
A SPROM common block.

Telemetry Sensor Path(s)

Operational Properties
cksum scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Checksum' shown in show sprom all
block checksum
RANGE: [0, 65535]
clei string:Basic
Value is same as 'CLEI Code' shown in show sprom all
The common language (CLEI) code of the SPROM common block. The SPROM on the device contains detailed information about the hardware, including serial, part, and revision numbers.
A sequence of characters
count scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Count' shown in show sprom all
block count
RANGE: [0, 65535]
engBits scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Engineer Use' shown in show sprom all
engineering bits
RANGE: [0, 65535]
hwVer string:Basic
Value is same as integral part of 'H/W Version' shown in show sprom all
The sprom common block hardware revision
A sequence of characters
len scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Length' shown in show sprom all
block Length
RANGE: [0, 65535]
major scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'FRU Major Type' shown in show sprom all
Fru Major
RANGE: [0, 65535]
mfgBits scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Mfg Bits' shown in show sprom all
The manufacturing bits.
RANGE: [0, 65535]
mfgDev string:Basic
Value is same as 'Mfg Deviation' shown in show sprom all
manufacturing Deviation
A sequence of characters
minor scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'FRU Minor Type' shown in show sprom all
Fru Minor
RANGE: [0, 65535]
oem string:Basic
Value is same as 'OEM String' shown in show sprom all
oem string
A sequence of characters
pRev string:Basic
Value is same as 'Part Revision' shown in show sprom all
part Revision
A sequence of characters
pdNum string:Basic
Value is same as 'Product Number' shown in show sprom all
product number
A sequence of characters
prtNum string:Basic
Value is same as 'Part Number' shown in show sprom all
part number
A sequence of characters
pwrCon scalar:Sint16
Value is same as 'Power Consump' shown in show sprom all
The SPROM contents for a power supply module number. The SPROM on the device contains detailed information about the hardware, including serial, part, and revision numbers.
RANGE: [-32768 , 32767]
rmaFl string:Basic
Value is same as 'RMA Code' shown in show sprom all
The sprom common block RMA failure code
A sequence of characters
serNum string:Basic
Value is same as 'Serial Number' shown in show sprom all
serial number
A sequence of characters
sig scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Signature' shown in show sprom all
block signature
RANGE: [0, 65535]
size scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'EEPROM Size' shown in show sprom all
sprom size
RANGE: [0, 65535]
vdrId string:Basic
Value is same as 'VID' shown in show sprom all
The vendor ID of the SPROM common block. The SPROM on the device contains detailed information about the hardware, including serial, part, and revision numbers.
A sequence of characters
ver scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Version' shown in show sprom all
block version
RANGE: [0, 65535]

Internal Properties
modTs mo:TStamp
The time when this object was last modified. SELECTION:
0 - never
DEFAULT: never
status mo:ModificationStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only. SELECTION:
2 - created
4 - modified
8 - deleted
16 - replaced