EI 1.16.0 - Nov 08, 2023

New and Revised features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.4.1 1.4.2
IR8X9 15.9(3)M5 15.9(3)M9
IR1101 17.09.03 17.12.01
IR1800 17.09.03 17.12.01
IE3400 17.09.03 17.12.01

Open caveats

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Descripition
CSCwf99450 EiTenantHealthCriticalAlert
CSCwh68162 CIAM: openssl - Third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwh68163 CIAM: Graphql - Third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwh49656 CIAM: Busybox - Third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwf87758 CIAM: Net-snmp - Third party library updated to resolve vulnerability


EI 1.14.0 - Aug 08, 2023

New and Revised features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.4.1 1.4.2
IR8X9 15.9(3)M5 15.9(3)M7
IR1101 17.09.03 17.11.01
IR1800 17.09.03 17.11.01
IE3400 17.09.03 17.11.01

Open caveats

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Descripition
CSCwf75393 EI agent fails to reconnect to upstream cloud after cellular connectivity flap
CSCwf82983 CIAM: openssl - Third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwh14119 Azure IoT Hub is getting too many null messages
CSCwh11579 Editing an Asset Instance with an Optional File field causes the Save button to become disabled


EI 1.12.0 - May 11, 2023

New and Revised features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.4.1 1.4.2
IR8X9 15.9(3)M5 15.9(3)M7
IR1101 17.9.1 17.9.3
IR1800 17.09.01 17.09.03
IE3400 17.9.2 17.9.3

Open caveats


EI 1.10.2 - Mar 01, 2023

New and Revised features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.3 1.4.1
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M5
IR1101 17.8.1 17.9.1
IR1800 17.8.01a 17.09.01a
IE3400 17.9.2 17.9.2

Known issues and limitations

PS: We should eliminate these unnecessary parameters before downgrading from EI 1.8.0. If you don't, azure and MQTT links will fail to start on the downgrade.


EI 1.10.0 - Nov 16, 2022

New and Revised Features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.3 1.4.1
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M5
IR1101 17.8.1 17.9.1
IR1800 17.8.01a 17.09.01a

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCwd02974 [HBR] The log rotation fails on time and size
CSCwc87110 [modbus] An error in configuring an asset leads to mandatory agent-restart
CSCwc95120 CIAM: Vulnerabilities in libmodbus 3.1.6 - third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwc71655 CIAM: Sqlite 3.35.5 - third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwc36648 CIAM: Openssl - third party library updated to resolve vulnerability

Known issues and limitations

Note: While downgrading from to EI_1.8.0 we should remove these extra parameters before downgrading, failing to do so, will cause azure and MQTT links fail to start on downgrade.

Caveat ID Description
The NTCIP streaming mode doesn't display valid timestamp in UI for data while sending to destination


Upgrade Cisco Edge Intelligence extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Search for the "Cisco Edge Intelligence" extension Visual Studio marketplace.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. Once installed, "CISCO EI" appears in the explorer bar.

EI 1.8.0 - June 29, 2022

New and Revised Features

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.1 1.4.1
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M4
IR1101 17.6.1 17.6.3

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCwb16547 The v1.4.17 does not allow using semantic-message-routing in Azure
CSCwb36421 Creating multiple outbound/northbound MQTT connections on router start
CSCwb45274 If link restarts, then sys/system_status/components/link_name/log_status has to be resubscribed
CSCwb45130 zlib 1.2.11 third party library updated to resolve CVE-2018-25032 vulnerability
CSCwb55824 After EI upgrade from v1.4.17 to v1.6, the serial port settings are not synced properly
CSCwb57023 The EI agent creates a log file too large to rotate, which makes the system into a faulty and non-recoverable
CSCwb57029 HBR reports that after upgrading to 1.6, at least one of their agents has a problem to start up
CSCwb61776 Busybox 1.32.1 third party library updated to resolve vulnerability
CSCwb57029 Openssl - third party library updated to resolve vulnerability

Known issues and limitations

Caveat ID Description Workaround
CSCwc19177 Tables in EI have broken layout after filtering, columns layout is broken, and characters appear in columns where they should not appear This only happens if the user has been on the Edge Device Management UI in the same session.
The workaround is refreshing the web page: hitting F5 or pressing the reload button for the current page in the browser.

