Fault fltCoopAdjEpCoopAdjEpDown

Rule ID:1360

This fault occurs when the operational state of the coop adjacency is down

Recommended Action:
To recover from this fault, try the following actions

  1. Look at any configuration issues
  2. Look at any connectivity issues
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, generate the show tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: coop:AdjEp

Fault Name: fltCoopAdjEpCoopAdjEpDown

Unqualified API Name: coopAdjEpDown
Code: F1360
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: protocol-coop-adjacency-down
Severity: warning
Weight: 100
Message: Operational state is down, reason:operStQual


Triggered By:
        operSt equals down