Modifying a Resource Pool Template

You can edit a resource pool template to change its name, description, or resource limits. The edit page for a resource pool template is identical to the page for creating a resource pool template.


Log into the CML UI as a user with administrator privileges.

Click the Tools ‣ System Administration menu item.

On the System Administration page, click Resource Pools.

The Resource Pools page is shown with a table of all resource pools and templates.

Resource Pools Page with the Existing Resource Pools

Resource Pools Page with the Existing Resource Pools

Find the resource pool template that you want to modify and click Edit in the Actions column.

The Edit Pool page is shown.

You may need to scroll to the right to see the Actions column. If there is no Actions column in the table, click the gear button to configure which columns are shown in the table. Add the Actions column.

(Optional) Modify the value for any fields that you want to change. For example, you may change the resource pool templates’s name, description, or any of the resource limits.

If a resource pool has already been created from this resource pool template, changing the resource limits on the template changes the default values for the resource pool. If you have already set a value for a resource limit on the resource pool itself, then that value will be used, and changes to that setting in the resource pool template will not affect the resource pool.

When you are done making changes to the resource pool template, click the Update button to save your changes or the Cancel button to discard your changes.

The Resource Pools page is shown with a table of all resource pools and templates.