Fault fltFvNwIssuesConfig-failed

Rule ID:467

This fault occurs when an End Point Group is incompletely or incorrectly configured.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Look at the configuration for issues
  2. For bd-not-present, this could be a temporary issue when the bridge domain has not yet been deployed to the node. If the EPG is associated with the default bridge domain, check the Connectivity Instrumentation Policy
  3. For context-not-present, this could be a temporary issue while the VRF has not yet been deployed to the node. If the EPG is associated with the default VRF, check the Connectivity Instrumentation Policy under Networking / Protocol Policies in common tenant
  4. For vlan-capacity, check that the number of configured EPGs and bridge domains deployed on a node do not exceed the supported number
  5. For vxlan-capacity, check that the number of configured EPGs, bridge domains and VRFs deployed on a node do not exceed the supported number
  6. For invalid-path, check that the configured path exists and is valid. Following issues are possible: The path (i.e. port/port-channel/Attachable-Profile/Loose-Node) getting referred does not exist on the node. The domain associated with the EPG is not allowed to use the specified path. Check the Attachable Profile configuration associated with the domain. The path (i.e. port/port-channel/Attachable-Profile/Loose-Node) is deployed on FEX and is part of l2Out/l3Out. l2Out and l3Out are NOT supported on FEX
  7. For port-part-of-port-channel, the configured interface is already configured as a port channel member
  8. For port-configured-as-l3, the configured interface is already configured as L3
  9. For port-configured-as-l2, the configured interface is referring to an interface that is already configured as L2
  10. For port-configured-for-fex, the configured interface is already configured for attaching to a FEX
  11. For port-configured-for-apic, the configured interface is connected to a controller
  12. For port-channel-capacity, check that the number of configured port channels deployed on a node do not exceed the supported number
  13. For native-or-untagged-encap-failure, multiple encaps are configured as native or untagged on the same path. Check the configured mode type
  14. For multiple-external-encap, a bridge domain can be extended outside the fabric using only one external encap per node
  15. For multiple-ctx-configuration, an L3 interface can belong to only 1 VRF at a time
  16. For encap-already-in-use, another EPG is already configured using this encap
  17. For invalid-vlan, this EPG's encap is not valid for the domain on which the EPG is configured
  18. For path-wiring-issues, the configured interface has wiring issues
  19. For port configured as q-in-q tunnel originator/terminator, Configure Leaf Interface Profile with policy-group enabled with “L2 Interface policy” with edgeport turned-on. And also make sure to create Switch Association with Associated Interface Selector Profiles
  20. For further details, refer to the documentation for fv:NwIssues
  21. Verify the End Point Group configuration is correct and complete
  22. If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: fv:NwIssues

Fault Name: fltFvNwIssuesConfig-failed

Unqualified API Name: config-failed
Code: F0467
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: config
Cause: configuration-failed
Severity: minor
Weight: 100
Message: Configuration failedConfiguration failed for epgPKey node id pathName on FEX extChId due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for epgPKey node id pathName due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for node id targetDn due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for tDn due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for node id due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for epgPKey due to configQual, debug message: debugMessageConfiguration failed for epgDn due to configQual, debug message: debugMessage


Triggered By:
        configSt equals failed-to-apply