![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
reln:Inst This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
reln:From This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtLoginDomain A target relation to an AAA login domain for authentication and authorization. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtPreLoginBanner A target relation to the informational banner displayed before user login authentication. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResAuthRealm A target relation to an authentication realm. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResLdapEp A target relation to the global security management properties for LDAP endpoints and LDAP provider groups. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResRadiusEp A target relation to the RADIUS endpoint policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResTacacsPlusEp A target relation to the TACACS+ endpoint policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResUserEp A target relation to the user endpoint. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtUserEp A target relation to the user endpoint. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cnw:RtActiveIf A target relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cnw:RtMbrIfs A target relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comm:RtPol A target relation to the communication policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtCtrlr A target relation to the VM management system controller. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtDom A target relation to the VM management system domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtEpPD A target relation to abstraction for the endpoint group policy description. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtHv A target relation to the compute hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtHyper A target relation to the compute hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtNic A target relation to the abstract class representing network interface cards. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtOpflexHv Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC
for UI display purposes.
Use the new realtion VNodeToHv.
This exists for backward compatibility.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtPhys A target relation to a physical host or compute server. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtPpNic A target relation to a physical interface on the physical host. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtVNodeToHv Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC
for UI display purposes
This is needed for stats as multiple ODevs can
point to the same Hv.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RtVm A target relation to a virtual machine connected to a hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
datetime:RtFormatPol The format of the date/time values is defined for the entire fabric and the global date/time format policy defines the time-zone. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbg:RtAcLinkS2T A target relation to the atomic counter for a trail link. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbg:RtAcLinkT2D A target relation to the atomic counter for a trail link. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbg:RtAcPath A target relation to the atomic counter path. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgexp:RtData A target relation to the tech support data policy container. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:RtClient Internal object: relation from the dhcpLease to the dhcpClient. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtCcepConn A target relation to an external IO port on a leaf. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtExtChCardOdDiag A target relation to the extended chassis card. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtFcOdDiag A target relation to a fabric card connecting to different IO cards. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtFpOdDiag A target relation to a fabric facing external IO port. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtLcOdDiag A target relation to a line card. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtLpOdDiag A target relation to the host facing ports. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtSupCOdDiag A target relation to the supervisor card. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RtSysCOdDiag A target relation to the system controller card. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
extnw:RtL3DomAtt A target relation to the fabric infrastructure policy domain profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtHIfPolCons A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fc:RtFcIfPolCons Relationship with the fcIfPol policy consumed by this physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RtL2PortAuthCons Relationship with the Port Authentication policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RtL3IfPolCons Relationship with the L3 interface policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtCEpToPathEp A target relation to the abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtCIfPathAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtCtrlrPGrp A target relation to a fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtCtrlrPolGroup A target relation to the fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtCtrlrSRel A target relation to the fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtDestPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of the path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtExtLeaves A target relation to the leaf selector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtFcPathAtt this object is used for creation of static association
with a Path for fcoe. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtLeCardP A target relation to a leaf card profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtLeNodePGrp A target relation to the leaf node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtLePortP A target relation to the leaf fabric port profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtLsAttLink A target relation to the loose node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtLsNode A target relation to the loose node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtModulePolProfile A target relation to the template used for deploying card fabric configuration. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNexthopToProtG A target relation to an abstraction of VPC Protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeDefL3OutAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeL3OutAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeLocation A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeOverride Relation to node override which contains the info on which
policies have to be deployed at node level (override) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodePolGroup A target relation to the abstraction of node policy groups. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtNodeident A target relation to the node identity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtOFabricNode This object is used for creation of static association
with a Node. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtOosPath A target relation to the abstraction of the path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPathAtt A target relation to the abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPathDefL2OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPathDefL3OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPathL2OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPathL3OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPodPGrp A target relation to a pod policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtPodPolGroup A target relation to a pod policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtProtGroup A target relation to the VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtProtGrp A target relation to the VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtProtLbIf A target relation to an abstraction of a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtProtectionGrp A target relation to a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtResNodeIdentP A target relation to the node identity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSHPathAtt This object is used for creation of static association
with a Spine's Host Port's Path. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSpCardP A target relation to a spine card profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSpCardPGrp A target relation to the spine card policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSpNodePGrp A target relation to the spine card policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSpPortP A target relation to a spine port profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtSrcToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtStCEpDefToNode A relation target that represents static endpoints that are associated with this path endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtStCEpDefToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtStCEpToNode A relation target that represents static endpoints that are associated with this node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtStCEpToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
firmware:RtIsrc A target relation to the internal source of firmware images. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
firmware:RtRepo A target relation to the firmware repository population and maintenance information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:From An internal relation base class. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtCtxToEpP A target relation to a resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtExtBD A target relation to connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtIpAddr A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtL3If A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtLbIfToLocale A target relation to a fabric node where this endpoint profile is present. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtRouteToIfConn A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpgProt A target relation to an endpoint group associated with a taboo policy in a given context. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToTunDef A target relation to a tunnel definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtVlanEppAtt A target relation to the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtVxlanEppAtt A target relation to the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtBrConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtEncPhysRtdConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtExtConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtIoPPhysConf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtPhysRtdConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pc:RtVpcConf A target relation to the aggregated interface. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtARemoteHostToEpg A target relation to teh abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtARemoteHostToEpp A target relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtAcExtPolToContext Relation to Context. Created internally only for ExtIp
policies and only when the fv:Ctx is in tn-common.
