
The SPROM supervisor block.

Telemetry Sensor Path(s)

Operational Properties
ambT scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Ambient Temperature' shown in show sprom sup
ambient temperature
RANGE: [0, 65535]
cksum scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Checksum' shown in show sprom all
block checksum
RANGE: [0, 65535]
coolRq scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Cooling Requirement' shown in show sprom sup
cooling requirement
RANGE: [0, 65535]
crdIdx scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Card Index' shown in show sprom sup
card Index
RANGE: [0, 65535]
eobcN scalar:Uint16
eobc connections RANGE: [0, 65535]
epldN scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Number of EPLD' shown in show sprom sup
epld number
RANGE: [0, 65535]
fbits scalar:Uint64
Value is same as 'Feature Bits' shown in show sprom sup
feature bits
RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
hwCBits scalar:Uint64
Value is same as 'HW Changes Bits' shown in show sprom sup
hardware change bits
RANGE: [0, 18446744073709551615]
len scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Length' shown in show sprom all
block Length
RANGE: [0, 65535]
macB string:Basic
Value is same as 'MAC Addresses' shown in show sprom sup
mac base address
A sequence of characters
macL scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Number of MACs' shown in show sprom sup
num mac addresses
RANGE: [0, 65535]
maxCPwr scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Max Connector Power' shown in show sprom sup
max connector power
RANGE: [0, 65535]
sensor1 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor2 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor3 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor4 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor5 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor6 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor7 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sensor8 string:Basic
Value is same as number of 'Sensor' shown in show sprom all
The sensor data sprom temperature threshold
A sequence of characters
sig scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Signature' shown in show sprom all
block signature
RANGE: [0, 65535]
ver scalar:Uint16
Value is same as 'Block Version' shown in show sprom all
block version
RANGE: [0, 65535]

Internal Properties
modTs mo:TStamp
The time when this object was last modified. SELECTION:
0 - never
DEFAULT: never
status mo:ModificationStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only. SELECTION:
2 - created
4 - modified
8 - deleted
16 - replaced