
USD Software data for the given usd port

Telemetry Sensor Path(s)

Operational Properties
adminState scalar:Uint16
Admin state value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
bkMap scalar:Uint16
Operating breakout map value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
duplex scalar:Uint16
Software duplex value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
eventId scalar:Uint32
Event id as received from PIE RANGE: [0, 4294967295]
fec scalar:Uint32
Operating fec value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 4294967295]
glctPresent scalar:Bool
Operating glct present value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
hwPortPresent scalar:Bool
Operating hardware port present value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
ipg scalar:Uint16
Operating ipg value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
loopback scalar:Bool
Software loopback value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
mdix scalar:Uint16
Software mdix value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
mtuvalue scalar:Uint16
Software MTU value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
operState scalar:Uint16
Oper state value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 65535]
phyPort scalar:Bool
Operating phyPort value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
prbs scalar:Bool
Operating prbs value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
purged scalar:Bool
Operating purged value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
qsaPresent scalar:Bool
Operating qsa present value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false
speed scalar:Uint32
Operating speed value for the given USD port RANGE: [0, 4294967295]
timestamp scalar:Uint32
Time stamp for the link event RANGE: [0, 4294967295]
xcvrPresent scalar:Bool
Operating xcvr present value for the given USD port SELECTION: true or false

Internal Properties
modTs mo:TStamp
The time when this object was last modified. SELECTION:
0 - never
DEFAULT: never
status mo:ModificationStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only. SELECTION:
2 - created
4 - modified
8 - deleted
16 - replaced