Source code for yang.connector.netconf

""" module is a wrapper around the ncclient package."""

import re
import time
import atexit
import logging
import subprocess
import datetime
import lxml.etree as et
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread, Event
from ncclient import manager
from ncclient import operations
from ncclient import transport
from ncclient.operations.retrieve import GetReply
from ncclient.devices.default import DefaultDeviceHandler
from ncclient.operations.errors import TimeoutExpiredError

    from pyats.connections import BaseConnection
    from pyats.utils.secret_strings import to_plaintext
    from pyats.log.utils import banner
    from pyats.log import TaskLogFormatter
except ImportError:
    class BaseConnection:

from .settings import Settings

# create a logger for this module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

nccl = logging.getLogger("ncclient")
# The 'Sending' messages are logged at level INFO.
# The 'Received' messages are logged at level DEBUG.

LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s: %%NETCONF-%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'

def format_xml(msg):
    parser = et.XMLParser(recover=True, remove_blank_text=True)

    if isinstance(msg, str):
        msg = msg.encode("utf-8")

    msg = msg.strip()

    start = msg.find(b"<")
    end = msg.rfind(b"]]>]]>")   # NETCONF 1.0 terminator

    if end == -1:
        end = msg.rfind(b">")
        if end != -1:
            # Include the '>' character in our range
            end += 1

    if start != -1 and end != -1:
            elem = et.fromstring(msg[start:end], parser)
            text = et.tostring(elem, pretty_print=True,
            msg = (msg[:start] + text + msg[end:])
        except Exception as err:

    return msg.decode()

class NetconfFormatter(logging.Formatter):
        For formatting NETCONF XML messages
    def __init__(self, fmt=LOG_FORMAT, date_fmt=DATE_FORMAT):

        self.FORMAT_XML = True

    def format(self, record):
        msg = record.msg
        if isinstance(msg, operations.rpc.RPCReply):
            msg = msg.xml
        if self.FORMAT_XML:
            record.msg = format_xml(msg)
        return super().format(record)

class NetconfScreenFormatter(NetconfFormatter):
        For limiting the output for formatted messages, max 40 lines by default
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.MAX_LINES = 40
        self.FORMAT_XML = True

    def format(self, record):
        msg = super().format(record)
        lines = msg.splitlines()
        if self.MAX_LINES:
            msg_len = len(lines)
            if msg_len > self.MAX_LINES:
                half_lines = int(self.MAX_LINES/2)
                return '\n'.join(lines[0:half_lines] + \
                                 [f'\n\n... skipping {msg_len-self.MAX_LINES} lines ...\n\n'] + \
                return '\n'.join(lines)
            return msg

class pyATS_TaskLog_Adapter(logging.StreamHandler):

    def __init__(self):
            from pyats.log import managed_handlers
            self._pyats_handlers = managed_handlers
        except Exception:
            raise Exception('Cannot use pyATS log adapter when pyATS is not importable')

    def stream(self):

class NetconfSessionLogHandler(logging.Handler):
    """Logging handler that pretty prints ncclient XML."""

    parser = et.XMLParser(recover=True)

    def emit(self, record):
        if hasattr(record, 'session'):
                # If the message contains XML, pretty-print it
                record.args = list(record.args)

                for i in range(len(record.args)):
                    arg = None
                    if isinstance(record.args[i], str):
                        arg = record.args[i].encode("utf-8")
                    elif isinstance(record.args[i], bytes):
                        arg = record.args[i]
                    if not arg:
                    record.args[i] = format_xml(arg)

                record.args = tuple(record.args)
            except Exception:
                # Unable to handle record so leave it unchanged


