Fault fltVpcDomSelfIniFabLinksMaxFlapsExceeded

Rule ID:3905

This fault occurs when fabric links on the node have been flapped more than a certain limited number of times by VPC manager.

Recommended Action:
Please make sure that L3 connectivity to this node is stable.

Raised on MO: vpc:Dom

Fault Name: fltVpcDomSelfIniFabLinksMaxFlapsExceeded

Unqualified API Name: selfIniFabLinksMaxFlapsExceeded
Code: F3905
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: config
Cause: self-initiated-fabric-links-max-flaps-exceeded
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: Fabric links on this node have been flapped 5 times by VPC manager. Please ensure L3 connectivity to this node is stable.


Triggered By:
        selfIniFabLinkFlapCnt equals 5u