Fault fltIgmpResPStLimitChangeDelGrps

Rule ID:2334

This fault occurs when the regular and reserved entries get exhausted or when the user configures the state limit value such that the regular/reserved limit value is lesser than the existing config or lesser than the existing number of IGMP entries. No additional groups will be learnt when this fault is hit

Recommended Action:
To recover from this fault, try the following actions:

  1. Delete some IGMP groups manually
  2. Verify the configuration is correct/complete
  3. Reduce the number of prefixes exported into bgp
  4. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, generate the show tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: igmp:ResP

Fault Name: fltIgmpResPStLimitChangeDelGrps

Unqualified API Name: stLimitChangeDelGrps
Code: F2334
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: protocol-igmp-state-limit-change
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: IGMP State limit reached for interface id on node id fabric fabricDomain with a hostname name. Please delete additional IGMP group entries manually


Triggered By:
         regEntries equals exhausted
         rsvdEntries equals exhausted