The Rt Mo when created under the Ctx, triggers a task to send
OutDef objects to the policy |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtBDDefToBD A target relation to a bridge domain policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtClientGrpToEpp A target relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtDefInfraBd A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain (BD). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtDestEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtDevEpg A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtEPpInfoToBD A target relation to the abstract representation of a bridge domain policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtEppToEpCP Relation to fv:EpCP
@@@ To get the criteria for classification
@@@ local relation with resolve remote false
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFromEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFromEpForEpToEpg A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFromEpIp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFromEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFuncToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFvEppInband A target relation to an in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtFvEppOob A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtInstPToNatMappingEPg Relation to the EPg that traffic should
traverse if NAT is required.
Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtLocale A target relation to the fabric node where this endpoint profile is present. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMgmtEPg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMonToFvEppInband A target relation to an in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMonToFvEppInbandEvent A target relation to the in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMonToFvEppOob A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMonToFvEppOobEvent A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtNtpProvToEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtNtpProvToEpp A target relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtPolModAtt A target relation to a bridge domain policy modifier that can override the desired state of the bridge domain. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtProv A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtRtdEpPToNatMappingEPg Relation to the EPg that traffic should
traverse if NAT is required.
Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSecInherited Represents that the EPg is inheriting security configuration from another EPg |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSecProvToEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToBDDef A target relation to a private layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToCtx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToCtxDef A target relation to a context definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToEpP A target relation to an endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSvcBDToBDAtt A target relation to a bridge domain. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtSvcMgmtEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtTenant A target relation to a policy owner in the virtual fabric. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtTermToEPg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtTnlCtx Relation to common TnlCtx and by default enforcable and resolvable are true |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToDomDef A target relation to the domain definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpDef A target relation to an endpoint definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpForEpToEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpForEpgToEp A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpIp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToEpgForEpgToEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToRemoteBDDef A target relation to a private layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToRemoteConnInstrPol A target relation to the various segments of the network that need improvement to allow a more efficient distribution of limited budget resources. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtToRemoteSiteCont Relation that will cause the download of the
fv:SiteCont when required. this will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the LNodePDef Mo.
NOTE: the update-type is 'subtree-with-rels' because the
entire SiteCont hierarchy needs to be pulled down. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtTrEpDst A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtTrEpSrc A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtUnkMacActModAtt A target relation to the bridge domain policy modifier. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtVConnToEpgEp A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtVNode A target relation to the VNode that contains the endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtVsrcToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtAddrInst A target relation to the IP address namespace/IP address range. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtDomDefNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtMcastAddrNs A target relation to the policy definition of the multicast IP address ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtVlanNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtVlanNsDef A target relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the Encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtVxlanNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fvns:RtVxlanNsDef A target relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the Encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
geo:RtSystemRack A target relation to the rack identifier where the node is located. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RtDlPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RtExtPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RtMgmtPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RtNicAdj A target relation to the connectivity to an external network. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RtUlPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAccBaseGrp A target relation to the access policy group providing port configuration. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAccBndlSubgrp A target relation to the access bundle subgroup. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAccCardP A target relation to the module profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAccNodePGrp A target relation to the node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAccPortP A target relation to the interface profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtAttEntP A target relation to the attached entity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtConnectivitySpProfile Relation to infra spine access policy group.
@@@ This relation is used to subscribe node for SpAccPortGrp/RsAttEntP
@@@ AttEntityP/ContNS.
@@@ Upgrade does not allow to change RsConnectivityProfile
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtDomAtt A target relation to a physical or virtual domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtDomP A target relation to a physical or virtual domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtFexGrp A target relation to the port functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtFexp A target relation to the FEX profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtInfraNodeOverride Relation to node override which contains the info on which
policies have to be deployed at node level (override) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtNodePolGroup A target relation to the node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtOut A target relation to the outside interfaces connected to the peer devices. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtStGrpAtt A target relation to the port functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtToInterfacePolProfile Relation to port profile which contains the info on which policies/which interfaces
have to be deployed on the node |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtVpcBndlGrp A target relation to the bundle interface group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtEthIf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtInbandConf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtLsNodeToIf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtMbrIfs A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtNodePortAtt A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtPhysIf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtSpanSrcToL1IfAtt A target relation to an abstraction for a layer-1 interface in the system. The properties apply to all types of interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RtTunnelMbrIfs A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RtL2InstPol A target relation to a policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RtPseudoIf A target relation to the abstract layer 3 interface. If the mode is pseudo interface, the list of all interfaces the DHCP requests is flooded. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RtTenConn A target relation to the tenant context. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RtUserCtx A target relation to tenant context information. The tenant context is equivalent to a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance created for the tenant's L3 network. Similar to a VRF in traditional Cisco routers, the tenant context isolates the IP addresses of the tenant, allowing different tenants to have overlapping IP addresses. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RtGrp A target relation to the managed node connectivity group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RtInbEpg A target relation to the in-band management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RtOobEpg A target relation to the out-of-band management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtCtrlrPMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtEppToMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group (EPG) semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtToRemoteMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
netflow:RtToRemoteNetflowMonitorPolDef Relation that will cause the download of the
netflow:MonitorPolDef and its subtree
when required. This config pull will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the netflow:MonitorPolHolder Mo
We need to bring in the entire subtree since
the subtree may contain Exporter and Record Def Mos
... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:RtIfDefToOspfIf A target relation to the OSPF information that is operated at an interface level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pcons:RtClDep This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pcons:RtOwner This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pim:RtToRemotePimRouteMapDefWrapper Relation that will cause the download of the
pim:RouteMapDefWrapper, which is used for
route-map population. The update-type is subtree
