Class reln:From (ABSTRACT)

Class ID:45
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Non-Regular MO, like stat/health... - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Write Access: []
Read Access: []
Creatable/Deletable: no (see Container Mos for details)
Possible Semantic Scopes: Common, EPG, Infra, Fabric,
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Subclasses
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: false, HasStats: false, HasFaults: false, HasHealth: false, HasEventRules: false ]

This is generated and used only by internal processes.

Naming Rules




Super Mo: reln:Inst,
Sub Mos: aaa:RtAaaRadiusProviderGroup, aaa:RtCtrlrFipsMode, aaa:RtDomainRef, aaa:RtLoginDomain, aaa:RtNginxIPRbacRule, aaa:RtNginxIRbacRule, aaa:RtNginxRbacRule, aaa:RtPreLoginBanner, aaa:RtRbacEp, aaa:RtResAuthRealm, aaa:RtResLdapEp, aaa:RtResRadiusEp, aaa:RtResRsaEp, aaa:RtResTacacsPlusEp, aaa:RtResUserEp, aaa:RtToUserEp, aaa:RtUserEp, aaa:RtUserSessEp, actrl:RtAuxRule, adepg:RtEpcpToRemoteADResEpPAttr, adepg:RtEvtUser, adepg:RtFltIdGrp, adepg:RtFltIp, adepg:RtPriAttrToGroup, adepg:RtSecAttrToGroup, adepg:RtUsrGroup, analytics:RtCollectorAtt, analytics:RtNodeCfgSrv, analytics:RtPolicyAtt, analytics:RtProfAtt, analytics:RtRecordPAtt, ap:RtContainerPol, ap:RtFromDevMgrToApp, ap:RtPlugin, ap:RtToApPlugin, arp:RtCtrlrAdjEpToStAdjEp, arp:RtEpDefRefToStAdjEp, bfd:RtMbrSess, bgp:RtBgpAsP, bgp:RtEppBgpCtxAfPol, bgp:RtEppBgpCtxPol, callhome:RtDestGroup, callhome:RtDestGroupRel, callhome:RtInvPLocalRefEvent, callhome:RtInvPRef, callhome:RtInvPRefEvent, callhome:RtQueryGroupRel, callhome:RtSmartdestGroup, callhome:RtToRemoteQueryGroup, callhome:RtToRemoteQueryGroupRefEvent, cdp:RtVswitchOverrideCdpIfPol, cloud:RtActionDefToPoolDef, cloud:RtCloudCtxProfileDef, cloud:RtCloudSvcEPgDefToSvcEPg, cloud:RtCtxProfileToRegion, cloud:RtHcloudCtxCloudCtxProfileDef, cloud:RtLDevToCloudSubnet, cloud:RtNodeInstToCloudLDev, cloud:RtNodeToCloudLDev, cloud:RtPullCloudDomPDef, cloud:RtPullRemoteCloudAwsProviderDef, cloud:RtPullRemoteCloudCtxDef, cloud:RtPullRemoteLDevDef, cloud:RtSecurityGroup, cloud:RtToLogGrp, cloud:RtZoneAttach, cloudsec:RtToRemoteCloudsecKeyDefCont, cnw:RtActiveIf, cnw:RtMbrIfs, comm:RtPol, comm:RtResPol, comm:RtWebCommDefault, comm:RtWebCommPolRel, comm:RtWebPolRel, comp:RtAssocObj, comp:RtAssocVm, comp:RtBaseCompCtrlr, comp:RtBaseCtrlr, comp:RtCDevToVm, comp:RtCompHv, comp:RtContGrpDepl, comp:RtCtrlr, comp:RtDef, comp:RtDelInfo, comp:RtDeployment, comp:RtDom, comp:RtEndpoint, comp:RtEpCPAtt, comp:RtEpPD, comp:RtEpgAggr, comp:RtHealthDef, comp:RtHv, comp:RtHvCluster, comp:RtHvClusterDefToHvCluster, comp:RtHvGroupDefToHv, comp:RtHvGroupToHv, comp:RtHyper, comp:RtNestedInVm, comp:RtNic, comp:RtOpflexHv, comp:RtPhys, comp:RtPpNic, comp:RtPvlan, comp:RtPvlanEntry, comp:RtRFltAtt, comp:RtRFltPAtt, comp:RtReplSet, comp:RtRpToDataStore, comp:RtRpToHost, comp:RtSvmVm, comp:RtToEPg, comp:RtToEPgAtt, comp:RtToNic, comp:RtToVm, comp:RtUsegEpPD, comp:RtVNodeToHv, comp:RtVm, compat:RtCatRel, compat:RtCatalog, compat:RtFabFw, compat:RtFabRel, compat:RtNeighFw, compat:RtNeighRel, compat:RtProtGFw, compat:RtProtGRel, compat:RtResCtrlrCompatCat, compat:RtSuppHw, compat:RtUpgRel, compat:RtVmmCtrlrVerRel, condition:RtToNodePolGrp, config:RtAeConfigJobCont, config:RtAeConfigSnapshotCont, configpush:RtNextTx, coop:RtBD2Dom, coop:RtCtx2Leaf, coop:RtDTEp2Leaf, coop:RtFabMcgrp2Leaf, coop:RtMcgrp2Leaf, coop:RtMrtr2Leaf, datetime:RtCtrlrDatetimeFormat, datetime:RtFormatPol, datetime:RtNtpProviderToNtpAuth, datetime:RtResDatetimeFormat, dbg:RtAcLinkS2T, dbg:RtAcLinkT2D, dbg:RtAcPath, dbg:RtAcTrail, dbg:RtOgAcMode, dbgexp:RtData, dbgexp:RtDbgrPolRel, dbgexp:RtDbgrTechSupDataContRel, dbgexp:RtExportPol, dhcp:RtAllowedPools, dhcp:RtAllowedSubnets, dhcp:RtClient, dhcp:RtClientRel, dhcp:RtLeaseDb, dhcp:RtToNodeGrp, dns:RtCtrlrDnsProfile, dns:RtDnsProfile, dnsepg:RtDnsSvrRel, edm:RtCtrlrToDom, edm:RtEncapDef, edm:RtMbrIfs, edm:RtNicNodeBinding, edm:RtNicProf, edm:RtToEdm, edm:RtToNicProfToDom, edm:RtToSvrNic, eigrp:RtEppEigrpCtxAfPol, eigrp:RtEppEigrpCtxDefaultPol, eigrp:RtEppEigrpIfPol, eigrp:RtIfDefToEigrpIf, ep:RtEpLoopProtectPolCons, epm:RtMacEpToIpEpAtt, eqpt:RtCcepConn, eqpt:RtExtChCardOdDiag, eqpt:RtFcOdDiag, eqpt:RtFpOdDiag, eqpt:RtLcOdDiag, eqpt:RtLpOdDiag, eqpt:RtOosSlot, eqpt:RtSupCOdDiag, eqpt:RtSysCOdDiag, extdev:RtEsDompRel, extdev:RtGroupPRef, extdev:RtSDWanPolContRef, extdev:RtSdwanPol, extdev:RtToDevType, extdev:RtToExtDevMgr, extnw:RtL3DomAtt, extnw:RtL3InstPToDomP, fabric:ProtoConsFrom, fabric:RtAdj, fabric:RtCEpToPathEp, fabric:RtCIfPathAtt, fabric:RtCtrlrPGrp, fabric:RtCtrlrPolGroup, fabric:RtCtrlrSRel, fabric:RtDecommissionNode, fabric:RtDefPinToPath, fabric:RtDestApic, fabric:RtDestPathEp, fabric:RtExtLeaves, fabric:RtFabricNode, fabric:RtFabricNodeRef, fabric:RtFabricSetup, fabric:RtFcPathAtt, fabric:RtHPathAtt, fabric:RtInBStNode, fabric:RtInterfacePolProfile, fabric:RtLFPathAtt, fabric:RtLeCardP, fabric:RtLeCardPGrp, fabric:RtLeNodeP, fabric:RtLeNodePGrp, fabric:RtLePortP, fabric:RtLePortPGrp, fabric:RtLsAttLink, fabric:RtLsNode, fabric:RtModulePolProfile, fabric:RtNexthopToProtG, fabric:RtNginxFabricNode, fabric:RtNodeAtt, fabric:RtNodeDefL3OutAtt, fabric:RtNodeGroup, fabric:RtNodeIdentPol, fabric:RtNodeL3OutAtt, fabric:RtNodeLocation, fabric:RtNodeOverride, fabric:RtNodePolGroup, fabric:RtNodeident, fabric:RtOFabricNode, fabric:RtOLeafSToLeNodePGrp, fabric:RtOSpineSToSpNodePGrp, fabric:RtObsCtrlrSRel, fabric:RtOoBStNode, fabric:RtOosPath, fabric:RtPathAtt, fabric:RtPathDefL2OutAtt, fabric:RtPathDefL3OutAtt, fabric:RtPathL2OutAtt, fabric:RtPathL3OutAtt, fabric:RtPathToLePortPGrp, fabric:RtPathToSpPortPGrp, fabric:RtPinToPath, fabric:RtPodPGrp, fabric:RtPodPolGroup, fabric:RtPortDirection, fabric:RtProtGroup, fabric:RtProtGrp, fabric:RtProtLbIf, fabric:RtProtectionGrp, fabric:RtResNodeIdentP, fabric:RtSFPathAtt, fabric:RtSHPathAtt, fabric:RtSetupPol, fabric:RtSpCardP, fabric:RtSpCardPGrp, fabric:RtSpNodeP, fabric:RtSpNodePGrp, fabric:RtSpPortP, fabric:RtSpPortPGrp, fabric:RtSrcToNode, fabric:RtSrcToPathEp, fabric:RtStCEpDefToNode, fabric:RtStCEpDefToPathEp, fabric:RtStCEpToNode, fabric:RtStCEpToPathEp, fabric:RtTnlpathAtt, fabric:RtToFabricPathS, fabric:RtToFabricSetupPol, fabric:RtToGrpRef, fabric:RtToInfraPathS, fabric:RtToNodeIdentP, fabric:RtTrExtEpSrcToPathEp, fabric:RtTrExtExtSrcToPathEp, fabric:RtUsedMcastIp, fabric:RtUsedNodeIp, fabric:RtUsedUcastIp, fault:RtEventMgrPolRel, fc:RtToRemotePinningPDef, fc:RtToVsanAttr, fc:RtToVsanEncapInstDef, fc:RtVsanAttr, fc:RtVsanAttrDef, file:RtExportDest, firmware:RtAecatfirmwarep, firmware:RtAecatfirmwarepinternal, firmware:RtAectrlrfirmwarep, firmware:RtBootmgrcatfirmwarep, firmware:RtFirmware, firmware:RtFirmwareRepoP, firmware:RtFirmwarep, firmware:RtFwFw, firmware:RtFwGrp, firmware:RtIsrc, firmware:RtRepo, firmware:RtToFwGrp, fv:From, fv:RtARemoteHostToEpg, fv:RtARemoteHostToEpp, fv:RtAcExtPolToContext, fv:RtAssocBDDefContToBDHolder, fv:RtBDDefToBD, fv:RtChassisEpg, fv:RtClientGrpToEpp, fv:RtContext, fv:RtCopyCtx, fv:RtCrtrnDefToBDDef, fv:RtDefInfraBd, fv:RtDependencyToFailedEpP, fv:RtDestEpg, fv:RtDestToVPort, fv:RtDevEpg, fv:RtDevMgrEpg, fv:RtDnsAttrRel, fv:RtDppIfCreatedByFvIfConn, fv:RtEPpInfoToBD, fv:RtEpCP, fv:RtEpg, fv:RtEppToEpCP, fv:RtExporterToCtx, fv:RtExporterToEPg, fv:RtExtdevMgrMgmtEPg, fv:RtFabricExtConnPDef, fv:RtFromAbsEpg, fv:RtFromEp, fv:RtFromEpForEpToEpg, fv:RtFromEpIp, fv:RtFromEpIpForEpToEpg, fv:RtFromEpg, fv:RtFuncToEpg, fv:RtFvCtxDef, fv:RtFvEppInband, fv:RtFvEppOob, fv:RtIPSLAMonitoringPol, fv:RtISvcEPgCtx, fv:RtIdgAttrRel, fv:RtInfraOutRtdEpP, fv:RtInstPToNatMappingEPg, fv:RtIpslaMonPol, fv:RtLIfCtxToBD, fv:RtLIfCtxToInstP, fv:RtLabelToPathAtt, fv:RtLocalEpCP, fv:RtLocale, fv:RtMgmtEPg, fv:RtMonToFvEppInband, fv:RtMonToFvEppInbandEvent, fv:RtMonToFvEppOob, fv:RtMonToFvEppOobEvent, fv:RtNHTrackMember, fv:RtNexthopRouteTrack, fv:RtNtpProvToEpg, fv:RtNtpProvToEpp, fv:RtOtmListMember, fv:RtOutToBDPublicSubnetHolder, fv:RtPoeEpg, fv:RtPolModAtt, fv:RtPrToBDSubnetHolder, fv:RtProfileToEpg, fv:RtProfileToEpp, fv:RtProv, fv:RtProvToEpp, fv:RtPullRemoteCtxDef, fv:RtREPpInfoToBD, fv:RtRegisterAREpPBootStrap, fv:RtRegisterUpdates, fv:RtRouteTrack, fv:RtRtdEpPToNatMappingEPg, fv:RtSecInherited, fv:RtSecProvToEpg, fv:RtServerToCtx, fv:RtShardedRegisterAREpPBootStrap, fv:RtShardedRegisterUpdates, fv:RtSrcToBD, fv:RtSrcToBDDef, fv:RtSrcToCtx, fv:RtSrcToCtxDef, fv:RtSrcToEpP, fv:RtSrcToEpg, fv:RtSrcToFvIfConn, fv:RtSrcToVPort, fv:RtSrvCtx, fv:RtSrvCtxDef, fv:RtSvcBDToBDAtt, fv:RtSvcMgmtEpg, fv:RtSvrEpg, fv:RtSvrToMgmtEPg, fv:RtTenant, fv:RtTenantInfra, fv:RtTermToEPg, fv:RtTnlCtx, fv:RtToAbsEpg, fv:RtToAbsEpgForEpgToEpg, fv:RtToApicConnDef, fv:RtToCtxDef, fv:RtToDomDef, fv:RtToEp, fv:RtToEpCP, fv:RtToEpDef, fv:RtToEpForEpToEp, fv:RtToEpForEpgToEp, fv:RtToEpIp, fv:RtToEpIpForEpToEp, fv:RtToEpIpForEpgToEp, fv:RtToEpg, fv:RtToEpgForEpgToEpg, fv:RtToFvConnDef, fv:RtToFvDomDef, fv:RtToFvFabricExtConnPDef, fv:RtToFvPrimaryEncapDef, fv:RtToFvSystemGIPoDef, fv:RtToInbCtxDef, fv:RtToREpPCont, fv:RtToRemoteBDDef, fv:RtToRemoteBDHolder, fv:RtToRemoteConnInstrPol, fv:RtToRemoteCtxDef, fv:RtToRemoteEpCP, fv:RtToRemoteEpPCtrctInfo, fv:RtToRemoteFabricExtConnPDef, fv:RtToRemoteIpslaPol, fv:RtToRemoteKeyChainPolDef, fv:RtToRemoteMember, fv:RtToRemoteREpPCont, fv:RtToRemoteRtdEpPInfoHolder, fv:RtToRemoteSiteCont, fv:RtTrEpDst, fv:RtTrEpExtIpSrc, fv:RtTrEpIpDst, fv:RtTrEpIpSrc, fv:RtTrEpSrc, fv:RtTrExtEpIpDst, fv:RtTrExtEpSrcToFvIfConn, fv:RtTrExtExtSrcToFvIfConn, fv:RtTrackListReln, fv:RtUnkMacActModAtt, fv:RtVConnToEpgEp, fv:RtVConnToEpgSubnet, fv:RtVNode, fv:RtVsrcToEpg, fvns:RtALDevToVlanInstP, fvns:RtALDevToVxlanInstP, fvns:RtAddrInst, fvns:RtCDevTemplateToAddrInst, fvns:RtDomDefNs, fvns:RtDomDefNsLocal, fvns:RtDomMcastAddrNs, fvns:RtDomVxlanNsDef, fvns:RtIpPoolRef, fvns:RtIpPoolRefv2, fvns:RtMcastAddrNs, fvns:RtVipAddrNs, fvns:RtVlanInstP, fvns:RtVlanNs, fvns:RtVlanNsDef, fvns:RtVsanNs, fvns:RtVsanNsDef, fvns:RtVxlanNs, fvns:RtVxlanNsDef, fvtopo:RtEp, geo:RtSystemRack, hcipsec:RtIpsecProfile, hcipsec:RtProfileToTransformSet, hcisakmp:RtIsakmpProfile, hcisakmp:RtProfileToKeyring, hcl1:RtPhysRoutedAtt, hcl1:RtSourceIf, hcl3:RtBgpPeerTohcl3RoutedIf, hcl3:RtBgpPeerTolbRoutedIf, hcl3:RtLoopbackIf, hcl3:RtSourceLoopbackRoutedIf, hcloud:RtActionToTargetGroup, hcloud:RtEpToInst, hcloud:RtEpToSecurityGroup, hcloud:RtFlowToLogGrp, hcloud:RtHcloudCtx, hcloud:RtHcloudPolHolderCtxRel, hcloud:RtHcloudPolHolderRel, hcloud:RtInterSite, hcloud:RtInterVrf, hcloud:RtLBToSecurityGroup, hcloud:RtLBToSubnet, hcloud:RtListenerToCert, hcloud:RtNetworkInterfaceToSubnet, hcloud:RtNextHopToIgw, hcloud:RtNextHopToNwIf, hcloud:RtNextHopToVgw, hcloud:RtQueueToTopicSubscription, hcloud:RtSelectorToTagParent, hcloud:RtSubnetFlowToLogGrp, hcloud:RtSubnetToRacl, hcloud:RtSubnetToRouteTable, hcloud:RtTgToEndPoint, hcloud:RtTgToSecurityGroup, hcloud:RtTopicToCsr, hcloud:RtVpnConnToCgw, hcnve:RtToNveIf, hctunn:RtBgpPeerTohctunnIf, hctunn:RtTunnIf, health:RtHealthRetPolicy, health:RtHealthRetPolicyLocal, hinventory:RtConnToCgw, hinventory:RtConnToVgw, hinventory:RtDestinationSG, hinventory:RtIGToCtx, hinventory:RtNexthopIgw, hinventory:RtNexthopNic, hinventory:RtNexthopVgw, hinventory:RtNicToInstance, hinventory:RtNicToSG, hinventory:RtRtToSub, hinventory:RtSourceSG, hinventory:RtVgwToCtx, hostprot:RtHostprotPol, hostprot:RtHpp, hvs:RtDlPol, hvs:RtExtPol, hvs:RtLNode, hvs:RtMgmtPol, hvs:RtNicAdj, hvs:RtPvlan, hvs:RtPvlan2, hvs:RtRule, hvs:RtUlPol, igmp:RtIfDefToIgmpIf, igmp:RtIfPol, infra:RtAEP, infra:RtAccBaseGrp, infra:RtAccBndlSubgrp, infra:RtAccCardP, infra:RtAccNodePGrp, infra:RtAccPortP, infra:RtAttEntP, infra:RtBndlGrp, infra:RtCardPGrp, infra:RtConnFexS, infra:RtConnPortS, infra:RtConnectivityProfile, infra:RtConnectivitySpProfile, infra:RtDomAtt, infra:RtDomDef, infra:RtDomP, infra:RtDomRef, infra:RtExtDevDomP, infra:RtFcAttEntP, infra:RtFexGrp, infra:RtFexp, infra:RtInfraNodeOverride, infra:RtInterfacePolProfile, infra:RtLDevDomP, infra:RtModulePolProfile, infra:RtNicProfToDomP, infra:RtNodeP, infra:RtNodePolGroup, infra:RtOLeafSToAccNodePGrp, infra:RtOut, infra:RtPathToAccBaseGrp, infra:RtPathToSpAccGrp, infra:RtSpAccGrp, infra:RtSpAccPortP, infra:RtSpineAccNodePGrp, infra:RtStAttEntPAtt, infra:RtStFcGrpAtt, infra:RtStGrpAtt, infra:RtToImplicitSetPol, infra:RtToInfraSetPol, infra:RtToInterfacePolProfile, infra:RtToInterfaceSpPolProfile, infra:RtToPeerNodeCfg, infra:RtVpcBndlGrp, infrazone:RtToNodeGrp, infrazone:RtZoneConfig, ip:RtNexthopToNexthopDef, ipsec:RtAreaSecAssocAtt, ipsec:RtDomSecAssocAtt, ipsec:RtIfSecAssocAtt, isis:RtNhAtt, l1:RtEthIf, l1:RtFcMbrIfs, l1:RtInbandConf, l1:RtLabelEpToAllowedEthIf, l1:RtLabelEpToConsumerEthIf, l1:RtLsNodeToIf, l1:RtMbrIfs, l1:RtNodePortAtt, l1:RtPhysIf, l1:RtSpanSrcToL1IfAtt, l1:RtTunnelMbrIfs, l2:RtAeCtrlrL2InstPol, l2:RtEpDefRefToL2MacEp, l2:RtL2InstPol, l2:RtToLocalBdSubstitute, l2:RtToLocalPcTagSubstitute, l2ext:RtL2DomAtt, l2ext:RtL2InstPToDomP, l3:RtPseudoIf, l3:RtSpanSrcToL3OutAtt, l3:RtSrcToL3OutAtt, l3:RtTenConn, l3:RtToLocalCtxSubstitute, l3:RtUserCtx, l3ext:RtEppExtRouteTagPol, l3ext:RtFromRPToL3Dom, l3ext:RtFromRPToL3OutInstP, l3ext:RtInfraOutExp, l3ext:RtIntersiteLbIfToOutRef, l3ext:RtLIfCtxToOut, l3ext:RtLIfCtxToOutDef, l3ext:RtLbIfToOutRef, l3ext:RtOutDefContToOut, l3ext:RtPrToL3extProvLblDef, l3ext:RtProvLblDef, l3ext:RtSrcToL3extOut, l3ext:RtToRemoteRtdOutDef, l3ext:RtTrExtEpl3extOutSrc, l3ext:RtTrExtExtl3extOutSrc, lacp:RtEnhancedLagPol, lacp:RtPrefEnhancedLagPol, lacp:RtUsrAggrLagPolAtt, lacp:RtVmmVSwitchEnhancedLagPol, lacp:RtVswitchOverrideLacpPol, latency:RtLatencyOgMode, latency:RtRelPtpMode, leqpt:RtLsNodeAtt, leqpt:RtTunnelToLooseNode, lldp:RtVswitchOverrideLldpIfPol, macsec:RtToKeyChainPol, macsec:RtToParamPol, maint:RtAecatmaintp, maint:RtAectrlrmaintp, maint:RtMaintpol, maint:RtPolNotif, maint:RtReltomaintp, maint:RtToMaintGrp, mcp:RtMcpInstPolCons, mcp:RtVswitchOverrideMcpIfPol, mgmt:RtGrp, mgmt:RtInB, mgmt:RtInbEpg, mgmt:RtMgmtConnectivityPrefs, mgmt:RtOoB, mgmt:RtOobEpg, mgmt:RtToInbEpg, mgmt:RtToInbandEpg, mgmt:RtToNodeGrp, mon:RtCtrlrPMonPol, mon:RtEppToMonPol, mon:RtMonPolLocalRefEvent, mon:RtMonPolRef, mon:RtMonPolRefEvent, mon:RtSvrToMonPol, mon:RtToRemoteMonGrp, mon:RtToRemoteMonGrpRefEvent, mon:RtToRemoteMonPol, nd:RtEpDefRefToStAdjEpV6, netflow:RtMonitorDefToExporterDef, netflow:RtMonitorDefToRecordDef, netflow:RtToRemoteNetflowExporterPolDef, netflow:RtToRemoteNetflowMonitorPolDef, netflow:RtVswitchExporterPol, nw:RtDyPathAtt, nw:RtPathToIf, nw:RtStPathAtt, nws:RtVswitchOverrideFwPol, opflex:RtIDEp, opflex:RtODevKeys, opflex:RtODevToIDEp, opflex:RtODevToTunnelIDEp, opflex:RtTsODev, orchs:RtSvcsEncapToSvcAlloc, orchs:RtSvcsIpToIpPoolRef, orchs:RtSvcsIpToSvcAlloc, ospf:RtEppOspfAfCtxPol, ospf:RtEppOspfCtxPol, ospf:RtEppOspfIfPol, ospf:RtExtDefToOspfArea, ospf:RtIfDefToOspfIf, ospfv3:RtIfDefToOspfv3If, pcons:RtClDep, pcons:RtOwner, pcons:RtSubtreeClDep, pcons:RtSubtreeDep, pcons:RtToResolver, phys:RtALDevToPhysDomP, pim6:RtIfDefToPim6If, pim6:RtRP2Grange, pim:RtIfDefToPimIf, pim:RtIfPol, pim:RtLbIfToStaticRP, pim:RtRP2Grange, pim:RtToRemotePimRouteMapDefWrapper, pim:RtV6IfPol, pki:RtCertificateEp, pki:RtClientCertCA, pki:RtExportEncryptionKey, pki:RtHostCertPol, pki:RtKeyringRef, pki:RtListenerToCert, pki:RtResPkiEp, pki:RtSchedulerTokenPol, pki:RtSelfcaEp, pki:RtSvrCertChain, pki:RtSvrKeyRing, pki:RtToFabricCommunicationEp, pki:RtWebTokenData, pki:RtWebtokenRel, planner:RtAzureDomainLabel, planner:RtAzureDomainTmpl, planner:RtBdVrf, planner:RtClusterLabel, planner:RtConnectedLeaf, planner:RtConnectedSpine, planner:RtConsumedContracts, planner:RtDeployedFex, planner:RtDeployedObject, planner:RtEpgBd, planner:RtEpgLabel, planner:RtExistingTopoDeplPref, planner:RtFexLabel, planner:RtGraphBd, planner:RtGraphCluster, planner:RtGraphContracts, planner:RtGraphL3Out, planner:RtL2OutBd, planner:RtL3OutVrf, planner:RtLeafLabels, planner:RtNodeLabels, planner:RtProvidedContracts, planner:RtToConsumerBd, planner:RtToConsumerL3Out, planner:RtToProviderBd, planner:RtToProviderL3Out, planner:RtVmwareDomainLabel, planner:RtVmwareDomainTmpl, pol:NFromRef, pres:RtPresClass, pres:RtPresRegdPodCont, pres:RtToDefaultPolicies, qos:RtDefToCustomPol, qos:RtDefToDot1PClass, qos:RtDefToDscpClass, qos:RtToQosDscpTransCont, qos:RtToRemoteQosDppPolDef, rib:RtRouteOwnerToNexthopAtt, rtdmc:RtFilterToRtMapPol, rtsum:RtSubnetToRtSumm, snmp:RtCommSecPClientGrpAtt, snmp:RtCommToCtxAtt, snmp:RtDestGroup, snmp:RtEventMgrSnmpPol, snmp:RtSnmpPRel, span:RtDestToVPortDef, span:RtSpanSrcToFltGrpAtt, span:RtSpanSsnToFltGrpAtt, span:RtSrcGrpToFilterGrp, span:RtSrcToFilterGrp, span:RtSrcToVPortDef, stats:RtMonPolDefRef, stp:RtToEncapInstDef, stp:RtVswitchOverrideStpPol, sts:RtExtInFabOutRevAtt, sts:RtExtOutFabOutAtt, sts:RtFabInExtInAtt, sts:RtFabInRevExtOutAtt, sts:RtFabOutNxtExtInAtt, sts:RtFabOutRevPrevExtOutAtt, sts:RtNodeAtt, sts:RtToStsVNode, svcredir:RtDestAtt, synthetic:RtSynPolicyEvent, synthetic:RtSynpolicy, synthetic:RtToAObj, synthetic:RtToObj, synthetic:RtUnenfPolicy, syslog:RtDestGroup, syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcDefToDestGroup, syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcToDestGroup, syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcToDestGroupInt, syslog:RtToRemoteSyslogGroup, tacacs:RtDestGroup, telemetry:RtNodeFlowServers, telemetry:RtPluginToVipP, telemetry:RtToFlowServerGrp, telemetry:RtToLogServerGrp, telemetry:RtToStatsServerGrp, testinfralab:RtSnacks, throttler:RtToCustomNoTracking, top:RtExporterToTopSystem, top:RtFwinstlsrc, top:RtTrDst, top:RtTrSrc, top:RtTsSrc, trig:RtPolCatalogScheduler, trig:RtTriggerable, trig:RtWindowStarted, uribv4:RtRouteOwnerToNexthopAtt, validator:RtNextScope, vlan:RtSrcEncap, vlan:RtToVlanCkt, vmm:RtALDevToDomP, vmm:RtAcc, vmm:RtBaseCtrlrP, vmm:RtBaseDomP, vmm:RtCDevToCtrlrP, vmm:RtCtrlrP, vmm:RtDomP, vmm:RtDompRel, vmm:RtEncapAllctr, vmm:RtProvP, vmm:RtVmmCtrlrP, vns:RtAbsConnectionConns, vns:RtAbsCopyConnection, vns:RtAbsFuncProf, vns:RtAbsGraph, vns:RtAbsGraphRef, vns:RtAllocLDev, vns:RtBDDefToConn, vns:RtBDDefToLIf, vns:RtBdConn, vns:RtCDevAtt, vns:RtCDevOperInfoToCDev, vns:RtCIfAtt, vns:RtCIfAttN, vns:RtCfgToConn, vns:RtChassisToMChassis, vns:RtConnToAConn, vns:RtConnToAConnInst, vns:RtConnToCtxTerm, vns:RtConnToCtxTermInst, vns:RtConnToLIfInst, vns:RtConnectionInstConns, vns:RtConnector, vns:RtDefaultScopeToTerm, vns:RtDevFolderToMFolder, vns:RtDevMgrToMDevMgr, vns:RtDevPingToCDev, vns:RtDfctToCat, vns:RtEPgDefToConn, vns:RtEPgDefToLIf, vns:RtEPpInfoAtt, vns:RtEventConn, vns:RtFolderInstAtt, vns:RtFolderInstToMFolder, vns:RtFromLDevForExtToEp, vns:RtFromLDevForIpToEpg, vns:RtFunction, vns:RtGraphDefToGraph, vns:RtGraphInstToLDevCtx, vns:RtGraphInstanceMeta, vns:RtInstPolToVmmConfigFile, vns:RtInterface, vns:RtL1L2RedirectHealthGroup, vns:RtLDevAtt, vns:RtLDevCtxToLDev, vns:RtLDevInst, vns:RtLDevItem, vns:RtLDevOperInfoToALDev, vns:RtLDevVipToInstPol, vns:RtLIfCtxToLIf, vns:RtLIfCtxToSvcEPgPol, vns:RtLIfCtxToSvcRedirectPol, vns:RtLdevIfToLDev, vns:RtMChassis, vns:RtMChassisToMDev, vns:RtMConnAtt, vns:RtMConnAttInst, vns:RtMDev, vns:RtMDevAtt, vns:RtMDevMgr, vns:RtMDevMgrToMDev, vns:RtMetaIf, vns:RtMgmtAddr, vns:RtNodeInstMeta, vns:RtNodeInstToLDevCtx, vns:RtNodeToAbsFuncProf, vns:RtNodeToLDev, vns:RtNodeToMFunc, vns:RtProfToCloudModeMDev, vns:RtProfToMFunc, vns:RtRLdevInst, vns:RtRedirectHealthGroup, vns:RtSEPpInfo, vns:RtSEPpInfoAtt, vns:RtScopeToTerm, vns:RtTarget, vns:RtTermInstMeta, vns:RtToCIf, vns:RtToFuncProfile, vns:RtToLDevForEpToExt, vns:RtToLDevForEpgToIp, vns:RtToMdev, vns:RtToRemoteRedirectPol, vns:RtVConnToVConn, vns:RtVnsCtrlrEp, vns:RtVnschassis, vns:RtVnsldev, vns:RtVnsldevctx, vpc:RtVpcInstPolCons, vz:RtAeToCtrct, vz:RtAnyToCtrct, vz:RtBdFloodTo, vz:RtConnToFlt, vz:RtConnToFltInst, vz:RtCtxMcastTo, vz:RtERFltPOwner, vz:RtFwdRFltPAtt, vz:RtGraphDef, vz:RtIf, vz:RtProvDef, vz:RtPullRemoteCtrctEPgCont, vz:RtPullRemotevVzRFltP, vz:RtRFltAtt, vz:RtRFltP, vz:RtRFltPOwner, vz:RtRevRFltPAtt, vz:RtRfltpConn, vz:RtTabooRFltAtt, vz:RtTermToAny, vz:RtTnDenyRule, vz:RtToAnyDef, vz:RtToCtrct, vz:RtToCtrctEPgCont, vz:RtToEPgAtt, vz:RtToEpgConn, vz:RtToRFltP, vz:RtToRemoteAnyDef, vz:RtToRemoteAnyGroupDef, vz:RtToRemoteCtrct, vz:RtToRemoteCtrctEPgCont, vz:RtToRemoteRFltAtt, vz:RtToRemoteRFltP, vz:RtToRemoteTabooDef, vz:RtToTabooDef,

[V] reln:Inst This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] reln:From This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] aaa:RtAaaRadiusProviderGroup 
[V] aaa:RtCtrlrFipsMode 
[V] aaa:RtDomainRef The target relation to resolve an RBAC domain.
