Type ip:IfModeExtn

If mode Extension

unspecified 0u Unspecified Unspecified
rt-ptep 128u Routable PTEP Interface for Border Leaf NO COMMENTS
vpod-ucast 16u VPOD Unicast TEP Interface VPOD ucast loopback (scope = POD)
mscp-etep 1u Multi-Site Control Plane External TEP Interface Interface for receiving external control plane updates like BGP EVPN in a multi-site topology. Applicable only on a Mult-Site Speaker spine with infra extension
dp-ptep 2u DataPath TEP TEP address used for data-path in RL. This is needed because of lack of bypassing SIPo translation for control plane traffic when DCI functionality is applied for RL. The existing ptep address is used for control plane and this new dp-ptep is used for data path traffic
vpod-mcast-hrep 32u VPOD Multicast TEP Interface VPOD mcast loopback (scope = POD)
rl-ucast 4u Remote Leaf Unicast TEP Interface RL ucast loopback (scope = POD)
rt-cp-etep 64u Routable CP TEP Interface NO COMMENTS
rl-mcast-hrep 8u Remote Leaf Multicast TEP Interface RL mcast loopback (scope = POD)
DEFAULT unspecified(0u) Unspecified Unspecified