Class pol:NToRef (ABSTRACT)

Class ID:4592
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Non-Regular MO, like stat/health... - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Write Access: []
Read Access: [admin]
Creatable/Deletable: yes (see Container Mos for details)
Possible Semantic Scopes: EPG, Infra, Fabric,
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Subclasses
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: false, HasFaults: true, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: false ]

Represents a source name.

Naming Rules




Super Mo: reln:To,
Sub Mos: action:RsLSubjToDomainRef, ap:RsClusterPolicy, bfd:RsIfPol, bgp:RsBgpNodeCtxPol, bgp:RsPeerPfxPol, callhome:RsInvScheduler, cloud:RsCloudEPgCtx, cloud:RsCtxToFlowLog, cloud:RsIsakmpPhase1Pol, cloud:RsIsakmpPhase2Pol, cloud:RsToCtx, cloud:RsToHostRouterPol, cloud:RsToVpnGwPol, comm:RsKeyRing, condition:RsNodeAaaRecRetP, condition:RsNodeEventRecRetP, condition:RsNodeFaultRecRetP, condition:RsNodeHealthRecRetP, config:RsExportDestination, config:RsExportScheduler, config:RsImportSource, config:RsRemotePath, datetime:RsNtpProvToNtpAuthKey, dbg:RsTenantToDomainRef, dbgexp:RsTSScheduler, dhcp:RsDhcpOptionPol, dhcp:RsLblDefToRelayP, dhcp:RsRelayP, eigrp:RsIfPol, eigrp:RsKeyChainPol, fabric:PolicyGrpToMonitoring, fabric:RsApplCoreP, fabric:RsApplTechSupOnD, fabric:RsApplTechSupP, fabric:RsCallhomeInvPol, fabric:RsCommPol, fabric:RsDwdmFabIfPol, fabric:RsL3IfPol, fabric:RsMacsecFabIfPol, fabric:RsMacsecPol, fabric:RsNodeCoreP, fabric:RsNodeCtrl, fabric:RsNodeTechSupP, fabric:RsPodPGrpBGPRRP, fabric:RsPodPGrpCoopP, fabric:RsPodPGrpIsisDomP, fabric:RsPsuInstPol, fabric:RsResAuditSwRetP, fabric:RsResCatFwP, fabric:RsResCoopPol, fabric:RsResCoreP, fabric:RsResEventSwRetP, fabric:RsResFabricIPV4ProtPol, fabric:RsResFabricIPV6ProtPol, fabric:RsResFabricMACProtPol, fabric:RsResFabricProtChainP, fabric:RsResFaultSwRetP, fabric:RsResHealthPols, fabric:RsResHealthSwRetP, fabric:RsResL2InstPol, fabric:RsResLbPol, fabric:RsResLldpInstPol, fabric:RsResMonCommonPol, fabric:RsResMonFabricPol, fabric:RsResOngoingAcMode, fabric:RsResPsuInstPol, fabric:RsResTechSupP, fabric:RsSnmpPol, fabric:RsTimePol, fabric:RsToFabricIPV6ProtPol, fabric:RsTwampResponderPol, fabric:RsTwampServerPol, fabric:RsVpcInstPol, fault:RsAaaCtrlrRetLocalP, fault:RsAaaCtrlrRetP, fault:RsEventCtrlrRetLocalP, fault:RsEventCtrlrRetP, fault:RsFaultCtrlrRetLocalP, fault:RsFaultCtrlrRetP, fault:RsHealthCtrlrRetP, fault:RsHealthFabricNode, fault:RsHealthLevelLocalP, fault:RsHealthLevelP, firmware:RsFwgrpp, fv:AToBD, fv:EPgToCollection, fv:EPgToInterface, fv:RsABDPolMonPol, fv:RsAEPgMonPol, fv:RsApMonPol, fv:RsBDSubnetToOut, fv:RsBDSubnetToProfile, fv:RsBDToFhs, fv:RsBDToNdP, fv:RsBDToOut, fv:RsBDToProfile, fv:RsBDToProfileDef, fv:RsBDToRelayP, fv:RsBdToEpRet, fv:RsBgpCtxPol, fv:RsCtx, fv:RsCtxMonPol, fv:RsCtxToBgpCtxAfPol, fv:RsCtxToEigrpCtxAfPol, fv:RsCtxToEpRet, fv:RsCtxToExtRouteTagPol, fv:RsCtxToOspfCtxPol, fv:RsCustQosPol, fv:RsDppPol, fv:RsIgmpsn, fv:RsMldsn, fv:RsNdPfxPol, fv:RsOspfCtxPol, fv:RsProtBy, fv:RsTenantMonPol, fv:RsTrustCtrl, fv:RsVrfValidationPol, hsrp:RsGroupPol, hsrp:RsIfPol, igmp:RsSnoopAccessGroupFilterRMap, infra:RsBfdIpv4InstPol, infra:RsBfdIpv6InstPol, infra:RsCdpIfPol, infra:RsCoppIfPol, infra:RsDwdmIfPol, infra:RsEquipmentFlashConfigPol, infra:RsFcFabricPol, infra:RsFcIfPol, infra:RsFcInstPol, infra:RsFcL2IfPol, infra:RsFcLagPol, infra:RsHIfPol, infra:RsIaclLeafProfile, infra:RsIaclSpineProfile, infra:RsInfraBD, infra:RsL2IfPol, infra:RsL2NodeAuthPol, infra:RsL2PortAuthPol, infra:RsL2PortSecurityPol, infra:RsLacpIfPol, infra:RsLacpInterfacePol, infra:RsLacpPol, infra:RsLeafCoppProfile, infra:RsLldpIfPol, infra:RsMacsecIfPol, infra:RsMcpIfPol, infra:RsMstInstPol, infra:RsNetflowNodePol, infra:RsOverrideCdpIfPol, infra:RsOverrideFwPol, infra:RsOverrideLacpPol, infra:RsOverrideLldpIfPol, infra:RsOverrideMcpIfPol, infra:RsOverrideStpPol, infra:RsPoeIfPol, infra:RsPoeInstPol, infra:RsQosDppIfPol, infra:RsQosEgressDppIfPol, infra:RsQosIngressDppIfPol, infra:RsQosPfcIfPol, infra:RsQosSdIfPol, infra:RsResCdpIfPol, infra:RsResErrDisRecoverPol, infra:RsResHIfPol, infra:RsResLacpIfPol, infra:RsResLacpLagPol, infra:RsResLldpIfPol, infra:RsResLoopProtectPol, infra:RsResMcpIfPol, infra:RsResMcpInstPol, infra:RsResMonInfraPol, infra:RsResNwsFwPol, infra:RsResQoSPol, infra:RsResQosInstPol, infra:RsSpanVDestGrp, infra:RsSpanVSrcGrp, infra:RsSpineBfdIpv4InstPol, infra:RsSpineBfdIpv6InstPol, infra:RsSpineCoppProfile, infra:RsStormctrlIfPol, infra:RsStpIfPol, infra:RsToBfdIpv4InstPol, infra:RsToBfdIpv6InstPol, infra:RsToEpControlP, infra:RsToEpLoopProtectP, infra:RsToErrDisRecoverPol, infra:RsToMcpIfPol, infra:RsToMcpInstPol, infra:RsTopoctrlFastLinkFailoverInstPol, infra:RsTopoctrlFwdScaleProfPol, isakmp:RsProfileToKeyring, l3ext:RsArpIfPol, l3ext:RsDampeningPol, l3ext:RsEctx, l3ext:RsEgressQosDppPol, l3ext:RsIngressQosDppPol, l3ext:RsInstPToProfile, l3ext:RsInterleakPol, l3ext:RsLIfPCustQosPol, l3ext:RsNdIfPol, l3ext:RsSubnetToProfile, maint:RsMgrpp, maint:RsPolCtrlrScheduler, maint:RsPolScheduler, mgmt:RsInstPCtx, mgmt:RsMgmtBD, mgmt:RsOoBCons, mgmt:RsOoBCtx, mgmt:RsOoBProv, nd:RsPfxPToNdPfxPol, nd:RsRaSubnetToNdPfxPol, netflow:ARsInterfaceToMonitor, netflow:ARsMonitorToExporter, netflow:ARsMonitorToRecord, ospf:RsIfPol, pol:RsClusterPolRel, pol:RsDbgrConfigExportP, pol:RsDbgrConfigImportIdP, pol:RsDbgrConfigImportP, pol:RsDbgrConfigRollbackP, pol:RsDbgrConfigSnapshotMgrP, pol:RsDockerImage, pol:RsExportPRel, pol:RsFabricSelfCAEp, pol:RsFabricipv4expg, pol:RsFabricmacexpg, pol:RsPlgnFirmware, pol:RsPluginPol, pol:RsScriptHandlerLock, pol:RsTroubleshootSessionRel, pol:RsVnsmdev, pol:RsVnsmdfctcat, rtctrl:RsCtxPToSubjP, rtctrl:RsScopeToAttrP, span:RsProvDestGrp, span:RsProvToVDestGrp, span:RsSessionToDomainRef, synthetic:RsPolicy, telemetry:ARemoteServer, troubleshoot:RsSessionScheduler, vmm:RsDefaultCdpIfPol, vmm:RsDefaultFwPol, vmm:RsDefaultL2InstPol, vmm:RsDefaultLacpLagPol, vmm:RsDefaultLldpIfPol, vmm:RsDefaultStpIfPol, vns:RsALDevToDevMgr, vns:RsCDevToChassis, vns:RsCfgToVConn, vns:RsClusterPol, vns:RsLDevCtxToRtrCfg, vns:RsLIfCtxToCustQosPol, vns:RsScriptHandlerStateToDomainRef, vns:RsVDevDomainRefContToDomainRef, vns:RsVDevToDomainRef, vz:AnyToCollection, vz:AnyToInterface, vz:RsDenyRule, vz:RsFiltGraphAtt, vz:RsGraphAtt, vz:RsInTermGraphAtt, vz:RsOutTermGraphAtt, vz:RsSubjGraphAtt, vz:SubjectToFilter,

[V] reln:Inst This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] reln:To This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pol:NToRef Represents a source name.
[V] action:RsLSubjToDomainRef 
[V] ap:RsClusterPolicy 
[V] bfd:RsIfPol  Relationship to the BFD interface policy
[V] bgp:RsBgpNodeCtxPol  Relationship to the BGP context policy
[V] bgp:RsPeerPfxPol The source relation to the peer prefix policy.
[V] callhome:RsInvScheduler A source relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] cloud:RsCloudEPgCtx  Relationship to the fvCtx of belonging
[V] cloud:RsCtxToFlowLog 
[V] cloud:RsIsakmpPhase1Pol 
[V] cloud:RsIsakmpPhase2Pol 
[V] cloud:RsToCtx 
[V] cloud:RsToHostRouterPol rel-def name="toDirectConnPol" type='named' to="DirectConnPol" cardinality="n-to-1" owner="admin" mod="explicit" label="Attachment to Direct Connect Pol" report-resolve-fail="yes" resolve-fail-sev="warning" update-type="self" /
[V] cloud:RsToVpnGwPol 
[V] comm:RsKeyRing A source relation to a key ring.
[V] condition:RsNodeAaaRecRetP A source relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy.
[V] condition:RsNodeEventRecRetP A source relation to the switch event retention policy.
[V] condition:RsNodeFaultRecRetP A source relation to the fault retention policy for switches.
[V] condition:RsNodeHealthRecRetP A source relation to health record retention policy.
[V] config:RsExportDestination A source relation to the remote destination path parameters.
[V] config:RsExportScheduler A source relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] config:RsImportSource A source relation to the remote destination path parameters for the data export.
[V] config:RsRemotePath 
[V] datetime:RsNtpProvToNtpAuthKey The authentication key to apply to a specific provider. Keys can be shared with different providers.
[V] dbg:RsTenantToDomainRef 
[V] dbgexp:RsTSScheduler A source relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] dhcp:RsDhcpOptionPol The DHCP option policy.
[V] dhcp:RsLblDefToRelayP Internal object: Relation from dhcpLblDef to dhcpRelayP.
[V] dhcp:RsRelayP A source relation to the DHCP relay profile.
[V] eigrp:RsIfPol A source relation to the EIGRP interface policy.
