![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:Conn A connection abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:GEp A group endpoint abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:AutoGEp A VPC auto-protection group. This represents a VPC domain (a protection group). You can set the type of algorithm to be used for creating the automatic groups. Based on the algorithm, APIC implicitly makes discovered nodes part of the group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:ExplicitGEp A VPC explicit protection group represents a VPC domain (a protection group). You can explicitly configure member nodes of the group using a Fabric policy node endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:Grp The managed node connectivity group captures the set of nodes that are going to participate in the management network.
All the nodes, a range of nodes, or a specific node can be selected to participate in a given group. This is controlled by the type field. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:CCEp A special endpoint representing a set of connectivity rules to a compute container or hypervisor |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mcast:Grp An abstraction for a multicast group entity. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:CpDom A control plane domain abstraction. This object represents a domain within a control plane instance. For example, a VRF. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aib:Dom The Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bfd:Af Bfd abstraction for address family domain |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bfd:IfAf This object holds per address family bfd interface information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bfd:InstAf This objects hold per address family bfd instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Af A BGP abstraction for an address family domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:DomAf The BGP (VRF) address family information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:PeerAf The BGP peer information for a BGP peer address family. Each address family maintains a separate BGP database, which allows you to configure BGP policy on per-address family basis. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:PeerAfEntry The operational status information for a BGP peer address family. Each address family maintains a separate BGP database, which allows you to configure BGP policy on per-address family basis. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:VpnCtrlP This object holds policy to control vpn af
information for a given vrf |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:EviBase This object holds Base Ethernet VPN instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:EncapEviBase This object contains information for an Ethernet VPN instance that is defined for an encap |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:BDEvi This object holds Bridge Domain
Ethernet VPN instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:CktEpEvi This object holds Circuit Endpoint (EPG)
Ethernet VPN instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:DomEvi This object holds Domain Ethernet VPN instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:EncapGroupEvi This object holds EncapGroup Ethernet VPN instance information which carries routes for a Group of Encaps |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Vni This object holds VNI information for multi-site routes |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eigrp:Af The EIGRP abstraction for an address family domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eigrp:DomAf The EIGRP address family domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:Af The IS-IS abstraction for address family domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:DomAf Per address family IS-IS VRF information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:Lvl The IS-IS abstraction for the level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:IfLvl The IS-IS interface level properties. These properties control how the IS-IS protocol operates. For example, you can configure the interval for sending the Hello and CSNP packets. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:BD This object holds arp information that is operated at a
interface level |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
glean:BD Layer 2 domain (BD) information for this glean. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmp:ExtDom This objects hold per igmp external domain information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmcsnoop:Dom This objects hold per IP Multicast Snooping domain information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:Dom An IGMP snooping domain, which is a bridge domain (BD) in which IGMP snooping is enabled. When an IGMP querier is in the network, it sends periodic IGMP queries that trigger IGMP report messages from hosts that want to receive IP multicast traffic. IGMP snooping listens to these IGMP reports to establish appropriate forwarding |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mldsnoop:Dom This objects hold per mld snooping domain information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:Dom A container for spanning-tree protocol domain information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:Region A container for multiple spanning-tree or MSTP domain information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:ProtDom A layer 3 protocol domain abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:Dom Represents ARP domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Dom The object that represents all the BGP domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Dom Per COOP domain (vrf) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eigrp:Dom The EIGRP domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabrgm:Dom This objects hold per fabrgm domain information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
glean:Dom Domain (VRF) information for this glean. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hsrp:Dom This object holds per hsrp domain (vrf) information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmp:Dom The per ICMP layer3 domain information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmpv4:Dom Per Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv4) layer3 domain (vrf) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ip:Dom The domain (vrf) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipv4:Dom The domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipv6:Dom The domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmc:ADom This objects hold per IP Multicast domain (VRF) information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmp:Dom This objects hold per igmp domain information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:Dom The IS-IS domain (vrf) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mrib:Dom This objects hold per pim domain (vrf) information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:Dom A neighbor discovery protocol domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:AArea An abstraction of the OSPF information that is operated on at a interface level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Area The OSPF information that operates at an interface level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospfv3:Area The OSPF information that is operated at an interface level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:ADom An abstraction of an OSPF domain (VRF). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Dom The per OSPF domain (vrf) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Af A BGP abstraction for an address family domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospfv3:DomAf The OSPF address family domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtdmc:ADom This objects hold per routed multicast domain (vrf) information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pim:Dom PIM domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:BD This object holds nd information that is operated at a
interface level |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rib:Dom The domain (VRF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vpc:Dom The vPC domain information. There is only one configurable vPC domain that is in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:CpEntity The control plane entity abstraction. This object represents a feature or protocol on the switch. For example, OSPF and VPC features. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ac:Entity Holds entity information for the atomic counters control plane. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aib:Entity This is a top-level placeholder for the Adjacency Information Base (AIB) attributes, if any. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
copp:Entity Represents control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dpp:Entity Holds dpp control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fcoe:Entity Holds Fcoe-mgr control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
glean:Entity Control plane entity information for this glean. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
im:Entity A stub to categorize the runtime states of the interface manager module. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cdp:Entity Holds cdp control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