[V] aaa:RtLoginDomain A target relation to an AAA login domain for authentication and authorization.
[V] aaa:RtNginxIPRbacRule 
[V] aaa:RtNginxIRbacRule 
[V] aaa:RtNginxRbacRule 
[V] aaa:RtPreLoginBanner A target relation to the informational banner displayed before user login authentication.
[V] aaa:RtRbacEp 
[V] aaa:RtResAuthRealm A target relation to an authentication realm. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtResLdapEp A target relation to the global security management properties for LDAP endpoints and LDAP provider groups. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtResRadiusEp A target relation to the RADIUS endpoint policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtResRsaEp 
[V] aaa:RtResTacacsPlusEp A target relation to the TACACS+ endpoint policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtResUserEp A target relation to the user endpoint. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtToUserEp 
[V] aaa:RtUserEp A target relation to the user endpoint. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtUserSessEp 
[V] actrl:RtAuxRule A target relation to the auxiliary rule information.
[V] adepg:RtEpcpToRemoteADResEpPAttr  Relation to fv:EpCP @@@ To get the criteria for classification @@@ local relation with resolve remote false
[V] adepg:RtEvtUser 
[V] adepg:RtFltIdGrp 
[V] adepg:RtFltIp 
[V] adepg:RtPriAttrToGroup  This represents the primary AD attr associated with a group (one instance of this relation per group per tenant)
[V] adepg:RtSecAttrToGroup  This represents an AD attr associated with a group; derived from primary AD attr of ancestor group. (one instance of this relation per group per tenant)
[V] adepg:RtUsrGroup 
[V] analytics:RtCollectorAtt  Relation to collector
[V] analytics:RtNodeCfgSrv  Analytics Config Server Policy
[V] analytics:RtPolicyAtt  Reference to policy
[V] analytics:RtProfAtt  Reference to profile
[V] analytics:RtRecordPAtt  Relation to record
[V] ap:RtContainerPol 
[V] ap:RtFromDevMgrToApp 
[V] ap:RtPlugin 
[V] ap:RtToApPlugin  Default set of plugins to allow communication with
[V] arp:RtCtrlrAdjEpToStAdjEp A target relation to the ARP static adjacency endpoint.
[V] arp:RtEpDefRefToStAdjEp A target relation to the ARP static adjacency endpoint.
[V] bfd:RtMbrSess  Relation to port-channel member sessions
[V] bgp:RtBgpAsP 
[V] bgp:RtEppBgpCtxAfPol A target relation to the per-address family BGP context policy.
[V] bgp:RtEppBgpCtxPol A target relation to the BGP timers policy.
[V] callhome:RtDestGroup A target relation to the Call Home group.
[V] callhome:RtDestGroupRel A target relation to the Call Home group.
[V] callhome:RtInvPLocalRefEvent 
[V] callhome:RtInvPRef A target relation to the call home inventory policy.
[V] callhome:RtInvPRefEvent A target relation to the call home inventory policy.
[V] callhome:RtQueryGroupRel A target relation to a call home query group.
[V] callhome:RtSmartdestGroup 
[V] callhome:RtToRemoteQueryGroup 
[V] callhome:RtToRemoteQueryGroupRefEvent 
[V] cdp:RtVswitchOverrideCdpIfPol  Relationship to policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] cloud:RtActionDefToPoolDef 
[V] cloud:RtCloudCtxProfileDef 
[V] cloud:RtCloudSvcEPgDefToSvcEPg 
[V] cloud:RtCtxProfileToRegion  Instantiate cloud router in a given set of regions
[V] cloud:RtHcloudCtxCloudCtxProfileDef 
[V] cloud:RtLDevToCloudSubnet 
[V] cloud:RtNodeInstToCloudLDev  Relation to clould logical device used for this node instance
[V] cloud:RtNodeToCloudLDev  Relation from AbsNode to clould LDev
[V] cloud:RtPullCloudDomPDef 
[V] cloud:RtPullRemoteCloudAwsProviderDef  Relation that will cause the download of the cloud:AwsProviderDef and its subtree when required. This config pull will be triggered by cloud:AwsProviderHolder Mo on cPE.
[V] cloud:RtPullRemoteCloudCtxDef  Relation that will cause the download of the cloud:CtxProfileDef and its subtree when required. This config pull will be triggered by cloud:CtxProfileHolder Mo on cPE.
[V] cloud:RtPullRemoteLDevDef  Relation that will cause the download of the cloud:LDevDef and its subtree when required. This config pull will be triggered by cloud:EpP Mo on cPE.
[V] cloud:RtSecurityGroup 
[V] cloud:RtToLogGrp 
[V] cloud:RtZoneAttach 
[V] cloudsec:RtToRemoteCloudsecKeyDefCont  Relation that will cause the download of the cloudsec:KeyDefCont, which is used for cloudsec key programming on multi site spines. The update-type is subtree the whole subtree is needed to be downloaded
[V] cnw:RtActiveIf A target relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster.
[V] cnw:RtMbrIfs A target relation to the physical interface assigned to the node cluster.
[V] comm:RtPol A target relation to the communication policy.
[V] comm:RtResPol A target relation to the communication policy
[V] comm:RtWebCommDefault 
[V] comm:RtWebCommPolRel  Relation from policy container to communication policies
[V] comm:RtWebPolRel 
[V] comp:RtAssocObj 
[V] comp:RtAssocVm 
[V] comp:RtBaseCompCtrlr 
[V] comp:RtBaseCtrlr 
[V] comp:RtCDevToVm  implicit relation to get service VM update (including VNic) from compVm
[V] comp:RtCompHv 
[V] comp:RtContGrpDepl  will not be present if replicaSetName is set
[V] comp:RtCtrlr A target relation to the VM management system controller. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtDef 
[V] comp:RtDelInfo 
[V] comp:RtDeployment 
[V] comp:RtDom A target relation to the VM management system domain. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtEndpoint 
[V] comp:RtEpCPAtt 
[V] comp:RtEpPD A target relation to abstraction for the endpoint group policy description. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtEpgAggr 
[V] comp:RtHealthDef 
[V] comp:RtHv A target relation to the compute hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtHvCluster 
[V] comp:RtHvClusterDefToHvCluster 
[V] comp:RtHvGroupDefToHv 
[V] comp:RtHvGroupToHv 
[V] comp:RtHyper A target relation to the compute hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtNestedInVm 
[V] comp:RtNic A target relation to the abstract class representing network interface cards. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtOpflexHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes. Use the new realtion VNodeToHv. This exists for backward compatibility.
[V] comp:RtPhys A target relation to a physical host or compute server. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtPpNic A target relation to a physical interface on the physical host. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] comp:RtPvlan 
[V] comp:RtPvlanEntry 
[V] comp:RtRFltAtt 
[V] comp:RtRFltPAtt 
[V] comp:RtReplSet 
[V] comp:RtRpToDataStore 
[V] comp:RtRpToHost 
[V] comp:RtSvmVm 
[V] comp:RtToEPg 
[V] comp:RtToEPgAtt 
[V] comp:RtToNic 
[V] comp:RtToVm 
[V] comp:RtUsegEpPD 
[V] comp:RtVNodeToHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes This is needed for stats as multiple ODevs can point to the same Hv.
[V] comp:RtVm A target relation to a virtual machine connected to a hypervisor. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] compat:RtCatRel A target relation to the compatibility catalog.
[V] compat:RtCatalog A target relation to the compatibility catalog.
[V] compat:RtFabFw A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtFabRel A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtNeighFw A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtNeighRel A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtProtGFw A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtProtGRel A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtResCtrlrCompatCat A target relation to the compatibility catalog.
[V] compat:RtSuppHw A target relation to the hardware model.
[V] compat:RtUpgRel A target relation to the firmware version.
[V] compat:RtVmmCtrlrVerRel A target relation to the version of the VMM controller.
[V] condition:RtToNodePolGrp 
[V] config:RtAeConfigJobCont 
[V] config:RtAeConfigSnapshotCont 
[V] configpush:RtNextTx  Link to the next TxCont
[V] coop:RtBD2Dom  List of VRFs for Host-Route to be leaked
[V] coop:RtCtx2Leaf A target relation to the COOP leaf records.
[V] coop:RtDTEp2Leaf  List of leafs publishing this DTEP
[V] coop:RtFabMcgrp2Leaf  List of interested leafs
[V] coop:RtMcgrp2Leaf A target relation to the COOP leaf records.
[V] coop:RtMrtr2Leaf A target relation to the COOP leaf records.
[V] datetime:RtCtrlrDatetimeFormat A target relation to the date/time format policy.
[V] datetime:RtFormatPol The format of the date/time values is defined for the entire fabric and the global date/time format policy defines the time-zone.
[V] datetime:RtNtpProviderToNtpAuth A target relation to the NTP client authentication.
[V] datetime:RtResDatetimeFormat A target relation to the date/time format policy.
[V] dbg:RtAcLinkS2T A target relation to the atomic counter for a trail link.
[V] dbg:RtAcLinkT2D A target relation to the atomic counter for a trail link.
[V] dbg:RtAcPath A target relation to the atomic counter path.
[V] dbg:RtAcTrail A target relation to the atomic counter link.
[V] dbg:RtOgAcMode 
[V] dbgexp:RtData A target relation to the tech support data policy container.
[V] dbgexp:RtDbgrPolRel 
[V] dbgexp:RtDbgrTechSupDataContRel A target relation to the tech support data policy container.
[V] dbgexp:RtExportPol A target relation to the data export policy.
[V] dhcp:RtAllowedPools A target relation to the DHCP address pool.
[V] dhcp:RtAllowedSubnets  Association to Pool
[V] dhcp:RtClient Internal object: relation from the dhcpLease to the dhcpClient.
[V] dhcp:RtClientRel A target relation to the DCHP client.
[V] dhcp:RtLeaseDb A target relation to the DHCP lease database.
[V] dhcp:RtToNodeGrp 
[V] dns:RtCtrlrDnsProfile A target relation to the DNS profile
[V] dns:RtDnsProfile A target relation to the DNS profile
[V] dnsepg:RtDnsSvrRel 
[V] edm:RtCtrlrToDom  Association to domain
[V] edm:RtEncapDef  Association to Single Encap
[V] edm:RtMbrIfs  Aggregate if members
[V] edm:RtNicNodeBinding 
[V] edm:RtNicProf  Server NICs can be associated to a NIC Profile - but not required Marking this as 1-to-m for future scnearios where a Server NIC can associate to multiple NIC Profiles, i.e. for example - multiple VMM Domains
[V] edm:RtToEdm  Association from proxy to actual edmMgr
[V] edm:RtToNicProfToDom  Association NicPrfToDom
[V] edm:RtToSvrNic  Association to ServerNic
[V] eigrp:RtEppEigrpCtxAfPol A target relation to the per-address family EIGRP context policy.
[V] eigrp:RtEppEigrpCtxDefaultPol 
[V] eigrp:RtEppEigrpIfPol A target relation to the EIGRP interface policy.
[V] eigrp:RtIfDefToEigrpIf A target relation to EIGRP interfaces.
[V] ep:RtEpLoopProtectPolCons A target relation to the loop protection policy.
