Class stats:AThrP (ABSTRACT)

Class ID:58
Class Label: Base Threshold Policy Definition
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Ambiguous Placement in the Model - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Write Access: [admin, ops]
Read Access: [admin, ops]
Creatable/Deletable: yes (see Container Mos for details)
Possible Semantic Scopes: EPG, Infra, Fabric,
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Subclasses
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: false, HasStats: false, HasFaults: false, HasHealth: false, HasEventRules: false ]

The superclass for the statistical threshold policy. Subclasses represent export policies for specific data types.

Naming Rules


[1] uni/tn-{name}/monepg-{name}/tarepg-{scope}/stat-{scope}/coll-{granularity}/

[3] uni/infra/moninfra-{name}/tarinfra-{scope}/stat-{scope}/coll-{granularity}/

[5] uni/fabric/monfab-{name}/tarfab-{scope}/stat-{scope}/coll-{granularity}/



Super Mo: pol:Comp,
Sub Mos: stats:ThrDoubleP, stats:ThrFloatP, stats:ThrSByteP, stats:ThrSint16P, stats:ThrSint32P, stats:ThrSint64P, stats:ThrTriggerP, stats:ThrUByteP, stats:ThrUint16P, stats:ThrUint32P, stats:ThrUint64P,
Container Mos: stats:Coll (deletable:yes),

[V] naming:NamedObject An abstract base class for an object that contains a name.
[V] pol:Obj Represents a generic policy object.
[V] pol:Comp Represents a policy component. This object is part of the policy definition.
[V] stats:AThrP The superclass for the statistical threshold policy. Subclasses represent export policies for specific data types.
[V] stats:ThrDoubleP The concrete statistical threshold policy for a double data type.
[V] stats:ThrFloatP The concrete statistical threshold policy for a float data type.
[V] stats:ThrSByteP The concrete statistical threshold policy for a signed byte data type.
[V] stats:ThrSint16P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 16-bit signed Int data type.
[V] stats:ThrSint32P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 32-bit signed Int data type.
[V] stats:ThrSint64P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 64-bit signed integer data type.
[V] stats:ThrTriggerP The concrete statistical threshold policy for a trigger counter type.
[V] stats:ThrUByteP The concrete statistical threshold policy for an unsigned byte data type.
[V] stats:ThrUint16P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 16-bit unsigned Int data type.
[V] stats:ThrUint32P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 32-bit unsigned Int data type.
[V] stats:ThrUint64P The concrete statistical threshold policy for a 64-bit unsigned integer data type.




Properties Summary
Defined in: stats:AThrP
direction  (stats:AThrP:direction)
highSevState  (stats:AThrP:highSevState)
lowSevState  (stats:AThrP:lowSevState)
mo:StatsPropId propId  (stats:AThrP:propId)
Defined in: pol:Comp
descr  (pol:Comp:descr)
           Specifies the description of a policy component.
Defined in: pol:Obj
name  (pol:Obj:name)
Defined in: naming:NamedObject
nameAlias  (naming:NamedObject:nameAlias)
           NO COMMENTS
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Like: naming:Described:descr
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "128"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9\\!#$%()*,-./:;@ _{|}~?&+]+
Specifies the description of a policy component.


Type: stats:ThrDir
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
high 1 High NO COMMENTS
both 3 Both NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: stats:ThrSeverityState
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
none 0 None NO COMMENTS
Warn 1 Warning NO COMMENTS
Minor 2 Minor NO COMMENTS
Major 4 Major NO COMMENTS
Crit 8 Critical NO COMMENTS


Type: stats:ThrSeverityState
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
none 0 None NO COMMENTS
Warn 1 Warning NO COMMENTS
Minor 2 Minor NO COMMENTS
Major 4 Major NO COMMENTS
Crit 8 Critical NO COMMENTS


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular Property Validators: Range: min: "0" max: "64" Allowed Chars: Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+


Type: naming:NameAlias
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "63"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+


