Fault fltEqptExtChOperStOffline

Rule ID:2771

FEX is offline due to SDP timeout

Recommended Action:
To recover from this fault, try the following actions:

  1. 1. Replace the SFP
  2. 2. Replace the fiber
  3. 3. Try changing the port on FEX
  4. 4. If none of the above works, try swapping the connection between the switches

Raised on MO: eqpt:ExtCh

Fault Name: fltEqptExtChOperStOffline

Unqualified API Name: operStOffline
Code: F2771
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: communications
Cause: fex-state-change
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: FEX state changed to offline due to SDP timeout on node id of fabric fabricDomain with a hostname name


Triggered By:
         extChSt equals offline
         controlFPortSDPTimeout equals true