because the whole subtree is needed to be
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pki:RtWebtokenRel A target relation to cryptographic data used for generating and verifying web tokens. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtNodeAaaRecRetP A source relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RtResAuditSwRetP A target relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cdp:RtCdpIfPol A target relation to physical interface configuration policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtFabricipv4expg A target relation to the spine IPV4 explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtFabricmacexpg A target relation to the spine MAC explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtHIfPol A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RtResHIfPol A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
file:RtImportSource A target relation to the remote destination path parameters for the data export. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
firmware:RtFwgrpp A target relation to the firmware specification policy for a node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtBd A target relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtBdToEpRet A target relation to the endpoint retention policy providing the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtCtx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that is shared or belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtCtxToEpRet A target relation to the endpoint retention policy that provides the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtEBd A target relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtEctx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtInfraBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtInstPCtx A target relation to the private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtMgmtBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RtOoBCtx The target relation to the private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RtClusterPolRel A target relation that indicates consumers of a cluster size policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RtResL2InstPol A target relation to the layer 2 instance policy information. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RtBDToOut A target relation to the policy controlling layer 3 connectivity to outside. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
lbp:RtResLbPol A target relation to the dynamic load balancing policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtABDPolMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtAEPgMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtApMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtApplMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtCtxMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group (EPG) semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtMonFexInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtMonIfFabricPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtMonIfInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtResMonInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mon:RtTenantMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:RtBDToNdP A target relation to the neighbor discovery interface policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:RtNdIfPol A target relation to the neighbor discovery interface policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
nd:RtNdPfxPol A target relation to a neighbor discovery prefix policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:RtIfPol A target relation to the OSPF interface-level policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
poe:RtPoeIfPol Relationship to poe policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtCustQosPol A target relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s), and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtResQoSPol A target relation to the QoS classification traffic descriptor and specifications used to categorize a packet within a specific group and making the packet accessible for QoS handling in the network. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtResQosInstPol A target relation to a resolvable QOS instance policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RtSnmpPol A target relation to an SNMP policy that contains site information and general protocol configuration parameters. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:RtMstInstPol A target relation to the multiple spanning-tree protocol policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:RtStpIfPol A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol interface policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtCfgToVConn A target relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtFiltGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtInTermGraphAtt A target relation to an output terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtOutTermGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtSubjGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtVnsmdev A target relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtAnyToConsIf A target relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtCons A target relation to a consumer. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtConsIf A target relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtDenyRule A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtFiltAtt A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtIntraEpg Intra EPg contract:
Represents that the EPg is moving from "allow all within epg" mode
to a "deny all within epg" mode.
The only type of traffic allowed between EPs in this EPg is the one
specified by contracts EPg associates to with this relation.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtOoBCons A target relation to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The out-of-band binary contract profiles can only be provided by an out-of-band endpoint group and can only be consumed by the external prefix set. A regular endpoint group cannot provide or consume an out-of-band contract profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtOoBProv A target relation to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The out-of-band binary contract profiles can only be provided by an out-of-band endpoint group and can only be consumed by the external prefix set. A regular endpoint group cannot provide or consume an out-of-band contract profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtProtBy A target relation to a taboo contract. A taboo contract provides a way for an endpoint group to specify the subjects on which communication is not allowed. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtSubjFiltAtt A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtDefToCustomPol A target relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s), and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtDefToDot1PClass A target relation to the class for dot1p to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtDefToDscpClass A target relation to the class for DSCP to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RtToRemoteQosDppPolDef Relation that will cause the download of the
qos:DppPolDef when required this will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the qosDppPolHolder Mo
NOTE: the update-type is 'self' because this MO
is very simple and doesn't need to update a
subtree, but just itself, hence is much more
... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RtCommToCtxAtt A target relation to the SNMP context used to scope the view of the OIDs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RtDestGroup A target relation to SNMP destination group. This group contains information needed to send traps or informs to a set of destinations |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
stp:RtToEncapInstDef A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol encap instance profile definition. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
synthetic:RtToAObj @faultExplanation This is a custom explanation for a relation fault. @faultRecommendedAction This is a custom recommended action for a relation fault |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vlan:RtSrcEncap A target relation to the VLAN object created for an endpoint group with an 802.1q encap. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vlan:RtToVlanCkt Relationship to the vlan::CktEp Used for DVS USEG feature for ref counting number of Ckts using this rule Single vlanCktEp will be shared by multiple base EPGs in a given BD |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtALDevToDomP A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtAcc A target relation to the user account profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtBaseCtrlrP A target relation to the VMM controller profile. The VMM controller profile is a policy pertaining to a single VM management domain that also corresponds to a single policy enforcement domain. A cluster of VMware VCs forms such a domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtBaseDomP A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtCtrlrP A target relation to a vCenter controller in the VMM manager component. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtDomP An internal object (in the comp domain scope) created as part of relation to a VMM domain profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtDompRel A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtProvP A target relation to the VMM provider profile. The provider profile is a container for storing the policies of VMM systems from a particular vendor (VMware or Microsoft). This container is automatically created by the system. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RtVmmCtrlrP A target relation to the VMM controller profile. The VMM controller profile is a policy pertaining to a single VM management domain that also corresponds to a single policy enforcement domain. A cluster of VMware VCs forms such a domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtBDDefToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtBDDefToLIf A target relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtBdConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtCDevAtt A target relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtCDevOperInfoToCDev A target relation to a concrete device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. This object is generated and used only by internal process. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtCIfAtt A target relation to a set of concrete interfaces from the device in the cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtCfgToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtConnToAConn Optional relation used to figure out the Epg where IP are learnt
for the EpAttach feature
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtConnToAConnInst Optional relation - Required only when user wants to specify the connector
