Fault fltEdmMgrConnectFailed

Rule ID:3208

This fault is raised when the APIC is unable to connect to the External Device. Recovery is in process.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault repeatedly, take the following actions:

  1. Verify that there is network connectivity to External Device Manager.
  2. Verify that the user credentials to External Device are correct.
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: edm:Mgr

Fault Name: fltEdmMgrConnectFailed

Unqualified API Name: connectFailed
Code: F3208
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: communications
Cause: connect-failed
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Connection to External Device: deviceAddress with name name is failing to connect with the error: [issues]. Please verify network connectivity of External Device and that user credentials are valid.


Triggered By:
        issues equals connection-fault