Type: mo:StatsPropId

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: create
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
unspecified 0u --- NO COMMENTS
l2IngrPktsPartFloodTr 10001u ingress flood packets trend ingress flood packets trend
l2IngrPktsPartFloodRate 10002u ingress flood packets rate ingress flood packets rate
l2IngrPktsAgFloodCum 10012u ingress flood packets cumulative ingress flood packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsAgFloodPer 10013u ingress flood packets periodic ingress flood packets periodic
l2IngrPktsAgFloodTr 10017u ingress flood packets trend ingress flood packets trend
l2IngrPktsAgFloodRate 10018u ingress flood packets rate ingress flood packets rate
l2IngrPktsMulticastLast 10031u ingress multicast packets current value ingress multicast packets current value
l2IngrPktsMulticastCum 10033u ingress multicast packets cumulative ingress multicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsMulticastPer 10034u ingress multicast packets periodic ingress multicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsMulticastMin 10035u ingress multicast packets minimum value ingress multicast packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsMulticastMax 10036u ingress multicast packets maximum value ingress multicast packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsMulticastAvg 10037u ingress multicast packets average value ingress multicast packets average value
l2IngrPktsMulticastTr 10041u ingress multicast packets trend ingress multicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsMulticastRate 10042u ingress multicast packets rate ingress multicast packets rate
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastLast 10052u ingress multicast packets current value ingress multicast packets current value
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastCum 10054u ingress multicast packets cumulative ingress multicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastPer 10055u ingress multicast packets periodic ingress multicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastMin 10056u ingress multicast packets minimum value ingress multicast packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastMax 10057u ingress multicast packets maximum value ingress multicast packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastAvg 10058u ingress multicast packets average value ingress multicast packets average value
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastTr 10062u ingress multicast packets trend ingress multicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsPartMulticastRate 10063u ingress multicast packets rate ingress multicast packets rate
l2IngrPktsAgMulticastCum 10073u ingress multicast packets cumulative ingress multicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsAgMulticastPer 10074u ingress multicast packets periodic ingress multicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsAgMulticastTr 10078u ingress multicast packets trend ingress multicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsAgMulticastRate 10079u ingress multicast packets rate ingress multicast packets rate
l2IngrPktsUnicastLast 10092u ingress unicast packets current value ingress unicast packets current value
l2IngrPktsUnicastCum 10094u ingress unicast packets cumulative ingress unicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsUnicastPer 10095u ingress unicast packets periodic ingress unicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsUnicastMin 10096u ingress unicast packets minimum value ingress unicast packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsUnicastMax 10097u ingress unicast packets maximum value ingress unicast packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsUnicastAvg 10098u ingress unicast packets average value ingress unicast packets average value
l2IngrPktsUnicastTr 10102u ingress unicast packets trend ingress unicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsUnicastRate 10103u ingress unicast packets rate ingress unicast packets rate
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastLast 10113u ingress unicast packets current value ingress unicast packets current value
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastCum 10115u ingress unicast packets cumulative ingress unicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastPer 10116u ingress unicast packets periodic ingress unicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastMin 10117u ingress unicast packets minimum value ingress unicast packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastMax 10118u ingress unicast packets maximum value ingress unicast packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastAvg 10119u ingress unicast packets average value ingress unicast packets average value
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastTr 10123u ingress unicast packets trend ingress unicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsPartUnicastRate 10124u ingress unicast packets rate ingress unicast packets rate
l2IngrPktsAgUnicastCum 10134u ingress unicast packets cumulative ingress unicast packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsAgUnicastPer 10135u ingress unicast packets periodic ingress unicast packets periodic
l2IngrPktsAgUnicastTr 10139u ingress unicast packets trend ingress unicast packets trend
l2IngrPktsAgUnicastRate 10140u ingress unicast packets rate ingress unicast packets rate
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesLast 10195u received bytes current value received bytes current value
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesCum 10197u received bytes cumulative received bytes cumulative
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesPer 10198u received bytes periodic received bytes periodic
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesMin 10199u received bytes minimum value received bytes minimum value
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesMax 10200u received bytes maximum value received bytes maximum value
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesAvg 10201u received bytes average value received bytes average value
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesTr 10205u received bytes trend received bytes trend
opflexIDEpRxBytesBytesRate 10206u received bytes rate received bytes rate
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropLast 10222u received dropped packets current value received dropped packets current value
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropCum 10224u received dropped packets cumulative received dropped packets cumulative
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropPer 10225u received dropped packets periodic received dropped packets periodic
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropMin 10226u received dropped packets minimum value received dropped packets minimum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropMax 10227u received dropped packets maximum value received dropped packets maximum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropAvg 10228u received dropped packets average value received dropped packets average value
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropTr 10232u received dropped packets trend received dropped packets trend
opflexIDEpRxPktsDropRate 10233u received dropped packets rate received dropped packets rate
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastLast 10249u received multicast packets current value received multicast packets current value
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastCum 10251u received multicast packets cumulative received multicast packets cumulative
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastPer 10252u received multicast packets periodic received multicast packets periodic
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastMin 10253u received multicast packets minimum value received multicast packets minimum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastMax 10254u received multicast packets maximum value received multicast packets maximum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastAvg 10255u received multicast packets average value received multicast packets average value
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastTr 10259u received multicast packets trend received multicast packets trend
opflexIDEpRxPktsMcastRate 10260u received multicast packets rate received multicast packets rate
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsLast 10276u received packets current value received packets current value
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsCum 10278u received packets cumulative received packets cumulative
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsPer 10279u received packets periodic received packets periodic
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsMin 10280u received packets minimum value received packets minimum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsMax 10281u received packets maximum value received packets maximum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsAvg 10282u received packets average value received packets average value