to use for ep attach |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtConnToCtxTerm A target relation to a terminal. This is an internal object that is only required when VRF split is intended. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtConnToLIfInst A target relation to a logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtConnector A target relation to the meta-connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtDevPingToCDev A target relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtDfctToCat A target relation to the Cisco defined category of the defect. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtEPgDefToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtEPgDefToLIf A target relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtEPpInfoAtt A target relation to endpoint profile information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtEventConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtFolderInstAtt A target relation to a folder instance configured by the administrator. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtFromLDevForExtToEp A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtFromLDevForIpToEpg A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtFunction A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtGraphInstToLDevCtx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtGraphInstanceMeta A target relation to an abstract graph is made of up of abstract nodes. Abstract nodes are comprised of service nodes, such as a service node balancer (SLB) or firewall (FW), abstract term nodes (the nodes that are connected to EPGs), and connections. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtInterface A target relation to an interface label. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtLDevAtt A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtLDevInst A target relation to the object that ties a contract, graph and device. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtLdevIfToLDev A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtMConnAtt A target relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtMConnAttInst A target relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtMDevAtt A target relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. The metadata contains vendor-specific data including the vendor name, device model, and device version. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtMetaIf A target relation to an interface label. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtNodeInstMeta A target relation to an abstract node representing a service node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtNodeInstToLDevCtx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtNodeToAbsFuncProf A target relation to an abstract function profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtNodeToMFunc A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtProfToMFunc A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtScopeToTerm A target relation to a terminal. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtTarget A target relation to meta folder information. Note that this relation is an internal object.m |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtTermInstMeta A target relation to an abstract terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtToLDevForEpToExt A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtToLDevForEpgToIp A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtVConnToVConn A target relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtVnsCtrlrEp A target relation to the controller appliance IP address and connectivity information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtVnsldev A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RtVnsldevctx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtBdFloodTo A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtConnToFlt A target relation to an abstraction of a filter object, which can be a filter, folder of filters , or a collection of filters. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtConnToFltInst A target relation to an abstraction of a filter object, which can be a filter, folder of filters , or a collection of filters. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtCtxMcastTo A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtIf A target relation to an abstract resolvable contract. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtProvDef A target relation to the container for a contract endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtRFltAtt A target relation to a resolved filter profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtRFltPOwner A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtTnDenyRule A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RtToCtrct A target relation to a contract endpoint group container. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
reln:To This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsFvEppInband A source relation to an in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsFvEppOob A source relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsLoginDomain A source relation to an AAA login domain for authentication and authorization. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsPol A source relation to the communication policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsPreLoginBanner A source relation to the informational banner displayed before user login authentication. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsSecProvToEpg A source relation to the endpoint group through which the provider server is reachable. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
aaa:RsUserEp A source relation to a user endpoint. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
actrl:RsToVlanCkt Relationship to the vlan::CktEp Used for DVS USEG feature for ref counting number of Ckts using this rule Single vlanCktEp will be shared by multiple base EPGs in a given BD |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
callhome:RsDestGroupRel The name of the node destination group. This is the full path to the organization. The maximum supported string length is 255 ASCII characters. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cnw:RsActiveIf A source relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
cnw:RsMbrIfs A source relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsCtrlr A source relation to the VM management system controller. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsDlPol A source relation to the common policies for the interface connected to the node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsDom A source relation to the VM management system domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsDomP A source relation to the VMM domain profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsHv A source relation to the compute hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsMgmtPol A source relation to the common policies for the VM interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsNicAdj A source relation to the connectivity to the external network. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsPhys A source relation to a physical host or compute server. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsPpNic A source relation to a physical interface on the physical host. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsProvP A source relation to the VMM provider profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
comp:RsUlPol A source relation to the common policies for the interface connected to the node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
compat:RsFabRel A source relation to the firmware versions that can co-exist in fabric. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
compat:RsNeighRel A source relation to the firmware versions compatible between directly connected neighbors |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
compat:RsProtGRel A source relation to the firmware versions compatible between VPC peers. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
compat:RsSuppHw A source relation to the hardware model supported by specific firmware. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
compat:RsUpgRel A source relation to the firmware versions compatible for upgrade/downgrade. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
datetime:RsNtpProvToEpp A source relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsAcExtPolToContext Relation to Context. Created internally only for ExtIp
policies and only when the fv:Ctx is in tn-common.
The Rt Mo when created under the Ctx, triggers a task to send
OutDef objects to the policy |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsFromEp A source relation to the client endpoint attaching to the network. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsFromEpg A source relation to the set of requirements for an application-level endpoint group instance. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsToEp A source relation to the client endpoint attaching to the network. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsToEpg A source relation to the set of requirements for an application-level endpoint group instance. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgac:RsToEpgForEpgToEpg A source relation to the set of requirements for an application-level endpoint group instance. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgexp:RsData A source relation to the tech support data to be collected. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dbgexp:RsExportDest A source relation to the remote destination path parameters for the data export. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:RsClient Internal object: relation from the dhcpLease to the dhcpClient. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:RsProv An endpoint group associated with the DHCP relay profile. Hosts/clients in the endpoint group can obtain IP addresses acquired via the DHCP relay profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dhcp:RsPseudoIf A source relation to the abstract layer 3 interface. If the mode is pseudo interface, the list of all interfaces that the dhcp requests is flooded. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
dns:RsProfileToEpp A source relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsExtChCardOdDiag A source relation to the extended chassis. An extended chassis is an extension of the fabric. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsFcOdDiag A source relation to the fabric card connecting different IO cards. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsFpOdDiag A source relation to the fabric facing external IO port. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsLcOdDiag A source relation to a line card (IO card), containing IO ports. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsSupCOdDiag A source relation to the supervisor card that contains the CPU running control plate. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqptdiagp:RsSysCOdDiag A source relation to the system controller card. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
extnw:RsOut A source relation to an abstraction of the port functions. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsCtrlrPolGroup A source relation to appliance policy group, which contains the info on which policies have to be deployed at pod level. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsModulePolProfile A source relation to the template used for deploying card fabric configuration. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsNodeOverride Relation to node override which contains the info on which
