Type comp:RemoteOperIssues


none 0x0ull None NO COMMENTS
portgroup-portallocation-mismatch 0x100000000ull Portgroup Allocation type on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
invalid-permission 0x10000000ull Insufficient permission to create/modify port group NO COMMENTS
netflow-afto-mismatch 0x1000000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Active Flow TimeOut on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
portgroup-netflowpref-changed 0x100000ull Portgroup NetflowPref has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
portgroup-forgedtx-changed 0x10000ull Portgroup Forged Transmits security policy has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
invalid-portgroup-name 0x1000ull Port group name size is exceeding SCVMM VM Network Name size limit 64 character. NO COMMENTS
lnode-name-mismatch 0x100ull LNode(DVS) name mismatch NO COMMENTS
event-channel-down 0x10ull Event channel from external VMM controller is down. NO COMMENTS
lnode-deleted 0x1ull Lnode(DVS) deleted on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
mtu-exceeded 0x200000000ull Given MTU value exceeds the max MTU supported by vmware vCenter which is 9000 NO COMMENTS
opflex-cert-expire 0x20000000ull Opflex certificate is expiring or has expired NO COMMENTS
netflow-ifto-mismatch 0x2000000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Idle Flow TimeOut on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
netflow-dstaddr-mismatch 0x200000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Destination Address on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
portgroup-pvlan-changed 0x20000ull Portgroup PVLAN encapsulation has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
partial-inv 0x2000ull Received partial inventory in the last inventory sync. Please look for Faults under VM and Host and fix them via VCenter, then manually re-trigger inventory sync on APIC NO COMMENTS
vsmgmt-error 0x200ull Vsmgmt port group missing in controller. NO COMMENTS
connection-down 0x20ull Connection to external VMM controller is down. NO COMMENTS
portgroup-encap-changed 0x2ull Portgroup encapsulation has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
portgroup-bindingtype-mismatch 0x40000000ull Portgroup binding type on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
netflow-sr-mismatch 0x4000000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Sampling Rate on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
netflow-dstport-mismatch 0x400000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Destination Port on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
inv-completed-ex 0x40000ull Last inventory pull did not complete for a few hosts or VMs or no hosts found. Please verify the Hosts and VMs are in connected state in the VMM controller and manually re-trigger inventory sync on APIC. Please ignore this fault if there are no hosts in the VMM controller. NO COMMENTS
portgroup-promiscuous-changed 0x4000ull Portgroup Promiscuous security policy has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
ps-error 0x400ull Powershell VMNetwork creation error. NO COMMENTS
mtu-mismatch 0x40ull MTU on DVS is different than the MTU in the policy. NO COMMENTS
portgroup-deleted 0x4ull Portgroup deleted from external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
portgroup-numports-mismatch 0x80000000ull Portgroup number of ports on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
insufficient-mtu 0x8000000ull Fabric mtu should be greater than 1550 for AVE/AVS VMM domain. NO COMMENTS
netflow-srcaddr-mismatch 0x800000ull Netflow VMM Exporter Source Address on DVS is different from that in the policy NO COMMENTS
opflex-channels-down 0x80000ull Both the opflex channels are down for the host. Please check the connections on the host. NO COMMENTS
portgroup-macchange-changed 0x8000ull Portgroup MAC Changes security policy has been changed on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
invalid-backing 0x800ull Invalid backing port-group. NO COMMENTS
discovery-protocol-mismatch 0x80ull Discovery Protocol on DVS is different than the one in the policy. NO COMMENTS
invalid-portgroup-exist 0x8ull Invalid or Unknown portgroup exist on external VMM controller NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT none(0x0ull) None NO COMMENTS