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsTr 10286u received packets trend received packets trend
opflexIDEpRxPktsPktsRate 10287u received packets rate received packets rate
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastLast 10303u received unicast packets current value received unicast packets current value
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastCum 10305u received unicast packets cumulative received unicast packets cumulative
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastPer 10306u received unicast packets periodic received unicast packets periodic
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastMin 10307u received unicast packets minimum value received unicast packets minimum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastMax 10308u received unicast packets maximum value received unicast packets maximum value
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastAvg 10309u received unicast packets average value received unicast packets average value
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastTr 10313u received unicast packets trend received unicast packets trend
opflexIDEpRxPktsUcastRate 10314u received unicast packets rate received unicast packets rate
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opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesCum 10332u transmitted bytes cumulative transmitted bytes cumulative
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesPer 10333u transmitted bytes periodic transmitted bytes periodic
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesMin 10334u transmitted bytes minimum value transmitted bytes minimum value
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesMax 10335u transmitted bytes maximum value transmitted bytes maximum value
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesAvg 10336u transmitted bytes average value transmitted bytes average value
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesTr 10340u transmitted bytes trend transmitted bytes trend
opflexIDEpTxBytesBytesRate 10341u transmitted bytes rate transmitted bytes rate
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropLast 10357u transmitted dropped packets current value transmitted dropped packets current value
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropCum 10359u transmitted dropped packets cumulative transmitted dropped packets cumulative
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropPer 10360u transmitted dropped packets periodic transmitted dropped packets periodic
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropMin 10361u transmitted dropped packets minimum value transmitted dropped packets minimum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropMax 10362u transmitted dropped packets maximum value transmitted dropped packets maximum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropAvg 10363u transmitted dropped packets average value transmitted dropped packets average value
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropTr 10367u transmitted dropped packets trend transmitted dropped packets trend
opflexIDEpTxPktsDropRate 10368u transmitted dropped packets rate transmitted dropped packets rate
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opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastCum 10386u transmitted multicast packets cumulative transmitted multicast packets cumulative
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastPer 10387u transmitted multicast packets periodic transmitted multicast packets periodic
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastMin 10388u transmitted multicast packets minimum value transmitted multicast packets minimum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastMax 10389u transmitted multicast packets maximum value transmitted multicast packets maximum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastAvg 10390u transmitted multicast packets average value transmitted multicast packets average value
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastTr 10394u transmitted multicast packets trend transmitted multicast packets trend
opflexIDEpTxPktsMcastRate 10395u transmitted multicast packets rate transmitted multicast packets rate
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opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsCum 10413u transmitted packets cumulative transmitted packets cumulative
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsPer 10414u transmitted packets periodic transmitted packets periodic
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsMin 10415u transmitted packets minimum value transmitted packets minimum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsMax 10416u transmitted packets maximum value transmitted packets maximum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsAvg 10417u transmitted packets average value transmitted packets average value
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsTr 10421u transmitted packets trend transmitted packets trend
opflexIDEpTxPktsPktsRate 10422u transmitted packets rate transmitted packets rate
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastLast 10438u transmitted unicast packets current value transmitted unicast packets current value
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastCum 10440u transmitted unicast packets cumulative transmitted unicast packets cumulative
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastPer 10441u transmitted unicast packets periodic transmitted unicast packets periodic
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastMin 10442u transmitted unicast packets minimum value transmitted unicast packets minimum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastMax 10443u transmitted unicast packets maximum value transmitted unicast packets maximum value
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastAvg 10444u transmitted unicast packets average value transmitted unicast packets average value
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastTr 10448u transmitted unicast packets trend transmitted unicast packets trend
opflexIDEpTxPktsUcastRate 10449u transmitted unicast packets rate transmitted unicast packets rate
procCPUCurrentLast 10465u CPU Usage current value CPU Usage current value
procCPUCurrentMin 10466u CPU Usage minimum value CPU Usage minimum value
procCPUCurrentMax 10467u CPU Usage maximum value CPU Usage maximum value
procCPUCurrentAvg 10468u CPU Usage average value CPU Usage average value
procCPUCurrentTr 10473u CPU Usage trend CPU Usage trend
procMemCurrentLast 10486u Memory Allocated current value Memory Allocated current value
procMemCurrentMin 10487u Memory Allocated minimum value Memory Allocated minimum value
procMemCurrentMax 10488u Memory Allocated maximum value Memory Allocated maximum value
procMemCurrentAvg 10489u Memory Allocated average value Memory Allocated average value
procMemCurrentTr 10494u Memory Allocated trend Memory Allocated trend
procProcCPUAvgExecLast 10507u average execution time current value average execution time current value
procProcCPUAvgExecMin 10508u average execution time minimum value average execution time minimum value
procProcCPUAvgExecMax 10509u average execution time maximum value average execution time maximum value
procProcCPUAvgExecAvg 10510u average execution time average value average execution time average value
procProcCPUAvgExecTr 10515u average execution time trend average execution time trend
procProcCPUInvokedLast 10528u invoked current value invoked current value
procProcCPUInvokedMin 10529u invoked minimum value invoked minimum value
procProcCPUInvokedMax 10530u invoked maximum value invoked maximum value
procProcCPUInvokedAvg 10531u invoked average value invoked average value
procProcCPUInvokedTr 10536u invoked trend invoked trend
procProcCPUMaxExecLast 10549u maximum execution time current value maximum execution time current value
procProcCPUMaxExecMin 10550u maximum execution time minimum value maximum execution time minimum value
procProcCPUMaxExecMax 10551u maximum execution time maximum value maximum execution time maximum value
procProcCPUMaxExecAvg 10552u maximum execution time average value maximum execution time average value
procProcCPUMaxExecTr 10557u maximum execution time trend maximum execution time trend
procProcCPUTotalExecLast 10570u total execution time current value total execution time current value
procProcCPUTotalExecMin 10571u total execution time minimum value total execution time minimum value
procProcCPUTotalExecMax 10572u total execution time maximum value total execution time maximum value
procProcCPUTotalExecAvg 10573u total execution time average value total execution time average value
procProcCPUTotalExecTr 10578u total execution time trend total execution time trend
procProcCPUUsageLast 10591u CPU usage current value CPU usage current value
procProcCPUUsageMin 10592u CPU usage minimum value CPU usage minimum value
procProcCPUUsageMax 10593u CPU usage maximum value CPU usage maximum value
