Type vns:IssueIdentType


ok 0u ok NO COMMENTS
lif-has-invalid-encap 100u invalid encapsulation on LIf NO COMMENTS
devmgr-cmgmts-not-found 101u No CMgmts configured for DevMgr NO COMMENTS
chassis-cmgmts-not-found 102u No CMgmts configured for Chassis NO COMMENTS
devmgr-credentials-not-found 103u CCred/CCredSecret missing for DevMgr NO COMMENTS
chassis-credentials-not-found 104u CCred/CCredSecret missing for Chassis NO COMMENTS
folderinst-name-or-label-less-restrictive 105u FolderInst name or label is less restrictive than its parent NO COMMENTS
local-asn-specified-with-ibgp 106u local asn specified with ibgp configuration NO COMMENTS
remote-asn-specified-with-ibgp 107u remote asn specified with ibgp configuration NO COMMENTS
missing-provider-terminal 108u Provider terminal node is missing NO COMMENTS
missing-consumer-terminal 109u Consumer terminal node is missing NO COMMENTS
invalid-abstract-graph-config-param 10u invalid abstract graph config param NO COMMENTS
absgraph-has-fault 110u Corresponding AbsGraph has fault NO COMMENTS
invalid-trunk-mode 111u trunked port group option specified for physical device NO COMMENTS
tagged-packets-unsupported 112u device package does not support tagging packets NO COMMENTS
pbr-invalid-adjacency 113u PBR node has invalid adjacency type NO COMMENTS
copy-config-mismatch 114u copy config between two nodes does not match NO COMMENTS
copy-invalid-lifctx 115u lifctx for copy device is invalid NO COMMENTS
copydev-invalid-pathattn-count 116u invalid number of path attachments for a copy device NO COMMENTS
copydev-invalid-lif-cnt 117u copy device has invalid LIfs NO COMMENTS
invalid-redirect-policy 118u Invalid service redirect policy NO COMMENTS
static-encap-in-use-by-a-different-bd 119u Static Encap is already in use by a different BD. NO COMMENTS
missing-mparam 11u No parameter definition found NO COMMENTS
encap-allocation-conflict-for-virtual-cluster-interface 120u Encap is already allocated for a virtual cluster interface. NO COMMENTS
both-lifs-should-have-same-encap 121u invalid encapsulation on LIf NO COMMENTS
rsnode-to-ldev-and-ldevctx-mismatch 122u mis-match between Device config between Graph and LDevVip NO COMMENTS
svc-graph-has-msite-epg 123u L4-L7 service graph has Multi-site EPg(s) NO COMMENTS
invalid-srcref-in-folder 125u L4-L7 abstract folder has an invalid srcRef NO COMMENTS
invalid-srcref-in-parameter 126u L4-L7 abstract parameter has an invalid srcRef NO COMMENTS
healthgroup-association-missing 127u PBR tracking is enabled but Health Group association is missing in Redirect Destination NO COMMENTS
invalid-dualip-configuration-in-redirectdestination 128u pbr redirect destination dual ip config is invalid NO COMMENTS
invalid-svigateway-configuration-in-subnet 129u No Default SVI Gateway configuration in subnet is enabled NO COMMENTS
missing-abs-graph 12u no abs graph found NO COMMENTS
missing-cloud-mdev 130u CISCO-CloudMode package is missing. NO COMMENTS
invalid-filter-from-unidir-ctrct 131u Graph cannot be attached to unidir contract that has the same filter in and out NO COMMENTS
has-vzAny-Prov-Cons 132u vzAny as provider and consumer is supported only in single node PBR with 1-ARM NO COMMENTS
multisite-graph-epg-xlate-missing 134u Translation entries for intenal EPgs are missing NO COMMENTS
multisite-graph-mix-config-not-supported 135u Service graph does not support mix of multi site Epgs and local Epgs NO COMMENTS
multisite-graph-provider-subnet-not-configured 136u Provider EPgs does have have subnet confgiured NO COMMENTS
ipsla-association-missing 137u Redirect Destination is associated to Health Group but Tracking is disabled NO COMMENTS
multisite-anycast-enabled 138u Multisite with Anycast is enabled NO COMMENTS
lifctx-should-have-same-svcepgpol 139u Invalid- All the LIFCtx in the same LIF should have same value of prefGrMember. Use the same svcEPgPolicy for the same NO COMMENTS
invalid-param-config 13u invalid param config NO COMMENTS
intra-epg-non-supported-case 140u Intra EPG supported only in single node, 1 ARM PBR or single node copy service NO COMMENTS
invalid-destname-config 141u Invalid destname config NO COMMENTS
multisite-graph-epg-prov-cons 142u L4-L7 service graph has Multi-site EPg that provides and consumes NO COMMENTS