lacp:Entity Holds lacp control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
lldp:Entity LLDP allows network devices to advertise information about themselves to other devices on the network. This protocol runs over the data-link layer, which allows two systems running different network layer protocols to learn about each other. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mcp:Entity The MisCabling Protocol (MCP) entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
poe:Entity Holds Power over Ethernet control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:Entity The spanning-tree protocol control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
udld:Entity Holds udld control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:Entity Represents ARP control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bfd:Entity Holds bfd control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Entity The BGP control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Entity The COOP control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:Entity Holds DHCP control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dns:Entity The DNS control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabrgm:Entity Holds fabric routed multicast group manager entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fhs:Entity Holds FHS control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hsrp:Entity Holds HSRP control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmpv4:Entity Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv4) control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmpv6:Entity Per Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ip:Entity IP control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmc:AEntity Holds IP Multicast control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmp:Entity Holds igmp control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipv4:Entity A container for IPV4 control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:Entity The neighbor discovery protocol entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:AEntity An abstraction of the OSPF control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Entity The OSPF control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtdmc:AEntity Holds routed multicast control plane entity information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pim:Entity PIM control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3vm:Entity A container for the L3VM entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
proc:Entity A container of processes in the system. This object holds detailed information about various processes running on the APIC. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
proc:System A container of processes in the system. This object holds detailed information about various processes running on the switch. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qosm:Entity A policy container for QoS related entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rpm:Entity A container for route processor module control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
satm:Entity The satellite manager entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:Acct The SPAN global accounting information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:Entity The SPAN manager control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
sysmgr:Entity Contains system manager control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vpc:Entity The vPC control plane entity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:CpInst A control plane instance abstraction. This object represents an instance of the protocol. For example, the protocol instance of OSPF or ISIS. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
acl:Inst Holds service instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ethpm:Inst Stores global configuration for a running EthPM instance. (one instance per system) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fcoe:Inst This objects hold per fcoe-mgr instance information. There is only one instance of fcoe-mgr running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fcpm:Inst This class shall store the global configuration for a running FcPM instance. We have single FcPM in a system |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
im:Inst A container that stores the global runtime state of the interface manager module. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3vm:Inst An internal object used by NX-OS processes to contain other runtime objects. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
npv:Inst This objects hold per NPV instance information. There is only one instance of NPV instance running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cdp:Inst The object that represents the CDP instance information. Currently only one CDP instance is supported. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dot1x:Inst This objects hold per dot1x instance information. There is
only one instance of dot1x running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
lacp:Inst The LACP instance information. Only one LACP instance is currently supported. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
lldp:Inst Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) supports a set of attributes that it uses to discover neighbor devices. These attributes contain type, length, and value descriptions and are referred to as TLVs. LLDP supported devices can use TLVs to receive and send information to their neighbors. Details such as configuration information, device capabilities, and device identity can be advertised using this protocol. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
macsec:Inst This objects hold per macsec instance information. There is
only one instance of macsec running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mcp:Inst The MisCabling Protocol (MCP) instance information. In the current implementation, only one instance of MCP is running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
poe:Inst This objects hold per Power over Ethernet instance information. There
is only one instance of Power over Ethernet running in the system
today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:Inst A container for per spanning-tree protocol (STP) instance information. There is only one instance of STP running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
udld:Inst This objects hold per udld instance information. There is only one instance of udld running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:Inst Represents per-ARP instance information. In the current implementation,
only one instance of ARP is running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bfd:Inst This objects hold per bfd instance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Inst The per BGP instance information. There is only instance supported in BGP. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Inst The per-COOP instance information. There is only one instance of this object present in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:Inst The DHCP instance information. There is only one instance of DHCP relay currently running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabrgm:Inst This objects hold per fabrgm instance information. There is only one instance of fabrgm running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fhs:Inst This objects hold per fhs instance information. There is only
one instance of fhs running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hsrp:Inst This objects holds HSRP instance information. There is |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmp:Inst The per ICMP instance information. There is only one instance currently running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmpv4:Inst Per Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv4) instance information. There is only one instance of icmpv4 currently running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
icmpv6:Inst Per Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) instance information. There is only one instance currently running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ip:Inst Per IP instance information. There is only one instance of IP currently running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmc:AInst This objects hold per IPMC instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmp:Inst This objects hold per igmp instance information. There is only
