DNS Operation to probe the DNS server
Telemetry Sensor Path(s)
Configurable Properties
bucketsKept | scalar:Uint32 |
Bucket size value - Maximum number of history buckets to collect | RANGE: [1 , 60] DEFAULT: 15 |
destHostName | string:Basic |
Destination Host Name, if IP address is resolved from DNS server.Modifying this property is not allowed in case of icmp-echo probe. | A sequence of characters |
destip | address:Ip |
Destination IP address which is tracked by the probe.This property is not applicable if the configured probe type is HTTP or DNS. Modifying this property is not allowed in case of icmp-echo probe. | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
distributionsOfStatsKept | scalar:Uint32 |
Maximum number of statistics distribution buckets to capture | RANGE: [1 , 20] DEFAULT: 1 |
filter | scalar:Enum8 |
Bucket size value - Maximum number of history buckets to collect | DEFAULT: None |
frequency | sla:Frequency (scalar:Uint32) |
Frequency of an operation - The interval at which the configured destination is tracked by the probe. Frequency in seconds(default value is 60). Minimum frequency value for an IP SLAs HTTP probe operation is 60 seconds but 1 second for other probes. | RANGE: [1 , 604800] DEFAULT: 60 |
hoursOfStatsKept | scalar:Uint32 |
Maximum number of statistics hour groups to capture. | RANGE: [0 , 25] DEFAULT: 2 |
ipTos | scalar:Uint32 |
TOS if the probe is tracking IPv4 destination and Traffic Class if the probe is tracking IPv6 destination. | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
ipv6TrafficClass | scalar:Uint32 |
TOS if the probe is tracking IPv4 destination and Traffic Class if the probe is tracking IPv6 destination. | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
livesKept | scalar:Uint32 |
Maximum number of history lives to collect. | RANGE: [0 , 2] DEFAULT: 0 |
nameServerHostName | string:Basic |
Host name of the name server, from which the DNS name server IP address is resolved. Name server IP address which is used to resolve the target host name or target host ip configured in the probe. This property is applicable only incase of DNS probe. | A sequence of characters |
nameServerIp | address:Ip |
Name server IP address which is used to resolve the target host name or target host ip configured in the probe.This property is applicable only if the configured probe type is DNS. | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
owner | string:Basic |
Owner string of the probe(Max size 127) | A sequence of characters |
srcHostName | string:Basic |
Source Host Name, if IP address is resolved from DNS server. Modifying this property is not allowed. | A sequence of characters |
srcPort | scalar:Uint32 |
Source Port configuration for DNS probe | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
srcip | address:Ip |
Source`IP address from which the configured destination is tracked by the probe. Modifying this property is not allowed. | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
statsDistributionInterval | scalar:Uint32 |
Statistics distribution interval size, if the precision configured is in milliseconds, then the unit is in milliseconds else if it is microseconds, then the unit is in microseconds. | RANGE: [1 , 100000] DEFAULT: 20 |
tag | string:Basic |
User defined tag string (Max Size 127) | A sequence of characters |
targetEntry | string:Basic |
This property can be either Host name or IP address (IPv4 address format x.x.x.x),(no IPv6 support) for which the resolution happens either by name or by IP to name respectively, in the configured probe. This property is applicable only incase of DNS probe. | A sequence of characters |
threshold | sla:Threshold (scalar:Uint32) |
Operation threshold - this is an upper limit for the observed RTT for the probe. RTT value of a probe exceeding the configured threshold will be marked with Overthreshold return code. | RANGE: [1 , 60000] DEFAULT: 5000 |
timeout | sla:Timeout (scalar:Uint32) |
Timeout of an operation - this is the maximum wait time for completing the operation. The probe will be marked with Timeout return code. | RANGE: [1 , 604800000] DEFAULT: 9000 |
vrf | l3:VrfName (string:Basic) |
vrf on which the probe is configured. | A sequence of characters DEFAULT: default |
Internal Properties
modTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) |
The time when this object was last modified. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
status | mo:ModificationStatus (scalar:Bitmask32) |
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only. | SELECTION: 2 - created 4 - modified 8 - deleted 16 - replaced |