policies have to be deployed at node level (override) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsNodePolGroup A source relation to the abstraction of node policy groups. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsPodPolGroup A source relation to the pod policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsInfraNodeOverride Relation to node override which contains the info on which
policies have to be deployed at node level (override) |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsNodePolGroup A source relation to the node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsToEncapInstDef This is an internal object used to keep track of which namespaces are allowed on a set of ports. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsToInterfacePolProfile Relation to port profile which contains the info on which policies/which interfaces
have to be deployed on the node |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RsPsuInstPolCons A source relation to a power redundancy policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsCdpIfPolCons A source relation to CDP interface policy parameters. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsCoppIfPolCons Relationship with the coppIf policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsFcIfPolCons Relationship with the fcIfPol policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsHIfPolCons A source relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsL2PortAuthCons Relationship with the Port Authentication policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsL3IfPolCons Relationship with the L3 interface policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsLacpIfPolCons A source relation to the port-Level LACP member policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsLldpIfPolCons A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsMacsecPolCons Relationship with the cdp/lacp/lldp if policy
consumed by this physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsMonPolIfPolCons A source relation to the base monitoring policy model. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsPoeIfPolCons Relationship with the poe policy consumed by this
physical interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l1:RsStpIfPolCons A source relation to the Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsAcLinkS2T A source relation to an atomic counter for a link. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsAcPath A source relation to the atomic counter for a path. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsAcTrail A source relation to the atomic counter for a trail. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsCtrlrPGrp A source relation to policy group providing policies for appliance nodes in the pod. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsExtLeaves The leaf selector provides the node IDs to which the FEX will connect. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsFabFw A source relation to the firmware versions in use by fabric. This is maintained on IFC to keep track of firmwares in use. All nodes resolve this relation via policy resolution. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsLePortPGrp A source relation to the policy providing lag/singular function semantics to the ports. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsOFabricNode This object is used for creation of static association
with a Node. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsPodPGrp A source relation to the pod policy group specifying policies to the leaf nodes in the pod. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsProtGrp A source relation to the VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResLdapEp A source relation to the global security management properties for LDAP endpoints and LDAP provider groups. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResNodeIdentP A source relation to the node identity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResPkiEp A source relation to the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) configuration. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResPol A source relation to the communication policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResRadiusEp A source relation to the global security management properties for RADIUS endpoints and RADIUS provider groups. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResTacacsPlusEp A source relation to the global security management properties for TACACS+ endpoints and TACACS+ provider groups. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsSpPortPGrp A source relation to the policy providing lag/singular function semantics to the ports. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsToGrpRef A source relation to the group of ports in a leaf node connected to the same loose node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fault:RsMonToFvEppOobEvent A source relation for the out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fcpr:ARs Super class for all relations used to pull policies |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsFcPathAtt this object is used for creation of static association
with a Path for fcoe. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsPathAtt A source relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:ARsToRemote Super class for all relations pulling
policies down to PE, excluding flow controlled
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteBDDef A source relation to a network context that is shared or belongs to a specific tenant or context. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteNetflowMonitorPolDef Relation that will cause the download of the
netflow:MonitorPolDef and its subtree
when required. This config pull will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the netflow:MonitorPolHolder Mo
We need to bring in the entire subtree since
the subtree may contain Exporter and Record Def Mos
... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemotePimRouteMapDefWrapper Relation that will cause the download of the
pim:RouteMapDefWrapper, which is used for
route-map population. The update-type is subtree
because the whole subtree is needed to be
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteQosDppPolDef Relation that will cause the download of the
qos:DppPolDef when required this will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the qosDppPolHolder Mo
NOTE: the update-type is 'self' because this MO
is very simple and doesn't need to update a
subtree, but just itself, hence is much more
... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:ARsToRemoteFC Super class for all relations pulling
policies down to PE with flow control
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsAeToCtrct A source relation to the container for a contract endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBdFloodTo A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCEpToPathEp A source relation to a path endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCcepConn A source relation to an external IO port on a leaf. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCtxMcastTo A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsDomAtt An EPG can be linked to a domain profile via the Associated Domain Profiles. The domain profiles attached can be VMM, Physical, L2 External, or L3 External Domains. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsDomDefNs A source relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsDomDefNsLocal A source relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsDyPathAtt A source relation to the path endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsEppBgpCtxPol A source relation to the BGP context policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsEppOspfCtxPol A source relation to the context-level OSPF timer policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsEppOspfIfPol A source relation to the OSPF interface-level policy information. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsEppToEpCP Relation to fv:EpCP
@@@ To get the criteria for classification
@@@ local relation with resolve remote false
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsEppToMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsLNode A source relation to the logical node. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsLocale The fabric node where this endpoint profile is present. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsLsNodeAtt A source relation to a loose node. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsNic A source relation to an interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsNodeAtt The static association with an access group is a bundled or unbundled group of ports. The existence of this object implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node to which the relationship points. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsNodePortAtt A source relation to an L1 interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsOpflexHv Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC
for UI display purposes.
Use the new realtion VNodeToHv.
This exists for backward compatibility.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsProvDef A source relation to a binary contract profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsRtdEpPToNatMappingEPg Relation to the EPg that traffic should
traverse if NAT is required.
Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsSecInherited Represents that the EPg is inheriting security configuration from another EPg |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsStCEpToPathEp A source relation to the abstraction of a path endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsStGrpAtt A source relation to the port functions. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsStPathAtt A source relation to the path endpoint. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsSvcBDToBDAtt A source relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsTnDenyRule A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsTnlCtx Relation to common TnlCtx and by default enforcable and resolvable are true |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToCtrct An internal used for security rule deployment. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToDomDef A source relation to domain information. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToEpDef A source relation to an endpoint definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteConnInstrPol A source relation to the various segments of the network that need improvement to allow a more efficient distribution of limited budget resources. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteRFltAtt A source relation to an internal representation of a filter. This exists on the node to download filters. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToRemoteSiteCont Relation that will cause the download of the
fv:SiteCont when required. this will be
triggered by behavioural code on PE when
handling changes on the LNodePDef Mo.