[V] epm:RtMacEpToIpEpAtt 
[V] eqpt:RtCcepConn A target relation to an external IO port on a leaf. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtExtChCardOdDiag A target relation to the extended chassis card. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtFcOdDiag A target relation to a fabric card connecting to different IO cards. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtFpOdDiag A target relation to a fabric facing external IO port. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtLcOdDiag A target relation to a line card. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtLpOdDiag A target relation to the host facing ports. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtOosSlot 
[V] eqpt:RtSupCOdDiag A target relation to the supervisor card. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] eqpt:RtSysCOdDiag A target relation to the system controller card. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] extdev:RtEsDompRel 
[V] extdev:RtGroupPRef 
[V] extdev:RtSDWanPolContRef 
[V] extdev:RtSdwanPol  Relationship to SDWan SLA Policy
[V] extdev:RtToDevType 
[V] extdev:RtToExtDevMgr  Association to External Device Controller Profile
[V] extnw:RtL3DomAtt A target relation to the fabric infrastructure policy domain profile.
[V] extnw:RtL3InstPToDomP A target relation to the fabric infrastructure policy domain profile.
[V] fabric:ProtoConsFrom 
[V] bfd:RtSysBfdIpv4PolCons  Relationship with the bfd ipv4 instance policy consumed by this node
[V] bfd:RtSysBfdIpv6PolCons  Relationship with the bfd ipv6 instance policy consumed by this node
[V] cdp:RtCdpIfPolCons A target relation to a CDP interface policy.
[V] cdp:RtSysCdpInstPolCons  Relationship with the cdp instance policy consumed by this node
[V] copp:RtCoppIfPolCons  Relationship with the coppIf policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] dwdm:RtDwdmFabIfPolCons 
[V] dwdm:RtDwdmIfPolCons 
[V] edr:RtErrDisRecoverPolCons A target relation to the error disable recovery policy.
[V] edr:RtSysErrDisRecoverPolCons  Relationship with the Error Disable Recovery policy consumed by this node
[V] equipment:RtSysFlashConfigPolCons  Relationship with the flash config policy consumed by this node
[V] fabric:RtHIfPolCons A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fc:RtFcIfPolCons  Relationship with the fcIfPol policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] fc:RtNfcIfPolCons  Relationship with the fc Interface policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] fc:RtSysFcFabricPolCons  Relationship with the fiber channel fabric policy consumed by this node
[V] fc:RtSysFcInstPolCons  Relationship with the fiber channel instance policy consumed by this node
[V] iacl:RtSysIaclProfilePolCons  Relationship with the copp iacl instance policy consumed by this node
[V] infra:RtAttEntityPCons 
[V] infra:RtLabelAttEntityPCons  Relationship with the attachable entity profile consumed by this label
[V] l2:RtL2IfPolCons 
[V] l2:RtL2PortAuthCons  Relationship with the Port Authentication policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] l2:RtL2PortSecurityCons  Relationship with the Port Security policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] l2:RtLabelL2IfPolCons  Relationship with the L2 interface policy consumed by this label
[V] l2:RtSysL2NodePolAuthCons  Relationship to 802.1x policy consumed by this node
[V] l3:RtL3IfPolCons  Relationship with the L3 interface policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] lacp:RtFcLacpPolCons  lacp Lag Policy
[V] lacp:RtLacpIfPolCons A target relation to the LACP interface policy.
[V] lacp:RtLacpPolCons A target relation to the LACP policy.
[V] lldp:RtLldpIfPolCons A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtLldpInstPolCons A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtSysLldpInstPolCons  Relationship with the lldp instance policy consumed by this node
[V] macsec:RtMacsecFabPolCons 
[V] macsec:RtMacsecPolCons  Relationship with the cdp/lacp/lldp if policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] mcp:RtMcpIfPolCons 
[V] mcp:RtSysMcpInstPolCons  Relationship with the mcp instance policy consumed by this node
[V] mon:RtMonPolIfPolCons A target relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] mon:RtMonPolModulePolCons A target relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] mon:RtMonPolSystemPolCons A target relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] netflow:RtCeMonitorPolCons 
[V] netflow:RtIpv4MonitorPolCons  Relationship with the Monitor policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] netflow:RtIpv6MonitorPolCons 
[V] netflow:RtSysNetflowNodePolCons  Relationship with the Netflow Node policy consumed by this node
[V] poe:RtPoeIfPolCons  Relationship with the poe policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] poe:RtSysPoeInstPolCons  Relationship with the poe instance policy consumed by this node
[V] psu:RtPsuInstPolCons A target relation to the power redundancy policy.
[V] psu:RtSysPsuInstPolCons  Relationship with the psu instance policy consumed by this node
[V] qos:RtQosEgressDppIfPolCons  Relationship with the qosDppPol consumed by the physical interface in Egress
[V] qos:RtQosIngressDppIfPolCons  Relationship with the qosDppPol consumed by the physical interface in Ingress
[V] qos:RtQosPfcIfPolCons  Relationship with the qosPfcPol policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] qos:RtQosSdIfPolCons  Relationship with the SdIfPol policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] stormctrl:RtStormctrlIfPolCons 
[V] stp:RtStpIfPolCons A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol interface policy.
[V] stp:RtSysMstInstPolCons  Relationship with the stp instance policy consumed by this node
[V] topoctrl:RtSysFastLinkFailoverInstPolCons  Relationship with the fast link failover policy consumed by this node
[V] topoctrl:RtSysFwdScaleProfPolCons  Relationship with the forwarding scale profile policy consumed by this node
[V] twamp:RtResponderPolCons 
[V] twamp:RtServerPolCons 
[V] fabric:RtAdj 
[V] fabric:RtCEpToPathEp A target relation to the abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtCIfPathAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtCtrlrPGrp A target relation to a fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtCtrlrPolGroup A target relation to the fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtCtrlrSRel A target relation to the fabric controller group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtDecommissionNode A target relation to the root node for the APIC.
[V] fabric:RtDefPinToPath  Represents uplink interfaces
[V] fabric:RtDestApic 
[V] fabric:RtDestPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of the path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtExtLeaves A target relation to the leaf selector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtFabricNode A target relation to the root node for the APIC.
[V] fabric:RtFabricNodeRef A target relation to the root node for the APIC.
[V] fabric:RtFabricSetup 
[V] fabric:RtFcPathAtt this object is used for creation of static association with a Path for fcoe. Existence of this implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node to which the relationship points.
[V] fabric:RtHPathAtt 
[V] fabric:RtInBStNode 
[V] fabric:RtInterfacePolProfile A target relation to the port policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtLFPathAtt 
[V] fabric:RtLeCardP A target relation to a leaf card profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtLeCardPGrp A target relation to the leaf card policy group.
[V] fabric:RtLeNodeP 
[V] fabric:RtLeNodePGrp A target relation to the leaf node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtLePortP A target relation to the leaf fabric port profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtLePortPGrp A target relation to the leaf port policy group.
[V] fabric:RtLsAttLink A target relation to the loose node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtLsNode A target relation to the loose node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtModulePolProfile A target relation to the template used for deploying card fabric configuration. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNexthopToProtG A target relation to an abstraction of VPC Protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNginxFabricNode 
[V] fabric:RtNodeAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNodeDefL3OutAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNodeGroup A target relation to the node group.
[V] fabric:RtNodeIdentPol 
[V] fabric:RtNodeL3OutAtt A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNodeLocation A target relation to the root node for the APIC. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNodeOverride  Relation to node override which contains the info on which policies have to be deployed at node level (override)
[V] fabric:RtNodePolGroup A target relation to the abstraction of node policy groups. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtNodeident A target relation to the node identity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtOFabricNode  This object is used for creation of static association with a Node. Existence of this implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node to which the relationship points.
[V] fabric:RtOLeafSToLeNodePGrp  Relationship to policy group providing policies for the leafs
[V] fabric:RtOSpineSToSpNodePGrp  Relationship to policy group providing policies for the spines
[V] fabric:RtObsCtrlrSRel A target relation to the fabric controller group.
[V] fabric:RtOoBStNode 
[V] fabric:RtOosPath A target relation to the abstraction of the path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathAtt A target relation to the abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathDefL2OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathDefL3OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathL2OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathL3OutAtt A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPathToLePortPGrp 
[V] fabric:RtPathToSpPortPGrp 
[V] fabric:RtPinToPath  Represents uplink interfaces
[V] fabric:RtPodPGrp A target relation to a pod policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPodPolGroup A target relation to a pod policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtPortDirection  Relation to fabricPathEp
[V] fabric:RtProtGroup A target relation to the VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtProtGrp A target relation to the VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtProtLbIf A target relation to an abstraction of a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtProtectionGrp A target relation to a VPC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtResNodeIdentP A target relation to the node identity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtSFPathAtt 
[V] fabric:RtSHPathAtt  This object is used for creation of static association with a Spine's Host Port's Path. Existence of this implies that the corresponding set of policies will be resolved into the node to which the relationship points.
[V] fabric:RtSetupPol 
[V] fabric:RtSpCardP A target relation to a spine card profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtSpCardPGrp A target relation to the spine card policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtSpNodeP 
[V] fabric:RtSpNodePGrp A target relation to the spine card policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtSpPortP A target relation to a spine port profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtSpPortPGrp A target relation to the base class for a spine port policy group.
[V] fabric:RtSrcToNode  Relation to Node
[V] fabric:RtSrcToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtStCEpDefToNode A relation target that represents static endpoints that are associated with this path endpoint.
[V] fabric:RtStCEpDefToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtStCEpToNode A relation target that represents static endpoints that are associated with this node.
[V] fabric:RtStCEpToPathEp A target relation to an abstraction of a path endpoint. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtTnlpathAtt 
[V] fabric:RtToFabricPathS 
[V] fabric:RtToFabricSetupPol 
[V] fabric:RtToGrpRef 
[V] fabric:RtToInfraPathS 
[V] fabric:RtToNodeIdentP 
[V] fabric:RtTrExtEpSrcToPathEp  Relation to PathEp (PathEp can refer to a physical port or port channel or VPC
[V] fabric:RtTrExtExtSrcToPathEp  Relation to PathEp (PathEp can refer to a physical port or port channel or VPC
[V] fabric:RtUsedMcastIp 
[V] fabric:RtUsedNodeIp 
[V] fabric:RtUsedUcastIp 
[V] fault:RtEventMgrPolRel 
[V] fc:RtToRemotePinningPDef 
[V] fc:RtToVsanAttr 
[V] fc:RtToVsanEncapInstDef 
[V] fc:RtVsanAttr 
[V] fc:RtVsanAttrDef 
[V] file:RtExportDest A target relation from data export policy to destination.
[V] firmware:RtAecatfirmwarep A target relation to the catalog firmware policy version.
[V] firmware:RtAecatfirmwarepinternal 
[V] firmware:RtAectrlrfirmwarep A target relation to the firmware policy specification of the controller.
[V] firmware:RtBootmgrcatfirmwarep A target relation to the catalog firmware policy version.
[V] firmware:RtFirmware A target relation to the firmware specification.
[V] firmware:RtFirmwareRepoP A target relation to the firmware repository population and maintenance information.
[V] firmware:RtFirmwarep 
[V] firmware:RtFwFw 
[V] firmware:RtFwGrp A target relation to the firmware group.
[V] firmware:RtIsrc A target relation to the internal source of firmware images.
[V] firmware:RtRepo A target relation to the firmware repository population and maintenance information.
[V] firmware:RtToFwGrp 
[V] fv:From An internal relation base class.
[V] analytics:RtMonitorAtt  Reference to monitor
[V] cons:RtConsRoot 
[V] dhcp:RtRelayAddrToProv 
[V] fv:CustomRtDomIfConn 
[V] l2:RtDomIfConn A target relation to the layer 2 flood domain.
[V] fv:RtCtxToEpP A target relation to a resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtExtBD A target relation to connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtIpAddr A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtIpEppAtt 
[V] fv:RtL3If A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtLbIfToLocale A target relation to a fabric node where this endpoint profile is present. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtMacBaseEppAtt 
[V] fv:RtMacEppAtt 
[V] fv:RtQinqEppAtt 
[V] fv:RtRouteToIfConn A target relation to the connectivity parameters for an interface. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpgProt A target relation to an endpoint group associated with a taboo policy in a given context.
[V] fv:RtToTunDef A target relation to a tunnel definition. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVlanEppAtt A target relation to the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVxlanEppAtt A target relation to the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object.
[V] ip:RtRouteToRouteDef A target relation to the route definitions.
[V] ip:RtRtDefIpAddr A target relation to the route definitions.
[V] l1:RtBrConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtEncPhysRtdConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtExtConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtFcBrConf  associated L1 FcPhysIf
[V] l1:RtIoPPhysConf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtLocaleToObservedEthIf  Relation used for reporting health scores from ports to EpP in case of Node Attachment
[V] l1:RtPhysRtdConf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtToObservedEthIf 
[V] l2:RtEPgDefToL2Dom A target relation to the layer 2 flood domain.
[V] l2:RtSpanSrcToL2CktEpAtt A target relation to the set of circuits. This is an internal object.
[V] l2:RtSrvExtIfMap 
[V] l3:RtEPgDefToL3Dom A target relation to the layer 3 domain (VRF).
[V] l3:RtIpCktEpIfConn  IP correspojding to this IfConn
[V] l3ext:RtAddrToIpDef A target relation to a secondary IP address policy definition.
[V] leqpt:RtEpDefToLooseNode 
[V] mgmt:RtRtdMgmtConf A target relation to the management interface.
[V] nw:RtEpDefRefToPathEp 
[V] nw:RtEpDefToPathEp A target relation to the abstraction of an endpoint path.
[V] nw:RtL3EpDefToPathEp 
[V] nw:RtPathDomAtt A target relation to the endpoint path.
[V] pc:RtAccBndlGrpToAggrIf A target relation to the aggregated interface.
[V] pc:RtFcAccBndlGrpToFcAggrIf  Association to the port channel created by this BndlGrp
[V] pc:RtFexBndlGrpToAggrIf A target relation to the aggregated interface.
[V] pc:RtPcFcAggrBrConf  associated L1 FcAggrIf
[V] pc:RtVpcConf A target relation to the aggregated interface.
[V] qosp:RtDot1pRuleAtt A target relation to the set of Dot1p rules.
[V] qosp:RtDscpRuleAtt A target relation to the set of DSCP rules.
[V] qosp:RtL3dot1pRuleAtt  Relation to the set of Dot1P rules
[V] qosp:RtL3dscpRuleAtt  Relation to the set of DSCP rules
[V] rtextcom:RtExtCommAtt A target relation to a route control rule for extended community lists.
[V] rtpfx:RtRtDstAtt A target relation to a list of prefix list rules.
[V] rtpfx:RtRtNhAtt A target relation to a list of prefix list rules.
[V] rtpfx:RtRtSrcAtt A target relation to a list of prefix list rules.
[V] rtregcom:RtRegCommAtt A target relation to a route control rule for regular community lists.
[V] svccopy:RtCopyDestAtt  Attachment to Copy Destination
[V] svccopy:RtToCopyDestGrp  Relationship to the copy service object
[V] svcredir:RtHealthGrpAtt  Relationship to the healthgroup object
[V] svcredir:RtToRedirDestGrp  Relationship to the service object for pbr redirection
[V] vsan:ARtVsanPathAtt 
[V] nw:RtVsanLabelAtt  Associations to nw:LabelEp with rel-mo to vfcif "
[V] nw:RtVsanPathAtt  Associations to nw:PathEp with rel-mo to vfcif "
[V] fv:RtARemoteHostToEpg A target relation to teh abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtARemoteHostToEpp A target relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile.