[V] eigrp:RsKeyChainPol  Relationship to the Tenant level keychain policy
[V] fabric:PolicyGrpToMonitoring 
[V] fabric:RsApplMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] fabric:RsMonIfFabricPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] fabric:RsMonInstFabricPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] fabric:RsMonModuleFabricPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] infra:RsMonBrkoutInfraPol  Statistics Policy
[V] infra:RsMonFexInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] infra:RsMonIfInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] infra:RsMonModuleInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] infra:RsMonNodeInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] fabric:RsApplCoreP A source relation to the core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure.
[V] fabric:RsApplTechSupOnD A source relation to the on-demand tech support policy.
[V] fabric:RsApplTechSupP A source relation to the tech support policy.
[V] fabric:RsCallhomeInvPol A source relation to the policy for periodically sending Call Home messages with system inventory information.
[V] fabric:RsCommPol A source relation to the communication policy.
[V] fabric:RsDwdmFabIfPol  Relation to dwdm:OptChnlIfPol
[V] fabric:RsL3IfPol  L3IfPol policy
[V] fabric:RsMacsecFabIfPol  MACSEC policy
[V] fabric:RsMacsecPol  MACSEC policy
[V] fabric:RsNodeCoreP A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure.
[V] fabric:RsNodeCtrl  Relationship to the digital optical monitoring policy
[V] fabric:RsNodeTechSupP A source relation to a utility that creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs, and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue.
[V] fabric:RsPodPGrpBGPRRP A source relation to the instance-level BGP policy information.
[V] fabric:RsPodPGrpCoopP A source relation to the COOP (council of oracle protocol) group policy information.
[V] fabric:RsPodPGrpIsisDomP A source relation to the domain policy for configuring ISIS domain specific properties.
[V] fabric:RsPsuInstPol A source relation to the power redundancy policy.
[V] fabric:RsResAuditSwRetP A source relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResCatFwP A source relation to the catalog firmware policy version. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResCoopPol A source relation to the COOP group policy information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResCoreP A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResEventSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy for all events on all switches to which the policy is applied. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResFabricIPV4ProtPol A source relation to the spine IPV4 protection policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResFabricIPV6ProtPol 
[V] fabric:RsResFabricMACProtPol A source relation to the spine MAC protection policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResFabricProtChainP A source relation to the node proxy IP profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResFaultSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy of the fault history records for switches. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResHealthPols A source relation to a fabric health policy.
[V] fabric:RsResHealthSwRetP A source relation to the retention policy of the health score history records for switches. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResL2InstPol A source relation to the Layer 2 instance policy information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResLbPol A source relation to the fabric load balance policy.
[V] fabric:RsResLldpInstPol A source relation to the node level LLDP policy.
[V] fabric:RsResMonCommonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the common semantic scope. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsResMonFabricPol A source relation to a fabric monitoring policy.
[V] fabric:RsResOngoingAcMode 
[V] fabric:RsResPsuInstPol A source relation to the power redundancy policy. This object indicates which policy is associated with fabric.
[V] fabric:RsResTechSupP A source relation to a utility that creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs, and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RsSnmpPol A source relation to the SNMP policy.
[V] fabric:RsTimePol A source relation to the date/time policy information.
[V] fabric:RsToFabricIPV6ProtPol 
[V] fabric:RsTwampResponderPol  Relation to the the TWAMP Responder Policy. It provides the node level TWAMP Responder configuration
[V] fabric:RsTwampServerPol  Relation to the the TWAMP Server Policy. It provides the node level TWAMP Server configuration
[V] fabric:RsVpcInstPol A source relation to the node-level vPC domain policy.
[V] fault:RsAaaCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] fault:RsAaaCtrlrRetP A source relation to the controller audit log retention policy.
[V] fault:RsEventCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] fault:RsEventCtrlrRetP A source relation to the controller event record retention policy.
[V] fault:RsFaultCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] fault:RsFaultCtrlrRetP A source relation to the controller fault record retention policy.
[V] fault:RsHealthCtrlrRetP A relation to the controller health score history record retention policy.
[V] fault:RsHealthFabricNode 
[V] fault:RsHealthLevelLocalP 
[V] fault:RsHealthLevelP 
[V] firmware:RsFwgrpp A source relation to the firmware specification policy for a node.