Required Action

  1. In addition to existing global trigger properties - device_name and field_name, timestamp is added.

  2. The trigger.timestamp is updated with the time while reading the data from source and is made available for the datalogic engine.
    For example:

    function on_update() {

    device = trigger.device_name;

    attribute = trigger.field_name;

    value = akmqtt[attribute];

    timestamp = trigger.timestamp;

    // logging only

    logger.info("device name: " + device);

    logger.info("attribute name: " + attribute);

    logger.info("attribute value: " + value);

    logger.info("attribute value timestamp: " + timestamp);

    // construct JSON object

    data = new Object();

    data["v"] = value;

    data["ts"] = timestamp;

    telemetry = new Object();

    telemetry[attribute] = data;

    msg = new Object();

    msg[device] = telemetry;


    publish("output", msg);


  3. This timestamp can be used by the customer in datalogic script and added to the payload on demand.

  4. The timestamp is maintained in Zulu.

    For example: 2022-05-06T12:57:17.461Z

  1. After upgrading EI agent, we should map our ports again.
  2. Redeploy that pipeline.
  3. Also, we can reset the agent in UI.


Upgrade Cisco Edge Intelligence extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Search for the "Cisco Edge Intelligence" extension Visual Studio marketplace.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. Once installed, "CISCO EI" appears in the explorer bar.

EI 1.6.2 - May 2, 2022

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.1 1.4.1
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M4
IR1101 17.6.1 17.6.2

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCwb55824 After EI upgrade from version 1.4.17 to 1.6 - the serial port settings are not synced correctly
CSCwb16547 The EI version 1.4.17 does not allow using semantic-message-routing in Azure

Known issues and limitations

Required Action

Steps to follow for data rules/logic using MQTT destination during upgrade from 1.4.X to 1.6.X:


Upgrade Cisco Edge Intelligence extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Search for the "Cisco Edge Intelligence" extension Visual Studio marketplace.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. Once installed, "CISCO EI" appears in the explorer bar.

EI 1.6.0 - March 10, 2022

New and revised features for EI

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.1 1.4.1
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M4
IR1101 17.6.1 17.6.2

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvz78065 VS code error message: "is not registered for the subscription"
CSCvz86544 Error during undeploying pipeline using Null as pipeline ID
CSCvz87857 Leftover configuration after undeploying MQTT-based pipeline
CSCvz87860 Generic MQTT link seem to send NULL userid, if userid is empty
CSCwa07029 Frequent restarts of Serial Link
CSCvz96278 Certificate expiry issue - Data logic is not getting deployed in roadways production instance
CSCwa11066 Issues related to NTCIP1202 Intersection and streaming
CSCwa37058 NTCIP 1202: J2735 Streaming Asset with empty intersection ID throws error
CSCvz84883 Unable to create Asset Instance with Asset Type details when given like (enable streaming, J2735)
CSCvz65872 EIP/CIP link UI should give error when tag used more than once
CSCvz46841 Gateway sending data via MQTT but EI is says destination is offline in EI Policy Status

Known issues and limitations

Required Action

Steps to follow for data rules/logic using MQTT destination during upgrade from 1.4.X to 1.6.X:


Upgrade Cisco Edge Intelligence extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Search for the "Cisco Edge Intelligence" extension Visual Studio marketplace.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. Once installed, "CISCO EI" appears in the explorer bar.

EI 1.4.16 - September 29, 2021

New features for EI

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.1 1.3.3
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M4
IR1101 17.4.1 17.6.1

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvy47690 MQTT Link Logfile Output is suboptimal
CSCvz45769 EI Cloud shows incorrect count of "Number of Assets not sending data" field in Agent status page
CSCvz50503 CIAM: openssl - multiple versions
CSCvz46841 Gateway sending data via MQTT, but EI says destination is offline in EI Policy Status
CSCvz43253 EI goes into restart-loop after IR809 power cycle
CSCvz63909 In case of error scenario, display the tag name in device health status
CSCvz40905 PVD - Data in the RSU connector
CSCvz47645 Fixed an issue that caused a wrong count of mapped assets in the EI Agent view.

Cloud bug fixes

Fixed multiple issues with list requests in Cloud Broker which were leading to missing status updates.

Known issues and limitations

Required Action

If you are not using the RSU connector, no action is required. For the RSU connector, upgrade to EI Agent 1.4.16 to support the new features.


Upgrade Cisco Edge Intelligence extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Search for the "Cisco Edge Intelligence" extension Visual Studio marketplace.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. Once installed, "CISCO EI" appears in the explorer bar.

EI 1.4.14 - August 31, 2021

Supported IOx and IOS versions

Device Family Minimum supported IOx version Latest supported IOx version Minimum supported IOS version Latest supported IOS version
IC3K 1.3.1 1.3.3
IR8X9 15.9(3)M3 15.9(3)M4
IR1101 17.4.1 17.6.1

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvz15725 OPC/UA data model with variable type of "BYTE" is throwing error as Unsupported
CSCvz27622 CIAM: mosquitto 1.6.14 CVE-2021-34432 and others
CSCvz21988 Improper timestamp from Health-Check link
CSCvz21995 Improper clean-up after Serial pipeline undeployment
CSCvz12251 SDK Error in Longevity Test
CSCvy30772 Error message seen in EML logs after pipeline un-deployment with Azure as destination
CSCvz30645 On SS API failure, we don't delete sss_markr file
CSCvz12253 Flaky azure_test test_telemetry_messages_in_flight_limit
CSCvz17830 NTCIP 1202: Communicating with asset using SNMP v1 throws an error

