Genie Telemetry Developer Guide

  1. What’s avaialble?

  2. Genie Telemetry Configuration

  3. Genie Telemetry Plugin

  4. Customized Integration

  5. Genie Telemetry Plugin Result

What is available?

genie.telemetry comes in 3 tiers: the executable and the libraries and the core package.

  • The command line executable, launch a pre-defined set of plugins (managed by yaml file). Users have the ability to select a list of monitoring plugins for their testbeds with options such as customizable interval or white-list devices for specific plugin. Run this as a daemon process and you will have a continous device health watchdog. Please beware that it will consume a connection to the device.

  • genie.libs.telemetry library ships with a variety list of plugins that engineers at genie team created to enhance your onboarding experience and could be used as reference or base plugin. The built-in pyATS/Genie processor which a pre-built postprocessor that allow easy usage and integration between pyats/Genie and genie.telemtry plugins.

  • The core package which is a python package for custom extension, which developers can import into their project and tailor to suit their needs. It comes with the device connection setup, supports os abstraction and handles plugin scheduling.

Genie Telemetry Configuration

First, you need a configuration yaml file. The yaml file should contains required information such as plugin name and module path. The genie.telemetry plugin manager automatically reads plugin configurations from the file and enables defined plugins in the system.

# Example
# --------
#   content of hello-world config yaml

    # plugin name:
    #   module: python module path to your plugin
        module: genie.libs.telemetry.plugins.cpucheck
        module: genie.libs.telemtery.plugins.tracebackcheck
        module: genie.libs.telemtery.plugins.crashdumps

For more information on yaml schema of configuration file, please have a look at Configuration YAML Schema

Genie Telemetry Plugin

The potential of genie telemetry plugin is endless. It’s purely based on how do you as developer want to interact with testbed. The core package takes care of the connection, os abstraction and scheduling so you can focus on creating great plugins.

  • You could simply have a set of configuration/command that you want to deploy to device at your testbed and it becomes an ultimate autonomous testbed management tool. It could be a daily backup, deployment a package, security policy or cleanup the entire network at midnight without login hundreds of devices and do this manually.

  • You could create a list of monitor and disaster recovery plugin and the tool transform into a continous device watchdog that checks system usage (cpu, disk or network), program process monitoring, restart crashed program or any great idea that you have in your mind.

For more information how to create your very frist plugin, please have a look at Plugin System

Customized Integration

Developers can integrate genie.telemetry into their python projects easily.

genie.telemetry delivers with a Manager class which should initialized with required arguments such as testbed, configuration, runinfo directory before plugin execution.

You can then invoke run(…) api with an unique name for the execution and an optional list of plugins to execute. Only plugin that was defined at configuration file will be executed. By default or empty list of plugins passed in as argument, all defined plugins will be executed.

# Example
# --------
#   hello-world project

import sys
import tempfile
from copy import copy
from pyats.topology import loader
from genie.telemetry import Manager

class HelloWorld(object):

    def __init__(self, testbed_file):

        # load the testbed
        self.testbed = loader.load(testbed_file)

        # parse the configuration file
        # $bash> python --genietelemetry /path/to/config/file
        args = copy(sys.argv[1:])
        this.configuration = Manager.parser.parse_args(args).configuration

        # have the log and result yaml store to temporary directory
        kwargs = dict(runinfo_dir=tempfile.gettempdir(),

        # create our genie telemetry manager
        self.genie_telemetry = Manager(this.testbed, **kwargs)

        # setup device connections to testbed

    def run(self, uid, plugins=[]):

        # Checking the execution result
        anomalies = []

        # run the selected plugins, if empty list, all plugins will run, plugins=plugins)

        # iterating over plugin, results
        results = self.genie_telemetry.results.get(uid, {})

        for pluginname, devices in results.items():

            p_results = []
            # iterating over device, result
            for name, result in devices.items():
                status = result.get('status', None)
                status_name = getattr(status, 'name', status)
                if str(status_name).lower() == 'ok':
                p_results.append('\n\t\t'.join([name, status_name]))

            # everything is ok
            if not p_results:


        # print out the execution result

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # create our hello_world object
    hello_world = HelloWorld('/ws/tonystark-sjc/team_iron_man.yaml')

    # run cpucheck and tracebackcheck plugins'cpucheck_and_tracebackcheck',

    # run cpucheck plugin only'cpucheck_only',

    # run all plugins defined at configuration file'all_plugins')

    # render a genie telemetry report yaml file

The code is ready, you can now test the customized genie.telemetry application using the following command.

$bash> python --genietelemetry hello_world.yaml

Genie Telemetry Plugin Result

Developer could roll up health status or integrate custom logic based on all plugins execution result for the specific run. Specific business logic could be designed for much complex scenario such as the following.

  • The cpu check plugin reported 90% usage with CRITICAL status and the process check plugin detectd one fo cpu intense program is running right now. As this is expected behavior, we could safely determine that the device is still in good state.

  • Everything is OK, however at the particular time there should be a backup process running and don’t present. We should kick off the backup process to remedy the issue.

For more information how to use this at your plugin, please have a look at Health Status Objects