[docs]class Netconf(manager.Manager, BaseConnection): '''Netconf Implementation of NetConf connection to devices (NX-OS, IOS-XR or IOS-XE), based on pyATS BaseConnection and ncclient. YAML Example:: devices: asr22: type: 'ASR' tacacs: login_prompt: "login:" password_prompt: "Password:" username: "admin" passwords: tacacs: admin enable: admin line: admin connections: a: protocol: telnet ip: "" port: 2004 vty: protocol : telnet ip : "" netconf: class: yang.connector.Netconf ip : "" port: 830 username: admin password: admin Code Example:: >>> from pyats.topology import loader >>> testbed = loader.load('/users/xxx/xxx/asr22.yaml') >>> device = testbed.devices['asr22'] >>> device.connect(alias='nc', via='netconf') >>> True >>> netconf_request = """ ... <rpc message-id="101" ... xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> ... <get> ... <filter> ... <native xmlns=""> ... <version> ... </version> ... </native> ... </filter> ... </get> ... </rpc> ... """ >>> reply = >>> print(reply) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101"><data> <native xmlns=""> <version>16.3</version></native></data></rpc-reply> >>> >>> False >>> Attributes ---------- timeout : `int` Timeout value in seconds which is used by paramiko channel. By default this value is 30 seconds. client_capabilities : `object` Object ncclient.capabilities.Capabilities representing the client's capabilities. server_capabilities : `object` Object ncclient.capabilities.Capabilities representing the server's capabilities, and it has a list of data models the server supports. async_mode : `boolean` Specify whether operations are executed asynchronously (True) or synchronously (False). The default value is False. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' __init__ instantiates a single connection instance. ''' # set default timeout kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 30) self.alias = kwargs.get('alias') self.debug = kwargs.get('debug', False) self.logfile = kwargs.get('logfile') self.logdir = kwargs.get('logdir', '/tmp') self.log_propagate = kwargs.get('log_propagate', False) self.log_stdout = kwargs.get('log_stdout', True) self.no_pyats_tasklog = kwargs.get('no_pyats_tasklog', False) # instanciate BaseConnection # (could use super...) BaseConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if 'timeout' in self.connection_info: self.timeout = self.connection_info['timeout'] # connection_info is set by BaseConnection class self.settings = self.connection_info.pop('settings', Settings()) # shortwire Ncclient device handling portion # and create just the DeviceHandler device_handler = DefaultDeviceHandler() # create the session instance session = transport.SSHSession(device_handler) # load known_hosts file (if available) if kwargs.get('hostkey_verify'): session.load_known_hosts() # instanciate ncclient Manager # (can't use super due to mro change) manager.Manager.__init__( self, session=session, device_handler=device_handler, timeout=self.timeout) self.active_notifications = {} @property def session(self): '''session High-level api: return the SSH session object. Returns ------- object The SSH session that was created by ncclient.transport.SSHSession. ''' return self._session
[docs] def configure_logging(self): # use device name or connection id hostname = if hasattr(self, 'device') else id(self) if self.alias: logger_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (hostname, self.alias, int(time.time())) else: logger_name = '%s.%s' % (hostname, int(time.time())) self.log = logging.getLogger('netconf.%s' % logger_name) # workaround for double invocation that somehow happens in robot self.log.handlers.clear() self.log.filters.clear() # default log level self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # don't... propagate self.log.propagate = self.log_propagate # add logfile if self.logfile is None: try: from pyats.easypy import runtime if runtime.job is not None: self.logdir = except Exception: pass ts ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f')[:-3].replace('.', '') def convert(string): return re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '_', string) sanitized_hostname = convert(hostname) if self.alias: self.logfile = f'{self.logdir}/{sanitized_hostname}-{self.alias}-{ts}.log' else: self.logfile = f'{self.logdir}/{sanitized_hostname}-{ts}.log' if