Fault fltHcl1PhysicalIfOperPhysIntfOperStateDown

Rule ID:3361

This is a fault state which occurs when a physical interface is not reachable or has not been correctly configured.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions depending on the fault message:

  1. Invalid address: Private ip not in correct format. Please check the config that was posted and try again.
  2. Multiple interface under same subnet: More than one interface was defined under the same subnet. Please check the config that was posted and try again.
  3. IP address is unassigned: the ip address for the interface is not assigned.
    To confirm this please login to the CSR with the fault using: ssh username@csr_ip_address
    Run: show ip int brief
    Once this is confirmed, please try out the following:
    1. If the fault is generated on GigabitEthernet{id}, try to locate the hcloudEndPointOper corresponding to interface physical{id-1}. From the MO, get the privateIpv4Addr.
      Execute the following commands in the CSR CLI:
           conf t
           int Gig {id}
           ip address privateIpv4Addr mask
      Please wait for a sometime and check again to see if the fault is cleared.
    2. If the above did not work, please try executing the following line in the CSR CLI:
           conf t
           int Gig {id}
           no shut
  4. If the fault has not been cleared for a prolonged period, contact CISCO TAC

Raised on MO: hcl1:PhysicalIfOper

Fault Name: fltHcl1PhysicalIfOperPhysIntfOperStateDown

Unqualified API Name: PhysIntfOperStateDown
Code: F3361
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: conf-or-hw-issue
Severity: minor
Weight: 100
Message: Operational State of Physical Interface is down with {a.OperStateQual}


Triggered By: