-not-reachable 0x8000000ull DHCP Provider Not Reachable DHCP provider is not reachable
port-configured-for-fex 1024ull Interface Configured For FEX Port is configured as fex-fabric The path (i.e. port/port-channel) is currently getting used for attaching a FEX. Please check the Fex Profile (infra:FexP) and the port-selectors (infra:HPortS) associated to it.
invalid-exception-mask-for-subnet 1048576ull Exception Subnet Mask Must Be More Specific than Subnet Mask Route Control - L3 External Subnet/Exception validation
port-part-of-port-channel 128ull Port is Member of Port Channel Path is not available The configuration is directly referring to a port which is part of a port-channel. Such configurations may affect the behavior of the port-channel and hence are not allowed. Configuration should refer to the Access-Bundle-Group (infra:AccBndlGrp) directly.
missing-dhcp-lbl-for-infra 131072ull Infra DHCP relay profile is missing corresponding DHCP label DHCP validations
multiple-external-encap 16384ull Only One External Encap Allowed on Bridge Domain External Encap Validations A Bridge Domain (fv:BD) can be extended outside the fabric using only one external encap per node. Check the Layer 2 Outside configuration.
path-is-out-of-service 16777216ull Path Out of Service Path is Out of Service The path (port/port-channel) getting referred is marked Out-of-Service. Check the Out Of Service Policy (fabric:OOServicePol)
vxlan-capacity 16ull Insufficient VXLANs Available Not enough VXLANs available Check the total number of EPgs, BDs, VRFs etc. confgigurations which use a VXLAN Id. There total should not exceed the number of VXLANs supported.
bd-not-present 1ull BD Not Present BD Validations BD is not present on the node. Following issues are possible: 1. This could be a temporary issue as the BD could be in the process of getting pushed to the node. 2. If the EPg is associated with a default BD then check the Connectivity Instrumentation Policy.
port-configured-for-apic 2048ull Port Connected to Controller Port is configured for apic The path (i.e. port/port-channel) is currently getting used for APIC connection, hence no configurations are allowed on it which may bring down the connectivity with APIC
prefix-entry-already-in-use 2097152ull Prefix Entry Already Used in Another EPG Prefix Entry validation Under a Ctx (fvCtx aka VRF), a subnet can belong to only one external EPg at a time. Please check your external network instance profiles (l3ext:InstP) under the Layer3 Outside configurations.
port-configured-as-l3 256ull Interface Configured as L3 Path is configured as l3 The path (i.e. port/port-channel) is currently getting used by some configurations (example L3 Outside) which need the port to be configured as a Layer-3 port.
inconsistent-ibgp-peer-as-number 262144ull Inconsistent iBGP Peer AS number provided BGP Peer AS validations
context-not-present 2ull VRF Not Present Context Validations VRF is not present on the node. Following issues are possible: 1. This could be a temporary issue as the VRF could be in the process of getting pushed to the node. 2. If the EPg is associated with a default VRF then check the Connectivity Instrumentation Policy.
ip-address-not-present 32768ull IP Address Not Present IP-Address Validations
vrf-capacity 32ull Insufficient VRFs Available Not enough VRFs available Check the total number of Ctx(aka VRF) deployed on the node. The total should not exceed the number of VRF supported by the node.
invalid-vlan 33554432ull Invalid VLAN Configuration Invalid VLAN Configuration The domain associated with the EPg is not allowed to use the specified encap. Check the Attachable Profile, and VLAN/VXLAN Namespace (fvns:VlanInstP and fvns:VxlanInstP) configurations associated with the domain.
port-channel-capacity 4096ull Insufficient Port Channels Available Not enough port-channels available Check the total number of Access Bundle Groups (i.e. infra:AccBndlGrp) deployed on the node. The total number of port-channles created by the Access Bundle Groups should not exceed the total number of port-channels supported by the node.
encap-already-in-use 4194304ull Encap Already Used in Another EPG Encap validation On a node, an encap (VLAN or VXLAN) can be used by only 1 EPg or BD at a time.
insufficient-resources 4ull Insufficient Resources overall there are not enough resources
port-configured-as-l2 512ull Interface Configured as L2 Port is configured as l2 The path (i.e. port/port-channel) is currently getting used by some configurations (example L2 Outside, Application EPg) which need the port to be configured as a Layer-2 port.
invalid-bgp-peer-address 524288ull BGP Peer Address Cannot Be Same as Router ID BGP Peer Address validations
invalid-path 64ull Invalid Path Configuration Path is not available Following issues are possible: 1. The path (i.e. port/port-channel/Attachable-Profile/Loose-Node) getting referred does not exist on the node. 2. The domain associated with the EPg is not allowed to use the specified path. Check the Attachable Profile configuration associated with the domain. 3. The path (i.e. port/port-channel/Attachable-Profile/Loose-Node) is deployed on FEX and is part of l2Out/l3Out. l2Out and l3Out are NOT supported on FEX
multiple-ctx-configuration 65536ull Multiple VRF configuration provided for an encap or path Conflicting VRF validations A Layer-3 interface (which could be a pure-layer3 interface or a sub-interface) can belong to only 1 Ctx (fvCtx aka VRF) at a time. For pure-layer3 interface: Please check the Layer3 Outside configuration and make sure that for a given node same path (port/port-channel) is not part of multiple Layer3 Outsides associated to different fvCtxs. For sub-interface: Please check the Layer3 Outside configuration and make sure that for a given node the same encap is not part of multiple Layer3 Outsides associated to different fvCtxs.
native-or-untagged-encap-failure 8192ull Only One Native or Untagged Encap Allowed on Interface Native/Untagged Vlan Validation You are trying to configure two different encaps as native or untagged on the path (i.e. port/port-channel). Check the "mode" type set on the relations between the EPg and the fabric:Path.
multiple-outsides-from-context-configured-for-the-same-node 8388608ull Multiple External Networks From Same Context Configured For Same Node - Deprecated Multiple Outsides from the Same Context Configured for the Same Node Please check the Layer3 Outside configurations. Fault Deprecated - It's valid now.
vlan-capacity 8ull Insufficient VLANs Available Not enough VLANs available Check the total number of EPgs and BDs deployed on the node. There total should not exceed the number of VLANs supported by the node
DEFAULT not-applicable(0ull) N/A NO COMMENTS