self.log_stdout: hdlr = logging.StreamHandler() screen_formatter = NetconfScreenFormatter(fmt=LOG_FORMAT) screen_formatter.MAX_LINES = self.settings.get('NETCONF_SCREEN_LOGGING_MAX_LINES', 40) screen_formatter.FORMAT_XML = self.settings.get('NETCONF_LOGGING_FORMAT_XML', True) hdlr.setFormatter(screen_formatter) self.log.addHandler(hdlr) if self.logfile: fh = logging.FileHandler(self.logfile) file_formatter = NetconfFormatter(fmt=LOG_FORMAT) file_formatter.FORMAT_XML = self.settings.get('NETCONF_LOGGING_FORMAT_XML', True) fh.setFormatter(file_formatter) self.log.addHandler(fh)'+++ %s netconf logfile %s +++' % (hostname, self.logfile)) # are we in pyATS? try: from pyats.log import managed_handlers # noqa except Exception: # we're not, let go pass else: # we're in pyATS, use pyATS loggers if not self.no_pyats_tasklog: pta = pyATS_TaskLog_Adapter() nsf = NetconfScreenFormatter(fmt=TaskLogFormatter.MESSAGE_FORMAT) nsf.MAX_LINES = self.settings.get('NETCONF_SCREEN_LOGGING_MAX_LINES', 40) nsf.FORMAT_XML = self.settings.get('NETCONF_LOGGING_FORMAT_XML', True) pta.setFormatter(nsf) self.log.addHandler(pta) # if debug_mode is True, enable debug mode if self.debug: self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] def connect(self): '''connect High-level api: opens the NetConf connection and exchanges capabilities. Since topology YAML file is parsed by BaseConnection, the following parameters can be specified in your YAML file. Parameters ---------- host : `string` Hostname or IP address to connect to. port : `int`, optional By default port is 830, but some devices use the default SSH port of 22 so this may need to be specified. timeout : `int`, optional An optional keyed argument to set timeout value in seconds. By default this value is 30 seconds. username : `string` The username to use for SSH authentication. password : `string` The password used if using password authentication, or the passphrase to use for unlocking keys that require it. key_filename : `string` a filename where a the private key to be used can be found. allow_agent : `boolean` Enables querying SSH agent (if found) for keys. The default value is True. hostkey_verify : `boolean` Enables hostkey verification from ~/.ssh/known_hosts. The default value is False. look_for_keys : `boolean` Enables looking in the usual locations for ssh keys (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_*). The default value is True. ssh_config : `string` Enables parsing of an OpenSSH configuration file, if set to its path, e.g. ~/.ssh/config or to True. If the value is True, ncclient uses ~/.ssh/config. The default value is None. Raises ------ Exception If the YAML file does not have correct connections section, or establishing transport to ip:port is failed, ssh authentication is failed, or other transport failures. Note ---- There is no return from this method. If something goes wrong, an exception will be raised. YAML Example:: devices: asr22: type: 'ASR' tacacs: login_prompt: "login:" password_prompt: "Password:" username: "admin" passwords: tacacs: admin enable: admin line: admin connections: a: protocol: telnet ip: "" port: 2004 vty: protocol : telnet ip : "" netconf: class: yang.connector.Netconf ip : "" port: 830 username: admin password: admin Code Example:: >>> from pyats.topology import loader >>> testbed = loader.load('/users/xxx/xxx/asr22.yaml') >>> device = testbed.devices['asr22'] >>> device.connect(alias='nc', via='netconf') >>> Expected Results:: >>> True >>> for iter in ... print(iter) ... urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:smiv2:RFC-1215?module=RFC-1215 urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:smiv2:SNMPv2-TC?module=SNMPv2-TC ... >>> ''' if self.connected: return self.configure_logging() if not self.session.is_alive(): self._session = transport.SSHSession(self._device_handler) # default values defaults = { 'host': None, 'port': 830, 'username': None, 'password': None, 'key_filename': None, 'allow_agent': False, 'hostkey_verify': False, 'look_for_keys': False, 'ssh_config': None, } defaults.update(self.connection_info) # remove items disregards = ['class', 'model', 'protocol', 'async_mode', 'raise_mode', 'credentials'] defaults = {k: v for k, v in defaults.items() if k not in disregards} # rename ip -> host, cast to str type if 'ip' in defaults: defaults['host'] = str(defaults.pop('ip')) # rename user -> username if 'user' in defaults: defaults['username'] = str(defaults.pop('user')) # check credentials if self.connection_info.get('credentials'): try: defaults['username'] = str( self.connection_info['credentials']['netconf']['username']) except Exception: pass try: defaults['password'] = to_plaintext( self.connection_info['credentials']['netconf']['password']) except Exception: pass # support sshtunnel if 'sshtunnel' in defaults: from unicon.sshutils import sshtunnel try: tunnel_port = sshtunnel.auto_tunnel_add(self.device, self.via) if tunnel_port: defaults['host'] = self.device.connections[self.via] \ .sshtunnel.tunnel_ip defaults['port'] = tunnel_port except AttributeError as err: raise AttributeError("Cannot add ssh tunnel. \ Connection %s may not have ip/host or port.\n%s" % (self.via, err)) del defaults['sshtunnel'] defaults = {k: getattr(self, k, v) for k, v in defaults.items()} try: self.session.connect(**defaults)'NETCONF CONNECTED') except Exception: if self.session.transport: self.session.close() raise @atexit.register def cleanup(): if self.session.transport: self.session.close()
[docs] def disconnect(self): '''disconnect High-level api: closes the NetConf connection. ''' self.session.close()
[docs] def subscribe(self, request): """ Creates a notification listener and mark it as active """ notifier = Notification(self, request=request) notifier.start() if request['format']['request_mode'] == 'ON_CHANGE': # Get ready for trigger event notifier.event_triggered = True self.active_notifications[self] = notifier
[docs] def notify_wait(self, steps): """ Activate notification listener and check results """ notifier = self.active_notifications.get(self) if notifier: if steps.result.code != 1: notifier.stop() del self.active_notifications[self] return notifier.event_triggered = True'NOTIFICATION EVENT TRIGGERED')) wait_for_sample = notifier.sample_interval - 1 cntr = 1.0 while cntr < float(notifier.stream_max):'Listening for notifications from subscribe stream, {} seconds elapsed'.format( cntr) ) cntr += 1 if notifier.result is not None and wait_for_sample <= 0: notifier.stop() if notifier.result is True: steps.passed( '\n' + banner('NOTIFICATION RESPONSE PASSED') ) else: steps.failed( '\n' + banner('NOTIFICATION RESPONSE FAILED') ) break sleep(1) wait_for_sample -= 1 else: notifier.stop() steps.failed( '\n' + banner('STREAM TIMED OUT WITHOUT RESPONSE') ) if self in self.active_notifications: del self.active_notifications[self]
[docs] def configure(self, msg): '''configure High-level api: configure is a common method of console, vty and ssh sessions, however it is not supported by this Netconf class. This is just a placeholder in case someone mistakenly calls config method in a netconf session. An Exception is thrown out with explanation. Parameters ---------- msg : `str` Any config CLI need to be sent out. Raises ------ Exception configure is not a supported method of this Netconf class. ''' raise Exception('configure is not a supported method of this Netconf ' 'class, since a more suitable method, edit_config, is ' 'recommended. There are nine netconf operations ' 'defined by RFC 6241, and edit-config is one of them. ' 'Also users can build any netconf requst, including ' 'invalid netconf requst as negative test cases, in ' 'XML format and send it by method request.')
[docs] def execute(self, operation, *args, **kwargs): '''execute High-level api: The fact that most connection classes implement execute method lead us to add this method here as well. Supported operations are get, get_config, get_schema, dispatch, edit_config, copy_config, validate, commit, discard_changes, delete_config, lock, unlock, close_session, kill_session, poweroff_machine and reboot_machine. Refer to ncclient document for more details. ''' # allow for operation string type if type(operation) is str: try: cls = manager.OPERATIONS[operation] except KeyError: raise ValueError('No such operation "%s".\n' 'Supported operations are: %s' % (operation, list(manager.OPERATIONS.keys()))) else: cls = operation time1 = reply = super().execute(cls, *args, **kwargs) time2 = reply.elapsed = time2 - time1 return reply