[V] fv:AToBD A super class for relation from the endpoint group to a private layer 2 bridge domain.
[V] fv:RsBd A source relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] l2ext:RsEBd A source relation to the private layer 2 bridge domain.
[V] fv:EPgToCollection The super class for all relations from EPG to contract/bundle/group.
[V] fv:RsCons The Consumer contract profile information.
[V] fv:RsIntraEpg  Intra EPg contract: Represents that the EPg is moving from "allow all within epg" mode to a "deny all within epg" mode. The only type of traffic allowed between EPs in this EPg is the one specified by contracts EPg associates to with this relation.
[V] fv:RsProv A contract for which the EPG will be a provider.
[V] fv:EPgToInterface  Super class for all relations from EPg to contract/bundle interface
[V] fv:RsConsIf A contract for which the EPG will be a consumer.
[V] fv:RsABDPolMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsAEPgMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsApMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBDSubnetToOut A source relation to the L3 routed outside network.
[V] fv:RsBDSubnetToProfile The external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBDToFhs  Relation to FHS BD policy
[V] fv:RsBDToNdP The neighbor discovery policy.
[V] fv:RsBDToOut A source relation to the policy controlling connectivity to the outside. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBDToProfile A source relation to external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBDToProfileDef 
[V] fv:RsBDToRelayP A source relation to the DHCP relay profile. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBdToEpRet A source relation to the endpoint retention policy providing the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsBgpCtxPol A source relation to the BGP timer policy. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsCtx A source relation to a private layer 3 network context that either belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsCtxMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsCtxToBgpCtxAfPol A source relation to the BGP address family context policy.
[V] fv:RsCtxToEigrpCtxAfPol A source relation to the per-address family EIGRP context policy.
[V] fv:RsCtxToEpRet Name of the endpoint retention policy associated with this context.
[V] fv:RsCtxToExtRouteTagPol 
[V] fv:RsCtxToOspfCtxPol A source relation to the per-address family OSPF context policy.
[V] fv:RsCustQosPol A source relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s) and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsDppPol  Relationship for Dpp QOS policy
[V] fv:RsIgmpsn A source relation to the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping policy. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsMldsn  Relation to an MLD Snoop policy
[V] fv:RsNdPfxPol The neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] fv:RsOspfCtxPol A source relation to the context-level OSPF timer policy. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsProtBy The taboo contract for which the EPG will be a provider and consumer.
[V] fv:RsTenantMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsTrustCtrl  Relationship for FHS trust control
[V] fv:RsVrfValidationPol  Relationship to the VRF Validation policy
[V] hsrp:RsGroupPol  Relationship to the HSRP Group policy
[V] hsrp:RsIfPol  Relationship to the HSRP interface policy
[V] igmp:RsSnoopAccessGroupFilterRMap  Matching rule for the access group using rtctrlProfile For future releases Matching rule for the acce...
[V] infra:RsBfdIpv4InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv4 Instance Policy
[V] infra:RsBfdIpv6InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv6 Instance Policy
[V] infra:RsCdpIfPol A source relation to the CDP Interface Policy.
[V] infra:RsCoppIfPol  Relationship to per interface per protocol copp policer
[V] infra:RsDwdmIfPol  Relation to dwdm:OptChnlIfPol
[V] infra:RsEquipmentFlashConfigPol  Relation to equipmentFlashConfigInstPol
[V] infra:RsFcFabricPol  Relation to fcInstPol
[V] infra:RsFcIfPol  Relation to fcIFPol
[V] infra:RsFcInstPol  Relation to fcInstPol
[V] infra:RsFcL2IfPol  Relationship to FC policy providing physical L2 configuration of the interfaces
[V] infra:RsFcLagPol  Relationship to LACP PC Policy
[V] infra:RsHIfPol A source relation to the host interface policy.
[V] infra:RsIaclLeafProfile  Relationship the CoPP Prefilter Leaf profile to be applied on leafs
[V] infra:RsIaclSpineProfile  Relationship the CoPP Prefilter Spine profile to be applied on spines
[V] infra:RsInfraBD A source relation to the private layer 2 broadcast domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports.