procProcCPUUsageAvg 10594u CPU usage average value CPU usage average value
procProcCPUUsageTr 10599u CPU usage trend CPU usage trend
procProcMemAllocedLast 10612u Allocated memory current value Allocated memory current value
procProcMemAllocedMin 10613u Allocated memory minimum value Allocated memory minimum value
procProcMemAllocedMax 10614u Allocated memory maximum value Allocated memory maximum value
procProcMemAllocedAvg 10615u Allocated memory average value Allocated memory average value
procProcMemAllocedTr 10620u Allocated memory trend Allocated memory trend
procProcMemUsedLast 10633u Used memory current value Used memory current value
procProcMemUsedMin 10634u Used memory minimum value Used memory minimum value
procProcMemUsedMax 10635u Used memory maximum value Used memory maximum value
procProcMemUsedAvg 10636u Used memory average value Used memory average value
procProcMemUsedTr 10641u Used memory trend Used memory trend
procSysCPUIdleLast 10654u idle CPU current value idle CPU current value
procSysCPUIdleMin 10655u idle CPU minimum value idle CPU minimum value
procSysCPUIdleMax 10656u idle CPU maximum value idle CPU maximum value
procSysCPUIdleAvg 10657u idle CPU average value idle CPU average value
procSysCPUIdleTr 10662u idle CPU trend idle CPU trend
procSysCPUKernelLast 10675u kernel CPU current value kernel CPU current value
procSysCPUKernelMin 10676u kernel CPU minimum value kernel CPU minimum value
procSysCPUKernelMax 10677u kernel CPU maximum value kernel CPU maximum value
procSysCPUKernelAvg 10678u kernel CPU average value kernel CPU average value
procSysCPUKernelTr 10683u kernel CPU trend kernel CPU trend
procSysCPUUserLast 10696u user CPU current value user CPU current value
procSysCPUUserMin 10697u user CPU minimum value user CPU minimum value
procSysCPUUserMax 10698u user CPU maximum value user CPU maximum value
procSysCPUUserAvg 10699u user CPU average value user CPU average value
procSysCPUUserTr 10704u user CPU trend user CPU trend
procSysLoadLoadAverage15mLast 10717u 15 minute average load current value 15 minute average load current value
procSysLoadLoadAverage15mMin 10718u 15 minute average load minimum value 15 minute average load minimum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage15mMax 10719u 15 minute average load maximum value 15 minute average load maximum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage15mAvg 10720u 15 minute average load average value 15 minute average load average value
procSysLoadLoadAverage15mTr 10725u 15 minute average load trend 15 minute average load trend
procSysLoadLoadAverage1mLast 10738u 1 minute average load current value 1 minute average load current value
procSysLoadLoadAverage1mMin 10739u 1 minute average load minimum value 1 minute average load minimum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage1mMax 10740u 1 minute average load maximum value 1 minute average load maximum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage1mAvg 10741u 1 minute average load average value 1 minute average load average value
procSysLoadLoadAverage1mTr 10746u 1 minute average load trend 1 minute average load trend
procSysLoadLoadAverage5mLast 10759u 5 minute average load current value 5 minute average load current value
procSysLoadLoadAverage5mMin 10760u 5 minute average load minimum value 5 minute average load minimum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage5mMax 10761u 5 minute average load maximum value 5 minute average load maximum value
procSysLoadLoadAverage5mAvg 10762u 5 minute average load average value 5 minute average load average value
procSysLoadLoadAverage5mTr 10767u 5 minute average load trend 5 minute average load trend
procSysLoadRunProcLast 10780u running processes current value running processes current value
procSysLoadRunProcMin 10781u running processes minimum value running processes minimum value
procSysLoadRunProcMax 10782u running processes maximum value running processes maximum value
procSysLoadRunProcAvg 10783u running processes average value running processes average value
procSysLoadRunProcTr 10788u running processes trend running processes trend
procSysLoadTotalProcLast 10801u total processes current value total processes current value
procSysLoadTotalProcMin 10802u total processes minimum value total processes minimum value
procSysLoadTotalProcMax 10803u total processes maximum value total processes maximum value
procSysLoadTotalProcAvg 10804u total processes average value total processes average value
procSysLoadTotalProcTr 10809u total processes trend total processes trend
procSysMemFreeLast 10822u free memory current value free memory current value
procSysMemFreeMin 10823u free memory minimum value free memory minimum value
procSysMemFreeMax 10824u free memory maximum value free memory maximum value
procSysMemFreeAvg 10825u free memory average value free memory average value
procSysMemFreeTr 10830u free memory trend free memory trend
procSysMemTotalLast 10843u total memory current value total memory current value
procSysMemTotalMin 10844u total memory minimum value total memory minimum value
procSysMemTotalMax 10845u total memory maximum value total memory maximum value
procSysMemTotalAvg 10846u total memory average value total memory average value
procSysMemTotalTr 10851u total memory trend total memory trend
procSysMemUsedLast 10864u used memory current value used memory current value
procSysMemUsedMin 10865u used memory minimum value used memory minimum value
procSysMemUsedMax 10866u used memory maximum value used memory maximum value
procSysMemUsedAvg 10867u used memory average value used memory average value
procSysMemUsedTr 10872u used memory trend used memory trend
qosmEgrPktsDropLast 10885u egress drop packets current value egress drop packets current value
qosmEgrPktsDropCum 10887u egress drop packets cumulative egress drop packets cumulative
qosmEgrPktsDropPer 10888u egress drop packets periodic egress drop packets periodic
qosmEgrPktsDropMin 10889u egress drop packets minimum value egress drop packets minimum value
qosmEgrPktsDropMax 10890u egress drop packets maximum value egress drop packets maximum value
qosmEgrPktsDropAvg 10891u egress drop packets average value egress drop packets average value
qosmEgrPktsDropTr 10895u egress drop packets trend egress drop packets trend
qosmEgrPktsDropRate 10896u egress drop packets rate egress drop packets rate
qosmIngrPktsAdmitLast 10912u ingress admit packets current value ingress admit packets current value
qosmIngrPktsAdmitCum 10914u ingress admit packets cumulative ingress admit packets cumulative
qosmIngrPktsAdmitPer 10915u ingress admit packets periodic ingress admit packets periodic
qosmIngrPktsAdmitMin 10916u ingress admit packets minimum value ingress admit packets minimum value
qosmIngrPktsAdmitMax 10917u ingress admit packets maximum value ingress admit packets maximum value
qosmIngrPktsAdmitAvg 10918u ingress admit packets average value ingress admit packets average value
qosmIngrPktsAdmitTr 10922u ingress admit packets trend ingress admit packets trend
qosmIngrPktsAdmitRate 10923u ingress admit packets rate ingress admit packets rate
qosmIngrPktsDropLast 10939u ingress drop packets current value ingress drop packets current value
qosmIngrPktsDropCum 10941u ingress drop packets cumulative ingress drop packets cumulative
qosmIngrPktsDropPer 10942u ingress drop packets periodic ingress drop packets periodic
qosmIngrPktsDropMin 10943u ingress drop packets minimum value ingress drop packets minimum value
qosmIngrPktsDropMax 10944u ingress drop packets maximum value ingress drop packets maximum value
qosmIngrPktsDropAvg 10945u ingress drop packets average value ingress drop packets average value
qosmIngrPktsDropTr 10949u ingress drop packets trend ingress drop packets trend
qosmIngrPktsDropRate 10950u ingress drop packets rate ingress drop packets rate
vnsRxPktsRxdropsLast 11020u Rx Dropped current value Rx Dropped current value
vnsRxPktsRxdropsCum 11022u Rx Dropped cumulative Rx Dropped cumulative
vnsRxPktsRxdropsPer 11023u Rx Dropped periodic Rx Dropped periodic
vnsRxPktsRxdropsMin 11024u Rx Dropped minimum value Rx Dropped minimum value
vnsRxPktsRxdropsMax 11025u Rx Dropped maximum value Rx Dropped maximum value
vnsRxPktsRxdropsAvg 11026u Rx Dropped average value Rx Dropped average value
vnsRxPktsRxdropsTr 11030u Rx Dropped trend Rx Dropped trend
vnsRxPktsRxdropsRate 11031u Rx Dropped rate Rx Dropped rate
vnsRxPktsRxerrorsLast 11047u Rx Errors current value Rx Errors current value
vnsRxPktsRxerrorsCum 11049u Rx Errors cumulative Rx Errors cumulative
vnsRxPktsRxerrorsPer 11050u Rx Errors periodic Rx Errors periodic
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eqptcapacityL3UsageCapV6LocalEpCapTr 20527u Local v6 Endpoints capacity trend Local v6 Endpoints capacity trend
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eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapCum 20540u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity cumulative Local Multicast Endpoints capacity cumulative
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapPer 20541u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity periodic Local Multicast Endpoints capacity periodic