[docs] def request(self, msg, timeout=30, return_obj=False): '''request High-level api: sends message through NetConf session and returns with a reply. Exception is thrown out either the reply is in wrong format or timout. Users can modify timeout value (in seconds) by passing parameter timeout. Users may want to set a larger timeout when making a large query. Parameters ---------- msg : `str` Any message need to be sent out in XML format. The message can be in wrong format if it is a negative test case. Because ncclient tracks same message-id in both rpc and rpc-reply, missing message-id in your rpc may cause exception when receiving rpc-reply. Most other wrong format rpc's can be sent without exception. timeout : `int`, optional An optional keyed argument to set timeout value in seconds. Its default value is 30 seconds. If timeout is less than 30, timeout will use the default of 30 seconds. return_obj : `boolean`, optional Normally a string is returned as a reply. In other cases, we may want to return a RPCReply object, so we can access some attributes, e.g., reply.ok or reply.elapsed. Returns ------- str or RPCReply The reply from the device in string. If something goes wrong, an exception will be raised. If return_obj=True, the reply is a RPCReply object. Raises ------ Exception If NetConf is not connected, or there is a timeout when receiving reply. Code Example:: >>> from pyats.topology import loader >>> testbed = loader.load('/users/xxx/xxx/asr_20_22.yaml') >>> device = testbed.devices['asr22'] >>> device.connect(alias='nc', via='netconf') >>> netconf_request = """ ... <rpc message-id="101" ... xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> ... <get> ... <filter> ... <native xmlns=""> ... <version> ... </version> ... </native> ... </filter> ... </get> ... </rpc> ... """ >>> reply = >>> Expected Results:: >>> print(reply) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101"><data> <native xmlns=""> <version>16.3</version></native></data></rpc-reply> >>> ''' if timeout <= self.timeout: timeout = self.timeout rpc = RawRPC(session=self.session, device_handler=self._device_handler, timeout=timeout, raise_mode=operations.rpc.RaiseMode.NONE, log=self.log) # identify message-id m ='message-id="([A-Za-z0-9_\-:# ]*)"', msg) if m: rpc._id = rpc._listener.register(rpc._id, rpc) self.log.debug( 'Found message-id="%s" in your rpc, which is good.', rpc._id) else: self.log.warning('Cannot find message-id in your rpc. You may ' 'expect an exception when receiving rpc-reply ' 'due to missing message-id.') # disable info logging for ncclient nccl.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if return_obj: response = rpc._request(msg) else: response = rpc._request(msg).xml # enable info logging for ncclient nccl.setLevel(logging.INFO) return response
def __getattr__(self, method): # avoid the __getattr__ from Manager class if hasattr(manager, 'VENDOR_OPERATIONS') and method \ in manager.VENDOR_OPERATIONS or method in manager.OPERATIONS: return super().__getattr__(method) else: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, method))
[docs]class NetconfEnxr(): """Subclass using POSIX pipes to Communicate NETCONF messaging.""" chunk = re.compile('(\n#+\\d+\n)') rpc_pipe_err = """ <rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <rpc-error> <error-type>transport</error-type> <error-tag>resource-denied</error-tag> <error-severity>error</error-severity> <error-message>No pipe data returned</error-message> </rpc-error> </rpc-reply>""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.manager = None self.proc = None self.buf = None self.server_capabilities = None
[docs] def get_rpc(self, elements): """Return string representation of lxml element with rpc.""" rpc_element = et.Element( 'rpc', attrib={'message-id': '101'}, nsmap={None: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"} ) rpc_element.append(elements) return et.tostring(rpc_element, pretty_print=True).decode()
[docs] def recv_data(self): """Retrieve data from process pipe.""" if not self.proc:'Not connected.') else: buf = '' while True: # TODO: Could be better...1 byte at a time... # but, too much buffer and it deadlocks!! data = if not data: return GetReply(self.rpc_pipe_err) buf += data if buf.endswith('\n##'): buf = buf[:-3] break buf = buf[buf.find('<'):] reply = re.sub(self.chunk, '', buf) return GetReply(reply)
[docs] def request(self, rpc): return self.send_cmd(rpc)
