Fault fltL2PortSecurityPolDefMacLimitHit

Rule ID:2406

This fault occurs when the ep learning is disabled on interface

Recommended Action:
If this fault is consistently happening, try the following actions

  1. Check total number of MACs learnt on this interface
  2. Toggle the Port Security violation or change the maximum limit set for number of MACs that can be learnt on this interface
  3. If maximum limit is not set, generate the show tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: l2:PortSecurityPolDef

Fault Name: fltL2PortSecurityPolDefMacLimitHit

Unqualified API Name: macLimitHit
Code: F2406
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: mac-limits-exceeded
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Learning is disabled on if name on node with id id with name name from pod podId of fabric fabricDomain


Triggered By:
        operSt not equals 3