[V] fv:RtAcExtPolToContext  Relation to Context. Created internally only for ExtIp policies and only when the fv:Ctx is in tn-common. The Rt Mo when created under the Ctx, triggers a task to send OutDef objects to the policy
[V] fv:RtAssocBDDefContToBDHolder 
[V] fv:RtBDDefToBD A target relation to a bridge domain policy. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtChassisEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints.
[V] fv:RtClientGrpToEpp A target relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile.
[V] fv:RtContext  Source side ctx
[V] fv:RtCopyCtx 
[V] fv:RtCrtrnDefToBDDef 
[V] fv:RtDefInfraBd A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain (BD).
[V] fv:RtDependencyToFailedEpP A target relation to a failed endpoint profile.
[V] fv:RtDestEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDevEpg A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDevMgrEpg 
[V] fv:RtDnsAttrRel 
[V] fv:RtDppIfCreatedByFvIfConn  Relationship with the fvIfConn to be able to export the stats from dppIf to fvIfConn
[V] fv:RtEPpInfoToBD A target relation to the abstract representation of a bridge domain policy.
[V] fv:RtEpCP 
[V] fv:RtEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtEppToEpCP  Relation to fv:EpCP @@@ To get the criteria for classification @@@ local relation with resolve remote false
[V] fv:RtExporterToCtx  Points to the Ctx behind which the Netflow Exporter Resides
[V] fv:RtExporterToEPg  Points to the EPg behind which the Netflow Exporter Resides
[V] fv:RtExtdevMgrMgmtEPg  Association to the Management EPg for this Controller @@@ This is used to decide the Context (VRF) in which @@@ the controller is present.
[V] fv:RtFabricExtConnPDef 
[V] fv:RtFromAbsEpg 
[V] fv:RtFromEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtFromEpForEpToEpg A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtFromEpIp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtFromEpIpForEpToEpg A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtFromEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtFuncToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtFvCtxDef 
[V] fv:RtFvEppInband A target relation to an in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtFvEppOob A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtIPSLAMonitoringPol 
[V] fv:RtISvcEPgCtx  Relationship to the fvCtx of belonging
[V] fv:RtIdgAttrRel 
[V] fv:RtInfraOutRtdEpP 
[V] fv:RtInstPToNatMappingEPg  Relation to the EPg that traffic should traverse if NAT is required. Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs.
[V] fv:RtIpslaMonPol 
[V] fv:RtLIfCtxToBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain.
[V] fv:RtLIfCtxToInstP 
[V] fv:RtLabelToPathAtt  Associations to the path attachment for the label
[V] fv:RtLocalEpCP 
[V] fv:RtLocale A target relation to the fabric node where this endpoint profile is present.
[V] fv:RtMgmtEPg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtMonToFvEppInband A target relation to an in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtMonToFvEppInbandEvent A target relation to the in-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group.
[V] fv:RtMonToFvEppOob A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtMonToFvEppOobEvent A target relation to an out-of-band management endpoint profile for a fabric node management endpoint group.
[V] fv:RtNHTrackMember  Relation definition for Next Hop to TrackList
[V] fv:RtNexthopRouteTrack  Relation definition for Next Hop to TrackList
[V] fv:RtNtpProvToEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtNtpProvToEpp A target relation to an abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile.
[V] fv:RtOtmListMember 
[V] fv:RtOutToBDPublicSubnetHolder This relation subscribes the Out to the BDHolder in the shard
[V] fv:RtPoeEpg  Represents the EPg the interface policy uses
[V] fv:RtPolModAtt A target relation to a bridge domain policy modifier that can override the desired state of the bridge domain. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtPrToBDSubnetHolder 
[V] fv:RtProfileToEpg An attachable target group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtProfileToEpp An abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile.
[V] fv:RtProv A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtProvToEpp 
[V] fv:RtPullRemoteCtxDef 
[V] fv:RtREPpInfoToBD  Relation to actual BD
[V] fv:RtRegisterAREpPBootStrap 
[V] fv:RtRegisterUpdates 
[V] fv:RtRouteTrack  Relation definition for static route to TrackList
[V] fv:RtRtdEpPToNatMappingEPg  Relation to the EPg that traffic should traverse if NAT is required. Currently used only by OVS in OpenStack envs.
[V] fv:RtSecInherited  Represents that the EPg is inheriting security configuration from another EPg
[V] fv:RtSecProvToEpg A target relation to an attachable target group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtServerToCtx 
[V] fv:RtShardedRegisterAREpPBootStrap 
[V] fv:RtShardedRegisterUpdates 
[V] fv:RtSrcToBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet.
[V] fv:RtSrcToBDDef A target relation to a private layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToCtx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToCtxDef A target relation to a context definition. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToEpP A target relation to an endpoint profile. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToFvIfConn  Relation to fvIfConn
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrvCtx 
[V] fv:RtSrvCtxDef  Relation to CtxDef
[V] fv:RtSvcBDToBDAtt A target relation to a bridge domain. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSvcMgmtEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSvrEpg 
[V] fv:RtSvrToMgmtEPg  Association to the Management EPg for this Svr @@@ This is used to decide the Context (VRF) in which @@@ the Svr is present.
[V] fv:RtTenant A target relation to a policy owner in the virtual fabric.
[V] fv:RtTenantInfra 
[V] fv:RtTermToEPg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtTnlCtx  Relation to common TnlCtx and by default enforcable and resolvable are true
[V] fv:RtToAbsEpg 
[V] fv:RtToAbsEpgForEpgToEpg  Rel Def to Dst. EPG (Abstract super class of EPG)
[V] fv:RtToApicConnDef  Association with inbandIp of apic
[V] fv:RtToCtxDef  Association with inband ctxdef
[V] fv:RtToDomDef A target relation to the domain definition. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpCP 
[V] fv:RtToEpDef A target relation to an endpoint definition. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpForEpToEp A target relation to the properties of the client defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpForEpgToEp A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpIp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtToEpIpForEpToEp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtToEpIpForEpgToEp A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtToEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToEpgForEpgToEpg A target relation to a set of requirements for the application-level endpoint group instance. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToFvConnDef  Association with inbandIp of apic
[V] fv:RtToFvDomDef 
[V] fv:RtToFvFabricExtConnPDef 
[V] fv:RtToFvPrimaryEncapDef 
[V] fv:RtToFvSystemGIPoDef 
[V] fv:RtToInbCtxDef  Association with inband ctxdef
[V] fv:RtToREpPCont 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteBDDef A target relation to a private layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToRemoteBDHolder A target relation to a bridge domain holder.
[V] fv:RtToRemoteConnInstrPol A target relation to the various segments of the network that need improvement to allow a more efficient distribution of limited budget resources.
[V] fv:RtToRemoteCtxDef A target relation to a context definition. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtToRemoteEpCP 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteEpPCtrctInfo 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteFabricExtConnPDef 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteIpslaPol 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteKeyChainPolDef 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteMember 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteREpPCont 
[V] fv:RtToRemoteRtdEpPInfoHolder A target relation to a Layer 3 routed outside and present under a tenant.
[V] fv:RtToRemoteSiteCont  Relation that will cause the download of the fv:SiteCont when required. this will be triggered by behavioural code on PE when handling changes on the LNodePDef Mo. NOTE: the update-type is 'subtree-with-rels' because the entire SiteCont hierarchy needs to be pulled down.
[V] fv:RtTrEpDst A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtTrEpExtIpSrc 
[V] fv:RtTrEpIpDst A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtTrEpIpSrc A target relation to the IP address of an endpoint.
[V] fv:RtTrEpSrc A target relation to the properties of the client-defined endpoint attached to the network. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtTrExtEpIpDst 
[V] fv:RtTrExtEpSrcToFvIfConn  Relation to fvIfConn
[V] fv:RtTrExtExtSrcToFvIfConn  Relation to fvIfConn
[V] fv:RtTrackListReln 
[V] fv:RtUnkMacActModAtt A target relation to the bridge domain policy modifier. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVConnToEpgEp A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVConnToEpgSubnet A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVNode A target relation to the VNode that contains the endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtVsrcToEpg A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fvns:RtALDevToVlanInstP A target relation to the VLAN range namespace policy.
[V] fvns:RtALDevToVxlanInstP A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition.
[V] fvns:RtAddrInst A target relation to the IP address namespace/IP address range.
[V] fvns:RtCDevTemplateToAddrInst 
[V] fvns:RtDomDefNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition.
[V] fvns:RtDomDefNsLocal A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition.
[V] fvns:RtDomMcastAddrNs A target relation to the multicast address namespace policy.
[V] fvns:RtDomVxlanNsDef 
[V] fvns:RtIpPoolRef  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] fvns:RtIpPoolRefv2  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] fvns:RtMcastAddrNs A target relation to the policy definition of the multicast IP address ranges.
[V] fvns:RtVipAddrNs 
[V] fvns:RtVlanInstP 
[V] fvns:RtVlanNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition.
[V] fvns:RtVlanNsDef A target relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the Encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges.
[V] fvns:RtVsanNs 
[V] fvns:RtVsanNsDef 
[V] fvns:RtVxlanNs A target relation to the VxLAN namespace policy definition.
[V] fvns:RtVxlanNsDef A target relation to the namespace policy is used for managing the Encap (VXLAN, NVGRE, VLAN) ranges.
[V] fvtopo:RtEp A target relation to the endpoint.
[V] geo:RtSystemRack A target relation to the rack identifier where the node is located.
[V] hcipsec:RtIpsecProfile  IPSec Profile
[V] hcipsec:RtProfileToTransformSet 
[V] hcisakmp:RtIsakmpProfile  Isakmp Profile
[V] hcisakmp:RtProfileToKeyring 
[V] hcl1:RtPhysRoutedAtt  associated L1 If
[V] hcl1:RtSourceIf  Tunnel Source Interface
[V] hcl3:RtBgpPeerTohcl3RoutedIf 
[V] hcl3:RtBgpPeerTolbRoutedIf 
[V] hcl3:RtLoopbackIf  associated Loopback If
[V] hcl3:RtSourceLoopbackRoutedIf NVE Source Interface Loopback
[V] hcloud:RtActionToTargetGroup 
[V] hcloud:RtEpToInst 
[V] hcloud:RtEpToSecurityGroup 
[V] hcloud:RtFlowToLogGrp 
[V] hcloud:RtHcloudCtx 
[V] hcloud:RtHcloudPolHolderCtxRel 
[V] hcloud:RtHcloudPolHolderRel 
[V] hcloud:RtInterSite  Relation used to signal if a contract is a inter site one
[V] hcloud:RtInterVrf  Relation used to signal if a contract is between VRFs
[V] hcloud:RtLBToSecurityGroup 
[V] hcloud:RtLBToSubnet 
[V] hcloud:RtListenerToCert 
[V] hcloud:RtNetworkInterfaceToSubnet 
[V] hcloud:RtNextHopToIgw 
[V] hcloud:RtNextHopToNwIf 
[V] hcloud:RtNextHopToVgw 
[V] hcloud:RtQueueToTopicSubscription  Message queues can subscribe to one or more topics
[V] hcloud:RtSelectorToTagParent 
[V] hcloud:RtSubnetFlowToLogGrp 
[V] hcloud:RtSubnetToRacl 
[V] hcloud:RtSubnetToRouteTable 
[V] hcloud:RtTgToEndPoint 
[V] hcloud:RtTgToSecurityGroup 
[V] hcloud:RtTopicToCsr  Every CSR in the fabric will publish configuration changes and other notifications to the apic via Topics. This relation defines the association of a particular topic to the CSR
[V] hcloud:RtVpnConnToCgw 
[V] hcnve:RtToNveIf 
[V] hctunn:RtBgpPeerTohctunnIf 
[V] hctunn:RtTunnIf  associated Tunnel If
[V] health:RtHealthRetPolicy  relation to resolve health:CtrlrRetP for all shards.
[V] health:RtHealthRetPolicyLocal  relation to resolve health:CtrlrRetP for local shard.
[V] hinventory:RtConnToCgw 
[V] hinventory:RtConnToVgw 
[V] hinventory:RtDestinationSG 
[V] hinventory:RtIGToCtx 
[V] hinventory:RtNexthopIgw 
[V] hinventory:RtNexthopNic 
[V] hinventory:RtNexthopVgw 
[V] hinventory:RtNicToInstance 
[V] hinventory:RtNicToSG 
[V] hinventory:RtRtToSub 
[V] hinventory:RtSourceSG 
[V] hinventory:RtVgwToCtx 
[V] hostprot:RtHostprotPol  Relation to hostprot policies used by this device.
[V] hostprot:RtHpp 
[V] hvs:RtDlPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs.
[V] hvs:RtExtPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs.
[V] hvs:RtLNode A target relation to the logical node.
[V] hvs:RtMgmtPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs.
[V] hvs:RtNicAdj A target relation to the connectivity to an external network.
[V] hvs:RtPvlan 
[V] hvs:RtPvlan2 
[V] hvs:RtRule 
[V] hvs:RtUlPol A target relation to the extended policies for the interfaces on VMs.
[V] igmp:RtIfDefToIgmpIf  Relationship to the IGMP interfaces
[V] igmp:RtIfPol  Relationship to the IGMP interface policy
[V] infra:RtAEP 
[V] infra:RtAccBaseGrp A target relation to the access policy group providing port configuration.
[V] infra:RtAccBndlSubgrp A target relation to the access bundle subgroup. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtAccCardP A target relation to the module profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtAccNodePGrp A target relation to the node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtAccPortP A target relation to the interface profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtAttEntP A target relation to the attached entity profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtBndlGrp 
[V] infra:RtCardPGrp A target relation to the module policy group.
[V] infra:RtConnFexS A target relation to the connectivity FEX selector.
[V] infra:RtConnPortS A target relation to the host connectivity port selector.
[V] infra:RtConnectivityProfile A target relation to the abstraction of port functions.
[V] infra:RtConnectivitySpProfile  Relation to infra spine access policy group. @@@ This relation is used to subscribe node for SpAccPortGrp/RsAttEntP @@@ AttEntityP/ContNS. @@@ Upgrade does not allow to change RsConnectivityProfile
[V] infra:RtDomAtt A target relation to a physical or virtual domain. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtDomDef 
[V] infra:RtDomP A target relation to a physical or virtual domain. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtDomRef 
[V] infra:RtExtDevDomP 
[V] infra:RtFcAttEntP  Relationship to policy for entities attached to the interfaces @@@ This relation is used to get meta to subscribe node for @@@ connectivity policy selector.
[V] infra:RtFexGrp A target relation to the port functions. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtFexp A target relation to the FEX profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtInfraNodeOverride  Relation to node override which contains the info on which policies have to be deployed at node level (override)
[V] infra:RtInterfacePolProfile A target relation to the interface profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtLDevDomP 
[V] infra:RtModulePolProfile A target relation to the module profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtNicProfToDomP 
[V] infra:RtNodeP 
[V] infra:RtNodePolGroup A target relation to the node policy group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtOLeafSToAccNodePGrp  Relationship to policy group providing policies for the leafs
[V] infra:RtOut A target relation to the outside interfaces connected to the peer devices.
