Fault fltInfraClSzEqObstClusterSizeEqualization

Rule ID:1410

This fault occurs when the operational size for a controller cluster can not reach the configured target size.

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions:

  1. Ensure that the controller cluster is contiguous, it must grow from the end and can not have any gaps in the cluster numbering.
  2. If this happens during expansion(target size > operational size), please ensure following:
    1. - Cluster is fully-fit
    2. - New controllers are setup with correct ID i.e. from operational size +1, +2..to target size.
    3. - Look for operational faults with cause "intrusion" and correct them.
  3. If this happens during shrink(target size < operational size), please ensure following:
    1. - Cluster is fully-fit
    2. - APIC IDs from operational size to target size +1 are decommissioned and not connected to the fabric.
  4. If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: infra:ClSzEqObst

Fault Name: fltInfraClSzEqObstClusterSizeEqualization

Unqualified API Name: ClusterSizeEqualization
Code: F1410
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: obstacle
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: Cluster cannot continue to clGmChngDir from its current size opClSz for the following reason: cseoReason. The controller ID is ctrlrId, the service ID is svcId, the internal database partition (shard) ID is shrdId and the replica ID is rplId


Triggered By:
        isFault equals true