
System Credentials

With the release of CML 2.0, administration of the system has been separated from the main web application. System settings, such as the management IP address, network interfaces, and hard drive capacity, are handled via the System Administration Cockpit. During installation, a system administration account is created, sysadmin by default, which can be used to log into the System Administration Cockpit. There is no default password for this account: the login credentials are user-defined during initial deployment and differ from the initial application user.

Access Area

Username / Password

System Administration Cockpit

Username and password are defined by the user during the initial deployment. The default administrative username is sysadmin.

Application Credentials

Application user accounts can log into the primary CML HTML5 UI. The initial user account, created during deployment, has the ability to create additional application users by accessing the Tools ‣ System Administration (available only for an application account with administrator privileges) in the Dashboard. There are no default application credentials: the initial user username and password are user-defined during initial deployment. The default system administrative user account cannot be used to log into the Dashboard.



HTML5 UI / Dashboard

Any application user account. An initial user account is created at deployment time.

Terminal Server

Any application user account. An initial user account is created at deployment time.