Fault fltDbgOdAggRsltTenantAtomicCounterExcessiveDrops

Rule ID:51

This fault occurs when a significant number of packet drops are detected by a configured and enabled Atomic Counter

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Check the network configuration in the packet path where this Atomic Counter policy is configured.
  2. Check for any CRC, etc errors in the packet path where this Atomic Counter policy is configured.
  3. Check interface counters and rates in the packet path where this Atomic Counter policy is configured to make sure there is no oversubscription.
  4. If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: dbg:OdAggRslt

Fault Name: fltDbgOdAggRsltTenantAtomicCounterExcessiveDrops

Unqualified API Name: tenantAtomicCounterExcessiveDrops
Code: F0051
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: communications
Cause: ac-tenant-drops
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: percentDropP% of packets were dropped during the last collection interval for name policy of type type under Tenant dn


Triggered By:
        percentDropP greater than 5