[docs] def configure(self, msg): '''configure High-level api: configure is a common method of console, vty and ssh sessions, however it is not supported by this NetconfEnxr class. This is just a placeholder in case someone mistakenly calls config method in a netconf session. An Exception is thrown out with explanation. Parameters ---------- msg : `str` Any config CLI need to be sent out. Raises ------ Exception configure is not a supported method of this Netconf class. ''' raise Exception('configure is not a supported method of this NetconfEnxr ' 'class, since a more suitable method, edit_config, is ' 'recommended. There are nine netconf operations ' 'defined by RFC 6241, and edit-config is one of them. ' 'Also users can build any netconf requst, including ' 'invalid netconf requst as negative test cases, in ' 'XML format and send it by method request.')
[docs] def send_cmd(self, rpc): """Send a message to process pipe.""" if not self.proc:'Not connected.') else: if et.iselement(rpc): if not rpc.tag.endswith('rpc'): rpc = self.get_rpc(rpc) else: rpc = et.tostring(rpc, pretty_print=True).decode() rpc_str = '\n#' + str(len(rpc)) + '\n' + rpc + '\n##\n' self.proc.stdin.write(rpc_str) self.proc.stdin.flush() return self.recv_data()
[docs] def edit_config(self, target=None, config=None, **kwargs): """Send edit-config.""" target = target config = config target_element = et.Element('target') et.SubElement(target_element, target) edit_config_element = et.Element('edit-config') edit_config_element.append(target_element) edit_config_element.append(config) return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(edit_config_element))
[docs] def get_config(self, source=None, filter=None, **kwargs): """Send get-config.""" source = source filter = filter source_element = et.Element('source') et.SubElement(source_element, source) get_config_element = et.Element('get-config') get_config_element.append(source_element) get_config_element.append(filter) return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(get_config_element))
[docs] def get(self, filter=None, **kwargs): filter_arg = filter get_element = et.Element('get') if isinstance(filter_arg, tuple): type, filter_content = filter_arg if type == "xpath": get_element.attrib["select"] = filter_content elif type == "subtree": filter_element = et.Element('filter') filter_element.append(filter_content) get_element.append(filter_element) else: get_element.append(filter_arg) return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(get_element))
[docs] def commit(self, **kwargs): commit_element = et.Element('commit') return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(commit_element))
[docs] def discard_changes(self, **kwargs): discard_element = et.Element('discard-changes') return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(discard_element))
[docs] def lock(self, target=None, **kwargs): target = target store_element = et.Element(target) target_element = et.Element('target') target_element.append(store_element) lock_element = et.Element('lock') lock_element.append(target_element) return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(lock_element))
[docs] def unlock(self, target=None, **kwargs): target = target store_element = et.Element(target) target_element = et.Element('target') target_element.append(store_element) unlock_element = et.Element('unlock') unlock_element.append(target_element) return self.send_cmd(self.get_rpc(unlock_element))
[docs] class LockContext: def __init__(self, target, cls): self.cls = cls = target def __enter__(self): self.cls.lock( return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.cls.unlock( return False
[docs] def locked(self, target): '''Return a lock context manager for EnXR''' return self.LockContext(target, self)
[docs] def dispatch(self, rpc_command=None, **kwargs): rpc = rpc_command return self.send_cmd(rpc)
@property def connected(self): """Check for active connection.""" return self.server_capabilities is not None and self.proc.poll() \ is None
