Class MaapiSchemasUtil


public class MaapiSchemasUtil extends Object
Utility class for MaapiSchemas This class contains tools for making recursive schema printouts. It also has a main method and can therefore be run as a java application.
  • Constructor Details

    • MaapiSchemasUtil

      public MaapiSchemasUtil()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)

      Main method, downloads all schemas from the server using Maapi.loadSchemas, recurses through all schema trees and prints types and node info.

      Run as:

       java com.tailf.maapi.MaapiSchemasUtil [hostname_or_ip, [port]]
      Where hostname_or_ip is the name or ip of the server (default and port is the server port (default 4565)
      args - String array optionally containing the hostname and the port of the server
    • printChildren

      public static void printChildren(int offset, MaapiSchemas.CSNode n)
      Recursive printout of a schema tree from and including given node
      offset - indentation offset for printout, 0 at start.
      n - start node for printout
    • printNodeInfo

      public static void printNodeInfo(int offset, MaapiSchemas.CSNode n)
      Node info printout for a given node
      offset - indentation offset for printout, 0 at start.
      n - node to printout
    • printNodeFlags

      public static void printNodeFlags(int flags)