Type epm:EpFlags

Ep Flags

ip 1024ull Has IP info Bit 10, Has IP info
bounce-to-proxy 1048576ull Bounced to spine proxy Bit 20, Bounce to spine proxy
loopback 1073741824ull Loopback IP Bit 30, loopback IP
svc-mgr 1099511627776ull service manager ep Bit 40, Service Manager
peer-attached 128ull Singly Attached Endpoint on Peer Vpc Bit 7, On peer vpc
span 131072ull Span Ep Bit 17, Span Ep
cdp 134217728ull CDP neighbor MAC Bit 27, CDP neighbour MAC
peer-attached-rl 137438953472ull Singly Attached EP over singly deployed EPG on Peer Vpc RL Bit 37, Peer Attached RL
veth-peer 140737488355328ull VETH PEER Bit 47, VETH PEER
aging 16384ull Ep is aging Bit 14, Ep is aging
local-aged 16ull Locally aged Bit 4, Locally aged (only for Ep behind vpc)
fhs-validation-pending 17179869184ull FHS validation pending Ep Bit 34, FHS validation pending Ep
nlb-vip 17592186044416ull NLB VIP Bit 44, NLB VIP
vpc-attached 1ull Attached to VPC Bit 0 ,Attached to VPC
mac 2048ull Has MAC info Bit 11, Has MAC info
dsr-vip 2097152ull DSR VIP Bit 21, DSR VIP
announce-flush 2199023255552ull announce flush Bit 41, Announce
router 256ull Router Ep Bit 8, Router
arp 262144ull Arp Ep Bit 18, ARP Ep
lldp 268435456ull LLDP neighbor MAC Bit 28, LLDP neighbour MAC
announce 274877906944ull announce Bit 38, Announce
veth-peer-stl 281474976710656ull VETH PEER STALE Bit 48, VETH PEER STALE
static 2ull Static Ep Bit 1, Static, no moves allowed
vtep 32768ull VTEP Bit 15, VTEP Ep
peer-aged 32ull Remotely aged Bit 5, Peer aged (only for Ep behind vpc)
mac-ckt 33554432ull MAC based epg Ep bit-22, bit-23 and bit-24 are used by DSR/VIP and locally defined in epm_msg.h please do not use these bit here 4194304, 8388608, 16777216 Bit 25, MAC based sclass/epg
anycast-service 34359738368ull Anycast Service Bit 35, Anycast Service
max-ip-flow-control 35184372088832ull Maximum number of IPs per MAC exceeds threshold Bit 45, Max IP per MAC
ht-attempt 4096ull Host tracking attempted Bit 12, Host tracking attempted
service 4294967296ull Service Ep Bit 31 , don't use Bit 32, Service
proxy 4398046511104ull RL direct switching proxy ep Bit 42, proxy ep
local 4ull Local Ep Bit 2, Local
dtep 512ull Dynamic TEP Bit 9, dynamic TEP EP
rogue 524288ull Rouge Ep Bit 19, Rogue EP
router-mac 536870912ull router MAC Bit 29, router MAC
shared-service 549755813888ull shared service ep Bit 39, Shared Service SRVC
ptp 562949953421312ull PTP Ep Bit 49, PTP EP
static-ipep 64ull Static IP Ep Bit 6, Static IP Ep
svi 65536ull External svi Ep Bit 16, External SVI Ep
psvi 67108864ull Pervasive svi Ep Bit 26, Pervasive SVI Ep
trust-sync 68719476736ull Trust the peer bounce notification Bit 36, Trust sync
veth-ep 70368744177664ull VETH EP Bit 46, VETH EP
cached 8192ull Cached in software only Bit 13, Cached in software only, not programmed in hardware
anycast 8589934592ull Anycast Bit 33, Anycast Ep
sticky 8796093022208ull Sticky EP Bit 43, Sticky
bounce 8ull Bounce Ep Bit 3, Bounce
DEFAULT 0 --- Ep Flags