Fault fltIgmpStRepPStReportPolLimit

Rule ID:2532

This fault occurs when the IGMP static group policy has group mask of less than 24

Recommended Action:
To remove this fault, configure the static group policy route map with group mask of length greater than or equal to 24

  1. configure group masklen greater than or equal to 24 in the static group route map
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, generate the show tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: igmp:StRepP

Fault Name: fltIgmpStRepPStReportPolLimit

Unqualified API Name: stReportPolLimit
Code: F2532
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: static-report-masklen-lesser
Severity: warning
Weight: 100
Message: Static report policy has masklen lesser than 24. Please provide masken >= 24


Triggered By:
        stRepPfxLimit equals yes