anycast-on-both-pbr-and-connector 143u AnyCast IP/Mac configured on PBR and Device Selection Policy NO COMMENTS
redir-not-enabled-in-node 144u Routing mode is not set to Redirect in the AbsNode; But SvcRedirectPol is attached to this LIfCtx NO COMMENTS
multisite-graph-consumer-subnet-not-configured 145u Consumer EPgs does have subnet confgiured NO COMMENTS
redir-not-exist-with-deny 146u Redir and deny cant exist together. NO COMMENTS
invalid-lb-connector-config 147u External Load Balancer connector cannot have Redirect Policy. NO COMMENTS
invalid-l1-l2-pbr-config 148u Invalid L1/L2 PBR config. NO COMMENTS
lifctx-should-have-same-qospol 149u All the LIFCtx using same device and same BD should have same QosPolicy set. Retrigger the graph after fixing misconfig NO COMMENTS
invalid-param-scope 14u invalid parameter scope NO COMMENTS
invalid-l1-l2-pbr-bd-config 150u Invalid L1/L2 PBR BD config. NO COMMENTS
missing-listener 151u AbsNode does not have any listener configured. NO COMMENTS
invalid-ldev 15u Invalid cluster NO COMMENTS
missing-config-params 16u GraphInst does not have any configuration parameters. It should have at least one valid configuration parameter. NO COMMENTS
internal-error 17u internal error occured during graph processing.` NO COMMENTS
resource-allocation-failure 18u resource could not be allocated during graph processing NO COMMENTS
missing-abs-function 19u no abstract function definition found NO COMMENTS
invalid-abstract-graph-config 1u invalid abstract graph config NO COMMENTS
param-validation-failed 20u param value is invalid NO COMMENTS
invalid-rsmconnatt 21u Invalid RsMConnAtt MO which points to connector NO COMMENTS
cdev-missing-mgmt-ip 22u no mgmt ip found for cdev NO COMMENTS
invalid-graphinst 23u Graphinst config is invalid NO COMMENTS
missing-interface 24u no interface found NO COMMENTS
missing-bd 25u no bd found NO COMMENTS
missing-terminal 26u Terminal node is missing a terminal NO COMMENTS
missing-namespace 27u no vlan/vxlan namespace found NO COMMENTS
missing-function-in-device-package 28u No function found in device package NO COMMENTS
missing-lif 29u no cluster interface found NO COMMENTS
missing-mandatory-param 2u mandatory param not found NO COMMENTS
invalid-absfunc-profile 30u Service graph template function profile config is invalid. NO COMMENTS
missing-cdev 31u No device found in cluster. NO COMMENTS
inappropriate-devfolder 32u Illegal folder in configuration. NO COMMENTS
invalid-devctx 33u Device context is not valid for this folder. NO COMMENTS
insufficient-devctx 34u Folder must have one value for each associated CDev. NO COMMENTS
cdev-missing-cif 35u No interface defined. It must have at least one interface defined NO COMMENTS
cdev-missing-path-for-interface 36u Missing path for interface. NO COMMENTS
missing-cif 37u Device interfaces does not match cluster. NO COMMENTS
ldevvip-missing-mgmt-ip 38u No Mgmt ip found for LDevVip NO COMMENTS
lif-has-invalid-interface-label 39u LIf has an invalid MifLbl NO COMMENTS
param-cardinality-error 3u invalid param cardinality NO COMMENTS
lif-invalid-CIf 40u LIf has an invalid CIf NO COMMENTS
missing-function-node 41u Service graph template missing function node. NO COMMENTS
graph-loop-detected 42u Service graph template configuration is invalid. It has a loop NO COMMENTS
gothrough-routing-enabled-both 43u Both the legs of go through node has routing enabled NO COMMENTS
invalid-terminal-nodes 44u Service graph template must have two or more terminal nodes NO COMMENTS
missing-ldev-ctx 45u No device context found for LDev NO COMMENTS
arp-flood-enabled 46u ARP flood is enabled on the management end point group NO COMMENTS
folderinst-validation-failed 47u FolderInst has key, that is not found in MFolder NO COMMENTS
paraminst-validation-failed 48u ParamInst has key and/or value, that are not found in MParam NO COMMENTS
invalid-mfolder 49u FolderInst points to an invalid MFolder NO COMMENTS
epp-download-failure 4u epp download failure NO COMMENTS
invalid-namespace-allocation-mode 50u VlanInstP has invalid allocation mode: static. Allocation mode should be dynamic. NO COMMENTS
devfolder-validation-failed 51u DevFolder has key, that is not found in MFolder NO COMMENTS
devparam-validation-failed 52u DevParam has key and/or value, that are not found in MParam NO COMMENTS