[V] infra:RsL2IfPol 
[V] infra:RsL2NodeAuthPol  Relation to l2NodeAuthPol
[V] infra:RsL2PortAuthPol  Relation to l2PortAuthPol
[V] infra:RsL2PortSecurityPol  Relationship to policy providing L2 PortSecurity configuration
[V] infra:RsLacpIfPol The PortChannel member policy configured parameters.
[V] infra:RsLacpInterfacePol  Relationship to policy providing lacp configuration of the ports
[V] infra:RsLacpPol A source relation to the LAG policy. This object indicates the LAG policy that is associated with this bundle group.
[V] infra:RsLeafCoppProfile  Relationship the CoPP profile to be applied on leafs
[V] infra:RsLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface.
[V] infra:RsMacsecIfPol  Relationship to policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] infra:RsMcpIfPol 
[V] infra:RsMstInstPol A source relation to a spanning tree protocol policy.
[V] infra:RsNetflowNodePol  Relationship to Netflow Node Policy
[V] infra:RsOverrideCdpIfPol A source relation to the CDP interface policy parameters.
[V] infra:RsOverrideFwPol 
[V] infra:RsOverrideLacpPol A source relation to the LACP policy.
[V] infra:RsOverrideLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] infra:RsOverrideMcpIfPol 
[V] infra:RsOverrideStpPol  Relationship to stp policy
[V] infra:RsPoeIfPol  Relationship to poe policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] infra:RsPoeInstPol  Relationship to POE Node Policy
[V] infra:RsQosDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol
[V] infra:RsQosEgressDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol as Engress policy
[V] infra:RsQosIngressDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol as Ingress policy
[V] infra:RsQosPfcIfPol  Relation to qosPfcIfPol
[V] infra:RsQosSdIfPol  Relation to qosSDPol
[V] infra:RsResCdpIfPol A source relation to a CDP interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResErrDisRecoverPol 
[V] infra:RsResHIfPol A source relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResLacpIfPol A source relation to the port level LACP member policy configured parameters. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResLacpLagPol A source relation to the LACP policy.
[V] infra:RsResLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResLoopProtectPol 
[V] infra:RsResMcpIfPol 
[V] infra:RsResMcpInstPol 
[V] infra:RsResMonInfraPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the Infra semantic scope. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResNwsFwPol 
[V] infra:RsResQoSPol A source relation to the QoS classification traffic descriptor and specifications used to categorize a packet within a specific group and making the packet accessible for QoS handling in the network. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsResQosInstPol A source relation for resolving QOS policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RsSpanVDestGrp A source relation to all end points (or IP in the case of ERSPAN) to which the SPAN packets will be spanned.
[V] infra:RsSpanVSrcGrp A source relation to all endpoints with traffic that will be spanned.
[V] infra:RsSpineBfdIpv4InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv4 Instance Policy
[V] infra:RsSpineBfdIpv6InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv6 Instance Policy
[V] infra:RsSpineCoppProfile  Relationship the CoPP profile to be applied on spines
[V] infra:RsStormctrlIfPol 
[V] infra:RsStpIfPol A source relation to the spanning-tree protocol (STP) policy.
[V] infra:RsToBfdIpv4InstPol 
[V] infra:RsToBfdIpv6InstPol 
[V] infra:RsToEpControlP 
[V] infra:RsToEpLoopProtectP 
[V] infra:RsToErrDisRecoverPol 
[V] infra:RsToMcpIfPol 
[V] infra:RsToMcpInstPol 
[V] infra:RsTopoctrlFastLinkFailoverInstPol  Relation to topoctrlFastLinkFailoverPol
[V] infra:RsTopoctrlFwdScaleProfPol  Relation to topoctrlFwdScaleProfilePol
[V] isakmp:RsProfileToKeyring 
[V] l3ext:RsArpIfPol  Relation to ARP policy
[V] l3ext:RsDampeningPol  Relationship to per L3 Out Dampening Policy
[V] l3ext:RsEctx The private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared.
[V] l3ext:RsEgressQosDppPol  Relation to qosDppPol In Egress
[V] l3ext:RsIngressQosDppPol  Relation to qosDppPol In Ingress
[V] l3ext:RsInstPToProfile A source relation to a route control profile.