[V] infra:RtPathToAccBaseGrp 
[V] infra:RtPathToSpAccGrp 
[V] infra:RtSpAccGrp 
[V] infra:RtSpAccPortP  Relationship to policy providing connectivity groups
[V] infra:RtSpineAccNodePGrp  Relationship to policy group providing policies for the leafs
[V] infra:RtStAttEntPAtt A target relation to the attached entity profile.
[V] infra:RtStFcGrpAtt  Same as above stGrpAtt relation but for FC bundle group
[V] infra:RtStGrpAtt A target relation to the port functions. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtToImplicitSetPol 
[V] infra:RtToInfraSetPol  Relation to infraSetPol
[V] infra:RtToInterfacePolProfile  Relation to port profile which contains the info on which policies/which interfaces have to be deployed on the node
[V] infra:RtToInterfaceSpPolProfile  Relation to spine profile which contains the info on which policies/which interfaces have to be deployed on the spine
[V] infra:RtToPeerNodeCfg 
[V] infra:RtVpcBndlGrp A target relation to the bundle interface group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infrazone:RtToNodeGrp 
[V] infrazone:RtZoneConfig 
[V] ip:RtNexthopToNexthopDef A target relation to the next hops for the static route.
[V] ipsec:RtAreaSecAssocAtt  ipsec SA
[V] ipsec:RtDomSecAssocAtt  ipsec SA
[V] ipsec:RtIfSecAssocAtt  ipsec SA
[V] isis:RtNhAtt A target relation to the IS-IS next hop.
[V] l1:RtEthIf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtFcMbrIfs  Aggregate if members
[V] l1:RtInbandConf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtLabelEpToAllowedEthIf  Associations to the allowed interfaces for the label
[V] l1:RtLabelEpToConsumerEthIf  Associations to the interfaces consuming the label
[V] l1:RtLsNodeToIf A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtMbrIfs A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtNodePortAtt A target relation to an abstraction of Ethernet interface properties that are common between Ethernet physical and aggregated interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtPhysIf A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtSpanSrcToL1IfAtt A target relation to an abstraction for a layer-1 interface in the system. The properties apply to all types of interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l1:RtTunnelMbrIfs A target relation to the Layer 1 physical Ethernet interface information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] l2:RtAeCtrlrL2InstPol A target relation to L2 instance policy information. This is an internal object.
[V] l2:RtEpDefRefToL2MacEp 
[V] l2:RtL2InstPol A target relation to a policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces. This is an internal object.
[V] l2:RtToLocalBdSubstitute 
[V] l2:RtToLocalPcTagSubstitute 
[V] l2ext:RtL2DomAtt A target relation to the external bridged domain profile.
[V] l2ext:RtL2InstPToDomP A target relation to the external bridged domain profile.
[V] l3:RtPseudoIf A target relation to the abstract layer 3 interface. If the mode is pseudo interface, the list of all interfaces the DHCP requests is flooded.
[V] l3:RtSpanSrcToL3OutAtt  Relation to the L3 out
[V] l3:RtSrcToL3OutAtt  Relation to the L3 out
[V] l3:RtTenConn A target relation to the tenant context. This is an internal object.
[V] l3:RtToLocalCtxSubstitute 
[V] l3:RtUserCtx A target relation to tenant context information. The tenant context is equivalent to a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance created for the tenant's L3 network. Similar to a VRF in traditional Cisco routers, the tenant context isolates the IP addresses of the tenant, allowing different tenants to have overlapping IP addresses.
[V] l3ext:RtEppExtRouteTagPol A target relation to an external route tag policy.
[V] l3ext:RtFromRPToL3Dom  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] l3ext:RtFromRPToL3OutInstP  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] l3ext:RtInfraOutExp 
[V] l3ext:RtIntersiteLbIfToOutRef 
[V] l3ext:RtLIfCtxToOut A target relation to a Layer 3 outside policy.
[V] l3ext:RtLIfCtxToOutDef  Relation from LIf Context to L3ext:OutDef
[V] l3ext:RtLbIfToOutRef A target relation to a Layer 3 outside policy reference.
[V] l3ext:RtOutDefContToOut 
[V] l3ext:RtPrToL3extProvLblDef 
[V] l3ext:RtProvLblDef 
[V] l3ext:RtSrcToL3extOut  Relation to l3extOut
[V] l3ext:RtToRemoteRtdOutDef  @@ Pulls RtdOutDef Configuration
[V] l3ext:RtTrExtEpl3extOutSrc  Relation to l3extOut
[V] l3ext:RtTrExtExtl3extOutSrc  Relation to l3extOut
[V] lacp:RtEnhancedLagPol 
[V] lacp:RtPrefEnhancedLagPol 
[V] lacp:RtUsrAggrLagPolAtt 
[V] lacp:RtVmmVSwitchEnhancedLagPol 
[V] lacp:RtVswitchOverrideLacpPol  Relationship to lacp pc policy
[V] latency:RtLatencyOgMode 
[V] latency:RtRelPtpMode 
[V] leqpt:RtLsNodeAtt A target relation to the external unmanaged node.
[V] leqpt:RtTunnelToLooseNode A target relation to the external unmanaged node.
[V] lldp:RtVswitchOverrideLldpIfPol 
[V] macsec:RtToKeyChainPol  Relation to KeyChainPol
[V] macsec:RtToParamPol  Relation to IfPol
[V] maint:RtAecatmaintp A target relation to the catalog maintenance policy.
[V] maint:RtAectrlrmaintp A target relation to the controller maintenance policy.
[V] maint:RtMaintpol 
[V] maint:RtPolNotif A target relation to the user notification.
[V] maint:RtReltomaintp 
[V] maint:RtToMaintGrp 
[V] mcp:RtMcpInstPolCons 
[V] mcp:RtVswitchOverrideMcpIfPol  Relationship to policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] mgmt:RtGrp A target relation to the managed node connectivity group.
[V] mgmt:RtInB  Relationship to an in-band EPG
[V] mgmt:RtInbEpg A target relation to the in-band management endpoint group.
[V] mgmt:RtMgmtConnectivityPrefs 
[V] mgmt:RtOoB  Relationship to an out-of-band EPG
[V] mgmt:RtOobEpg A target relation to the out-of-band management endpoint group.
[V] mgmt:RtToInbEpg  Association with the inband epg
[V] mgmt:RtToInbandEpg  Association with the inband epg
[V] mgmt:RtToNodeGrp 
[V] mon:RtCtrlrPMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtEppToMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group (EPG) semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonPolLocalRefEvent 
[V] mon:RtMonPolRef A target relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] mon:RtMonPolRefEvent A target relation to the monitoring policy model.
[V] mon:RtSvrToMonPol  Association to the monitoring policy for this Svr
[V] mon:RtToRemoteMonGrp 
[V] mon:RtToRemoteMonGrpRefEvent 
[V] mon:RtToRemoteMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope.
[V] nd:RtEpDefRefToStAdjEpV6 A target relation to static neighbor discovery adjacency definitions.
[V] netflow:RtMonitorDefToExporterDef 
[V] netflow:RtMonitorDefToRecordDef 
[V] netflow:RtToRemoteNetflowExporterPolDef 
[V] netflow:RtToRemoteNetflowMonitorPolDef  Relation that will cause the download of the netflow:MonitorPolDef and its subtree when required. This config pull will be triggered by behavioural code on PE when handling changes on the netflow:MonitorPolHolder Mo We need to bring in the entire subtree since the subtree may contain Exporter and Record Def Mos ...
[V] netflow:RtVswitchExporterPol  Relationship to VMM Netflow Exporter Policy
[V] nw:RtDyPathAtt A target relation to the endpoint path.
[V] nw:RtPathToIf A target relation to the interface information.
[V] nw:RtStPathAtt A target relation to the endpoint path.
[V] nws:RtVswitchOverrideFwPol  Relationship to nws fw policy
[V] opflex:RtIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtODevKeys  Association from one Ctrlr to opflex certs
[V] opflex:RtODevToIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtODevToTunnelIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtTsODev  Relation to source fabric node
[V] orchs:RtSvcsEncapToSvcAlloc  Relation to help Track All the SvcsIps
[V] orchs:RtSvcsIpToIpPoolRef  Relation to help Track All the SvcsIps
[V] orchs:RtSvcsIpToSvcAlloc  Relation to help Track All the SvcsIps
[V] ospf:RtEppOspfAfCtxPol A source relation to per address family OSPF context policy.
[V] ospf:RtEppOspfCtxPol A target relation to the context-level OSPF timer policy.
[V] ospf:RtEppOspfIfPol A target relation to the OSPF interface-level policy.
[V] ospf:RtExtDefToOspfArea 
[V] ospf:RtIfDefToOspfIf A target relation to the OSPF information that is operated at an interface level.
[V] ospfv3:RtIfDefToOspfv3If A target relation to OSPF information that is operated at a interface level.
[V] pcons:RtClDep This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pcons:RtOwner This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pcons:RtSubtreeClDep This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pcons:RtSubtreeDep This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pcons:RtToResolver 
[V] phys:RtALDevToPhysDomP The physical domain profile.
[V] pim6:RtIfDefToPim6If 
[V] pim6:RtRP2Grange 
[V] pim:RtIfDefToPimIf  Relationship to the PIM interfaces
[V] pim:RtIfPol  Relationship to the PIM interface policy
[V] pim:RtLbIfToStaticRP 
[V] pim:RtRP2Grange 
[V] pim:RtToRemotePimRouteMapDefWrapper  Relation that will cause the download of the pim:RouteMapDefWrapper, which is used for route-map population. The update-type is subtree because the whole subtree is needed to be downloaded
[V] pim:RtV6IfPol  Relationship to the PIM interface policy
[V] pki:RtCertificateEp 
[V] pki:RtClientCertCA 
[V] pki:RtExportEncryptionKey 
[V] pki:RtHostCertPol 
[V] pki:RtKeyringRef 
[V] pki:RtListenerToCert 
[V] pki:RtResPkiEp A target relation to the PKI configuration.
[V] pki:RtSchedulerTokenPol 
[V] pki:RtSelfcaEp 
[V] pki:RtSvrCertChain  ISE certChain
[V] pki:RtSvrKeyRing  ISE private key, certificate
[V] pki:RtToFabricCommunicationEp 
[V] pki:RtWebTokenData 
[V] pki:RtWebtokenRel A target relation to cryptographic data used for generating and verifying web tokens.
[V] planner:RtAzureDomainLabel  Label for this domain
[V] planner:RtAzureDomainTmpl  Azure Domain Template
[V] planner:RtBdVrf  VRF
[V] planner:RtClusterLabel  Label for this Cluster
[V] planner:RtConnectedLeaf  Leaf this fex is connected to
[V] planner:RtConnectedSpine  Spine this leaf is connected to
[V] planner:RtConsumedContracts  Contracts consumed by this epg
[V] planner:RtDeployedFex  Deployed Fex
[V] planner:RtDeployedObject  Deployed Object
[V] planner:RtEpgBd  Bridge Domain
[V] planner:RtEpgLabel  Lable for this EPG
[V] planner:RtExistingTopoDeplPref 
[V] planner:RtFexLabel  Label for fex
[V] planner:RtGraphBd  Graph Bridge Domain (for goto-one-arm)
[V] planner:RtGraphCluster  L4L7 Cluster
[V] planner:RtGraphContracts 
[V] planner:RtGraphL3Out  Graph L3Out (for goto-one-arm)
[V] planner:RtL2OutBd  Bridge Domain
[V] planner:RtL3OutVrf  VRF
[V] planner:RtLeafLabels  Lables assigned to leaf
[V] planner:RtNodeLabels 
[V] planner:RtProvidedContracts  Contracts provided by this epg
[V] planner:RtToConsumerBd  Consumer side Bridge Domain (for goto-two-arm)
[V] planner:RtToConsumerL3Out  Consumer side l3out (for goto-two-arm)
[V] planner:RtToProviderBd  Provider side Bridge Domain (for goto-two-arm)
[V] planner:RtToProviderL3Out  Provider side L3Out (for goto-two-arm)
[V] planner:RtVmwareDomainLabel  Label for this domain
[V] planner:RtVmwareDomainTmpl  Vmware Domain Template
[V] pol:NFromRef Represents a target name.
[V] aaa:RtAaaCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] aaa:RtAaaCtrlrRetP A target relation to resolve a controller audit retention policy.
[V] aaa:RtLSubjToDomainRef 
[V] aaa:RtNodeAaaRecRetP A source relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtResAuditSwRetP A target relation to the switch AAA audit log retention policy. This object is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
[V] aaa:RtScriptHandlerStateToDomainRef A target relation to a reference to the domain that the parent object belongs.
[V] aaa:RtSessionToDomainRef 
[V] aaa:RtTenantToDomainRef 
[V] aaa:RtVDevDomainRefContToDomainRef 
[V] aaa:RtVDevToDomainRef A target relation to a reference to the domain that the parent object belongs.
[V] ap:RtDockerImage 
[V] ap:RtPluginPol 
[V] arp:RtArpIfPol  Relation to ARP policy
[V] bfd:RtBfdIpv4InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv4 Instance Policy
[V] bfd:RtBfdIpv6InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv6 Instance Policy
[V] bfd:RtIfPol  Relationship to the BFD interface policy
[V] bfd:RtSpineBfdIpv4InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv4 Instance Policy
[V] bfd:RtSpineBfdIpv6InstPol  Relationship to BFD Ipv6 Instance Policy
[V] bfd:RtToBfdIpv4InstPol 
[V] bfd:RtToBfdIpv6InstPol 
[V] bgp:RtBgpCtxPol A target relation to the BGP timers policy.
[V] bgp:RtBgpNodeCtxPol  Relationship to the BGP context policy
[V] bgp:RtCtxToBgpCtxAfPol A target relation to the per-address family BGP context policy.
[V] bgp:RtPeerPfxPol A target relation to the peer prefix policy.
[V] bgp:RtPodPGrpBGPRRP A target relation to the BGP instance policy.
[V] callhome:RtCallhomeInvPol A target relation to the call home inventory policy.
[V] cdp:RtCdpIfPol A target relation to physical interface configuration policy.
[V] cdp:RtDefaultCdpIfPol A target relation to the CDP interface policy.
[V] cdp:RtOverrideCdpIfPol A target relation to the CDP interface policy.
[V] cdp:RtResCdpIfPol A target relation to the CDP interface policy.
[V] cloud:RtCtxToFlowLog 
[V] cloud:RtToHostRouterPol rel-def name="toDirectConnPol" type='named' to="DirectConnPol" cardinality="n-to-1" owner="admin" mod="explicit" label="Attachment to Direct Connect Pol" report-resolve-fail="yes" resolve-fail-sev="warning" update-type="self" /
[V] cloud:RtToVpnGwPol 
[V] comm:RtCommPol A target relation to the communication policy.
[V] config:RtDbgrConfigExportP A target relation to the configuration export policy.
