Package com.tailf.notif
package com.tailf.notif
Package for subscription to asynchronous events.
The server can deliver various classes of events to subscribing
applications. The architecture is based on notification sockets.
An application connects a notification socket to the server and
provides a bit mask indicating which types of events it is interested in.
The following is a list of the different asynchronous event classes that
can be delivered from the server to the application(s)
- NOTIF_AUDIT - Audit events.
- NOTIF_COMMIT_DIFF - A complete diff compared to previous configuration.
- NOTIF_COMMIT_FAILED - Failed commit events.
- NOTIF_COMMIT_SIMPLE - Commit events.
- NOTIF_COMMIT_PROGRESS - Commit in progress events.
- NOTIF_CONFIRMED_COMMIT - Confirmed commit events.
- NOTIF_FORWARD_INFO - Forward northbound agent events.
- NOTIF_HA_INFO - Changes in ConfD/NCS's perception of the cluster configuration.
- NOTIF_HEARTBEAT - Heartbeat events.
- NOTIF_SNMPA - SNMP agent audit log.
- NOTIF_SUBAGENT_INFO - Subagent related events.
- NOTIF_SYSLOG - Syslog events.
- NOTIF_UPGRADE_EVENT - Upgrade events.
- NOTIF_COMPACTION - Compaction events.
- NOTIF_USER_SESSION - Whenever a user session is started or stopped.
ClassDescriptionData structure for audit network notifications.Data structure for Audit eventsEvents generated for NETCONF Call Home connections.Data structure for CommitDiff notifications.Data structure for failing commit notifications.Data structure for simple commit notifications.Data structure for commit progress notifications.Data structure for commit queue progress notifications.Data structure for compaction notifications.Data structure for Confirmed commit notifications.Data structure for Forward agent events.Data structure for High Availability notifications.Data structure for HealtCheck notifications.Data structure for Heartbeat notifications.This class implements the Notifications API in Java.Exceptions raised from the notif packageBase class for notification data structures.Enum describing the different notification types available.Data structure for PackageReload notifications.Data structure for progress notifications.Progress event type.Data structure for ReopenLogs notifications.Data structure SNMP agent notifications.Class representing a SNMP variableClass representing trapinfo for a trapClass representing a varbind for a trapData structure for Stream notifications.Data structure for subagent notifications.Data structure for syslog notifications.Data structure for upgrade notifications.Data structure for user session start/stop notifications.