Fault fltMaintUpgJobUpgradeFailed

Rule ID:105

This fault occurs when a software upgrade fails on a controller

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Verify that the NTP providers with which the APIC is synchronized is correctly configured and is reachable.
  2. If Authentication using authkey is configured in NTP Server Check if all the keys given to APIC are correct. If not, redo the entire process starting with the NTP Provider.
  3. If Authentication using authkey is configured in NTP Server Check if the client password given to APIC is correct. The client password is used when generating the IFF group keys. If not, redo the entire process starting with the NTP Provider.
  4. Verify whether NTP daemon is running in the NTP Provider with which authentication has been established.
  5. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: maint:UpgJob

Fault Name: fltMaintUpgJobUpgradeFailed

Unqualified API Name: UpgradeFailed
Code: F0105
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: upgrade-failed
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Controller id of fabric fabricDomain with a hostname name failed to upgrade to desiredVersion. The upgrade has an upgrade status of upgradeStatus - upgradeStatusStr. The failure occured at the installStage stage of the install.


Triggered By:
         upgradeStatus equals completenok
         upgradeStatus equals incompatible