Known issue and limitation

EI 1.4.12 - July 20, 2021

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvy85007 Modbus RTU fails on IR1101 with EI 1.4.10
CSCvy92626 Modbus link reports "Failed to read holding register Too many data"

EI 1.4.10 - June 21, 2021

New and revised features

Known issues and limitations

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw46410 Sometimes an error appears in UI during pipeline re-deployment even though the Edge pipeline creation was successful.
Issues in pipeline undeployment and re-deployment
CSCvx47258 Issues in pipeline re-deployment after EI app restart
CSCvx19097 Incorrect asset status is displayed in EI Agent when using local action
CSCvy39124 Health status of data logic based pipelines show devices as offline when these were online
CSCvx61758 Overall data pipeline status for an EI agent is not updated under high load
Device model verification left configurations on modbus connector which were not cleaned up automatically
CSCvy19055 Multiple pipelines for a single asset could not be deployed
Fixed security vulnerabilities
CSCvy17411 Improved error handling for OPC-UA Connector in case of conversion errors
CSCvy40980 Decreased memory consumption on Edge devices
Improvement If a script is deployed for debugging from VS Code, any script engine error will be added to the pipeline health as an error log entry in the script debug log visible in VS Code. This way the script developer will have immediate feedback, while only part of the script is executed and some debug messages don't show up later in the script.

EI 1.2.20 - April 12, 2021

Known issues and limitations

Open Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw46410 Sometimes an error appears in UI during pipeline re-deployment even though the Edge pipeline creation is successful.
CSCvw53849 EI agents with certain characters in their name are not detected.
CSCvw71631 Error message in Modbus log "Device can't start" while pipeline is processing fine.
CSCvw99110 Error might occur when removing pipeline: "invalid path / not found".
CSCvx17434 MQTT link sometimes does not remove full configuration on pipeline undeployment.

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvx54280 Fixed security vulnerabilities
no external reference * Additional security relevant updates
* CiscoSSL update to version 7.2.225
* MQTT Connector, mosquito update to version 1.6.14
CSCvw94952 Removed redundant messaging from Modbus Logging.

EI 1.2.18 - March 10, 2021

Known issues and limitations

Open Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw46410 Sometimes an error appears in UI during pipeline re-deployment even though the Edge pipeline creation is successful.
CSCvw53849 EI agents with certain characters in their name are not detected.
CSCvw71631 Error message in Modbus log "Device can't start" while pipeline is processing fine.
CSCvw99110 Error might occur when removing pipeline: "invalid path / not found".
CSCvx17434 MQTT link sometimes does not remove full configuration on pipeline undeployment.
CSCvx19097 Incorrect asset status displayed in EI Agent when using local action.

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvx48895, CSCvx48896 Fixed security vulnerabilities

EI 1.2.14 - February 02, 2021

Known issues and limitations

Open Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw46410 Sometimes an error appears in UI during pipeline re-deployment even though the Edge pipeline creation is successful.
CSCvw53849 EI agents with certain characters in their name are not detected.
CSCvw71631 Error message in Modbus log "Device can't start" while pipeline is processing fine.
CSCvw99110 Error might occur when removing pipeline: "invalid path / not found".
CSCvx17434 MQTT link sometimes does not remove full configuration on pipeline undeployment.
CSCvx19097 Incorrect asset status displayed in EI Agent when using local action.

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw36630 An error occurred in the UI when the user clicked on an item in the Data Logic page while the connected asset was deleted.
CSCvw76411 Error "Removing partly instantiated pipeline" in Modbus leading to removal of shared asset in case two pipelines are using the same modbus asset where one of them is a multi-input asset pipeline, the other one is a single-asset data rule pipeline.
CSCvw93567 Fixed security vulnerability CVE-2020-1971.

EI 1.2.6 - December 15, 2020

Upgrade requirements

All EI Agents must be updated to the latest version to ensure full feature compatibility with the Cisco EI cloud software. For example, upgrading the EI Agent allows you to use new connection types for Assets and Data Destinations and perform all Data Policy management actions.

In this release, you must manually upgrade the EI Agents using GMM/FND/Local Manager. Because this upgrade process removes all data policy information from the agent, you must also download a summary of your Data Policies, un-deploy the policies, upgrade the EI Agents and then redeploy the policies to the same EI Agents.

New and revised features

Support for new Asset Types and Assets
Data Destinations enhancements
Data Logic enhancements

Data Logic now supports the following:

Known issues and limitations

Updated network device requirements and caveats

See Supported network devices and firmware for information on the supported IOS/IOx versions and caveats for this release.