[V] config:RtDbgrConfigImportIdP 
[V] config:RtDbgrConfigImportP A target relation to the configuration import policy.
[V] config:RtDbgrConfigRollbackP 
[V] config:RtDbgrConfigSnapshotMgrP 
[V] coop:RtPodPGrpCoopP A target relation to the COOP group policy.
[V] coop:RtResCoopPol A target relation to the COOP group policy information.
[V] copp:RtCoppIfPol  Relationship to per interface per protocol copp policer
[V] copp:RtLeafCoppProfile  Relationship the CoPP profile to be applied on leafs
[V] copp:RtSpineCoppProfile  Relationship the CoPP profile to be applied on spines
[V] datetime:RtNtpProvToNtpAuthKey 
[V] datetime:RtTimePol A target relation to the date time policy.
[V] dbg:RtResOngoingAcMode 
[V] dbgexp:RtApplCoreP A target relation to the core policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtApplTechSupOnD A target relation to the on-demand tech support policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtApplTechSupP A target relation to the tech support policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtExportPRel A target relation to the core policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtNodeCoreP A target relation to the core policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtNodeTechSupP A target relation to the tech support policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtResCoreP A target relation to the core policy.
[V] dbgexp:RtResTechSupP A target relation to the tech support policy.
[V] dhcp:RtBDToRelayP A target relation to the DHCP relay profile.
[V] dhcp:RtDhcpOptionPol A target relation to the DHCP option policy.
[V] dhcp:RtLblDefToRelayP Internal object: Relation from dhcpLblDef to dhcpRelayP.
[V] dhcp:RtRelayP A target relation to the DHCP relay profile.
[V] dwdm:RtDwdmFabIfPol  Relation to dwdm:OptChnlIfPol
[V] dwdm:RtDwdmIfPol  Relation to dwdm:OptChnlIfPol
[V] edr:RtResErrDisRecoverPol A target relation to the error disable recovery policy.
[V] edr:RtToErrDisRecoverPol 
[V] eigrp:RtCtxToEigrpCtxAfPol A target relation to the per-address family EIGRP context policy.
[V] eigrp:RtIfPol A target relation to the EIGRP interface policy.
[V] ep:RtResLoopProtectPol A target relation to the loop protection policy.
[V] ep:RtToEpControlP 
[V] ep:RtToEpLoopProtectP 
[V] equipment:RtEquipmentFlashConfigPol  Relation to equipmentFlashConfigInstPol
[V] event:RtEventCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] event:RtEventCtrlrRetP A target relation to the controller event record retention policy.
[V] event:RtNodeEventRecRetP A target relation to the switch event retention policy.
[V] event:RtResEventSwRetP A target relation to teh switch event retention policy.
[V] fabric:RtFabricipv4expg A target relation to the spine IPV4 explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtFabricmacexpg A target relation to the spine MAC explicit protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtHIfPol A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtHealthFabricNode 
[V] fabric:RtNodeCtrl  Relationship to the digital optical monitoring policy
[V] fabric:RtResFabricIPV4ProtPol A target relation to the spine IPV4 protection policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtResFabricIPV6ProtPol 
[V] fabric:RtResFabricMACProtPol A target relation to the spine MAC protection group. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtResFabricProtChainP A target relation to the node proxy IP profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtResHIfPol A target relation to the host interface policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] fabric:RtScriptHandlerLock 
[V] fabric:RtToFabricIPV6ProtPol 
[V] fault:RtFaultCtrlrRetLocalP 
[V] fault:RtFaultCtrlrRetP A target relation to controller fault record retention policy.
[V] fault:RtNodeFaultRecRetP A target relation to the fault record retention policy.
[V] fault:RtResFaultSwRetP A target relation to the fault retention policy for switches.
[V] fc:RtFcFabricPol  Relation to fcInstPol
[V] fc:RtFcIfPol  Relation to fcIFPol
[V] fc:RtFcInstPol  Relation to fcInstPol
[V] fc:RtFcL2IfPol  Relationship to FC policy providing physical L2 configuration of the interfaces
[V] fhs:RtBDToFhs  Relation to FHS BD policy
[V] fhs:RtTrustCtrl  Relationship for FHS trust control
[V] file:RtExportDestination A target relation to the remote destination path parameters for the data export.
[V] file:RtImportSource A target relation to the remote destination path parameters for the data export.
[V] file:RtRemotePath 
[V] firmware:RtFwgrpp A target relation to the firmware specification policy for a node.
[V] firmware:RtPlgnFirmware 
[V] firmware:RtResCatFwP A relation to the catalog firmware policy version.
[V] fv:RtBd A target relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtBdToEpRet A target relation to the endpoint retention policy providing the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtCloudEPgCtx  Relationship to the fvCtx of belonging
[V] fv:RtCtx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that is shared or belongs to a specific tenant. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtCtxToEpRet A target relation to the endpoint retention policy that provides the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtEBd A target relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtEctx A target relation to a private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtInfraBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet.
[V] fv:RtInstPCtx A target relation to the private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared.
[V] fv:RtKeyChainPol  Relationship to the Tenant level keychain policy
[V] fv:RtMgmtBD A target relation to a private layer 2 bridge domain consisting of a set of physical or virtual ports. Each bridge domain must be linked to a context and have at least one subnet.
[V] fv:RtOoBCtx The target relation to the private layer 3 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or is shared.
[V] fv:RtToCtx 
[V] health:RtHealthCtrlrRetP A target relation to the controller health score history record retention policy.
[V] health:RtHealthLevelLocalP 
[V] health:RtHealthLevelP 
[V] health:RtNodeHealthRecRetP A target relation to the health score level policy.
[V] health:RtResHealthPols A target relation to the health score policies container.
[V] health:RtResHealthSwRetP A target relation to the retention policy for the health score history records of switches.
[V] hsrp:RtGroupPol  Relationship to the HSRP Group policy
[V] hsrp:RtIfPol  Relationship to the HSRP interface policy
[V] iacl:RtIaclLeafProfile  Relationship the CoPP Prefilter Leaf profile to be applied on leafs
[V] iacl:RtIaclSpineProfile  Relationship the CoPP Prefilter Spine profile to be applied on spines
[V] igmp:RtIgmpsn A target relation to the IGMP snoop policy.
[V] infra:RtClusterPol 
[V] infra:RtClusterPolRel A target relation that indicates consumers of a cluster size policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] infra:RtClusterPolicy 
[V] ipsec:RtIsakmpPhase1Pol 
[V] ipsec:RtIsakmpPhase2Pol 
[V] isakmp:RtProfileToKeyring 
[V] isis:RtPodPGrpIsisDomP A target relation to the domain policy.
[V] l2:RtDefaultL2InstPol A target relation to L2 instance policy information. This is an internal object.
[V] l2:RtL2IfPol 
[V] l2:RtL2NodeAuthPol  Relation to l2NodeAuthPol
[V] l2:RtL2PortAuthPol  Relation to l2PortAuthPol
[V] l2:RtL2PortSecurityPol  Relationship to policy providing L2 PortSecurity configuration
[V] l2:RtResL2InstPol A target relation to the layer 2 instance policy information. This is an internal object.
[V] l3:RtL3IfPol  L3IfPol policy
[V] l3ext:RtBDSubnetToOut A target relation to the layer 3 routed outside.
[V] l3ext:RtBDToOut A target relation to the policy controlling layer 3 connectivity to outside.
[V] l3ext:RtCtxToExtRouteTagPol 
[V] l3ext:RtVrfValidationPol  Relationship to the VRF Validation policy
[V] lacp:RtDefaultLacpLagPol A target relation to the LACP policy.
[V] lacp:RtFcLagPol  Relationship to LACP PC Policy
[V] lacp:RtLacpIfPol A target relation to the LACP interface policy.
[V] lacp:RtLacpInterfacePol  Relationship to policy providing lacp configuration of the ports
[V] lacp:RtLacpPol A target relation to the LACP policy.
[V] lacp:RtOverrideLacpPol A target relation to the LACP policy.
[V] lacp:RtResLacpIfPol A target relation to the LACP interface policy.
[V] lacp:RtResLacpLagPol A target relation to the LACP policy.
[V] lbp:RtResLbPol A target relation to the dynamic load balancing policy.
[V] lldp:RtDefaultLldpIfPol A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtLldpIfPol A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtOverrideLldpIfPol A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtResLldpIfPol A target relation to the LLDP interface policy.
[V] lldp:RtResLldpInstPol A target relation to the node level LLDP policy.
[V] macsec:RtMacsecFabIfPol  MACSEC policy
[V] macsec:RtMacsecIfPol  Relationship to policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] macsec:RtMacsecPol  MACSEC policy
[V] maint:RtMgrpp A target relation to the maintenance policy.
[V] mcp:RtMcpIfPol 
[V] mcp:RtOverrideMcpIfPol 
[V] mcp:RtResMcpIfPol 
[V] mcp:RtResMcpInstPol 
[V] mcp:RtToMcpIfPol 
[V] mcp:RtToMcpInstPol 
[V] mld:RtMldsn A target relation to the MLD snoop policy.
[V] mon:RtABDPolMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group.
[V] mon:RtAEPgMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group.
[V] mon:RtApMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group.
[V] mon:RtApplMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtCtxMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group (EPG) semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonBrkoutInfraPol  Statistics Policy
[V] mon:RtMonFexInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonIfFabricPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonIfInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonInstFabricPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonModuleFabricPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonModuleInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtMonNodeInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtResMonCommonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the common semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtResMonFabricPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtResMonInfraPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the infra semantic scope.
[V] mon:RtTenantMonPol A target relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope.
[V] nd:RtBDToNdP A target relation to the neighbor discovery interface policy.
[V] nd:RtNdIfPol A target relation to the neighbor discovery interface policy.
[V] nd:RtNdPfxPol A target relation to a neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] nd:RtPfxPToNdPfxPol  Relation to the ND Prefix Policy
[V] nd:RtRaSubnetToNdPfxPol A target relation to a neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] netflow:RtBDToNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to Netflow Monitor policy
[V] netflow:RtLIfPToNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to netflowMonitorIfPol
[V] netflow:RtMonitorToExporter 
[V] netflow:RtMonitorToRecord 
[V] netflow:RtNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to netflow Monitor Policy
[V] netflow:RtNetflowNodePol  Relationship to Netflow Node Policy
[V] nws:RtDefaultFwPol 
[V] nws:RtOverrideFwPol  Relationship to nws fw policy
[V] nws:RtResNwsFwPol 
[V] ospf:RtCtxToOspfCtxPol A target relation to the per-address family OSPF context policy.
[V] ospf:RtIfPol A target relation to the OSPF interface-level policy.
[V] ospf:RtOspfCtxPol A target relation to the context-level OSPF timer policy.
[V] pim:RtSnoopAccessGroupFilterRMap  Matching rule for the access group using rtctrlProfile For future releases Matching rule for the acce...
[V] pki:RtFabricSelfCAEp 
[V] pki:RtKeyRing 
[V] poe:RtPoeIfPol  Relationship to poe policy providing physical configuration of the interfaces
[V] poe:RtPoeInstPol  Relationship to POE Node Policy
[V] psu:RtPsuInstPol A target relation to the power redundancy policy.
[V] psu:RtResPsuInstPol A target relation to the power redundancy policy.
[V] qos:RtCustQosPol A target relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s), and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] qos:RtDppPol  Relationship for Dpp QOS policy
[V] qos:RtEgressQosDppPol  Relation to qosDppPol In Egress
[V] qos:RtIngressQosDppPol  Relation to qosDppPol In Ingress
[V] qos:RtLIfCtxToCustQosPol  Relation from LIf Context to Qos Policy
[V] qos:RtLIfPCustQosPol  Relationship for Custom QOS policy for DSCP to prio mapping
[V] qos:RtQosDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol
[V] qos:RtQosEgressDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol as Engress policy
[V] qos:RtQosIngressDppIfPol  Relation to qosDppPol as Ingress policy
[V] qos:RtQosPfcIfPol  Relation to qosPfcIfPol
[V] qos:RtQosSdIfPol  Relation to qosSDPol
[V] qos:RtResQoSPol A target relation to the QoS classification traffic descriptor and specifications used to categorize a packet within a specific group and making the packet accessible for QoS handling in the network. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] qos:RtResQosInstPol A target relation to a resolvable QOS instance policy. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] rtctrl:RtBDSubnetToProfile A target relation to the route control profile.
[V] rtctrl:RtBDToProfile A target relation to the route control profile.
[V] rtctrl:RtBDToProfileDef 
[V] rtctrl:RtCtxPToSubjP A target relation to the subject profile.
[V] rtctrl:RtDampeningPol  Relationship to per L3 Out Dampening Policy
[V] rtctrl:RtInstPToProfile A target relation to a route control profile.
[V] rtctrl:RtInterleakPol  Relationship to per L3 Out Context Interleak Policy
[V] rtctrl:RtScopeToAttrP A target relation to the action rule profile.
[V] rtctrl:RtSubnetToProfile A target relation to the action rule profile.
[V] snmp:RtSnmpPol A target relation to an SNMP policy that contains site information and general protocol configuration parameters. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] span:RtProvDestGrp A target relation to the SPAN destination group.
[V] span:RtProvToVDestGrp A target relation to the VSPAN destination group.
[V] span:RtSpanVDestGrp A target relation to the VSPAN destination group.
[V] span:RtSpanVSrcGrp A target relation to the VSPAN source group.
[V] stormctrl:RtStormctrlIfPol 
[V] stp:RtDefaultStpIfPol A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol interface policy.
[V] stp:RtMstInstPol A target relation to the multiple spanning-tree protocol policy.
[V] stp:RtOverrideStpPol  Relationship to stp policy
[V] stp:RtStpIfPol A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol interface policy.
[V] synthetic:RtPolicy 
[V] telemetry:RtRemoteStatsServer  Telemetry StatsServer Policy
[V] telemetry:RtToFltPolGrp 
[V] telemetry:RtToRemoteLogServer 
[V] telemetry:RtToRemoteStatsServer 
[V] topoctrl:RtTopoctrlFastLinkFailoverInstPol  Relation to topoctrlFastLinkFailoverPol
[V] topoctrl:RtTopoctrlFwdScaleProfPol  Relation to topoctrlFwdScaleProfilePol
[V] trig:RtExportScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] trig:RtInvScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] trig:RtPolCtrlrScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] trig:RtPolScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] trig:RtSessionScheduler 
[V] trig:RtTSScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policy.
[V] troubleshoot:RtTroubleshootSessionRel 
[V] twamp:RtTwampResponderPol  Relation to the the TWAMP Responder Policy. It provides the node level TWAMP Responder configuration
[V] twamp:RtTwampServerPol  Relation to the the TWAMP Server Policy. It provides the node level TWAMP Server configuration
[V] vns:RtALDevToDevMgr 
[V] vns:RtCDevToChassis 
[V] vns:RtCfgToVConn A target relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtFiltGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtInTermGraphAtt A target relation to an output terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtLDevCtxToRtrCfg 
[V] vns:RtOutTermGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtSubjGraphAtt A target relation to an input terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object
[V] vns:RtVnsmdev A target relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtVnsmdfctcat 
[V] vpc:RtVpcInstPol A target relation to the node-level vPC domain policy.