[V] l3ext:RsInterleakPol  Relationship to per L3 Out Context Interleak Policy
[V] l3ext:RsLIfPCustQosPol  Relationship for Custom QOS policy for DSCP to prio mapping
[V] l3ext:RsNdIfPol A source relation to an IPv6 neighbor discovery policy.
[V] l3ext:RsSubnetToProfile The source relation to the route control profile.
[V] maint:RsMgrpp A source relation to the maintenance policy specification for a node or set of nodes.
[V] maint:RsPolCtrlrScheduler A source relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] maint:RsPolScheduler A source relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] mgmt:RsInstPCtx A source relation to the private layer 3 network context.
[V] mgmt:RsMgmtBD A source relation to the management bridge domain.
[V] mgmt:RsOoBCons An external management entity instance profile to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The instance profiles of external management entities can communicate with nodes that are part of out-of-band management endpoint group. To enable this communication, a contract is required between the instance profile and the out-of-band management endpoint group.
[V] mgmt:RsOoBCtx A source relation to the private layer 3 network context.
[V] mgmt:RsOoBProv A source relation to an out-of-band contract profile.
[V] nd:RsPfxPToNdPfxPol  Relation to the ND Prefix Policy
[V] nd:RsRaSubnetToNdPfxPol A source relation to the neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] netflow:ARsInterfaceToMonitor 
[V] fv:RsBDToNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to Netflow Monitor policy
[V] infra:RsNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to netflow Monitor Policy
[V] l3ext:RsLIfPToNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to netflowMonitorIfPol
[V] netflow:ARsMonitorToExporter 
[V] netflow:RsMonitorDefToExporterDef 
[V] netflow:RsMonitorToExporter 
[V] netflow:ARsMonitorToRecord 
[V] netflow:RsMonitorDefToRecordDef 
[V] netflow:RsMonitorToRecord 
[V] ospf:RsIfPol A source relation to the OSPF interface-level policy information.
[V] pol:RsClusterPolRel An internal relation to admin cluster size policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pol:RsDbgrConfigExportP A source relation to the export policy used to setup the system configuration backup process. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pol:RsDbgrConfigImportIdP 
[V] pol:RsDbgrConfigImportP A source relation to the import policy used for naming the file being imported, selecting the import type (merge or replace), choosing the level of strictness for importing (best effort of atomic), selecting the admin state of the import policy (enabled or disabled), and entering the import source (the path for locating the backup data being imported). Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pol:RsDbgrConfigRollbackP 
[V] pol:RsDbgrConfigSnapshotMgrP 
[V] pol:RsDockerImage 
[V] pol:RsExportPRel A source relation to a core file report containing data about the system and the component at the time of the failure.
[V] pol:RsFabricSelfCAEp 
[V] pol:RsFabricipv4expg A source relation to the spine IPv4 explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pol:RsFabricmacexpg A source relation to the spine MAC explicit protection group.
[V] pol:RsPlgnFirmware 
[V] pol:RsPluginPol 
[V] pol:RsScriptHandlerLock 
[V] pol:RsTroubleshootSessionRel 
[V] pol:RsVnsmdev A source relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pol:RsVnsmdfctcat 
[V] rtctrl:RsCtxPToSubjP A source relation to the subject profile.
[V] rtctrl:RsScopeToAttrP The action profile name.
[V] span:RsProvDestGrp A source relation to the SPAN destination group.
[V] span:RsProvToVDestGrp A source relation to the name of the group used to match VSPAN sources with VSPAN destination(s).
[V] span:RsSessionToDomainRef 
[V] synthetic:RsPolicy 
[V] telemetry:ARemoteServer 
[V] fabric:RsRemoteStatsServer  Telemetry StatsServer Policy
[V] telemetry:RsToFltPolGrp 
[V] telemetry:RsToRemoteLogServer 
[V] telemetry:RsToRemoteStatsServer 
[V] troubleshoot:RsSessionScheduler  Relation from session to scheduler policy
[V] vmm:RsDefaultCdpIfPol A source relation to the Cisco Discovery Channel interface policy.
[V] vmm:RsDefaultFwPol 
[V] vmm:RsDefaultL2InstPol A source relation to the Layer 2 instance policy information.
[V] vmm:RsDefaultLacpLagPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface. LLDP uses the logical link control (LLC) services to transmit and receive information to and from other LLDP agents.
[V] vmm:RsDefaultLldpIfPol A source relation to the LLDP policy parameters for the interface.
[V] vmm:RsDefaultStpIfPol A source relation to the spanning-tree protocol (STP) policy. The STP policy prevents loops from being formed when the interfaces are interconnected via multiple paths. Spanning-Tree Protocol implements the 802.1D IEEE algorithm by exchanging BPDU messages with other switches to detect loops, and then removes the loop by shutting down selected bridge interfaces. This algorithm guarantees that there is one and only one active path between two netw...
[V] vns:RsALDevToDevMgr 
[V] vns:RsCDevToChassis 
[V] vns:RsCfgToVConn A source relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RsClusterPol 
[V] vns:RsLDevCtxToRtrCfg 
[V] vns:RsLIfCtxToCustQosPol  Relation from LIf Context to Qos Policy
[V] vns:RsScriptHandlerStateToDomainRef A source relation to a reference of the domain that the parent object belongs.
[V] vns:RsVDevDomainRefContToDomainRef 
[V] vns:RsVDevToDomainRef A source relation to the AAA domain reference.
[V] vz:AnyToCollection A superclass for all relations from vzAny to contract/bundle/group.
[V] vz:RsAnyToCons A source relation to the binary contract profile.
[V] vz:RsAnyToProv A source relation to a binary contract profile.
[V] vz:AnyToInterface  Super class for all relations from vzAny to contract/bundle interface
[V] vz:RsAnyToConsIf A source relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de...
[V] vz:RsDenyRule A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsFiltGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsInTermGraphAtt A source relation to an output terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the output end. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsOutTermGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsSubjGraphAtt A source relation to an input terminal node. For abstract graphs, this is the terminal node at the input end. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:SubjectToFilter  Super class for all relations from subject to filter
[V] vz:RsFiltAtt A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RsSubjFiltAtt The filter for the subject of a service contract. A subject represents a sub-application running behind an endpoint group, such as an exchange server. A subject is parented by the contract.




Properties Summary
Defined in: pol:NToRef
tContextDn  (pol:NToRef:tContextDn)
           Specifies the target context distinguished name.
string:Basic tRn  (pol:NToRef:tRn)
           Specifies the target's related name.
tType  (pol:NToRef:tType)
           Represents the type of target. The target type for this object is named.
Defined in: reln:To
scalar:Bool forceResolve  (reln:To:forceResolve)
           Whether the relation should force pull the target.
rType  (reln:To:rType)
           Represents the type of resolver.
state  (reln:To:state)
           Represents the state of the relationship.
stateQual  (reln:To:stateQual)
           Represents the state qualifier of the relationship.
Defined in: reln:Inst
tCl  (reln:Inst:tCl)
           The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
tDn  (reln:Inst:tDn)
           The distinguished name of the target.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Whether the relation should force pull the target.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: reln:ResolverType
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the type of resolver.
service 2 service NO COMMENTS
local 3 local NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: reln:State
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the state of the relationship.
unformed 0 unformed the relationship is not formed
formed 1 formed the relationship is formed with the target object
missing-target 2 missing-target target does not exist
invalid-target 4 invalid-target invalid target DN
cardinality-violation 5 cardinality-violation cardinality violation - When relations are created such that they violate the cardinality, state of the relation would be set to this.
DEFAULT unformed(0) unformed the relationship is not formed


Type: reln:StateQual
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the state qualifier of the relationship.
none 0 none no issue
mismatch-target 1 mismatch-target target not found, using default
default-target 2 default-target target not specified, using default
DEFAULT none(0) none no issue


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: reln:ClassId
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum16

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
unspecified 0 unspecified NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT unspecified(0) unspecified NO COMMENTS


Type: reln:Dn
Primitive Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Specifies the target context distinguished name.


Type: reln:Dn
Primitive Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The distinguished name of the target.


Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Specifies the target's related name.


Type: reln:TargetType
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: implicit Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the type of target. The target type for this object is named.
name 0 name NO COMMENTS
all 2 all NO COMMENTS