NOTE: the update-type is 'subtree-with-rels' because the
entire SiteCont hierarchy needs to be pulled down. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToTabooDef A source relation to a taboo definition. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsVNode A source relation to an opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsVNodeToHv Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC
for UI display purposes
This is needed for stats as multiple ODevs can
point to the same Hv.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsVm A source relation to a virtual machine connected to a hypervisor. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:To An internal base class used for managing object relations. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
eqpt:RsIoPPhysConf A source relation to an L1 Ethernet interface. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsToTunDef A source relation to a tunnel. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ip:RsIpAddr A source relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsDot1pRuleAtt A source relation to the set of Dot1P rules. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsDscpRuleAtt A source relation to a set of DSCP rules. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsExtBD A source relation to the interface connectivity. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsExtConf A source relation to an L1 interface. This is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsPathDomAtt A source relation to the ports on this domain is allowed. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RsCtxToEpP A source relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RsEncPhysRtdConf A source relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical interfaces and aggregated interfaces. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RsL3If The source of the sub-interface/l3-interface. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RsLbIfToLocale A loopback created for the router ID. This relation is un-enforced because the code tries to access the real-time monitoring tool. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3:RsPhysRtdConf A source relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical interfaces and aggregated interfaces. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtmap:RsExtCommAtt A source relation to the route control rule for extended community lists. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtmap:RsRegCommAtt A source relation to the route control rule for regular community lists. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtmap:RsRtDstAtt A source relation to the route control rule for prefix lists. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtmap:RsRtNhAtt A source relation to the route control rule for prefix lists. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
rtmap:RsRtSrcAtt A source relation to the route control rule for prefix lists. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vlan:RsVlanEppAtt A source relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vxlan:RsVxlanEppAtt A source relation to an abstract representation of a resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RsEpPD A source relation to the abstraction for the endpoint group policy description. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RsExtPol A source relation to the common policies for the interfaces on VMs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
hvs:RsLsNode A source relation to an externally connected node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsVlanNs A source relation to the policy definition for ID ranges used for VLAN encapsulation. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsVxlanNs A source relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsAccBaseGrp A source relation to the access policy group providing port configuration. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsConnectivitySpProfile Relation to infra spine access policy group.
@@@ This relation is used to subscribe node for SpAccPortGrp/RsAttEntP
@@@ AttEntityP/ContNS.
@@@ Upgrade does not allow to change RsConnectivityProfile
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsDomP A source relation to a physical or virtual domain. Users need to create this to provide association between physical infrastructure policies and the domains. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsProtGroup A source relation to a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsProtectionGrp A source relation to a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsSHPathAtt This object is used for creation of static association
with a Spine's Host Port's Path. Existence of this implies that the
corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the
node to which the relationship points.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:ToAInstP Superclass for all unresolvable/unenforceable relations to namespace. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsVlanNsDef A source relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the Encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsVxlanNsDef A source relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsEthIf A source relation to an L1 interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2:RsInbandConf A source relation to an L1 Ethernet interface. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2ext:RsPathDefL2OutAtt The object used to create a static association with a leaf host port. The existence of this object implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node pointed to by the relationship. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsInstPToNatMappingEPg Relation to the EPg that traffic should
traverse if NAT is required.
Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsL3DomAtt A source relation to the outside domain advertising these prefixes and relationship to the L2 domain for external SWI. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsNodeDefL3OutAtt The object used for creating a static association with a fabric node. Existence of this implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node pointed to by the relationship. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsNodeL3OutAtt A static association with each leaf node that is part of the node profile. The corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the specified node. This object must contain a router ID that will be used as the OSPF/BGP router ID. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsPathDefL3OutAtt The object used for creating a static association with a leaf host port. Existence of this implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node pointed to by the relationship. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsPathL3OutAtt The path endpoints (ports and port channels) used to reach the external layer 3 network. The corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the specified leaf path endpoints. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
leqpt:RsLsNodeToIf A source relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical interfaces and aggregated interfaces. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
maint:RsPolNotif A source relation to the notification specification. Specifies a notification for maintenance policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsAddrInst A source relation to the IP address namespace/IP address range. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsGrp A source relation to the managed node group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsInbEpg A source relation to the in-band management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsOobEpg A source relation to an out-of-band management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
oam:RsSrcEncap A source relation to an 802.1q VLAN. This object indicates the VLAN an endpoint belongs to. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:RsIfDefToOspfIf A source relation to the OSPF information that is operated at an interface level. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pc:RsMbrIfs A source relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pcons:RsClDep This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pcons:RsOwner This is generated and used only by internal processes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:APrToPol Super class for the Relation from the resolver object to the policy
used to efficiently (once per shard) pull the policy |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsApplMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsApplCoreP A source relation to the core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsCallhomeInvPol A source relation to the policy for periodically sending Call Home messages with system inventory information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsNodeCoreP A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsNodeTechSupP A source relation to a utility that creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs, and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsPodPGrpCoopP A source relation to the COOP (council of oracle protocol) group policy information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResAuditSwRetP A source relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResCatFwP A source relation to the catalog firmware policy version. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResCoopPol A source relation to the COOP group policy information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResCoreP A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResEventSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy for all events on all switches to which the policy is applied. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResFaultSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy of the fault history records for switches. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResHealthSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy of the health score history records for switches. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResL2InstPol A source relation to the Layer 2 instance policy information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResMonCommonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the common semantic scope. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResPsuInstPol A source relation to the power redundancy policy. This object indicates which policy is associated with fabric. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fabric:RsResTechSupP A source relation to a utility that creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs, and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
firmware:RsFwgrpp A source relation to the firmware specification policy for a node. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:AToBD A super class for relation from the endpoint group to a private layer 2 bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBd A source relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l2ext:RsEBd A source relation to the private layer 2 bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCons The Consumer contract profile information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsIntraEpg Intra EPg contract:
Represents that the EPg is moving from "allow all within epg" mode
to a "deny all within epg" mode.
The only type of traffic allowed between EPs in this EPg is the one
specified by contracts EPg associates to with this relation.
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsProv A contract for which the EPG will be a provider. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:EPgToInterface Super class for all relations from EPg to contract/bundle interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsConsIf A contract for which the EPG will be a consumer. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsABDPolMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsAEPgMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsApMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBDSubnetToProfile The external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBDToOut A source relation to the policy controlling connectivity to the outside. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBDToProfile A source relation to external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBDToRelayP A source relation to the DHCP relay profile. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBdToEpRet A source relation to the endpoint retention policy providing the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsBgpCtxPol A source relation to the BGP timer policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCtx A source relation to a private layer 3 network context that either belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCtxMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCtxToEpRet Name of the endpoint retention policy associated with this context. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsCustQosPol A source relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s) and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsIgmpsn A source relation to the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsOspfCtxPol A source relation to the context-level OSPF timer policy. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsProtBy The taboo contract for which the EPG will be a provider and consumer. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
fv:RsTenantMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsInfraBD A source relation to the private layer 2 broadcast domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsLacpPol A source relation to the LAG policy. This object indicates the LAG policy that is associated with this bundle group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsMacsecIfPol Relationship to policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsPoeIfPol Relationship to poe policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResCdpIfPol A source relation to a CDP interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResHIfPol A source relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResLacpIfPol A source relation to the port level LACP member policy configured parameters. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResMonInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the Infra semantic scope. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResQoSPol A source relation to the QoS classification traffic descriptor and specifications used to categorize a packet within a specific group and making the packet accessible for QoS handling in the network. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsResQosInstPol A source relation for resolving QOS policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsSpanVDestGrp A source relation to all end points (or IP in the case of ERSPAN) to which the SPAN packets will be spanned. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
infra:RsStpIfPol A source relation to the spanning-tree protocol (STP) policy. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
l3ext:RsEctx The private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
maint:RsMgrpp A source relation to the maintenance policy specification for a node or set of nodes. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsInstPCtx A source relation to the private layer 3 network context. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsMgmtBD A source relation to the management bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsOoBCons An external management entity instance profile to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The instance profiles of external management entities can communicate with nodes that are part of out-of-band management endpoint group. To enable this communication, a contract is required between the instance profile and the out-of-band management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsOoBCtx A source relation to the private layer 3 network context. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
mgmt:RsOoBProv A source relation to an out-of-band contract profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
ospf:RsIfPol A source relation to the OSPF interface-level policy information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsClusterPolRel An internal relation to admin cluster size policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsDbgrConfigExportP A source relation to the export policy used to setup the system configuration backup process. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsDbgrConfigImportP A source relation to the import policy used for naming the file being imported, selecting the import type (merge or replace), choosing the level of strictness for importing (best effort of atomic), selecting the admin state of the import policy (enabled or disabled), and entering the import source (the path for locating the backup data being imported). Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsExportPRel A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsFabricipv4expg A source relation to the spine IPv4 explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsVnsmdev A source relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:RsProvToVDestGrp A source relation to the name of the group used to match VSPAN sources with VSPAN destination(s). |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsDefaultLacpLagPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. LLDP uses the logical link control (LLC) services to transmit and receive information to and from other LLDP agents. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsDefaultStpIfPol A source relation to the spanning-tree protocol (STP) policy. The STP policy prevents loops from being formed when the interfaces are interconnected via multiple paths. Spanning-Tree Protocol implements the 802.1D IEEE algorithm by exchanging BPDU messages with other switches to detect loops, and then removes the loop by shutting down selected bridge interfaces. This algorithm guarantees that there is one and only one active path between two netw... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsCfgToVConn A source relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:AnyToInterface Super class for all relations from vzAny to contract/bundle interface |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsAnyToConsIf A source relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de... |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsDenyRule A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsFiltAtt A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsFiltGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsInTermGraphAtt A source relation to an output terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the output end. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsOutTermGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsSubjFiltAtt The filter for the subject of a service contract. A subject represents
a sub-application running behind an endpoint group, such as an exchange server. A
subject is parented by the contract. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsSubjGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsAeCtrlrL2InstPol A source relation to the layer 2 instance policy information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsAecatfirmwarep A source relation to the catalog firmware policy version. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsAecatmaintp A source relation to the catalog maintenance specification. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsAectrlrfirmwarep A source relation to the controller firmware policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsAectrlrmaintp A source relation to the controller maintenance policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsCatRel A source relation to the compatibility catalog. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsCatalog A source relation to the compatibility catalog. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsClientRel A source relation to a DHCP client. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsCtrlrDatetimeFormat A source relation to the format of the date/time values for the entire fabric. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsCtrlrDnsProfile A source relation to the DNS profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsDompRel A source relation to the VMM domain profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsFirmware A source relation to the firmware specification. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsFirmwareRepoP A source relation to the firmware repository population and maintenance information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsFormatPol A source relation to the format of the date/time values for the entire fabric. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsInvPRef A source relation to the system inventory policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsIsrc A source relation to the internal source of firmware images. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsMonPolRef A source relation to the base monitoring policy model. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsMonToFvEppInband A source relation to the base monitoring policy model. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsMonToFvEppOob A source relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsNodeident A source relation to the node identity policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsRepo A source relation to the firmware repository population and maintenance information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsResCtrlrCompatCat A source relation to the compatibility catalog. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsVnsCtrlrEp A source relation to the controller appliance IP address and connectivity information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsVnsldev A source relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsVnsldevctx A source relation to a device cluster context. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