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapMin 20542u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity minimum value Local Multicast Endpoints capacity minimum value
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapMax 20543u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity maximum value Local Multicast Endpoints capacity maximum value
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapAvg 20544u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity average value Local Multicast Endpoints capacity average value
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapTr 20548u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity trend Local Multicast Endpoints capacity trend
eqptcapacityMcastUsageLocalEpCapRate 20549u Local Multicast Endpoints capacity rate Local Multicast Endpoints capacity rate
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eqptcapacityPolUsagePolUsageCapMin 20563u Policy Usage capacity minimum value Policy Usage capacity minimum value
eqptcapacityPolUsagePolUsageCapMax 20564u Policy Usage capacity maximum value Policy Usage capacity maximum value
eqptcapacityPolUsagePolUsageCapAvg 20565u Policy Usage capacity average value Policy Usage capacity average value
eqptcapacityPolUsagePolUsageCapTr 20569u Policy Usage capacity trend Policy Usage capacity trend
eqptcapacityPolUsagePolUsageCapRate 20570u Policy Usage capacity rate Policy Usage capacity rate
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eqptcapacityVlanUsageTotalCapMax 20585u Vlan entries capacity maximum value Vlan entries capacity maximum value
eqptcapacityVlanUsageTotalCapAvg 20586u Vlan entries capacity average value Vlan entries capacity average value
eqptcapacityVlanUsageTotalCapTr 20590u Vlan entries capacity trend Vlan entries capacity trend
eqptcapacityVlanUsageTotalCapRate 20591u Vlan entries capacity rate Vlan entries capacity rate
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eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesExtNormalizedMin 20798u External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage minimum value External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage minimum value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesExtNormalizedMax 20799u External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage maximum value External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage maximum value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesExtNormalizedAvg 20800u External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage average value External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage average value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesExtNormalizedTr 20805u External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage trend External Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage trend
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesFabNormalizedLast 20812u Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage current value Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage current value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesFabNormalizedMin 20813u Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage minimum value Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage minimum value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesFabNormalizedMax 20814u Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage maximum value Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage maximum value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesFabNormalizedAvg 20815u Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage average value Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage average value
eqptcapacityPrefixEntriesFabNormalizedTr 20820u Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage trend Fabric Subnet (v4 and v6) prefix entries usage trend
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eqptcapacityVlanXlateEntriesNormalizedMin 20943u Vlan Xlate Entries Usage minimum value Vlan Xlate Entries Usage minimum value
eqptcapacityVlanXlateEntriesNormalizedMax 20944u Vlan Xlate Entries Usage maximum value Vlan Xlate Entries Usage maximum value
eqptcapacityVlanXlateEntriesNormalizedAvg 20945u Vlan Xlate Entries Usage average value Vlan Xlate Entries Usage average value
eqptcapacityVlanXlateEntriesNormalizedTr 20950u Vlan Xlate Entries Usage trend Vlan Xlate Entries Usage trend
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procSysCPUIdleAverage1mMax 21900u 1 minute idle CPU average maximum value 1 minute idle CPU average maximum value
procSysCPUIdleAverage1mAvg 21901u 1 minute idle CPU average average value 1 minute idle CPU average average value
procSysCPUIdleAverage1mTr 21906u 1 minute idle CPU average trend 1 minute idle CPU average trend
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procSysCPUKernelAverage1mMax 21915u 1 minute kernel CPU average maximum value 1 minute kernel CPU average maximum value
procSysCPUKernelAverage1mAvg 21916u 1 minute kernel CPU average average value 1 minute kernel CPU average average value
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procSysCPUUserAverage1mMax 21930u 1 minute user CPU average maximum value 1 minute user CPU average maximum value
procSysCPUUserAverage1mAvg 21931u 1 minute user CPU average average value 1 minute user CPU average average value
procSysCPUUserAverage1mTr 21936u 1 minute user CPU average trend 1 minute user CPU average trend
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dppEgrDropPktsAvg 23822u Egress Policer Dropped Packets average value Egress Policer Dropped Packets average value
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dppIngrAllowBytesRateAvg 23876u Ingress Policer Allowed Bytes rate average value Ingress Policer Allowed Bytes rate average value
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dppIngrAllowPktsMax 23893u Ingress Policer Allowed Packets maximum value Ingress Policer Allowed Packets maximum value
dppIngrAllowPktsAvg 23894u Ingress Policer Allowed Packets average value Ingress Policer Allowed Packets average value
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dppIngrAllowPktsRateAvg 23912u Ingress Policer Allowed Packets rate average value Ingress Policer Allowed Packets rate average value
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dppIngrDropPktsRateAvg 23984u Ingress Policer Dropped Packets rate average value Ingress Policer Dropped Packets rate average value
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fvFltCounterMajcountAvg 30203u major Fault average value major Fault average value
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procApplicationMemoryCurrentAvg 30360u Application memory usage average value Application memory usage average value
procApplicationMemoryCurrentTr 30365u Application memory usage trend Application memory usage trend
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eqptIngrStormBcDropBytesPer 30594u Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic periodic Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic periodic
eqptIngrStormBcDropBytesMin 30595u Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic minimum value Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic minimum value
eqptIngrStormBcDropBytesMax 30596u Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic maximum value Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic maximum value
eqptIngrStormBcDropBytesAvg 30597u Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic average value Storm Ctrl Drop Bytes for Broadcast traffic average value
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fcTransmitB2BCreditTransitionsRate 42161u transmit B2B credit rate transmit B2B credit rate
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eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesCum 42556u BV Macsec Decrypted packets cumulative BV Macsec Decrypted packets cumulative
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesPer 42557u BV Macsec Decrypted packets periodic BV Macsec Decrypted packets periodic
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eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesMax 42559u BV Macsec Decrypted packets maximum value BV Macsec Decrypted packets maximum value
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesAvg 42560u BV Macsec Decrypted packets average value BV Macsec Decrypted packets average value
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesTr 42564u BV Macsec Decrypted packets trend BV Macsec Decrypted packets trend
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesRate 42565u BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate
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eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesRateMin 42576u BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate minimum value BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate minimum value
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesRateMax 42577u BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate maximum value BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate maximum value