[V] vz:RtAnyToCons A target relation to any consumer.
[V] vz:RtAnyToConsIf A target relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de...
[V] vz:RtAnyToProv A target relation to any provider.
[V] vz:RtCons A target relation to a consumer. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtConsIf A target relation to a contract interface. A contract interface can be used as a contract consumption interface when a consumer consumes the contract by associating it to a consumption interface provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. A consumer can associate with the contract consumption interface when it is provided by the provider in the consumer's domain. Note that a contract consumption interface represents one or more subjects de...
[V] vz:RtDenyRule A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtFiltAtt A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtIntraEpg  Intra EPg contract: Represents that the EPg is moving from "allow all within epg" mode to a "deny all within epg" mode. The only type of traffic allowed between EPs in this EPg is the one specified by contracts EPg associates to with this relation.
[V] vz:RtOoBCons A target relation to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The out-of-band binary contract profiles can only be provided by an out-of-band endpoint group and can only be consumed by the external prefix set. A regular endpoint group cannot provide or consume an out-of-band contract profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtOoBProv A target relation to an out-of-band binary contract profile. The out-of-band binary contract profiles can only be provided by an out-of-band endpoint group and can only be consumed by the external prefix set. A regular endpoint group cannot provide or consume an out-of-band contract profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtProtBy A target relation to a taboo contract. A taboo contract provides a way for an endpoint group to specify the subjects on which communication is not allowed. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtProv A target relation to a provider.
[V] vz:RtSubjFiltAtt A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] pres:RtPresClass This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] pres:RtPresRegdPodCont 
[V] pres:RtToDefaultPolicies 
[V] qos:RtDefToCustomPol A target relation to a custom QoS policy that enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic, including specifications for the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value(s), and the 802.1p Dot1p priority. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] qos:RtDefToDot1PClass A target relation to the class for dot1p to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] qos:RtDefToDscpClass A target relation to the class for DSCP to priority map. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] qos:RtToQosDscpTransCont 
[V] qos:RtToRemoteQosDppPolDef  Relation that will cause the download of the qos:DppPolDef when required this will be triggered by behavioural code on PE when handling changes on the qosDppPolHolder Mo NOTE: the update-type is 'self' because this MO is very simple and doesn't need to update a subtree, but just itself, hence is much more ...
[V] rib:RtRouteOwnerToNexthopAtt 
[V] rtdmc:RtFilterToRtMapPol 
[V] rtsum:RtSubnetToRtSumm 
[V] snmp:RtCommSecPClientGrpAtt Ignore, removed
[V] snmp:RtCommToCtxAtt A target relation to the SNMP context used to scope the view of the OIDs.
[V] snmp:RtDestGroup A target relation to SNMP destination group. This group contains information needed to send traps or informs to a set of destinations
[V] snmp:RtEventMgrSnmpPol  Relation from polciy container to snmp policies
[V] snmp:RtSnmpPRel 
[V] span:RtDestToVPortDef 
[V] span:RtSpanSrcToFltGrpAtt 
[V] span:RtSpanSsnToFltGrpAtt Cardinality is n-to-1 which is the default
[V] span:RtSrcGrpToFilterGrp Relation to Filter Group
[V] span:RtSrcToFilterGrp Relation to Filter Group
[V] span:RtSrcToVPortDef  Relation to port
[V] stats:RtMonPolDefRef An internal relation.
[V] stp:RtToEncapInstDef A target relation to the spanning-tree protocol encap instance profile definition.
[V] stp:RtVswitchOverrideStpPol  Relationship to stp policy
[V] sts:RtExtInFabOutRevAtt 
[V] sts:RtExtOutFabOutAtt 
[V] sts:RtFabInExtInAtt 
[V] sts:RtFabInRevExtOutAtt 
[V] sts:RtFabOutNxtExtInAtt 
[V] sts:RtFabOutRevPrevExtOutAtt 
[V] sts:RtNodeAtt 
[V] sts:RtToStsVNode 
[V] svcredir:RtDestAtt  Attachment to Redirect Destination
[V] synthetic:RtSynPolicyEvent 
[V] synthetic:RtSynpolicy 
[V] synthetic:RtToAObj  @faultExplanation This is a custom explanation for a relation fault. @faultRecommendedAction This is a custom recommended action for a relation fault
[V] synthetic:RtToObj 
[V] synthetic:RtUnenfPolicy 
[V] syslog:RtDestGroup A target relation to the syslog destination group.
[V] syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcDefToDestGroup 
[V] syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcToDestGroup 
[V] syslog:RtNwsSyslogSrcToDestGroupInt 
[V] syslog:RtToRemoteSyslogGroup 
[V] tacacs:RtDestGroup 
[V] telemetry:RtNodeFlowServers  Telemetry policy
[V] telemetry:RtPluginToVipP  Relationship to the VipP policy
[V] telemetry:RtToFlowServerGrp 
[V] telemetry:RtToLogServerGrp 
[V] telemetry:RtToStatsServerGrp 
[V] testinfralab:RtSnacks 
[V] throttler:RtToCustomNoTracking 
[V] top:RtExporterToTopSystem  Points to the TopSystem on the leaf. This relation exists only on PE
[V] top:RtFwinstlsrc A target relation to the system health.
[V] top:RtTrDst A target relation to the system health.
[V] top:RtTrSrc A target relation to the system health.
[V] top:RtTsSrc A target relation to the system health.
[V] trig:RtPolCatalogScheduler A target relation to the scheduler policies.
[V] trig:RtTriggerable A target relation to the container for a triggerable object.
[V] trig:RtWindowStarted A target relation to the container for scheduled windows.
[V] uribv4:RtRouteOwnerToNexthopAtt A target relation to a URIB next-hop database record.
[V] validator:RtNextScope 
[V] vlan:RtSrcEncap A target relation to the VLAN object created for an endpoint group with an 802.1q encap.
[V] vlan:RtToVlanCkt  Relationship to the vlan::CktEp Used for DVS USEG feature for ref counting number of Ckts using this rule Single vlanCktEp will be shared by multiple base EPGs in a given BD
[V] vmm:RtALDevToDomP A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtAcc A target relation to the user account profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtBaseCtrlrP A target relation to the VMM controller profile. The VMM controller profile is a policy pertaining to a single VM management domain that also corresponds to a single policy enforcement domain. A cluster of VMware VCs forms such a domain. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtBaseDomP A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtCDevToCtrlrP  implicit relation to validate the controller profile
[V] vmm:RtCtrlrP A target relation to a vCenter controller in the VMM manager component.
[V] vmm:RtDomP An internal object (in the comp domain scope) created as part of relation to a VMM domain profile.
[V] vmm:RtDompRel A target relation to the VMM domain profile. The VMM domain profile is a policy for grouping VM controllers with similar networking policy requirements. For example, the VM controllers can share VLAN or VXLAN space and application endpoint groups. The APIC communicates with the controller to publish network configurations such as port groups that are then applied to the virtual workloads. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtEncapAllctr  Relation to the allocator for encap
[V] vmm:RtProvP A target relation to the VMM provider profile. The provider profile is a container for storing the policies of VMM systems from a particular vendor (VMware or Microsoft). This container is automatically created by the system. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vmm:RtVmmCtrlrP A target relation to the VMM controller profile. The VMM controller profile is a policy pertaining to a single VM management domain that also corresponds to a single policy enforcement domain. A cluster of VMware VCs forms such a domain. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtAbsConnectionConns A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtAbsCopyConnection  Copy connection connects to copy connector.
[V] vns:RtAbsFuncProf 
[V] vns:RtAbsGraph 
[V] vns:RtAbsGraphRef  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] vns:RtAllocLDev  Allocated LDevVip
[V] vns:RtBDDefToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtBDDefToLIf A target relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster.
[V] vns:RtBdConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtCDevAtt A target relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtCDevOperInfoToCDev A target relation to a concrete device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. This object is generated and used only by internal process.
[V] vns:RtCIfAtt A target relation to a set of concrete interfaces from the device in the cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtCIfAttN 
[V] vns:RtCfgToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtChassisToMChassis 
[V] vns:RtConnToAConn  Optional relation used to figure out the Epg where IP are learnt for the EpAttach feature
[V] vns:RtConnToAConnInst  Optional relation - Required only when user wants to specify the connector to use for ep attach
[V] vns:RtConnToCtxTerm A target relation to a terminal. This is an internal object that is only required when VRF split is intended.
[V] vns:RtConnToCtxTermInst A target relation to a terminal. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtConnToLIfInst A target relation to a logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object
[V] vns:RtConnectionInstConns A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtConnector A target relation to the meta-connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtDefaultScopeToTerm A target relation to a terminal. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtDevFolderToMFolder A target relation to an MFolder path. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtDevMgrToMDevMgr 
[V] vns:RtDevPingToCDev A target relation to an individual service device that is part of an L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtDfctToCat A target relation to the Cisco defined category of the defect.
[V] vns:RtEPgDefToConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtEPgDefToLIf A target relation to the logical interface associated with a set of concrete interfaces from the L4-L7 device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtEPpInfoAtt A target relation to endpoint profile information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtEventConn A target relation to a connector. Note that this relation is an internal object
[V] vns:RtFolderInstAtt A target relation to a folder instance configured by the administrator. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtFolderInstToMFolder A target relation to an MFolder path. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtFromLDevForExtToEp A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtFromLDevForIpToEpg A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtFunction A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtGraphDefToGraph A target relation to graph.
[V] vns:RtGraphInstToLDevCtx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtGraphInstanceMeta A target relation to an abstract graph is made of up of abstract nodes. Abstract nodes are comprised of service nodes, such as a service node balancer (SLB) or firewall (FW), abstract term nodes (the nodes that are connected to EPGs), and connections. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtInstPolToVmmConfigFile 
[V] vns:RtInterface A target relation to an interface label. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtL1L2RedirectHealthGroup 
[V] vns:RtLDevAtt A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtLDevCtxToLDev A target relation to a device cluster.
[V] vns:RtLDevInst A target relation to the object that ties a contract, graph and device.
[V] vns:RtLDevItem  Association from Local Resource to Real Resource
[V] vns:RtLDevOperInfoToALDev A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtLDevVipToInstPol  Association to the Service Instance Policy for this controller
[V] vns:RtLIfCtxToLIf A target relation to the logical interface of a device cluster.
[V] vns:RtLIfCtxToSvcEPgPol 
[V] vns:RtLIfCtxToSvcRedirectPol 
[V] vns:RtLdevIfToLDev A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtMChassis 
[V] vns:RtMChassisToMDev 
[V] vns:RtMConnAtt A target relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtMConnAttInst A target relation to a connector between logical functions. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtMDev 
[V] vns:RtMDevAtt A target relation to definitions of the metadata for a service device type. The metadata contains vendor-specific data including the vendor name, device model, and device version. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtMDevMgr 
[V] vns:RtMDevMgrToMDev 
[V] vns:RtMetaIf A target relation to an interface label. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtMgmtAddr 
[V] vns:RtNodeInstMeta A target relation to an abstract node representing a service node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtNodeInstToLDevCtx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtNodeToAbsFuncProf A target relation to an abstract function profile. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtNodeToLDev  Relation from AbsNode to LDev
[V] vns:RtNodeToMFunc A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtProfToCloudModeMDev  Relation from profile to Cloud Mode MDev
[V] vns:RtProfToMFunc A target relation to the metadata for a single function on a device. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtRLdevInst 
[V] vns:RtRedirectHealthGroup 
[V] vns:RtSEPpInfo 
[V] vns:RtSEPpInfoAtt 
[V] vns:RtScopeToTerm A target relation to a terminal. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtTarget A target relation to meta folder information. Note that this relation is an internal object.m
[V] vns:RtTermInstMeta A target relation to an abstract terminal node. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtToCIf 
[V] vns:RtToFuncProfile  Association from Local Resource to Function Profile
[V] vns:RtToLDevForEpToExt A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtToLDevForEpgToIp A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtToMdev  Association from Local Resource to Mdev
[V] vns:RtToRemoteRedirectPol 
[V] vns:RtVConnToVConn A target relation to a virtual connector. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtVnsCtrlrEp A target relation to the controller appliance IP address and connectivity information. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtVnschassis 
[V] vns:RtVnsldev A target relation to a service device cluster. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vns:RtVnsldevctx A target relation to a device cluster context points to the device cluster used to pick a specific device based on contract, subject, and function label or names. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vpc:RtVpcInstPolCons A target relation to the node-level vPC domain policy.
[V] vz:RtAeToCtrct 
[V] vz:RtAnyToCtrct 
[V] vz:RtBdFloodTo A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtConnToFlt A target relation to an abstraction of a filter object, which can be a filter, folder of filters , or a collection of filters. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtConnToFltInst A target relation to an abstraction of a filter object, which can be a filter, folder of filters , or a collection of filters. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtCtxMcastTo A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtERFltPOwner 
[V] vz:RtFwdRFltPAtt A target relation to a forward remote filter profile.
[V] vz:RtGraphDef A target relation to the graph container.
[V] vz:RtIf A target relation to an abstract resolvable contract. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtProvDef A target relation to the container for a contract endpoint group.
[V] vz:RtPullRemoteCtrctEPgCont 
[V] vz:RtPullRemotevVzRFltP  Relation that will cause the download of vzRFltP.
[V] vz:RtRFltAtt A target relation to a resolved filter profile.
[V] vz:RtRFltP 
[V] vz:RtRFltPOwner A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtRevRFltPAtt The reverse a resolved filter profile.
[V] vz:RtRfltpConn A target relation to the resolved filter profile.
[V] vz:RtTabooRFltAtt A target relation to a taboo resolved filter profile.
[V] vz:RtTermToAny 
[V] vz:RtTnDenyRule A target relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] vz:RtToAnyDef 
[V] vz:RtToCtrct A target relation to a contract endpoint group container.
[V] vz:RtToCtrctEPgCont 
[V] vz:RtToEPgAtt 
[V] vz:RtToEpgConn A target relation to an endpoint group connection.
[V] vz:RtToRFltP 
[V] vz:RtToRemoteAnyDef 
[V] vz:RtToRemoteAnyGroupDef  @@ Pulls in vzAnyGroupDef configuration
[V] vz:RtToRemoteCtrct 
[V] vz:RtToRemoteCtrctEPgCont 
[V] vz:RtToRemoteRFltAtt A target relation to remote resolved filter profile.
[V] vz:RtToRemoteRFltP 
[V] vz:RtToRemoteTabooDef A target relation to a remote taboo definition.
[V] vz:RtToTabooDef A target relation to a taboo definition.




Properties Summary
Defined in: reln:Inst
tCl  (reln:Inst:tCl)
           The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
tDn  (reln:Inst:tDn)
           The distinguished name of the target.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: reln:ClassId
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum16

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
unspecified 0 unspecified NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT unspecified(0) unspecified NO COMMENTS


Type: reln:Dn
Primitive Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The distinguished name of the target.