pol:RsWebtokenRel A source relation to the cryptographic data used for generating and verifying web tokens. Note that this relation is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RsDefToCustomPol A source relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s), and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RsDefToDot1PClass A source relation to the class for dot1p to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
qos:RsDefToDscpClass A source relation to the class for DSCP to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RsClientGrpToEpp A source relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RsCommToCtxAtt A source relation to the SNMP context used to scope the view of the OIDs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RsDestGroup A source relation to an SNMP destination group. This group contains information needed to send traps or informs to a set of destinations. . |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
snmp:RsEpg A source relation to the endpoint group VRF through which the clients can connect. The VRF is an in-band or out-of-band management endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:RsSrcToBD The source relation to a private Layer 2 bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:RsSrcToBDDef A source relation to a private Layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or context, or is shared. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:RsSrcToCtx A source relation to the private Layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
span:RsSrcToCtxDef A source relation to a private L3 network context belonging to a specific tenant. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
synthetic:RsPhysIf A source relation to the object that represents the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
synthetic:RsToAObj @faultExplanation This is a custom explanation for a relation fault. @faultRecommendedAction This is a custom recommended action for a relation fault |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
syslog:RsDestGroup A source relation to the information required to send syslog messages to a group of destinations. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
top:RsSystemRack A source relation to the rack identifier where the node is located. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
traceroutep:RsTrDst Each device in the path towards the destination decrements the TTL field by one unit while it forwards the packets. When a router in the middle of the path finds a packet with TTL = 1, it responds with an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) time exceeded message to the source. This message lets the source know that the packet traverses that particular router as a hop. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
traceroutep:RsTrSrc Using traceroute on a source device (such as a host, or a router acting as a host), it sends IP packets toward the destination with Time To Live (TTL) values that increment up to the maximum specified hop count. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
tunnel:RsTunnelMbrIfs A source relation to a layer 1 physical Ethernet interface. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
tunnel:RsTunnelToLooseNode A source relation to an external connected node (i.e. blade switch). Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsAcc A source relation to the user account profile. |
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vmm:RsBaseCtrlrP A source relation to the VMM controller profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsBaseDomP A source relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsCtrlrPMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsDomMcastAddrNs A source relation to the policy definition of the multicast IP address ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsMcastAddrNs A source relation to the policy definition of the multicast IP address ranges. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vmm:RsVmmCtrlrP A source relation to the VMM controller profile. The VMM controller profile is a policy pertaining to a single VM management domain that also corresponds to a single policy enforcement domain. A cluster of VMware VCs forms such a domain. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsALDevToVlanInstP A source relation to the policy definition for ID ranges used for VLAN encapsulation. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsALDevToVxlanInstP A source relation to the VxLAN namespace policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vns:RsBDDefToBD A source relation to the bridge domain policy. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsBDDefToConn A source relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsBDDefToLIf A source relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsBdConn A source relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vns:RsCDevAtt A source relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsCDevOperInfoToCDev A source relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsCIfAtt Association to a set of concrete interfaces from the device in the cluster. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsCIfPathAtt A source relation to a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsCfgToConn A source relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vns:RsConnToAConn Optional relation used to figure out the Epg where IP are learnt
for the EpAttach feature
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsConnToAConnInst Optional relation - Required only when user wants to specify the connector
to use for ep attach |
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vns:RsConnToCtxTerm A source relation to a terminal. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsConnToFlt A source relation to a filter. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsConnToFltInst A source relation to a filter. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsConnToLIfInst A source relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsConnector A source relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsDevEpg A source relation for storing management endpoint group related information. This object indicates that the device belongs to the management endpoint group. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsDevPingToCDev This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsDfctToCat A source relation to the Cisco defined category of the defect. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsEPpInfoAtt A source relation to an internal object that stores the encap (vlan/vxlan) information of an endpoint. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsEPpInfoToBD A source relation to the abstract representation of a bridge domain policy. |
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vns:RsEventConn A source relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vns:RsFolderInstAtt A source relation to a folder instance configured by the administrator. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsFunction A source relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsGraphInstToLDevCtx A source relation to a device cluster. This MO is managed internally and should not be modified by the user. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsInterface A source relation to an interface label. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsLDevCtxToLDev A service device cluster of a proxy object for a logical device cluster in the tenant. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsLDevInst A source relation to a logical device instance that holds reusable encap information across service graphs. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsLdevIfToLDev A source relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsMConnAtt A source relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsMConnAttInst A source relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsMDevAtt A source relation to the metadata definitions for a service device type. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsMgmtAddr A source relation to an address block. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsNodeInstMeta A source relation to an abstract node that represents a service node such as server load balancer (SLB) or firewall (FW). Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsNodeInstToLDevCtx The device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsNodeToAbsFuncProf A source relation to an abstract function profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsNodeToMFunc A source relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsPolModAtt A source relation to a bridge domain policy modifier that can override the desired state of the bridge domain. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsProfToMFunc A source relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. The function contains a set of connectors and a function-specific configuration tree. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsScopeToTerm A source relation to contract terminal node for parameter resolution. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsSvcMgmtEpg A source relation to a set of endpoints. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsTarget A source relation to meta folder information. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsTermInstMeta A source relation to an abstract terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsTermToEPg A source relation to a set of endpoints. Note that this relation is an internal object |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsUnkMacActModAtt A source relation to the policy modifying the bridge domain flood settings. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vns:RsVConnToEpgEp A source relation to a set of endpoints. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsVConnToEpgSubnet A source relation to a set of endpoints. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vns:RsVConnToVConn A source relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsIf A source relation to an abstract resolvable contract. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
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vz:RsFwdRFltPAtt A source relation to forward a resolved filter profile. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsRFltPOwner A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:ToRFltP A superclass for all relations to RFltP. |
![[V]](styles/eye.gif) |
vz:RsRFltAtt A source relation to a resolved filter profile. |