Fault fltIpv4NexthopOperStDown

Rule ID:1477

This fault occurs when the operational state of the ipv4 Nexthop is down due to Nexthop configured as local address or when a probe is inactive or trackMember goes down

Recommended Action:
To recover from this fault, try the following actions

  1. Look at any configuration issues
  2. Verify the configuration is correct/complete
  3. If NextHop address is configured as local address, fix the Nexthop address to make configuration correct
  4. If Nexthop is down because of invalid track-id, fix the track-id with valid ID
  5. If Nexthop is down because of track state down, the secondary route will be used to forward all the traffic

Raised on MO: ipv4:Nexthop

Fault Name: fltIpv4NexthopOperStDown

Unqualified API Name: operStDown
Code: F1477
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: ip-provisioning-failed
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Route NextHop is operationally down, reason:operStQual


Triggered By:
         operStQual equals local-addr
         operStQual equals track-id-invalid
         operStQual equals track-state-invalid
         operStQual equals track-state-down