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesRateAvg 42578u BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate average value BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate average value
eqptBvmacsecrxpktsDecryptedPacktesRateTr 42583u BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate trend BV Macsec Decrypted packets rate trend
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eqptBvmacsectxpktsEncryptedPacktesMax 42595u BV Macsec Encrypted packets maximum value BV Macsec Encrypted packets maximum value
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eqptBvmacsectxpktsEncryptedPacktesRateAvg 42614u BV Macsec Encrypted packets rate average value BV Macsec Encrypted packets rate average value
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fcInputCastFramesBroadcastMin 42920u Input Broadcast Frames minimum value Input Broadcast Frames minimum value
fcInputCastFramesBroadcastMax 42921u Input Broadcast Frames maximum value Input Broadcast Frames maximum value
fcInputCastFramesBroadcastAvg 42922u Input Broadcast Frames average value Input Broadcast Frames average value
fcInputCastFramesBroadcastTr 42926u Input Broadcast Frames trend Input Broadcast Frames trend
fcInputCastFramesBroadcastRate 42927u Input Broadcast Frames rate Input Broadcast Frames rate
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fcInputCastFramesMulticastMax 42942u Input Multicast Frames maximum value Input Multicast Frames maximum value
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fcInputCastFramesMulticastRate 42948u Input Multicast Frames rate Input Multicast Frames rate
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fcInputCastFramesUnicastMax 42963u Input Unicast Frames maximum value Input Unicast Frames maximum value
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fcInputCastFramesUnicastRate 42969u Input Unicast Frames rate Input Unicast Frames rate
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fcInputErrorsLrpMax 43089u input link Reset Protocol maximum value input link Reset Protocol maximum value
fcInputErrorsLrpAvg 43090u input link Reset Protocol average value input link Reset Protocol average value
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fcInputLIPErrorsNonf8LipErrorMax 43194u input non f8 lip error maximum value input non f8 lip error maximum value
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fcInputOtherErrorsDisparity8b10bMax 43215u input 8b10b disparity maximum value input 8b10b disparity maximum value
fcInputOtherErrorsDisparity8b10bAvg 43216u input 8b10b disparity average value input 8b10b disparity average value
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fcInputOtherErrorsEislMax 43236u input eisl maximum value input eisl maximum value
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fcInputOtherErrorsElpMax 43257u input elp maximum value input elp maximum value
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fcOutputCastFramesBroadcastMax 43299u Output Broadcast Frames maximum value Output Broadcast Frames maximum value
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fcOutputCastFramesMulticastMax 43320u Output Multicast Frames maximum value Output Multicast Frames maximum value
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fcOutputCastFramesUnicastMax 43341u Output Unicast Frames maximum value Output Unicast Frames maximum value
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fcOutputCastFramesUnicastRate 43347u Output Unicast Frames rate Output Unicast Frames rate
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eqptIngrErrPktsCrcMax 43575u CRC Align Errors maximum value CRC Align Errors maximum value
eqptIngrErrPktsCrcAvg 43576u CRC Align Errors average value CRC Align Errors average value
eqptIngrErrPktsCrcTr 43580u CRC Align Errors trend CRC Align Errors trend
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eqptcapacityL3v4Usage32V4EpMax 43973u Total v4 32 Endpoints maximum value Total v4 32 Endpoints maximum value
eqptcapacityL3v4Usage32V4EpAvg 43974u Total v4 32 Endpoints average value Total v4 32 Endpoints average value
eqptcapacityL3v4Usage32V4EpTr 43978u Total v4 32 Endpoints trend Total v4 32 Endpoints trend
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eqptcapacityL3v4Usage32V4McMax 43994u Total v4 32 MC Routes maximum value Total v4 32 MC Routes maximum value
eqptcapacityL3v4Usage32V4McAvg 43995u Total v4 32 MC Routes average value Total v4 32 MC Routes average value
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isisIsisCsnpStatsFastCsnpPktsRxAvg 46156u Fast CSNP Packets Recevied average value Fast CSNP Packets Recevied average value
isisIsisCsnpStatsFastCsnpPktsRxTr 46160u Fast CSNP Packets Recevied trend Fast CSNP Packets Recevied trend
isisIsisCsnpStatsFastCsnpPktsRxRate 46161u Fast CSNP Packets Recevied rate Fast CSNP Packets Recevied rate
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsAuthErrCum 46173u LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error cumulative LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error cumulative
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsAuthErrPer 46174u LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error periodic LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error periodic
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsAuthErrMax 46176u LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error maximum value LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error maximum value
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsAuthErrAvg 46177u LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error average value LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error average value
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsAuthErrTr 46181u LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error trend LAN IIH Packets with Authentication Error trend
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsMiscErrPer 46195u LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error periodic LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error periodic
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsMiscErrMin 46196u LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error minimum value LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error minimum value
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsMiscErrMax 46197u LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error maximum value LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error maximum value
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsMiscErrAvg 46198u LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error average value LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error average value
isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsMiscErrTr 46202u LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error trend LAN IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error trend
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsRxTr 46223u LAN IIH Packets Recevied trend LAN IIH Packets Recevied trend
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsTxMax 46239u LAN IIH Packets Sent maximum value LAN IIH Packets Sent maximum value
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isisIsisLanStatsLanIIHPktsTxTr 46244u LAN IIH Packets Sent trend LAN IIH Packets Sent trend
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isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrCum 46257u LSP Packets with Authentication Error cumulative LSP Packets with Authentication Error cumulative
isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrPer 46258u LSP Packets with Authentication Error periodic LSP Packets with Authentication Error periodic
isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrMin 46259u LSP Packets with Authentication Error minimum value LSP Packets with Authentication Error minimum value
isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrMax 46260u LSP Packets with Authentication Error maximum value LSP Packets with Authentication Error maximum value
isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrAvg 46261u LSP Packets with Authentication Error average value LSP Packets with Authentication Error average value
isisIsisLspErrStatsLspPktsAuthErrTr 46265u LSP Packets with Authentication Error trend LSP Packets with Authentication Error trend
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isisIsisLspStatsFastLspPktsRxTr 46307u Fast LSP Packets Recevied trend Fast LSP Packets Recevied trend
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isisIsisLspStatsLspPktsRxTr 46349u LSP Packets Recevied trend LSP Packets Recevied trend
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isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsAuthErrPer 46384u P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error periodic P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error periodic