[docs] def connect(self, timeout=None): """Connect to ENXR pipe.""" if self.connected: msg = 'Already connected' CMD = ['netconf_sshd_proxy', '-i', '0', '-o', '1', '-u', 'lab'] BUFSIZE = 8192 p = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=BUFSIZE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) buf = '' try: while True: data = if not data:'No data received for hello') p.terminate() return buf += data if buf.endswith(']]>]]>'): buf = buf[buf.find('<'):-6]'Hello received') break p.stdin.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><hello ' 'xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"><capabilities>' '<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.1</capability>' '</capabilities></hello>]]>]]>' ) p.stdin.flush() self.proc = p self.buf = '' elements = et.fromstring(buf) self.server_capabilities = [e.text for e in elements.iter() if hasattr(e, 'text')] # TODO: Notification stream interferes with get-schema msg = "NETCONF CONNECTED PIPE" except: msg = 'Not connected, Something went wrong' return msg
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from ENXR pipe.""" if self.connected: self.proc.terminate()"NETCONF DISCONNECT PIPE")
class RawRPC(operations.rpc.RPC): '''RawRPC A modified ncclient.operations.rpc.RPC class. This is for internal use only. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log = kwargs.pop('log', logging.getLogger(__name__)) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _request(self, msg): '''_request Override method _request in class ncclient.operations.RPC, so it can handle raw rpc requests in string format without validating your rpc request syntax. When your rpc-reply is received, in most cases, it simply returns rpc-reply again in string format, except one scenario: If message-id is missing or message-id received does not match that in rpc request, ncclient will raise an OperationError. ''' self.log.debug('Requesting %r' % self.__class__.__name__)'Sending rpc...') time1 = self._session.send(msg) if not self._async: self.log.debug('Sync request, will wait for timeout=%r' % self._timeout) self._event.wait(self._timeout) if self._event.isSet(): time2 = self._reply.elapsed = time2 - time1'Receiving rpc-reply after {:.3f} sec...'. format(self._reply.elapsed.total_seconds())) return self._reply else:'Timeout. No rpc-reply received.') raise TimeoutExpiredError('ncclient timed out while waiting ' 'for an rpc-reply.') class Notification(Thread): """ Listens for notifications, decodes, and verifies if any exists """ def __init__(self, device, **request): Thread.__init__(self) self.device = device self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._stop_event = Event() self.request = request self._event_triggered = False self._stopped = False @property def event_triggered(self): return self._event_triggered @event_triggered.setter def event_triggered(self, event_triggered): self._event_triggered = event_triggered @property def request(self): return self._request @request.setter def request(self, request={}): """ Sets the request property and propagates request's properties to the class """ request_data = request['request'] self.returns = request_data.get('returns') self.response_verify = request_data.get('verifier') self.decode_response = request_data.get('decode') self.namespace = request_data.get('namespace') self.sub_mode = request_data['format'].get('sub_mode', 'SAMPLE') self.encoding = request_data['format'].get('encoding', 'PROTO') self.sample_interval = request_data['format'].get('sample_interval', 10) if self.sub_mode == 'ON_CHANGE': self.sample_interval = 0 self.stream_max = request_data['format'].get('stream_max', 0) self.time_delta = 0 self.result = None self._event_triggered = False self._request = request_data def run(self): """ Start taking notifications until subscribe stream times out.""" t1 = t2 = td = t2 - t1 # Wait until after first sample period if sampling wait_for_sample = self.sample_interval - 1 try: while self.time_delta < self.stream_max: t2 = td = t2 - t1 if self.stopped(): self.time_delta = self.stream_max"Terminating notification thread") break if self.stream_max: t2 = td = t2 - t1 self.time_delta = td.seconds if td.seconds > self.stream_max: self.stop() break notif = self.device.take_notification(timeout=1) if notif and wait_for_sample <= 0: resp_elements = self.decode_response( notif.notification_xml ) if resp_elements and self.returns: self.result = self.response_verify( resp_elements, self.returns ) self.stop() break wait_for_sample -= 1 except Exception as exc: self.result = str(exc) self.log.error(str(exc)) def stop(self):"Stopping notification stream") self._stop_event.set() def stopped(self): return self._stop_event.is_set()