Package com.tailf.navu
It is important to understand the distinction between a populated data tree and a schema tree.
The NAVU-Tree is built on top of the schema tree
which is a linked structures of
nodes. Each node in NAVU
holds a reference to its corresponding CSNode
which can be
obtained through NavuNodeInfo.getCSNode()
NavuNode node = ...; MaapiSchemas.CSNode rawCSNode = node.getInfo().getCSNode();
Navigation is done entirely on the populated NAVU-Tree
Each keypath represents a node or a NavuNode
A context (NavuContext
) needs to be created and
supplied before further navigation can be performed.
NAVU uses its current context to retrieve its list instances with keys and its leafs with data values.NavuContext context = new NavuContext(maapi); context.startRunningTrans(Conf.MODE_READ_WRITE); NavuContainer base = new NavuContainer(context);
In NAVU, a list instance is mapping between a
and an instance of
which is a subclass of
. The method
(or one of its
overloaded variants) retrieves the list entry.
A NavuLeaf
holds a value
) that is retrieved through the current
NAVU caches data throughout its NAVU-Tree.
NAVU builds up its tree lazily, which means that it populates
its children one level at a time. Internally in each NAVU class
there exists a refresh
method that retrieves the child
nodes and stores them in a hash map.
An explicit instance of a NavuContainer
with only
the NavuContext
is the base of theNavuContext context = new NavuContext(maapi); context.startRunningTrans(Conf.MODE_READ_WRITE); NavuContainer base = new NavuContainer(context); assert base.getInfo().isRootOfModules();
. The base of
the NAVU-Tree
represents only a "dummy" base node.
Most operation on this node will throw exceptions.
The only operation that should be done on the base node
is to explicitly call NavuNode.container(Integer)
with the module
hash as its argument.
ConfNamespace ns = new MyNamespace(); final int hash = ns.hash(); NavuContainer module = base.container(hash);
The module
reference in the above snippet represents
the node that "points" to the module of a specific YANG
When we reach the point where we have a reference to a specific
module the next step would be to call:
to move to the next
level (depending on how the yang module is modeled).
The main features of NAVU are:
- Tree navigation through the
. - Regexp-based[])
or through simplified XPath expressionNavuNode.xPathSelect(String)
,NavuNode.xPathSelectIterate(String, NavuNodeSetIterate)
search through the tree structure: A regular expression search is provided to enable a free search. - Invocation of actions: Actions may be invoked from
nodes. - Data loading on demand: Nodes are loaded when they are requested.
- Schema-driven validation: The navigation is validated against the
. - Delta-awareness: NAVU can be invoked to tag the tree with changes performed in a transaction.
The key component of NAVU is the MAAPI schema functionality. The schema provides schema knowledge of the YANG model. The navigation is done at runtime according to the schema loaded at creation time of the root node.
One of the ideas behind NAVU is that it shall be easy to use for people who have a good understanding of the YANG modeling language. Hence, primitives and classes are named according to the YANG building blocks. The navigation is performed top-down, starting from the root module and moving down through the model. This is done using the primitives container, list, leaf and elem.
The following node types are provided by NAVU.
- is roughly equivalent to the YANG container node type. Within NAVU it is also used to represent the module root and list element nodes (through the subclassNavuListEntry
- represents the YANG list node and provides aNavuListEntry
- represents YANG leaf nodes which hold data.
NAVU becomes aware of the schema at start-up time. Hence, any schema-violating operations will be detected at runtime. Furthermore, NAVU only reads data when it is needed. So even if you have a very large tree structure, NAVU will only attempt read data when the data is required.
It is not a prerequisite, but it is highly recommended to use confdc/ncsc to generate namespace classes. By using confdc generated. namespace classes you get the following benefits:
- Your IDE will help you to auto-complete you node names.
- You will get a compile-time error if the model is changed and node names are changed.
The YANG model used in the examples below:
Example 1: Iterating through a listmodule navutest { namespace ""; prefix nt; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } container address-book { list friends { key "name"; leaf name { type string; } leaf age { type uint8; } tailf:action friday-night-call { tailf:actionpoint friendly-action; input { leaf request { type string; } } output { leaf response { type string; } } } } } }
Example 2: Executing an actionnavutest ntns = new navutest(); NavuContext context = new NavuContext(maapi); context.startRunningTrans(Conf.MODE_READ_WRITE); NavuContainer base = new NavuContainer(context); NavuContainer nt = base.container(ntns.hash()); NavuList friends = nt.container(ntns.nt_address_book) .list(ntns.nt_friends); for (NavuContainer friend : friends) { System.out.println(friend.leaf(ntns.nt_age).value()); }
Example 3: Using regexp searchNavuList friends = nt.container(ntns.nt_address_book) .list(ntns.nt_friends); for (NavuContainer friend : friends) { NavuAction action = friend.action("friday-night-call"); ConfXMLParam[] result = ConfXMLParam[] { new ConfXMLParamValue(ntns.hash(), ntns.nt_request, new ConfBuf("the string")) }); // Or, equivalently: result ="<request>the string</request>"); }
This example shows how to use a regular expression when navigating NAVU. The expression is divided by "/" per level. Furthermore, a list element has two levels; one for the list node name, and one for the list element key. When matching against keys, keep in mind that the string representation of a key contains surrounding braces and that the key values will be quoted if they contain special characters.
Example 4: Using XPath search// Select all friends whose names begin with the letter a // (and contain more than one character) Collection<NavuNode> friendsColl =".+/.+/\\{[Aa].+\\}"); for (NavuNode friend : friendsColl) { System.out.println( ((NavuContainer)friend).leaf(ntns.nt_name).value()); System.out.println( ((NavuContainer)friend).leaf(ntns.nt_age).value()); }
Collection<NavuNode> friendsUno = nt.container(ntns.nt_address_book) .xPathSelect("friends[name='uno']/*"); for (NavuNode friend : friendsUno) { System.out.println(((NavuLeaf)friend).value()); }
ClassDescriptionUtility class for creating
array.This class represents a action modeled in the data model.ThisNavuCdbSessionPoolable
interface should be implemented by any class whose instance are intended to change the default behavior of how CdbSession object is created and used in NAVU.This class handles changes on a node.This class handles YANG presentation and setting of YANG choices.NavuContainer
is a representation of the yang construct container,module and list-entry.This class controls how NAVU should read/write data to ncs.This class is the base class forNavuContext
.The enumeration specifies the behavior when a case in a choice is not selected explicitly or implicitly.The NavuCursor is a helper class used within NAVU to simplify the MAAPI cursor handling.Exception raised from the navu packageTheNavuLeaf
class corresponds to the YANG leaf and leaf-list node types.NavuLeafList
is a representation of the YANG leaf-list.NavuList
is a representation of the YANG list node.ANavuList
holds this representation of a entry as its children or entry set.This class contains meta information for a node.This class is used byNavuNode.xPathSelectIterate(String, NavuNodeSetIterate)
The iterate method is called for each node iteration.XML parser capable of producing an ConfXMLParam[] from an xml snippet.This class contains Node context for a callback iterator implementingNavuNodeSetIterate
which is used byNavuNode.xPathSelectIterate(String, NavuNodeSetIterate)
This class represents a parsed XML-string, optionally with parameterized values.