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsAuthErrMin 46385u P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error minimum value P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error minimum value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsAuthErrMax 46386u P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error maximum value P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error maximum value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsAuthErrAvg 46387u P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error average value P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error average value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsAuthErrTr 46391u P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error trend P2P IIH Packets with Authentication Error trend
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isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrCum 46404u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error cumulative P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error cumulative
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrPer 46405u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error periodic P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error periodic
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrMin 46406u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error minimum value P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error minimum value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrMax 46407u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error maximum value P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error maximum value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrAvg 46408u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error average value P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error average value
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsMiscErrTr 46412u P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error trend P2P IIH Packets with Miscellaneous Error trend
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isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsRxMax 46428u P2P IIH Packets Recevied maximum value P2P IIH Packets Recevied maximum value
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isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsRxTr 46433u P2P IIH Packets Recevied trend P2P IIH Packets Recevied trend
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isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsTxTr 46454u P2P IIH Packets Sent trend P2P IIH Packets Sent trend
isisIsisP2pStatsP2pIIHPktsTxRate 46455u P2P IIH Packets Sent rate P2P IIH Packets Sent rate
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isisIsisPsnpStatsPsnpPktsAuthErrPer 46468u PSNP Packets with Authentication Error periodic PSNP Packets with Authentication Error periodic
isisIsisPsnpStatsPsnpPktsAuthErrMin 46469u PSNP Packets with Authentication Error minimum value PSNP Packets with Authentication Error minimum value
isisIsisPsnpStatsPsnpPktsAuthErrMax 46470u PSNP Packets with Authentication Error maximum value PSNP Packets with Authentication Error maximum value
isisIsisPsnpStatsPsnpPktsAuthErrAvg 46471u PSNP Packets with Authentication Error average value PSNP Packets with Authentication Error average value
isisIsisPsnpStatsPsnpPktsAuthErrTr 46475u PSNP Packets with Authentication Error trend PSNP Packets with Authentication Error trend
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tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropBytesMin 47141u Drop Bytes minimum value Drop Bytes minimum value
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropBytesMax 47142u Drop Bytes maximum value Drop Bytes maximum value
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropBytesAvg 47143u Drop Bytes average value Drop Bytes average value
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tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropBytesRate 47148u Drop Bytes rate Drop Bytes rate
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tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropPktsMin 47162u Drop Packets minimum value Drop Packets minimum value
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropPktsMax 47163u Drop Packets maximum value Drop Packets maximum value
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropPktsAvg 47164u Drop Packets average value Drop Packets average value
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropPktsTr 47168u Drop Packets trend Drop Packets trend
tunnelEgrTepCntrsDropPktsRate 47169u Drop Packets rate Drop Packets rate
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ospfPeerStatsAdjCntTr 49020u Adjacency Count trend Adjacency Count trend
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ospfPeerStatsFloodToPeerCntTr 49041u Flood To Peer Count trend Flood To Peer Count trend
ospfPeerStatsFloodToPeerCntRate 49042u Flood To Peer Count rate Flood To Peer Count rate
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ospfPeerStatsGrHelperPeerCntAvg 49058u GR Helper Peer Count average value GR Helper Peer Count average value
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ospfPeerStatsPeerCntMax 49078u Peer Count maximum value Peer Count maximum value
ospfPeerStatsPeerCntAvg 49079u Peer Count average value Peer Count average value
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ospfRcvdPktStatsHelloPktsRcvdAvg 49121u Hello Packets Received average value Hello Packets Received average value
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ospfSelfStatsEvCntMin 49161u If Events Count minimum value If Events Count minimum value
ospfSelfStatsEvCntMax 49162u If Events Count maximum value If Events Count maximum value
ospfSelfStatsEvCntAvg 49163u If Events Count average value If Events Count average value
ospfSelfStatsEvCntTr 49167u If Events Count trend If Events Count trend
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ospfSelfStatsLsaCntAvg 49184u LSA Count average value LSA Count average value
ospfSelfStatsLsaCntTr 49188u LSA Count trend LSA Count trend
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ospfSelfStatsPeerCntMax 49204u Peer Count maximum value Peer Count maximum value
ospfSelfStatsPeerCntAvg 49205u Peer Count average value Peer Count average value
ospfSelfStatsPeerCntTr 49209u Peer Count trend Peer Count trend
ospfSelfStatsPeerCntRate 49210u Peer Count rate Peer Count rate
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ospfSentPktErrStatsDroppedSendPktsTr 49230u Dropped Send Packets trend Dropped Send Packets trend
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ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendIpThrottleAvg 49352u Flood Packet Send IP Throttle average value Flood Packet Send IP Throttle average value
ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendIpThrottleTr 49356u Flood Packet Send IP Throttle trend Flood Packet Send IP Throttle trend
ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendIpThrottleRate 49357u Flood Packet Send IP Throttle rate Flood Packet Send IP Throttle rate
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ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendTokenThrottleAvg 49373u Flood Packet Send Token Throttle average value Flood Packet Send Token Throttle average value
ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendTokenThrottleTr 49377u Flood Packet Send Token Throttle trend Flood Packet Send Token Throttle trend
ospfThrottleStatsFloodPktSendTokenThrottleRate 49378u Flood Packet Send Token Throttle rate Flood Packet Send Token Throttle rate
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slaICMPEchoStatsFailuresMax 49481u number of failed ICMP Echo probes maximum value number of failed ICMP Echo probes maximum value
slaICMPEchoStatsFailuresAvg 49482u number of failed ICMP Echo probes average value number of failed ICMP Echo probes average value
slaICMPEchoStatsFailuresTr 49486u number of failed ICMP Echo probes trend number of failed ICMP Echo probes trend
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slaICMPEchoStatsRttAvg 49500u ICMP Echo Round Trip Time average value ICMP Echo Round Trip Time average value
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slaICMPEchoStatsSuccessMax 49517u number of successful ICMP Echo probes maximum value number of successful ICMP Echo probes maximum value
slaICMPEchoStatsSuccessAvg 49518u number of successful ICMP Echo probes average value number of successful ICMP Echo probes average value
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slaICMPEchoStatsTxPktsMax 49538u number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes maximum value number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes maximum value
slaICMPEchoStatsTxPktsAvg 49539u number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes average value number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes average value
slaICMPEchoStatsTxPktsTr 49543u number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes trend number of transmitted ICMP Echo probes trend
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slaTCPConnectStatsFailuresMax 49559u number of failed TCP Connect probes maximum value number of failed TCP Connect probes maximum value
