
Non Blocking Multicast Interfaces

Telemetry Sensor Path(s)

Internal Properties
bwActualEgr scalar:Uint64
Egress Bandwidth Actual RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
bwActualIng scalar:Uint64
Ingress Bandwidth Actual RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
bwCurrentEgr scalar:Uint64
Egress Bandwidth Remaining RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
bwCurrentIng scalar:Uint64
Ingress Bandwidth Remaining RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
bwUnicastResCfg nbm:nbmUcastBW
Configured Bandwidth Reserved for Unicast Traffic SELECTION:
0 - 0
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 10
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
16 - 16
17 - 17
18 - 18
19 - 19
20 - 20
21 - 21
22 - 22
23 - 23
24 - 24
25 - 25
26 - 26
27 - 27
28 - 28
29 - 29
30 - 30
31 - 31
32 - 32
33 - 33
34 - 34
35 - 35
36 - 36
37 - 37
38 - 38
39 - 39
40 - 40
41 - 41
42 - 42
43 - 43
44 - 44
45 - 45
46 - 46
47 - 47
48 - 48
49 - 49
50 - 50
51 - 51
52 - 52
53 - 53
54 - 54
55 - 55
56 - 56
57 - 57
58 - 58
59 - 59
60 - 60
61 - 61
62 - 62
63 - 63
64 - 64
65 - 65
66 - 66
67 - 67
68 - 68
69 - 69
70 - 70
71 - 71
72 - 72
73 - 73
74 - 74
75 - 75
76 - 76
77 - 77
78 - 78
79 - 79
80 - 80
81 - 81
82 - 82
83 - 83
84 - 84
85 - 85
86 - 86
87 - 87
88 - 88
89 - 89
90 - 90
91 - 91
92 - 92
93 - 93
94 - 94
95 - 95
96 - 96
97 - 97
98 - 98
99 - 99
100 - 100
255 - NONE
bwUnicastResEgrApplied scalar:Double
Applied Bandwidth Reserved for Unicast Traffic in Egress
bwUnicastResIngApplied scalar:Double
Applied Bandwidth Reserved for Unicast Traffic in Ingress
bwUnit nbm:nbmBwUnitEn
bandwidth units - Mbps, Kbps, or Gbps SELECTION:
1 - KBPS
2 - MBPS
3 - GBPS
bwUsableEgr scalar:Uint64
Egress Bandwidth Usable (Actual-UnicastRes) RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
bwUsableIng scalar:Uint64
Ingress Bandwidth Usable (Actual-UnicastRes) RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
ifindex nbm:nbmIf
Internal IfIndex value RANGE: [0, 4294967295]
ifname string:Basic
Interface Name in short form A sequence of characters
ipv4 nbm:nbmIpAddr
IP Address for this interface Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format
ipv4Mask nbm:nbmIpMask
IP Mask for this interface's ipv4 address
RANGE: [0 , 32]
modTs mo:TStamp
The time when this object was last modified. SELECTION:
0 - never
DEFAULT: never
state string:Basic
Interface State - UP/DOWN/UNKNOWN A sequence of characters
status mo:ModificationStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only. SELECTION:
2 - created
4 - modified
8 - deleted
16 - replaced
tStamp scalar:Uint64
Time Stamp when fault occured RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]