Fault fltIpv6NlbVipMaxNlbVipLimitReached

Rule ID:3435

This fault occurs when max NLB VIP limit(128) is reached.

Recommended Action:
If this fault is consistently happening, try the following actions

  1. Reduce the number of NLb VIP's to 128

Raised on MO: ipv6:NlbVip

Fault Name: fltIpv6NlbVipMaxNlbVipLimitReached

Unqualified API Name: maxNlbVipLimitReached
Code: F3435
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: max-nlb-vip-limit
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Max NLB VIP limit reached


Triggered By:
        encapPgmOperStQual equals max-nlb-limit