slaTCPConnectStatsFailuresAvg 49560u number of failed TCP Connect probes average value number of failed TCP Connect probes average value
slaTCPConnectStatsFailuresTr 49564u number of failed TCP Connect probes trend number of failed TCP Connect probes trend
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slaTCPConnectStatsRttMax 49577u TCP Connect Round Trip Time maximum value TCP Connect Round Trip Time maximum value
slaTCPConnectStatsRttAvg 49578u TCP Connect Round Trip Time average value TCP Connect Round Trip Time average value
slaTCPConnectStatsRttTr 49583u TCP Connect Round Trip Time trend TCP Connect Round Trip Time trend
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slaTCPConnectStatsSuccessMax 49595u number of successful TCP Connect probes maximum value number of successful TCP Connect probes maximum value
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bfdPduStatsFlapsCum 49651u Number of BFD Session Flaps cumulative Number of BFD Session Flaps cumulative
bfdPduStatsFlapsPer 49652u Number of BFD Session Flaps periodic Number of BFD Session Flaps periodic
bfdPduStatsFlapsMin 49653u Number of BFD Session Flaps minimum value Number of BFD Session Flaps minimum value
bfdPduStatsFlapsMax 49654u Number of BFD Session Flaps maximum value Number of BFD Session Flaps maximum value
bfdPduStatsFlapsAvg 49655u Number of BFD Session Flaps average value Number of BFD Session Flaps average value
bfdPduStatsFlapsTr 49659u Number of BFD Session Flaps trend Number of BFD Session Flaps trend
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bfdPduStatsPduSentMax 49696u Packets Transmitted maximum value Packets Transmitted maximum value
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bfdPduStatsPduSentTr 49701u Packets Transmitted trend Packets Transmitted trend
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eqptcapacityMcastEntryPerMax 52193u Multicast usage maximum value Multicast usage maximum value
eqptcapacityMcastEntryPerAvg 52194u Multicast usage average value Multicast usage average value
eqptcapacityMcastEntryPerTr 52199u Multicast usage trend Multicast usage trend
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cloudPoolHealthStatsHealthyHostCountMax 52564u Pool healthy hosts count maximum value Pool healthy hosts count maximum value
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eqptEgrPktsDiscardMax 53139u Egress discard maximum value Egress discard maximum value
eqptEgrPktsDiscardAvg 53140u Egress discard average value Egress discard average value
eqptEgrPktsDiscardTr 53144u Egress discard trend Egress discard trend
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eqptIngrErrPktsDiscardTr 53186u Ingress discard trend Ingress discard trend
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bgpBgpPeerBytesByteInSendQMax 53454u Bytes in Send Queue maximum value Bytes in Send Queue maximum value
bgpBgpPeerBytesByteInSendQAvg 53455u Bytes in Send Queue average value Bytes in Send Queue average value
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bgpBgpPeerBytesByteRcvdMax 53475u Number of Bytes Received maximum value Number of Bytes Received maximum value
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bgpBgpPeerBytesByteRcvdTr 53480u Number of Bytes Received trend Number of Bytes Received trend
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bgpBgpPeerBytesByteSentMax 53496u Number of Bytes Sent maximum value Number of Bytes Sent maximum value
bgpBgpPeerBytesByteSentAvg 53497u Number of Bytes Sent average value Number of Bytes Sent average value
bgpBgpPeerBytesByteSentTr 53501u Number of Bytes Sent trend Number of Bytes Sent trend
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bgpBgpRtPrefixCountAcceptedPathsMax 53811u Accepted Paths maximum value Accepted Paths maximum value
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bgpBgpRtPrefixCountAcceptedPathsTr 53816u Accepted Paths trend Accepted Paths trend
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compHostStatsCpuUsageMax 7558u CPU usage maximum value CPU usage maximum value
compHostStatsCpuUsageAvg 7559u CPU usage average value CPU usage average value
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l2IngrBytesUnicastTr 9858u ingress unicast bytes trend ingress unicast bytes trend
l2IngrBytesUnicastRate 9859u ingress unicast bytes rate ingress unicast bytes rate
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastLast 9869u ingress unicast bytes current value ingress unicast bytes current value
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastCum 9871u ingress unicast bytes cumulative ingress unicast bytes cumulative
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastPer 9872u ingress unicast bytes periodic ingress unicast bytes periodic
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastMin 9873u ingress unicast bytes minimum value ingress unicast bytes minimum value
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastMax 9874u ingress unicast bytes maximum value ingress unicast bytes maximum value
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastAvg 9875u ingress unicast bytes average value ingress unicast bytes average value
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastTr 9879u ingress unicast bytes trend ingress unicast bytes trend
l2IngrBytesPartUnicastRate 9880u ingress unicast bytes rate ingress unicast bytes rate
l2IngrBytesAgUnicastCum 9890u ingress unicast bytes cumulative ingress unicast bytes cumulative
l2IngrBytesAgUnicastPer 9891u ingress unicast bytes periodic ingress unicast bytes periodic
l2IngrBytesAgUnicastTr 9895u ingress unicast bytes trend ingress unicast bytes trend
l2IngrBytesAgUnicastRate 9896u ingress unicast bytes rate ingress unicast bytes rate
l2IngrPktsDropLast 9909u ingress drop packets current value ingress drop packets current value
l2IngrPktsDropCum 9911u ingress drop packets cumulative ingress drop packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsDropPer 9912u ingress drop packets periodic ingress drop packets periodic
l2IngrPktsDropMin 9913u ingress drop packets minimum value ingress drop packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsDropMax 9914u ingress drop packets maximum value ingress drop packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsDropAvg 9915u ingress drop packets average value ingress drop packets average value
l2IngrPktsDropTr 9919u ingress drop packets trend ingress drop packets trend
l2IngrPktsDropRate 9920u ingress drop packets rate ingress drop packets rate
l2IngrPktsPartDropLast 9930u ingress drop packets current value ingress drop packets current value
l2IngrPktsPartDropCum 9932u ingress drop packets cumulative ingress drop packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsPartDropPer 9933u ingress drop packets periodic ingress drop packets periodic
l2IngrPktsPartDropMin 9934u ingress drop packets minimum value ingress drop packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsPartDropMax 9935u ingress drop packets maximum value ingress drop packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsPartDropAvg 9936u ingress drop packets average value ingress drop packets average value
l2IngrPktsPartDropTr 9940u ingress drop packets trend ingress drop packets trend
l2IngrPktsPartDropRate 9941u ingress drop packets rate ingress drop packets rate
l2IngrPktsAgDropCum 9951u ingress drop packets cumulative ingress drop packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsAgDropPer 9952u ingress drop packets periodic ingress drop packets periodic
l2IngrPktsAgDropTr 9956u ingress drop packets trend ingress drop packets trend
l2IngrPktsAgDropRate 9957u ingress drop packets rate ingress drop packets rate
l2IngrPktsFloodLast 9970u ingress flood packets current value ingress flood packets current value
l2IngrPktsFloodCum 9972u ingress flood packets cumulative ingress flood packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsFloodPer 9973u ingress flood packets periodic ingress flood packets periodic
l2IngrPktsFloodMin 9974u ingress flood packets minimum value ingress flood packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsFloodMax 9975u ingress flood packets maximum value ingress flood packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsFloodAvg 9976u ingress flood packets average value ingress flood packets average value
l2IngrPktsFloodTr 9980u ingress flood packets trend ingress flood packets trend
l2IngrPktsFloodRate 9981u ingress flood packets rate ingress flood packets rate
l2IngrPktsPartFloodLast 9991u ingress flood packets current value ingress flood packets current value
l2IngrPktsPartFloodCum 9993u ingress flood packets cumulative ingress flood packets cumulative
l2IngrPktsPartFloodPer 9994u ingress flood packets periodic ingress flood packets periodic
l2IngrPktsPartFloodMin 9995u ingress flood packets minimum value ingress flood packets minimum value
l2IngrPktsPartFloodMax 9996u ingress flood packets maximum value ingress flood packets maximum value
l2IngrPktsPartFloodAvg 9997u ingress flood packets average value ingress flood packets average value
DEFAULT unspecified(0u) --- NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.