one instance of igmp running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmcsnoop:Inst This objects hold per IPMC snooping instance information. There is only one instance of IPMC snooping running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:Inst Holds per IGMP instance information. There is only one instance of IGMP running in the system today. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mldsnoop:Inst This objects hold per mld instance information. There is only one instance of mld running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipsec:Inst This objects holds IPSEC instance information. There is only one instance of IPSEC supported currently |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipv4:Inst A container for IPV4 instance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipv6:Inst The IPv6 information. In the current implementation, only one instance of IPv6 is running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mrib:Inst These objects hold per routed multicast instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:Inst The per neighbor discovery instance information. In the current implementation, only one instance of ND is running in the system. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Inst The per OSPF instance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ptp:Inst This object holds PTP instance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtdmc:AInst This objects hold per routed multicast instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pc:Inst This object holds per port channel instance information |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vlanmgr:Inst A container for VLAN manager instance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vpc:Inst The vPC instance information. There is only one instance of vpc running in the system today. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vsanmgr:Inst This objects hold per vsan-mgr instance information. There is only one instance of vsan-mgr running in the system today |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:CpTopo A control plane topology abstraction. This object represents a topology within a control plane domain. For example, a forwarding tag. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:Db An abstraction of the database. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:Db A database abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aib:Adj An adjacency database record in the Adjacency Information Base (AIB). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aib:Db A placeholder for all the IP adjacencies. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:Db The ARP database. This contains all information owned by the ARP process, such as dynamic adjacency and arp statistics. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:Route The BGP route table for a particular address family (IPv4 unicast and IPv6 unicast), which contains all the routes advertised by peers and also redistributed into BGP from other routing protocols. This route table is per tenant context (per VRF). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:VpnRoute The BGP route table for a VPN address family (VPNv4 unicast and VPNv6 unicast). The VPN address family routes are exchanged within the fabric over MP-BGP sessions between spines and leafs. Routes are advertised from border leafs to non-border leafs with spines acting as route reflectors. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
bgp:NextHop The BGP route information for the next hop. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Db An abstraction of the COOP database (repository). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:TepDb Abstraction of cooptep database (repository) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:Db Represents all the IGMP Snooping database information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:Db The IS-IS database information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:ProtDb A layer 3 protocol database abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
monitor:Db The abstraction of the coop database (repository). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:Db A neighbor discovery database. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:ADb The abstraction of OSPF database information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Db The OSPF database information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
uribv4:Db An IPv4 unicast route information base database. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:Db The abstraction of the SPAN database. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:DbRec An abstraction of a database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:DbRec A database record abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aib:AdjOwner A client in the system that has added the adjacency to the Adjacency Information Base (AIB). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
arp:DbRec The abstraction of an ARP database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Rec The abstraction for the COOP database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:IpRec The IP entries in the COOP endpoint record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:Ipv6Rec The IPv6 entries in the COOP endpoint record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:EpVpcRec The Endpoint Virtual Port Channel (VPC) citizen record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
coop:VpcNodeRec Per-node in the Virtual Port Channel (VPC) configuration record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eigrp:DbRec An abstraction for an EIGRP database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eigrp:ExtProtNhRec The EIGRP nexthop information for external routes. External routes are routes from a different protocol or from a different EIGRP AS. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ipmcsnoop:Rec Abstraction for IP Multicast Snooping database record |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:EpgRec Represents the endpoint group (EPG) entries in the Multicast group record information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:OIFRec Represents the IGMP Snooping outgoing interface list (OIF) information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
igmpsnoop:ReportRec Represents the IGMP Snooping report record information snooped by the igmp-snoop application |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:BdIdRec The IS-IS multicast address family feature provides support for multiple logical topologies over a single physical network. This object contains bridge domain records active for this multicast group element. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:GrpRec The database of fabric multicast group elements. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:LspRec The link state packet information records lists the device's neighbors and prefix reachability information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:NodeIdRec The fabric nodes active for this multicast group element. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:Route An ISIS route is a managed object that captures the routing information learned through ISIS protocol. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
isis:TlvRec The generic Type Length Value (TLV) record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:ProtDbRec A layer 3 protocol database record abstraction. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
monitor:Rec The abstraction for the coop database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:DbRec A neighbor discovery database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:ADbRec An abstraction for an OSPF database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:ALsaRec An abstraction of the link-state advertisement (LSA) records. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:ARoute An abstraction of the OSPF route information is used to establish OSPF sessions between peers. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:Route The OSPF route information is used to establish OSPF sessions between peers. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospfv3:Route The internal OSPF routes in the OSPF RIB (Routing Information Base). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtdmc:ADbRec Abstraction for routed multicast database record |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:Rec The abstract for the SPAN database record. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:EpRec The SPAN endpoint resolution records. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nw:FwDom A data plane domain abstraction. This object represents a domain within a forwarding plane instance. For example, a bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:ADom Layer2 Abstract Domain represents a generic layer 2 flood domain.
It independent of technology like 802.1q, vxlan |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:Dom A generic layer 2 flood domain is independent of such technology as 802.1q. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:BD The Layer 2 Bridge-domain identifies the boundary of a tenant’s bridged/layer 2 traffic. This is similar to a VLAN in a traditional layer 2 switched network. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:CktEp The abstraction of a circuit endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vlan:CktEp A VLAN object created for an endpoint group with an 802.1q encap. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:Dom The Layer 3 Domain (VRF). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:Ctx The tenant context information is equivalent to a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance created for the tenant's L3 network. Similar to a VRF in traditional Cisco routers, the tenant context isolates the IP addresses of the tenant, allowing different tenants to have overlapping IP addresses. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:CtxSubstitute Tenant context object substitute.
Its needed for internal PE purposes but it doesnt instantiate any
VRF in the node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:Inst The infra VRF is created for the iNXOS fabric infrastructure. All communications between fabric elements, such as spine, leaf and vleaf, take place in this VRF. |