Fault fltDbgexpPolicyStatusExportData

Rule ID:1651

This fault occurs when export operation for techsupport or core files did not succeed.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. look at techsupport status and figure out which IFC/node is erroring out.
  2. Verify the destination it is trying to export data to is healthy/reachable
  3. If the above action did not resolve the issue, contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: dbgexp:PolicyStatus

Fault Name: fltDbgexpPolicyStatusExportData

Unqualified API Name: exportData
Code: F1651
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: export-data-failed
Severity: minor
Weight: 100
Message: Upload triggered at lastCollectionTime for policy polName lastCollectionStatus . Check operational status for details.


Triggered By:
         lastCollectionStatus equals failed
         lastCollectionStatus equals timedOut