cdev-missing-virtual-info 53u Virtual Object Info like Vcenter name and VM name is missing in CDev NO COMMENTS
invalid-relation-target 54u Relation target parameter could not be resolved. NO COMMENTS
invalid-conn-for-configparam 55u Config param is using an invalid graph connector. NO COMMENTS
invalid-connection 56u AbsGraph Connection is invalid. NO COMMENTS
cif-missing-virtual-info 57u Virtual Object like vnic name is missing in CIf NO COMMENTS
invalid-filter-referred-by-rsconntoflt 58u AbsGraph connector is pointing to an invalid filter. NO COMMENTS
missing-mdev 59u No device type found. LDevVip must be associated with an MDev. NO COMMENTS
missing-l3instp 5u no L3InstP found NO COMMENTS
missing-l3ctx 60u No L3 Context found for the graph connection NO COMMENTS
invalid-config 61u Configuration of this device contains errors NO COMMENTS
invalid-devcfg-folder 62u DevCfg folder has invalid configuration parameters. NO COMMENTS
gothru-same-bd 63u Both the legs of go through node are attached to same BD NO COMMENTS
relinst-validation-failed 64u CfgRelInst has key and/or value, that are not found in MParam NO COMMENTS
devmgr-validation-failed 65u Cluster is not supported by device manager NO COMMENTS
l2-adj-type-with-l3instp 66u Connection adjacency type L2 does not support l3extInstP relation NO COMMENTS
path-att-mismatch 67u Path attachment of CIf does not match that of l3extOut NO COMMENTS
l3instp-path-att-not-svi 68u Path attachment of l3extInstP has to be of type SVI for virtual devices NO COMMENTS
lifctx-both-bd-instp-specified 69u Both LIfCtxToBD and LIfCtxToInstP were specified NO COMMENTS
id-allocation-failure 6u id allocation failure NO COMMENTS
package-unsupported-protocol 70u RsLIfCtxToInstP points to an l3extOut which has a protocol not supported by the package NO COMMENTS
invalid-ibgp-configuration 71u Invalid IBGP configuration for route peering NO COMMENTS
invalid-ospf-areas 72u Invalid OSPF Area configuration for route peering NO COMMENTS
overlapping-router-ids 73u Overlapping router ids in multiple contexts NO COMMENTS
overlapping-route-tags 74u Overlapping route tags in multiple contexts NO COMMENTS
bgp-peer-missing 75u BGP Peer Missing NO COMMENTS
empty-relation-target 76u emty relation target NO COMMENTS
missing-root-for-rel-target 77u missing root for relation target NO COMMENTS
multiple-default-folders-with-same-key 78u multiple default folders with same key NO COMMENTS
relation-path-mismatch 79u relation path mismatch NO COMMENTS
missing-ldev 7u No cluster found NO COMMENTS
missing-cfgrel-target 80u missing cfg relation target NO COMMENTS
cfgrel-key-mismatch 81u cfgrel key mismatch NO COMMENTS
invalid-default-folder-name 82u invalid default folder name NO COMMENTS
multiple-default-folders 83u multiple default folders NO COMMENTS
no-matching-param-in-pkg 84u no matching param in package NO COMMENTS
lif-has-no-relation-to-cif 85u LIf has no relation to CIf NO COMMENTS
missing-router-id 86u Router id not found in device context of this node NO COMMENTS
conflicting-router-id 87u Two different router ids are specified for the same device NO COMMENTS
conflicting-import-prefixes 88u Import prefixes are conflicting on the same device NO COMMENTS
shared-encap-bd-mismatch 89u BDs are mismatching on the same shared encap device NO COMMENTS
context-cardinality-violation-failure 8u invalid cluster context cardinality NO COMMENTS
missing-aconn 90u mising function/terminal connector NO COMMENTS
invalid-aconn-parent 91u invalid function/terminal connector NO COMMENTS
svc-epg-id-alloc-failure 92u service epg id allocation failure NO COMMENTS
managed-type-mismatch-failure 93u Managed type mismatch on AbsNode and Device Cluster NO COMMENTS
devmgr-not-found 94u Could not find the Device Manager configured for the cluster NO COMMENTS
mdevmgr-not-found 95u Could not find the Device Manager type associated with the Device Manager NO COMMENTS
mdevmgr-not-supported 96u The Device Manager does not support this cluster type NO COMMENTS
chassis-not-found 97u Could not find the Chassis configured for the device NO COMMENTS
mchassis-not-found 98u Could not find the Chassis type associated with the Chassis NO COMMENTS
mchassis-not-supported 99u The Chassis does not support this device type NO COMMENTS
function-type-mismatch-failure 9u invalid function type NO COMMENTS