Open Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw76411 Error "Removing partly instantiated policy" in Modbus leading to removal of shared asset in case two policies are using the same modbus asset where one of them is a multi-input asset policy, the other one is a single-asset data rule policy.
CSCvw46410 Sometimes there is an error seen in UI during policy re-deployment, while in fact on Edge, policy creation is successfully completed.
CSCvw53849 EI agents with certain characters in their name are not detected.
CSCvw71631 Error message in modbus log "Device can't start" while pipeline is processing fine.
CSCvw53849 EI agents with certain characters in their name are not detected.
CSCvw71631 Error message in modbus log "Device can't start" while policy is processing fine.

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvw78017 Reduced too big default size of IOx data partition on IR1101 to 256MB and on IC3K to 1GB.
CSCvv09366 Azure connector increased memory when MS Azure Quota was exceeded.
CSCvv77875 New Data Logic automatically created saved last selected EI Agent and Data Destination instead of default values.
CSCvv13912 Selected Data Destination not seen after un-deployment of Data Logic.
CSCvv77861 EI Agents and Data Destination were reset to default on deployment errors.
MQTT egress configurations was removed, the policy metadata was not removed from the multiple policy store.
This caused issues on undeploy/redeploy operations.
CSCvv39915 MQTT connector disconnected after application restart.
CSCvv68959 MQTT server stopped receiving traffic after policy redeployment.
CSCvw66134 Modbus Link: device model was incompletely configured at the edge.
CSCvw66138 Modbus Link: device model was deployed with incomplete attributes.
CSCvw70940 Modbus serial: added support for parity flag "NONE".
CSCvw06800 Policy status counts were not getting updated (decremented) when a gateway was deleted from the system.
Several fixes in error messages and error message handling.
fixed security vulnerabilities:

EI 1.0.4 - September 15, 2020

New and revised features

The following production server URLs are now supported when logging in to Cisco IoT from the VS Code app:

See Data Logic for more information.

EI 1.0.2 - August 6, 2020

New and revised features

Resolved caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvu99869 The Modbus connector did not reconnect in rare cases in case the connection was lost.
CSCvv23439 Too many health monitoring updates were sent to the cloud in case a connection was lost in one of the connectors.
CSCvv09344 Fast deploy and un-deploy data policies.

EI 1.0.0 - July 22, 2020

Supported Features

Feature Benefit
Integrated device connectivity Edge Intelligence provides various industry-standard connectors such as Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA), MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT), and Modbus TCP and Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), and integrates seamlessly with your environment.
Data model editor Customize data models that describe exactly what data will be extracted from your assets.
Data logic engine Deploy custom logic using JavaScript to transform data at the edge. Use data logic to sample high-frequency data streams, apply transformation logic, perform rule-based range validation, or normalize data, depending on specific needs.
Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) Code plug-in Simplify development of data logic by leveraging standard development tools.
Data governance Achieve fine-grained control to help ensure that the right data is delivered to the right applications. Data from any source can be filtered at the attribute level and delivered to multiple selected applications.
Application data integration Deliver your data to any application, either cloud hosted or on premises, using built-in connectivity to services such as Microsoft Azure IoT Hub or industry-standard protocols such as MQTT.
Role-based access control Use segmented configuration and operation to control who has access to what elements of the configuration and operation of your Edge Intelligence solution.
Audit trail Log all operations in Edge Intelligence to help ensure accountability for the integrity of your solution configuration and deployment.
Security Deploy industry-leading built-in security that protects your data and your business. Edge applications are protected through a comprehensive security architecture anchored to a hardware root of trust and built-in Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Centralized administration Use the management software to create all aspects of your edge stack configuration in a centralized place, including data models, data logic, destinations, and policies, to greatly simplify the deployment of these pieces at massive scale.
Scalability Manage the lifecycle of an edge stack and associated workflows on thousands of Cisco network devices.
Operational health monitoring Gain real-time visibility into the operational state of the Edge Intelligence agents and execute state of deployed policies.
Data explorer

Known issues and limitations

Open Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvu98461 Error message does not indicate offline status of EI Agent during deployment.
CSCvu96074 Error message is slightly misleading during deletion of a destination in use.
CSCvu98296 The policy status summary for a GW and the detailed policy status (asset offline/online status) are not in synch.
CSCvu93540 Adding prefix to brokerName causes broker to not appear in EI Agents list.
CSCvv10758 Error while creating data policy with certain length of input fields.
CSCvv09366 Azure increases memory when MS Azure Quota is exceeded.
CSCvv09344 Fast deploy and un-deploy data policies.

EI Agent ( IOx Platform) Caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvt55266 IOx Secure Storage not responding after a dozen of minutes.
CSCvv03543 Secure storage may not respond due to docker inspect hanging.
CSCvu76926 Unable to activate the EI application due to USB storage mapping being mandated.