Fault fltVpcIfIfFabricEncapMismatch

Rule ID:3274

This event occurs when there is a mismatch for the fabric-encap allocated for the EPG between vpc peers. It is a result of associating multiple physical domains with overlapping vlan pools to the EPG.

Recommended Action:
For each vlan-encap configured under the EPG, ensure that there is only one physical domain associated to the EPG with a vlan pool that includes the corresponding vlan-encap.

Raised on MO: vpc:If

Fault Name: fltVpcIfIfFabricEncapMismatch

Unqualified API Name: ifFabricEncapMismatch
Code: F3274
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: config
Cause: fabric-encap-mismatch
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: overlapping vlan pools for same encap across different peers (fabEncMismatchVlans).


Triggered By:
         fabEncMismatchVlans not equals 0