Interface MaapiXPathEvalResult

public interface MaapiXPathEvalResult
This interface is used with xpathEval method in Maapi. It allows a way to iterate through a set of resulting nodes from evaluating xpath expression.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • result

      XPathNodeIterateResultFlag result(ConfObject[] kp, ConfValue value, Object state)

      For each node in the resulting node set evaluated by the xpath this method will be called.

      For each node in the resulting node set, this method is called with keypath (as ConfObject[]) to the resulting node as the first argument, and, if the node is a leaf and has a value (as ConfValue), the value of that node as the second argument otherwise it will return the string "undefined".

      After each invocation this method (done by xpathEval ) this method should return either ITER_CONTINUE to tell the xpath evaluator to continue with the next resulting node or stop ITER_STOP to stop the iteration.

      kp - Keypath
      value - Value (if leaf) or string "undefined" if the node is not a leaf
      state - User suplied opaque